Nadciągają Hordy Chaosu :)

Warriors of Chaos

Moderator: JarekK

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Temple Guard
Posty: 1225
Lokalizacja: Warszawa Bemowo

Post autor: Temple Guard » Jeśli to prawda, to jest to żenada :evil:
Gwardia umiera, ale się nie poddaje - forum o wspaniałym, klimatycznym serialu "Robin z Sherwood" - zapraszam serdecznie!

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Posty: 2456
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Pocisk »

Trochę nie chce mi się wierzyć, że tak będzie to wyglądało. Każda kolejna armia o niebo silniejsza od poprzedniej a HoCh tak osłabiony?

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Temple Guard
Posty: 1225
Lokalizacja: Warszawa Bemowo

Post autor: Temple Guard »

Pocisk pisze:Trochę nie chce mi się wierzyć, że tak będzie to wyglądało. Każda kolejna armia o niebo silniejsza od poprzedniej a HoCh tak osłabiony?
Ale spokojnie, to tylko army list z czerwcowego WD, w AB będzie inaczej. Ale to i tak kaszana, jeśli to prawda, bo to by znaczyło, że ten AL to kpina.
Gwardia umiera, ale się nie poddaje - forum o wspaniałym, klimatycznym serialu "Robin z Sherwood" - zapraszam serdecznie!

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Posty: 231
Lokalizacja: Serock

Post autor: pacy »

No jesli tak to bedzie wygladac to bida bedzie dopoki nie wydadza ab, oj bida. Trzeba bedzie sie za jakas druga armia rozejrzec na ten czas :(, albo grac na starym ab.

Posty: 877
Lokalizacja: Kraków

Post autor: Arbaal »

Wie ktoś kiedy wyjdzie army book do hord? Imo tą listą się nie będzie dało grać.

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Temple Guard
Posty: 1225
Lokalizacja: Warszawa Bemowo

Post autor: Temple Guard »

Arbaal pisze:Wie ktoś kiedy wyjdzie army book do hord? Imo tą listą się nie będzie dało grać.
AB ma być w listopadzie. Ciągle mam nadzieję, żę ta informacja o AL nie jest prawdziwa...
Gwardia umiera, ale się nie poddaje - forum o wspaniałym, klimatycznym serialu "Robin z Sherwood" - zapraszam serdecznie!

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Posty: 1670
Lokalizacja: Czarne Wrony W-wa

Post autor: Offspringman »

marnie się to prezentuje. bardzo marnie.

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5391
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk-SNOT

Post autor: thurion »

Temple Guard pisze: Jeśli to prawda, to jest to żenada :evil:
jak to bedzie naprawde tak wygladalo to mam nadzieje ze LS pojdzie po rozum do glowy...

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 619
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Esco »



Przerzucam sie na ogre kingdoms.

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Posty: 2710
Lokalizacja: Białe Błota

Post autor: Gajowy »

tam byl taki ciekawy komentarz jednego z panow : Wake me up!

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 430
Lokalizacja: Warszawa Bemowo

Post autor: Crom »

śmiech na sali
po tym co robią z każdą nową armią nie spodziewałem się udupienia chaosu...

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5391
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk-SNOT

Post autor: thurion »

ktos juz gdzies przedstawil scenariusz polityki GW...

wypuszczamy super mocne demony
udupiany Hordy na pol roku, wszyscy chaosiarze kupia nowe demony...
w listopadzie wypuszczamy nowe dojebane hordy, wszyscy znowu kupuja hordy (prawd 50% nowych jednostek itp..)

taki laif, taki biznes, przynajmniej nie bede zalowal ze nie mam czasu na granie ;)

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 430
Lokalizacja: Warszawa Bemowo

Post autor: Crom »

ja tam poczekam do wyjścia AB... co prawda to prawie pół roku, ale cóż... a do tego czasu będe grał na starym booku albo zajmę się bardziej moimi szczurkami

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Temple Guard
Posty: 1225
Lokalizacja: Warszawa Bemowo

Post autor: Temple Guard » ... ostcount=5

Potwierdzenie tych informacji z drugiego źródła... a więc to chyba prawda. GW się kompromituje, ale już nas chyba to nie dziwi.
Gwardia umiera, ale się nie poddaje - forum o wspaniałym, klimatycznym serialu "Robin z Sherwood" - zapraszam serdecznie!

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Nerd Forumowy
Posty: 13986
Lokalizacja: Ordin Warszawa

Post autor: Shino »

thurion pisze:
Temple Guard pisze: Jeśli to prawda, to jest to żenada :evil:
jak to bedzie naprawde tak wygladalo to mam nadzieje ze LS pojdzie po rozum do glowy...
:twisted: zawsze tk mialo problemy z chaosem...chcesz odebrac mi przyjemnosc grania z nowymi hordami?

Posty: 877
Lokalizacja: Kraków

Post autor: Arbaal »

No... jak to będzie tak wyglądało to dam swoim hordom odpocząć do listopada :?

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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3900
Lokalizacja: Malifaux

Post autor: trikk »

Powiem wam, że nawet pieniędzy na tego WD mi żal ;)

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Undead, Flying, Lucky Git
Posty: 5574

Post autor: Jasiuuu »

e tam nie jest beznadziejnie , jest taniej przynajmniej TK dalej jedziemy


The list contains no Cultists. No mention of them at all. In fact, there are no more Mortal units added to the very tiny number previously in HoC at all, unless you count the Giant and Hellcannon.

It’s worth adding though, that the new list removes many options for Chaos players, such as Bloodletters, Bestigors, Daemonettes, Great Unclean Ones, Shaggoths, Ogres, Horrors, Screamers, Minotaurs, Nurglings, Dragon Ogres, Bloodthirsters, Tuskgor Chariots, Keepers of Secrets, Centigors, Plaguebearers, Furies, Lords of Change, Flesh Hounds and some other stuff besides. So, you know, a lot.


First of all, the Mark of Chaos Undivided is gone.

The Marks have the same effects for Lords, Heroes, Warriors, Knights and Chariots (Daemon Princes are the sole exception). Sorry, don’t have points costs.

Khorne – Frenzy. Proper frenzy that affects mounts, not the bizarre “only exception in the whole of Warhammer” old frenzy they used to have. Dispel dice are gone (no Magic Resistance either).

Nurgle – Fear (no extra wounds)

Slaanesh – Immune to Psychology

Tzeentch – 6+ Ward Save. Sorcerers can choose from any Lores in the Warhammer rulebook.

And whilst we’re on the subject of Lores… the Lores of Nurgle, Slaanesh and Tzeentch are gone. Non-Tzeentch Sorcerers can choose from Fire, Death and Shadow. I was hoping they’d retain some level of coolness and bring back the option for Heavens (like in the old Ravening Hordes list), but alas, that would be too imaginative.

The Mark of your General has no effect upon Army Composition and units can be mixed in the army freely. Feel free to abuse the Chaos background as you see fit.


The list has three Lord options, and indeed three options for Heroes, Core, Special and Rare too. 15 options in the whole army…Christ…

No Special Characters are available at all.

Chaos Lords have the same statline as currently and, as with every character in the list bar Daemon Princes, are 10 points cheaper. Nothing much to say here except that their weapons options are preposterously expensive – 20 points for a great weapon, 15 for a halberd, extra hand weapon and flail. The award for “most amusingly and blisteringly stupid decision of the list” goes to the person who decided to make a shield cost 15 points for a Lord, when the Enchanted Shield is still available for 10…

Exalted Sorcerers are 10 points cheaper and use the Lores mentioned previously.

Both these two have access to a Chaos Dragon, which has exactly the same stats and points cost as present. Breath weapon attacks have been tweaked though – one is Strength 3, the other is Strength 2 and Armour Piercing.

Chaos Steeds are unchanged. Daemonic Mounts (which now stand in for Juggernauts, Boob-Snakes and Discs too…sigh…) have changed dramatically in line with the Daemon’s list – same cost and statline as currently, but with only one Wound, +1 Initiative and a drop in Ld (bizarrely). Characters also have the option of a Chariot for +100 points, same as normal entry except they displace one of the crew.

Daemon Princes are still in, but without Daemonic Gifts. They use up one Lord and one Hero choice, in defiance of current convention for gaming philosophy. Stats the same except they have Initiative 7 for some reason. Daemonic is out, Immune to Psychology, Stubborn, 5+ Ward Save and Magical Attacks are in (Terror, Fly and Unit Strength 3 Special Rules retained too). 50 points more expensive than they currently are. Marks as below:

Khorne – Frenzy, Magic Reistance. Think it’s MR 1, but I’m not certain, sorry.

Nurgle – Toughness 6.

Slaanesh – Always Strikes First

Tzeentch – 4+ Ward


Exalted Champions are Toughness 5. It’s a stupid decision since, combined with the points drop of 10, it makes upgrading Aspiring Champion to Exalted for +20 points an even more no-brainer choice than it is now.

Sorcerors drop 10, as do Aspiring Champions. As currently, only Aspiring Champions can be a BSB, which is the only possible reason to consider taking one (especially since they can’t ride Daemonic Steeds either). Both Champions continue the trend of ridiculously costed weaponry.


Warriors of Chaos drop to 12 points in a rare instance of Games Developer sanity. No other changes that I can tell, except that ANY unit can take a Magic Banner under 50 points (which, as you’ll see from the Magic Items section, isn’t really an advantage…) and Chosen upgrades cost +5 points a model now.

Marauders are the same except commands are more expensive, since lord knows that +10 points for +1 Attack was so game-breakingly unbalanced right now. Warhounds are unchanged, still don’t take up Core, which means you HAVE to include Marauders or Warriors on foot in your army. Why do you hate me GW?


Knights are now Special and cost 5 points less a model than before, with a Chosen upgrade now + 10 points. Any units can take Magic Banners now. I would have liked to see S4 with a very expensive option for a Lance (so, you know, people can use their old models) but what’re you gonna do.

Chariots get a large points break and cost 100 points. 2 can be taken as one Special choice (cos that’s far less unbalanced than Goblin Chariots, apparently).

Marauder Horsemen are now Special. Apparently, I must be very stupid, because to my puny intellect this seems like an incomprehensibly moronic decision. Throwing axes cost only 1 point and the option for Shields is gone. Feel free to continue buying shielded horsemen in the shops though.


Giants and Hellcannons are in, with Hellcannons taking up two Rare choices. Apparently, the team at WD decided that too much space in the article was taken up with the sheer multitudes of other units in the Chaos list to justify printing the rules for these. Which means you’ll have to buy Storm of Chaos and Beasts of Chaos to use them. Yay.

Spawn are here too, same points, same rules, except the option to customise your Spawn to make them interesting and unique is gone. Why…?


VAST numbers of Magic Items have been cut from the list, with nothing given in return. I’m going to lay off with the criticism for this mind, since it is just a get-you-by list after all (though a simple note “Don’t take Daemons with your Hordes list” and leaving it at that would have made this whole process much easier…)

The cost of Common Magic Items is constant, except the Biting Blade (5 points) and Sword of +1 Attackeyness (20 points). Amusingly, this means that for a Chaos Lord, the Sword of +1 Attack and an Enchanted Shield costs the same as a shield and additional hand weapon.

5 Magic Weapons. The Chaos Runesword is 60 points, for each wound caused by the character (in combat?) they gain one wound themselves. Chaos Daemon Sword (50 points) gives +1 WS, +1 S and +1 A, with any rolls of a one to hit attacking the character bearing it. Whip of Pleasure is down to 40 points but otherwise unchanged, Filth Mace and Axe of Khorne are the same as now.

4 Magic Armours. Chaos Runeshield, Armour of Damnation, Bane Shield and Crimson Armour of Dargan. All exactly the same as now.

2 Talismans. Crown of Everlasting Conquest (no change), Golden Eye of Tzeentch (now 40 points). Collar of Khorne has been moved to Enchanted Items, see later.

3 Arcane Items. Staff of Change costs 70 points and no longer exhausts itself when it actually does something useful. Skull of Katam remains unchanged. There’s a new kind of Familiar, Chaos Familiar, which gives +1 Power Dice and +1 Dispel Dice for 40 points.

2 Enchanted Items. Helm of Many Eyes is still in unaltered (surprisingly, actually) and the Collar of Khorne has been moved here, costing 25 points and providing a Magic Resistance of 3.

2 Magic Banners, which since one costs 125 points makes the whole “any unit can take a Magic Banner of 50 points or less” kind of pointless. Banner of the Gods and Banner of Wrath are largely unchanged, except the Gods now has a much more useful range of 12” and the Wrath now comes with a Power Level of 5.

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Posty: 734

Post autor: Mauler »

Badziew, badziew i jeszcze raz badziew. Po chuja to produkować taki army list? To lepiej było w ogóle tego nie ruszać, wywalić demony z obecnego HoCh i czekać do listopada...

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Undead, Flying, Lucky Git
Posty: 5574

Post autor: Jasiuuu »

dostajemy tansza kawalerie (!) ,exalteda z T5 , ataki na konikach z khorna i stubborn z 6'' na 12''

tracimy silne zianie smoka, demony, wszystko co fajne spada do spec ,magiczne przedmioty i spawny slanesha no i mark undevided :/a no i kostke dispela na khornie ;(

ale da sie grac wystawiasz 2x10 maruaderow w core za 120pkt i dalej prawie normalnie , do tego bsb z banner 12'' stubbrona

duzo ciezej ale idzie grac dalej ;) byle nie na tym kretynskim CSie
