2500 Pts - Dwarfs Army (turniej)
2500 Pts - Dwarfs Army (turniej)
STRATEGIA: standardowa, czyli strzelam ze wszystkiego. klockiem hammków z lordem i BSB odstraszam co większych przeciwników. długobrodzi pomagają. master inżynier siedzi przy jednej baliście i zdejmuje rydwany oraz szwendających sie bohaterów.
1 * Dwarf Lord @ 304 Pts
General; Shieldbearers; Great Weapon; Gromril Armour; Shield
Runic Weapon [65]
Master Rune of Kragg the Grim
Rune of Cleaving
Rune of Snorri Spangelheim
Runic Armour [30]
Rune of Resistance
Rune of Stone
Runic Talisman [30]
Master Rune of Challenge
Rune of the Furnace
# 2 Shield Bearers [0] Pts
1 Thane @ 165 Pts
Gromril Armour; Battle Standard
Runic Talisman [5]
Rune of the Furnace
Runic Armour [50]
Master Rune of Gromril
Rune of Resistance
Runic Weapon [20]
Rune of Cleaving
1 * Runesmith @ 151 Pts
Great Weapon; Gromril Armour; Shield
Runic Talisman [75]
Rune of Spellbreaking (x3)
1 Master Engineer @ 89 Pts
Brace of Pistols; Great Weapon; Gromril Armour
Runic Armour [5]
Rune of Stone
10 Thunderers @ 155 Pts
Dwarf Handgun; Light Armour; Shield; Musician
10 Thunderers @ 155 Pts
Dwarf Handgun; Light Armour; Shield; Musician
10 Thunderers @ 155 Pts
Dwarf Handgun; Light Armour; Shield; Musician
17 * Hammerers @ 289 Pts
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Runic Banner [50]
Rune of Battle
Rune of Stoicism
20 * Longbeards @ 340 Pts
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Runic Banner [45]
Rune of Battle
Rune of Determination
1 Bolt Thrower @ 75 Pts
Engineering Runes [30]
Rune of Burning
Rune of Penetrating
1 Bolt Thrower @ 85 Pts
Engineering Runes [25]
Rune of Penetrating
1 Engineer @ [15] Pts
1 Grudge Thrower @ 150 Pts
Engineering Runes [55]
Rune of Accuracy
Rune of Burning
Rune of Penetrating
1 Engineer @ [15] Pts
1 Grudge Thrower @ 145 Pts
Engineering Runes [50]
Rune of Accuracy
Rune of Penetrating
1 Engineer @ [15] Pts
1 Organ Gun @ 120 Pts
1 Organ Gun @ 120 Pts
Dispel Pool: 5
Casting Pool: 2
Models in Army: 99
Total Army Cost: 2498
Konstruktywna krytyka mile widziana.
1 * Dwarf Lord @ 304 Pts
General; Shieldbearers; Great Weapon; Gromril Armour; Shield
Runic Weapon [65]
Master Rune of Kragg the Grim
Rune of Cleaving
Rune of Snorri Spangelheim
Runic Armour [30]
Rune of Resistance
Rune of Stone
Runic Talisman [30]
Master Rune of Challenge
Rune of the Furnace
# 2 Shield Bearers [0] Pts
1 Thane @ 165 Pts
Gromril Armour; Battle Standard
Runic Talisman [5]
Rune of the Furnace
Runic Armour [50]
Master Rune of Gromril
Rune of Resistance
Runic Weapon [20]
Rune of Cleaving
1 * Runesmith @ 151 Pts
Great Weapon; Gromril Armour; Shield
Runic Talisman [75]
Rune of Spellbreaking (x3)
1 Master Engineer @ 89 Pts
Brace of Pistols; Great Weapon; Gromril Armour
Runic Armour [5]
Rune of Stone
10 Thunderers @ 155 Pts
Dwarf Handgun; Light Armour; Shield; Musician
10 Thunderers @ 155 Pts
Dwarf Handgun; Light Armour; Shield; Musician
10 Thunderers @ 155 Pts
Dwarf Handgun; Light Armour; Shield; Musician
17 * Hammerers @ 289 Pts
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Runic Banner [50]
Rune of Battle
Rune of Stoicism
20 * Longbeards @ 340 Pts
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Runic Banner [45]
Rune of Battle
Rune of Determination
1 Bolt Thrower @ 75 Pts
Engineering Runes [30]
Rune of Burning
Rune of Penetrating
1 Bolt Thrower @ 85 Pts
Engineering Runes [25]
Rune of Penetrating
1 Engineer @ [15] Pts
1 Grudge Thrower @ 150 Pts
Engineering Runes [55]
Rune of Accuracy
Rune of Burning
Rune of Penetrating
1 Engineer @ [15] Pts
1 Grudge Thrower @ 145 Pts
Engineering Runes [50]
Rune of Accuracy
Rune of Penetrating
1 Engineer @ [15] Pts
1 Organ Gun @ 120 Pts
1 Organ Gun @ 120 Pts
Dispel Pool: 5
Casting Pool: 2
Models in Army: 99
Total Army Cost: 2498
Konstruktywna krytyka mile widziana.
chyba ze ma lorda na tarczyGarG pisze:Jeśli chcesz miec klocek Longów to musisz miec klocek Warriorów wiec rozpa nielegalna.
Ogólnie rozpa fajna tylko według mnie troche za mało klocków... I wsadziłbym 1 cannona. Pozdr
Masz masę jednostek, które strzelają na 24 cale - 3 linie strzelców i 2x organiki. Może by tak jeden oddział o większym zasięgu jak kusznicy zamiast thunderers. Jak nie da się im dwuraka to by na championa do longów starczyło. Pozdrawiam
zaczynam myslec ze mnie rozstrzelasz...ale trudno ;D ....jedna ture strzalu masz ode mnie w prezencie ;] ...o wiekszej ilosci pogadamy na turnieju ;D ...a 4 maszyny na artylerce to 4/6 szans na misfire ;D ...i odchodza przerzerzuty ;( ...biedny ja ;D ale nic to:
"krasnoludzkie pokurcze zaczna zdychac wkrótce" ;D
"krasnoludzkie pokurcze zaczna zdychac wkrótce" ;D
Źle mnie zrozumiałeś... jak nie da się dwuraków kusznikom to starczy na champa longów ... longi muszą mieć dwurakiShinue pisze:muszkiety już nagwintowane
@Terran: nie mam kuszników, a nie chce proksować.
szkoda mi zabierać dwuraki longom, bo bez nich, to oni nie są w stanie niczego ubić...
A jak nie masz kuszników to sprawa jasna