Empire Armylist by Ismael
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Empire Armylist by Ismael
Oto stworzona przeze mnie, moja wizja podręcznika do Imperium.
Bazowałem nieco na Armyliście zrobionym przez Sa!nta. Wykorzystałem też parę jego pomysłów. Założyłem jednak nowy temat, aby ułatwić ewentualną edycję.
Zapraszam do lektury i komentowania.
Special Rules:
Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A during its first round of combat in the battle
White Wolf hammer – adds +1 to strength in each round of combat, needs two hands to use.
Imperial Guard – troops are stubborn in the first round of any combat
Splendor - use finest warhorses from best Imperial stables – suffer no movement penalty because of barding
Blessing of Myrmidia - all their weapons count as magical
Fusillade – in the first round of each combat can attack with both pistols having two attacks at their basic Strength
Engineers - Engineers can be added to Cannons, Mortars or Helblasters. Only one Engineer (Master or Scholar) can be added to each war machine.
Repair – Each Master Engineer can re-roll a throw on a misfire chart once per game (only for the machine he joined)
Blessings of Ulric – the same effect as Blessings of Sigmar
First Volley – first time they fire, they add D6” to their maximum range. Their short range is not affected and remains 12”
Knightly Orders Upgrades:
Knights of the White Wolf – Ulric’s Fury, White Wolf hammer
Reiksguard Knights – Imperial Guard, lance, shield
Knights Panther – Splendor, lance, shield
Knights of the Blazing Sun – Blessing of Myrmidia
Prayers of Ulric:
-Winter’s Chill – Can only be cast on the Priest himself. All models in base contact with the Priest must test their Ld. If failed, they cannot attack this turn
-Battle Howl – Can only be cast on the Priest himself. Priest’s and his unit’s movement is increased by 1/4, Remains in play
-Teutogen’s Temper – character and his unit is stubborn, Remains in play
-Wrath of the Wolf – character gains +2A, Remains in play
-Ice Spirit – Character gains +1S and +1T, Remains in play
General of the Empire
points: 80
M4 WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 LD9
Hand weapon
- May have a great weapon (+6 pts), an additional hand weapon (+6 pts) and/or a pistol (+9 pts)
- May have a longbow (+10 pts) and/or a handgun (+10 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts) or full plate armour (+12 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts) or a Griffon (+200 pts). If mounted, he may have a lance (+6 pts)
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation
Ancestral Heirloom. If your army is led by a General of the Empire, one unit of the following State Troops can have a magic banner worth up to 50 points: Swordsmen, Spearmen, Halberdiers, Handgunners, Crossbowmen.
Bodyguards. If the army includes a General of the Empire, one unit of Teutogen Guard, Reiksguard or Greatswords, per General of the Empire can be included as a Core Units choice instead of a Special.
Templar Grand Master
points: 145
M4 WS6 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I6 A4 LD9
Barded Warhorse
Hand weapon, full plate armour and either a lance and a shield or a great weapon
Special Rules:
Master of Battle
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organization
Each Templar Grand Master can be upgraded to the leader of the following Orders:
- Knights of the White Wolf for +15 pts
- Reiksguard Knights for +15 pts
- Knights Panther for +5 pts
- Knights of the Blazing Sun for +10 pts
You may only field a Templar Grand Master if your army contains a unit a Knights of the same Order.
Arch Lector of Sigmar
points: 125
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I4 A2 LD9
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Sigmar; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Sigmar.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +6 pts), or a second warhammer if on foot (+6 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts).
- May ride upon the War Altar (+100 pts)
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Arch Lector of Ulric
points: 130
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I4 A2 LD9
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Ulric; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Ulric, Ulric’s Fury.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +6 pts), a second warhammer if on foot (+6 pts), or a White Wolf hammer (+8 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts).
- May ride upon the War Altar (+100 pts)
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Wizard Lord
points: 175
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T4 W3 I3 A1 LD8
Level 3 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight Lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Hand weapon
- May be upgraded to a level 4 Wizard for +35 points.
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts), or an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts).
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Captain of the Empire
points: 50
M4 WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I5 A3 LD8
Hand weapon
- May have a great weapon (+4 pts), a halberd (+4 pts), an additional hand weapon (+4 pts) and/or a pistol (+6 pts)
- May have a longbow (+10 pts) and/or a handgun (+10 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts) or full plate armour (+8 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts). If mounted, he may have a lance (+4 pts)
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Battle Standard Bearer: [...]
Warrior Priest of Sigmar
points: 90
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 LD8
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Sigmar; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Sigmar.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +4 pts), or a second warhammer if on foot (+4 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Warrior Priest of Ulric
points: 95
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 LD8
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Ulric; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Ulric, Ulric’s Fury.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +4 pts), a second warhammer if on foot (+4 pts) or a White Wolf hammer (+6 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Battle Wizard
points: 65
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W2 I3 A1 LD7
Level 1 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight Lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Hand weapon
- May be upgraded to a level 2 Wizard for +35 points.
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Master Engineer
points: 75
M4 WS3 BS5 S3 T3 W2 I3 A1 LD7
Hand weapon
Special Rules
Master of Ballistic; Extra Crewman, Repair
- May wear light armour (+2 pts).
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May have a repeater pistol (+10 pts), a hochland long rifle (+20 pts), or a repeater handgun (+15 pts), or a grenade launching blunderbuss (+10 pts).
Army organization
Scholars: Each Master Engineer can take one (and only one) Scholar Engineer on the battlefield for +25 pts.
Scholar Engineer M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Special Rules
Master of Ballistic; Extra Crewman
Options: May have a pistol (+6 pts), or a handgun (+10 pts)
points/model: 6
Halberdier M4 WS3 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Sergeant M4 WS3 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, halberd, light armour.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Any unit may be equipped with shields for +1 pts/per model
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a Sergeant for +10 pts.
points/model: 6
Spearman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Sergeant M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, spear, heavy armour.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Any unit may be equipped with shields for +1 pts/per model
- Upgrade one Spearmen to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Spearmen to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Spearmen to a Sergeant for +10 pts.
points/model: 6
Swordsman M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD7
Duellist M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Sword (hand weapon), light armour and shield.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a Duellist for +10 pts.
Knightly Orders
points/model: 23
Knight M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Preceptor M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Barded Warhorse
Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour. Knight may be armed with either a lance and a shield, or great weapon.
- Upgrade one Knight to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a standard bearer for +16 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a Preceptor for +16 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
Army organization:
Each unit of Knightly Orders can be upgraded to one of the following Orders:
- Knights of the White Wolf for +4 pts/model
- Reiksguard Knights for +4 pts/model
- Knights Panther for +3 pts/model
- Knights of the Blazing Sun for +2 pts/model
points/model: 8
Handgunner M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Marksman M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Handgun, hand weapon.
Special rules: State Troops, First Volley.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a Marksman for +5 pts.
- Marksman may carry one of the following weapons instead of his handgun: Hochland long rifle (+20 pts); repeater handgun (+15 pts); brace of pistols (free).
points/model: 8
Crossbowman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Marksman M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Crossbow, hand weapon.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a Marksman for +5 pts.
points/model: 8
Archer M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Marksman M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 10-20
Equipment: Bow, hand weapon.
Special rules: Militia, Skirmishers.
- Promote one Archer to a Marksman for +5 pts.
Army Organization:
Huntsmen: A single unit of Archers may be upgraded to Huntsmen at a cost of +2 pts/model. Huntsmen have the Scouts special rule, unit size 5-15 and longbows instead of bows.
Free company
points/model: 5
Fighter M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Sergeant M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Free Companies are armed with a variety of weapons. However, for the game purposes they are all considered to be armed with two hand weapons.
Special rules: Militia.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a Sergeant for +4 pts.
Teutogen Guard
points/model: 11
Teutogen Guard M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Champion M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment: White Wolf hammer, hand weapon, full plate armour.
Special rules: Stubborn, State Troops, Ulric’s fury.
- Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
points/model: 10
Reiksguard M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Champion M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment:Hand weapon, shield, full plate armour.
Special rules: State Troops, Immune to panic
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
points/model: 10
Greatsword M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Champion M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment: Two-handed sword (great weapon), hand weapon, full plate armour.
Special rules: Stubborn, State Troops,
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
points/model: 19
Pistolier M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Outrider M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Warhorse
Equipment: Brace of pistols, light armour.
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Fusillade.
- Upgrade one Pistoler to a musician for +7 pts.
- Upgrade one Pistoler to a Outrider for +7 pts.
- An Outrider may exchange one of his pistols for a repeater pistol for +10 pts.
points/model: 21
Outrider M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Champion M4 WS3 BS5 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Warhorse
Equipment: Repeater handgun, hand weapon, light armour.
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry.
- Upgrade one Outrider to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Outrider to a Champion for +16 pts.
- The Champion may carry one of the following weapons instead of his repeater handgun: repeater pistol and pistol (free), grenade launching blunderbuss (free), Hochland long rifle (+5 pts).
- Outriders may equip their Warhorses with barding for +2 point per model (Outriders on barded Warhorses no longer count as fast cavalry).
Great Cannon
points/model: 100
Great Cannon T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
Special Rules: Engineers.
points/model: 75
Mortar T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
Special Rules: Engineers.
Knights of Inner Circle
points/model: 26
Knight M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Preceptor M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Barded Warhorse
Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour. Knight may be armed with either a lance and a shield, or a great weapon.
- Upgrade one Knight to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a standard bearer for +16 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a Preceptor for +16 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
Army organization:
Each unit of Knights of Inner Circle can be upgraded to one of the following Orders:
- Knights of the White Wolf for +4 pts/model
- Reiksguard Knights for +4 pts/model
- Knights Panther for +3 pts/model
- Knights of the Blazing Sun for +2 pts/model
Flagellant Warband
points/model: 11
Flagellant M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T4 W1 I3 A1 LD10
Prophet of Doom M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T4 W1 I3 A2 LD10
Unit size: 5-30
Equipment: Flail.
Special rules: Unbreakable, Crazed!, The End is Nigh!
- Promote one Flagellant to a Prophet of Doom for +10 pts.
Army organisation
If the army includes one or more Priests of Sigmar (Warrior Priests and Arch Lectors), one (and only one) unit of Flagellant Warband can be included as a Core Units choice instead of Rare.
points/model: 8
Wolf-kin M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Wolf Brother M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5-15
Equipment: Hand weapon.
Special rules: Stubborn, Skirmishers, Ulric’s Fury.
- Any unit may be equipped with light armour (+1 pts/per model) and may also carry shields for +1 pts/per model
- Any unit may be equipped with additional hand weapons (+2 pts/per model) or great weapon (+2 pts/per model)
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a Wolf Brother for +10 pts.
Army organisation
If the army includes one or more Priests of Ulric (Warrior Priests and Arch Lectors), one (and only one) unit of Wolf-kin can be included as a Core Units choice instead of Rare.
Helblaster Volley Gun
points/model: 110
Volley Gun T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
Special Rules: Engineers.
Helstorm Rocket Battery
points/model: 115
Helstorm T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
Steam Tank
points/model: 300
Steam Tank MS - - S6 T6 W10- AS -
Engineer - - BS4 - - - - - LD10
Unit Size: 1
Armour Save: 1+
Equipment: Main cannon and steam gun. The Engineer Commander carries a repeater pistol.
Special Rules: Large Target, Unbreakable, Terror, Unit Strenght 10.
Army organisation: You may only include one Empire Steam Tank for every full 2,000 points in your army.
Oto stworzona przeze mnie, moja wizja podręcznika do Imperium.
Bazowałem nieco na Armyliście zrobionym przez Sa!nta. Wykorzystałem też parę jego pomysłów. Założyłem jednak nowy temat, aby ułatwić ewentualną edycję.
Zapraszam do lektury i komentowania.
Special Rules:
Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A during its first round of combat in the battle
White Wolf hammer – adds +1 to strength in each round of combat, needs two hands to use.
Imperial Guard – troops are stubborn in the first round of any combat
Splendor - use finest warhorses from best Imperial stables – suffer no movement penalty because of barding
Blessing of Myrmidia - all their weapons count as magical
Fusillade – in the first round of each combat can attack with both pistols having two attacks at their basic Strength
Engineers - Engineers can be added to Cannons, Mortars or Helblasters. Only one Engineer (Master or Scholar) can be added to each war machine.
Repair – Each Master Engineer can re-roll a throw on a misfire chart once per game (only for the machine he joined)
Blessings of Ulric – the same effect as Blessings of Sigmar
First Volley – first time they fire, they add D6” to their maximum range. Their short range is not affected and remains 12”
Knightly Orders Upgrades:
Knights of the White Wolf – Ulric’s Fury, White Wolf hammer
Reiksguard Knights – Imperial Guard, lance, shield
Knights Panther – Splendor, lance, shield
Knights of the Blazing Sun – Blessing of Myrmidia
Prayers of Ulric:
-Winter’s Chill – Can only be cast on the Priest himself. All models in base contact with the Priest must test their Ld. If failed, they cannot attack this turn
-Battle Howl – Can only be cast on the Priest himself. Priest’s and his unit’s movement is increased by 1/4, Remains in play
-Teutogen’s Temper – character and his unit is stubborn, Remains in play
-Wrath of the Wolf – character gains +2A, Remains in play
-Ice Spirit – Character gains +1S and +1T, Remains in play
General of the Empire
points: 80
M4 WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 LD9
Hand weapon
- May have a great weapon (+6 pts), an additional hand weapon (+6 pts) and/or a pistol (+9 pts)
- May have a longbow (+10 pts) and/or a handgun (+10 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts) or full plate armour (+12 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts) or a Griffon (+200 pts). If mounted, he may have a lance (+6 pts)
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation
Ancestral Heirloom. If your army is led by a General of the Empire, one unit of the following State Troops can have a magic banner worth up to 50 points: Swordsmen, Spearmen, Halberdiers, Handgunners, Crossbowmen.
Bodyguards. If the army includes a General of the Empire, one unit of Teutogen Guard, Reiksguard or Greatswords, per General of the Empire can be included as a Core Units choice instead of a Special.
Templar Grand Master
points: 145
M4 WS6 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I6 A4 LD9
Barded Warhorse
Hand weapon, full plate armour and either a lance and a shield or a great weapon
Special Rules:
Master of Battle
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organization
Each Templar Grand Master can be upgraded to the leader of the following Orders:
- Knights of the White Wolf for +15 pts
- Reiksguard Knights for +15 pts
- Knights Panther for +5 pts
- Knights of the Blazing Sun for +10 pts
You may only field a Templar Grand Master if your army contains a unit a Knights of the same Order.
Arch Lector of Sigmar
points: 125
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I4 A2 LD9
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Sigmar; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Sigmar.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +6 pts), or a second warhammer if on foot (+6 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts).
- May ride upon the War Altar (+100 pts)
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Arch Lector of Ulric
points: 130
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I4 A2 LD9
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Ulric; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Ulric, Ulric’s Fury.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +6 pts), a second warhammer if on foot (+6 pts), or a White Wolf hammer (+8 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts).
- May ride upon the War Altar (+100 pts)
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Wizard Lord
points: 175
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T4 W3 I3 A1 LD8
Level 3 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight Lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Hand weapon
- May be upgraded to a level 4 Wizard for +35 points.
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts), or an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts).
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Captain of the Empire
points: 50
M4 WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I5 A3 LD8
Hand weapon
- May have a great weapon (+4 pts), a halberd (+4 pts), an additional hand weapon (+4 pts) and/or a pistol (+6 pts)
- May have a longbow (+10 pts) and/or a handgun (+10 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts) or full plate armour (+8 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts). If mounted, he may have a lance (+4 pts)
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Battle Standard Bearer: [...]
Warrior Priest of Sigmar
points: 90
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 LD8
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Sigmar; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Sigmar.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +4 pts), or a second warhammer if on foot (+4 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Warrior Priest of Ulric
points: 95
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 LD8
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Ulric; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Ulric, Ulric’s Fury.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +4 pts), a second warhammer if on foot (+4 pts) or a White Wolf hammer (+6 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Battle Wizard
points: 65
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W2 I3 A1 LD7
Level 1 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight Lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Hand weapon
- May be upgraded to a level 2 Wizard for +35 points.
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Master Engineer
points: 75
M4 WS3 BS5 S3 T3 W2 I3 A1 LD7
Hand weapon
Special Rules
Master of Ballistic; Extra Crewman, Repair
- May wear light armour (+2 pts).
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May have a repeater pistol (+10 pts), a hochland long rifle (+20 pts), or a repeater handgun (+15 pts), or a grenade launching blunderbuss (+10 pts).
Army organization
Scholars: Each Master Engineer can take one (and only one) Scholar Engineer on the battlefield for +25 pts.
Scholar Engineer M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Special Rules
Master of Ballistic; Extra Crewman
Options: May have a pistol (+6 pts), or a handgun (+10 pts)
points/model: 6
Halberdier M4 WS3 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Sergeant M4 WS3 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, halberd, light armour.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Any unit may be equipped with shields for +1 pts/per model
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a Sergeant for +10 pts.
points/model: 6
Spearman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Sergeant M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, spear, heavy armour.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Any unit may be equipped with shields for +1 pts/per model
- Upgrade one Spearmen to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Spearmen to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Spearmen to a Sergeant for +10 pts.
points/model: 6
Swordsman M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD7
Duellist M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Sword (hand weapon), light armour and shield.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a Duellist for +10 pts.
Knightly Orders
points/model: 23
Knight M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Preceptor M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Barded Warhorse
Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour. Knight may be armed with either a lance and a shield, or great weapon.
- Upgrade one Knight to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a standard bearer for +16 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a Preceptor for +16 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
Army organization:
Each unit of Knightly Orders can be upgraded to one of the following Orders:
- Knights of the White Wolf for +4 pts/model
- Reiksguard Knights for +4 pts/model
- Knights Panther for +3 pts/model
- Knights of the Blazing Sun for +2 pts/model
points/model: 8
Handgunner M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Marksman M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Handgun, hand weapon.
Special rules: State Troops, First Volley.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a Marksman for +5 pts.
- Marksman may carry one of the following weapons instead of his handgun: Hochland long rifle (+20 pts); repeater handgun (+15 pts); brace of pistols (free).
points/model: 8
Crossbowman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Marksman M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Crossbow, hand weapon.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a Marksman for +5 pts.
points/model: 8
Archer M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Marksman M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 10-20
Equipment: Bow, hand weapon.
Special rules: Militia, Skirmishers.
- Promote one Archer to a Marksman for +5 pts.
Army Organization:
Huntsmen: A single unit of Archers may be upgraded to Huntsmen at a cost of +2 pts/model. Huntsmen have the Scouts special rule, unit size 5-15 and longbows instead of bows.
Free company
points/model: 5
Fighter M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Sergeant M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Free Companies are armed with a variety of weapons. However, for the game purposes they are all considered to be armed with two hand weapons.
Special rules: Militia.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a Sergeant for +4 pts.
Teutogen Guard
points/model: 11
Teutogen Guard M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Champion M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment: White Wolf hammer, hand weapon, full plate armour.
Special rules: Stubborn, State Troops, Ulric’s fury.
- Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
points/model: 10
Reiksguard M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Champion M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment:Hand weapon, shield, full plate armour.
Special rules: State Troops, Immune to panic
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
points/model: 10
Greatsword M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Champion M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment: Two-handed sword (great weapon), hand weapon, full plate armour.
Special rules: Stubborn, State Troops,
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
points/model: 19
Pistolier M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Outrider M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Warhorse
Equipment: Brace of pistols, light armour.
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Fusillade.
- Upgrade one Pistoler to a musician for +7 pts.
- Upgrade one Pistoler to a Outrider for +7 pts.
- An Outrider may exchange one of his pistols for a repeater pistol for +10 pts.
points/model: 21
Outrider M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Champion M4 WS3 BS5 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Warhorse
Equipment: Repeater handgun, hand weapon, light armour.
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry.
- Upgrade one Outrider to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Outrider to a Champion for +16 pts.
- The Champion may carry one of the following weapons instead of his repeater handgun: repeater pistol and pistol (free), grenade launching blunderbuss (free), Hochland long rifle (+5 pts).
- Outriders may equip their Warhorses with barding for +2 point per model (Outriders on barded Warhorses no longer count as fast cavalry).
Great Cannon
points/model: 100
Great Cannon T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
Special Rules: Engineers.
points/model: 75
Mortar T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
Special Rules: Engineers.
Knights of Inner Circle
points/model: 26
Knight M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Preceptor M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Barded Warhorse
Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour. Knight may be armed with either a lance and a shield, or a great weapon.
- Upgrade one Knight to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a standard bearer for +16 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a Preceptor for +16 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
Army organization:
Each unit of Knights of Inner Circle can be upgraded to one of the following Orders:
- Knights of the White Wolf for +4 pts/model
- Reiksguard Knights for +4 pts/model
- Knights Panther for +3 pts/model
- Knights of the Blazing Sun for +2 pts/model
Flagellant Warband
points/model: 11
Flagellant M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T4 W1 I3 A1 LD10
Prophet of Doom M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T4 W1 I3 A2 LD10
Unit size: 5-30
Equipment: Flail.
Special rules: Unbreakable, Crazed!, The End is Nigh!
- Promote one Flagellant to a Prophet of Doom for +10 pts.
Army organisation
If the army includes one or more Priests of Sigmar (Warrior Priests and Arch Lectors), one (and only one) unit of Flagellant Warband can be included as a Core Units choice instead of Rare.
points/model: 8
Wolf-kin M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Wolf Brother M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5-15
Equipment: Hand weapon.
Special rules: Stubborn, Skirmishers, Ulric’s Fury.
- Any unit may be equipped with light armour (+1 pts/per model) and may also carry shields for +1 pts/per model
- Any unit may be equipped with additional hand weapons (+2 pts/per model) or great weapon (+2 pts/per model)
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a Wolf Brother for +10 pts.
Army organisation
If the army includes one or more Priests of Ulric (Warrior Priests and Arch Lectors), one (and only one) unit of Wolf-kin can be included as a Core Units choice instead of Rare.
Helblaster Volley Gun
points/model: 110
Volley Gun T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
Special Rules: Engineers.
Helstorm Rocket Battery
points/model: 115
Helstorm T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
Steam Tank
points/model: 300
Steam Tank MS - - S6 T6 W10- AS -
Engineer - - BS4 - - - - - LD10
Unit Size: 1
Armour Save: 1+
Equipment: Main cannon and steam gun. The Engineer Commander carries a repeater pistol.
Special Rules: Large Target, Unbreakable, Terror, Unit Strenght 10.
Army organisation: You may only include one Empire Steam Tank for every full 2,000 points in your army.
Widzę że postawiłeś na wiarę w różnych bogów co bardzo mi się podoba.
Zasada Inżyniera jest świetna.
Zauważyłem u Ciebie mniejszą ingerencje w zasady State Troopsów, a u mnie na to był przede wszystkim nacisk.
No i taki projekt kosztuje trochę wysiłku i czasu sam wiem więc tylko pogratulować.
Zasada Inżyniera jest świetna.
Zauważyłem u Ciebie mniejszą ingerencje w zasady State Troopsów, a u mnie na to był przede wszystkim nacisk.
No i taki projekt kosztuje trochę wysiłku i czasu sam wiem więc tylko pogratulować.
squiq pisze:Mój Sigmar myśli inaczej.
Jak najbardziej poprę Sa!nta, ciekawa lista
Mam pytanie: skąd taki koszt włóczników i halabardników? Szermierz jest od nich lepszy, a na tej liście są po tyle samo punktów (chyba że wezmę tarcze, wtedy już się nic oprócz szermierzy nie opłaca).
Czy scholar inżynierzy liczą się do limitu hero? Bo są w tej sekcji.

Czy scholar inżynierzy liczą się do limitu hero? Bo są w tej sekcji.
Dziękuję za miłe słowa od Prekursora armylistów Empire na tym forum.No i taki projekt kosztuje trochę wysiłku i czasu sam wiem więc tylko pogratulować.
Jest on wyższy o 1 punkt w stosunku do tego z oryginalnego armybooka. Na tyle wyceniłem h.armour u włóczników i +1S u halabardzistów. Może i szermierze wciąż są najlepsi, ale pozostałe dwie jednostki są chyba bardziej użyteczne niż były. Nawet mając na uwadze większy koszt.Mam pytanie: skąd taki koszt włóczników i halabardników
Nie. Scholar inżynier jest opcją dodatkową do Master inżyniera i nie zajmuje dodatkowego slotu. Za 100 pts i jeden slot hero dostajemy więc gołego Master inżyniera i gołego Scholar inżyniera. Możemy nimi obsadzić dwie maszyny.Czy scholar inżynierzy liczą się do limitu hero? Bo są w tej sekcji.
I tutaj rodzi się zawsze problem w armylistach co zrobić aby halabardnicy i włócznicy byli bardziej grywalni. Osobiście Twój pomysł nie pasuje mi. Halabardnik jest najbardziej popularnym na polu bitwy żołnierzem Imperium ale dlaczego ma mieć siłę 4? Jak nawet Great Swordzi jej nie mają dopiero elita kawalerii Inner Circle ma tyle siły. Osobiście to do mnie nie przemawia. Tak samo jak heavy armour u włóczników widziałbym ten pancerz raczej u halabardników co zamieściłem w swojej wersji gdyż pokazuje to ich przewagę nad innymi corowymi state troopsami. Ale to takie moje drobne uwagi.ismael pisze:Na tyle wyceniłem h.armour u włóczników i +1S u halabardzistów.
PS: Ugrywalnić halabardników i włóczników jest prawie niemożliwe, mi się to nie udało ale zawsze można próbować. Chociaż mój pomysł z halabardnikami uważam za udany. Szkoda że z włócznikami mi się nie udało.
squiq pisze:Mój Sigmar myśli inaczej.
Ogólnie ładnie przygotowane 
Ale... widzę masę dziwnych pomysłów... Dlaczego pieszy Reiksguard nie ma stubborna? :/
No i włócznicy i halabardnicy... Może heavy armour fajny by był, ale w warhammerze ciężka zbroja, to koleś obładowany płytami, albo noszący pełną kolczugę... Mieliby mieć taki sam pancerz jak wojownicy chaosu? albo elita krasnoludów? To nie to. Jak dla mnie walka w 3ech szeregach byłaby git!
A halabardnicy... największy problem... S4 to totalny niewypał, bo nagle chłopaki mają lepsze walnięcie niż greaci... bo nie mają ostatniego ataku. Są silniejsi od orków i krasnoludów... zwykła piechota imperialna? Albo im dać 4 WS - regularny trening, dryl... albo walkę 2 dwóch szeregach (np. drugi szereg walczy bez bonusu do siły), albo pomysł jednego z forumowiczów, imperialna halabarda - armour piercing... Gdy halabarda z panerze bretońskiego 2+ robiła 4+, to już fajne by było.

Ale... widzę masę dziwnych pomysłów... Dlaczego pieszy Reiksguard nie ma stubborna? :/
No i włócznicy i halabardnicy... Może heavy armour fajny by był, ale w warhammerze ciężka zbroja, to koleś obładowany płytami, albo noszący pełną kolczugę... Mieliby mieć taki sam pancerz jak wojownicy chaosu? albo elita krasnoludów? To nie to. Jak dla mnie walka w 3ech szeregach byłaby git!
A halabardnicy... największy problem... S4 to totalny niewypał, bo nagle chłopaki mają lepsze walnięcie niż greaci... bo nie mają ostatniego ataku. Są silniejsi od orków i krasnoludów... zwykła piechota imperialna? Albo im dać 4 WS - regularny trening, dryl... albo walkę 2 dwóch szeregach (np. drugi szereg walczy bez bonusu do siły), albo pomysł jednego z forumowiczów, imperialna halabarda - armour piercing... Gdy halabarda z panerze bretońskiego 2+ robiła 4+, to już fajne by było.
a mi się baardzo spodobal pomysl stuborna w pierwszej turze CC, dalbym tą zasade wlaśnie wszystkim state troopsom, podejrzewam, że zwiększyloby to masakrycznie użytecznosć piechoty imperialnej, bo ich problem to ustać tą pierwszą szarże kawaleri, potem już jest lepiej no ale to i tak nie rozwiązuje kwesti halardnik; spearman i swordman, no ale rozwiązuje kwestie podaną wyżej.
Halabardnik z 8Ld jak u Sainta o ile dobrze pamietam to dobry wybór, wszakże jest to bardzo zdyscyplinowana jednostka, to już z stubornem w pierwszej turze i heavy armourem, w końcu to halabardnicy powino już wyrównać dystans do swordmenów, a AP na halabardzie powinno być na wstępie dla każdej halabardy pomimo +1 do sily , zawsze AP móglby być tylko na jednostki z savem na 3+ i większym,... a spearmenów? po prostu bardzo potanić, 3pkt za golego chlopka z LA, i kolejno +1pkt za LA, +1pkt za shield, chyba by to bardzo przybliżylo skuteczność tych 3 jednostek, vel.
dobry WS i save na 4+ w CC i 5+ na strzelanie, koszt 6pkt.
o jeden większa liderka, ale reszta stat slaba (nie oszukujmy się, wartość większości wspólczynników w battlu na 3 to jest malo), większa sila, na 5+, gdyż są bez możliwosći wzięcia shielda no i opcjonalnie AP na halabardzie, koszt 5pkt (bez ap), zaś z 6pkt.
prawdziwe mięso armatnie, 3pkt za goly model to nic strasznego jak wydaje mi się bo co zrobisz nawet 10 atakami z S3? Tyle co nic. Byle salwa z czegokolwiek i padają jak muchy, a za 2pkt mogą wziaść sava na 5+ i dopisalbym, że zawsze muszą walczyć wlócznią i nie mogą korzystać z zasady parry.
no i do tych jednostek stuborn na pierwszą ture CC, myśle, ze to uczyniloby state troopsy bardzo grywalnymi i każda z tych 3 jednostek by byla widywana na stole.
Halabardnik z 8Ld jak u Sainta o ile dobrze pamietam to dobry wybór, wszakże jest to bardzo zdyscyplinowana jednostka, to już z stubornem w pierwszej turze i heavy armourem, w końcu to halabardnicy powino już wyrównać dystans do swordmenów, a AP na halabardzie powinno być na wstępie dla każdej halabardy pomimo +1 do sily , zawsze AP móglby być tylko na jednostki z savem na 3+ i większym,... a spearmenów? po prostu bardzo potanić, 3pkt za golego chlopka z LA, i kolejno +1pkt za LA, +1pkt za shield, chyba by to bardzo przybliżylo skuteczność tych 3 jednostek, vel.
dobry WS i save na 4+ w CC i 5+ na strzelanie, koszt 6pkt.
o jeden większa liderka, ale reszta stat slaba (nie oszukujmy się, wartość większości wspólczynników w battlu na 3 to jest malo), większa sila, na 5+, gdyż są bez możliwosći wzięcia shielda no i opcjonalnie AP na halabardzie, koszt 5pkt (bez ap), zaś z 6pkt.
prawdziwe mięso armatnie, 3pkt za goly model to nic strasznego jak wydaje mi się bo co zrobisz nawet 10 atakami z S3? Tyle co nic. Byle salwa z czegokolwiek i padają jak muchy, a za 2pkt mogą wziaść sava na 5+ i dopisalbym, że zawsze muszą walczyć wlócznią i nie mogą korzystać z zasady parry.
no i do tych jednostek stuborn na pierwszą ture CC, myśle, ze to uczyniloby state troopsy bardzo grywalnymi i każda z tych 3 jednostek by byla widywana na stole.
Teraz coś mi się przypomniało. Capitan Imperium bohater który całe życie poświęcił na walkę ma WS 5 Swordmen który jest najlepszym szermierzem w Imperium ma WS 4 przeciętny człowiek który wie do czego służy miecz ma WS 3 a lew u HE dzika bestia ma WS 5Kosa pisze:(nie oszukujmy się, wartość większości wspólczynników w battlu na 3 to jest malo)

Mięso armatnie to Free Company więc Twój pomysł trochę się nie sprawdzi.Kosa pisze:wlocznicy:
prawdziwe mięso armatnie, 3pkt za goly model to nic strasznego jak wydaje mi się bo co zrobisz nawet 10 atakami z S3? Tyle co nic. Byle salwa z czegokolwiek i padają jak muchy, a za 2pkt mogą wziaść sava na 5+ i dopisalbym, że zawsze muszą walczyć wlócznią i nie mogą korzystać z zasady parry.
squiq pisze:Mój Sigmar myśli inaczej.
- Offspringman
- Kretozord
- Posty: 1670
- Lokalizacja: Czarne Wrony W-wa
ech, gdyby teutogeni(czy chociaż ww) byli w nowym imperium to na pewno bym go nie porzucał. ale niestety.
ciekawa koncepcja
ciekawa koncepcja

Ulric powraca szkoda ze w nowym booku niema tego boga i jego oddziałów
"W sumie nie zmienia to nic tylko tyle że wyczułeś okazje i ją wykorzystałeś a ja byłem naiwny i dałem się wykorzystać. Nie martw się następnym razem nie będe uprzejmy i miły" AS1 vs. Dymitr
Bardzo dobry army list, poza tymi halabardnikami, jednak nie powinni być takimi koksami a raczej być bardziej skuteczni ze względu na halabardę(czyli AP chyba by tu najlepiej pasował)
Co do stubborna - opcja naprawde ciekawa, ale na wszystkich odziałach state troops to bybyło jednak mego mocne, można by dać tylko tym odziałom w których walczy priest, generał czy choćby sam kapitan,albo na 12 cali od generała i takie odziały z halabardnikami na flance jako detachment byłyby dobrą opcją.
Spermani powinni być tańsi - nawet za te 3-4 pkt - w konću włócznia prawie nic nie kosztuje takiego imperialnego chłopa porównując do halabardy i zbroi.
a w walce najlepeij nie wypadają. ewentualnie +1 S na kawe.
Z resztą sam coś przygotowuję to niedługo zamieszczę
Co do stubborna - opcja naprawde ciekawa, ale na wszystkich odziałach state troops to bybyło jednak mego mocne, można by dać tylko tym odziałom w których walczy priest, generał czy choćby sam kapitan,albo na 12 cali od generała i takie odziały z halabardnikami na flance jako detachment byłyby dobrą opcją.

Spermani powinni być tańsi - nawet za te 3-4 pkt - w konću włócznia prawie nic nie kosztuje takiego imperialnego chłopa porównując do halabardy i zbroi.

Z resztą sam coś przygotowuję to niedługo zamieszczę

czemu niby stuborn w pierwzzej turze cc ma być przegiety? Na detki nie dziala. Więc one i tak uciekną 

Ld 7 często się oblewa, nawet z przerzutem... wcale to jakieś przegięte nie jest.
Skoro WL mają tego stuborna i do takiego jakie umiejętnosci walki to nie widze problemu coby pechota imperialna, wszakze jest to zawodowa armia nie miala takiej zasady. Zawsze moznaby bylo dorobić zasade, że taki krótkotrwaly stubborn mogą mieć tylko regimenty, które nA to miano zaslugują, czyli na bank fcg i na przyklad musi być US15 minimum, gdyż tylko w tkaiej liczbie potrafią stworzyć zwartą formacje, która jest w stnaie wytrzymać dzięki swym szeregom i wyćwiczeniu szarże nawet kawaleri wroga.
Skoro WL mają tego stuborna i do takiego jakie umiejętnosci walki to nie widze problemu coby pechota imperialna, wszakze jest to zawodowa armia nie miala takiej zasady. Zawsze moznaby bylo dorobić zasade, że taki krótkotrwaly stubborn mogą mieć tylko regimenty, które nA to miano zaslugują, czyli na bank fcg i na przyklad musi być US15 minimum, gdyż tylko w tkaiej liczbie potrafią stworzyć zwartą formacje, która jest w stnaie wytrzymać dzięki swym szeregom i wyćwiczeniu szarże nawet kawaleri wroga.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn
- Falubaz
- Posty: 1257
- Lokalizacja: Biała Podlaska
Dobre pomysły. Oto mój. 3-4 tygodnie temu umieściłem 'swoją' listę na warhammer-empire. W sumie większość komentatorów się ze mną zgodziła, że to co zaproponowałem jest dobre i nie przegięte. Oto ona (nie widzę sensu robienia drugiego tematu). Są tu moje pomysły oraz to co było w 6 edycji i oczywiście pomysły Saint'a bez którego chyba nie zaczęlibyśmy tutaj tej dyskusji.
Elector Count
points: 80
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9
Hand weapon
- May have a great weapon (+6 pts), a halberd (+6 pts), an additional hand weapon (+6 pts) and/or a pistol (+9 pts)
- May have a longbow (+10 pts) and/or a handgun (+10 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts) or full plate armour (+12 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts) or a Griffon (+200 pts). If mounted, he may have a lance (+6 pts)
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation
Ancestral Heirloom. If an Elector Count is your General, one unit of State Troops (Halberdiers, Spearmen, and Swordsmen) can have a magic banner worth up to 50 pts.
Bodyguards. If an Elector Count joins a unit of Greatswords, he and the unit becomes immune to panic.
Templar Grand Master
points: 145
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 6 3 4 4 3 6 4 9
Barded Warhorse
Hand weapon, full plate armour and either a lance and a shield or a great weapon or a cavalry hammer (+5 pts) if Templar Grand Master of the White Wolf
Special Rules:
Master of Battle
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation
You may only field a Templar Grand Master if your army contains a unit of Knights of the same Order.
Arch Lector of Sigmar
points: 125
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 4 3 4 4 3 4 2 9
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Sigmar; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Sigmar.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +6 pts), or a second warhammer if on foot (+6 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts).
- May ride upon the War Altar of Sigmar (+150 pts)
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation
If the army includes one or more Priests of Sigmar (Warrior Priests or Arch Lectors), you may include one (and only one) Flagellant Warband as a Core Units choice instead of Rare.
High Priest of Ulric 0-1
points: 135
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 5 3 4 4 3 5 3 9
Hand weapon
Special Rules:
Blessings of Ulric; Crush the Weak; Prayers of Ulric.
- May choose a great weapon (+6 pts), or an additional hand weapon if on foot (+6 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts).
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation
Honour and Duty. If he joins a unit of Teutogen Guards, he and the unit becomes immune to panic.
Wizard Lord
points: 175
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8
Level 3 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight Lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Hand weapon
- May be upgraded to a level 4 Wizard for +35 points.
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts).
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Captain of the Empire
points: 50
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8
Hand weapon
- May have a great weapon (+4 pts), a halberd (+4 pts), an additional hand weapon (+4 pts) and/or a pistol (+6 pts)
- May have a longbow (+10 pts) and/or a handgun (+10 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts) or full plate armour (+8 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts). If mounted, he may have a lance (+4 pts)
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Battle Standard Bearer: [...]
Seneschal of the White Wolf
points: 65
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 5 3 4 4 2 5 3 8
White Wolf hammer, full plate armour
Special rules:
Commanding Presence, Crush the Weak
- May ride a barded warhorse (+15 pts)
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Warrior Priest of Sigmar
points: 90
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 8
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Sigmar; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Sigmar.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +4 pts), or a second warhammer if on foot (+4 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation
If the army includes one or more Priests of Sigmar (Warrior Priests or Arch Lectors), you may include one (and only one) Flagellant Warband as a Core Units choice instead of Rare.
Warrior Priest of Ulric
points: 90
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 8
Hand weapon
Special Rules:
Blessings of Ulric; Crush the Weak; Prayers of Ulric.
- May choose a great weapon (+4 pts), or an additional hand weapon if on foot (+4 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Battle Wizard
points: 65
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7
Level 1 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight Lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Hand weapon
- May be upgraded to a level 2 Wizard for +35 points.
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Master Engineer
points: 65
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 3 5 3 3 2 3 1 7
Hand weapon
Special Rules
Master of Ballistics; Extra Crewman
- May wear light armour (+2 pts).
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May have a repeater pistol (+10 pts), a Hochland long rifle (+20 pts), a repeater handgun (+15 pts) and/or pigeon bombs (+ 25 pts).
points/model: 5
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Halberdier 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Sergeant 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, halberd, and light armour.
Special rules: State Troops, Empire Halberd (Armour Piercing).
- Any unit may be equipped with shields for +1 pt/per model
- Any unit may be equipped with heavy armour for +1 pt/per model (Note: no option to buy a shield then)
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a Sergeant for +8 pts.
points/model: 5
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Spearman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Sergeant 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, spear, and light armour.
Special rules: State Troops, Empire Spear (fight in 3 ranks).
- Any unit may be equipped with shields for +1 pt/per model
- Upgrade one Spearman to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Spearman to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Spearman to a Sergeant for +8 pts.
points/model: 6
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Swordsman 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7
Duellist 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Sword (hand weapon), light armour and shield.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a Duellist for +10 pts.
Knightly Orders
points/model: 23
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Knight 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8
Preceptor 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8
Unit Size: 5+
Mount: Barded Warhorse
Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour. Knight may be armed with either a lance and a shield, or great weapon or cavalry hammer (only White Wolf)
Special rules: Legendary Orders.
- Upgrade one Knight to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a standard bearer for +16 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a Preceptor for +16 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 points.
points/model: 8
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Handgunner 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Handgun, hand weapon.
Special rules: State Troops, First Volley.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a Marksman for +5 pts.
- Marksman may carry one of the following weapons instead of his handgun: Hochland long rifle (+20 pts); repeater handgun (+15 pts); brace of pistols (free).
points/model: 8
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Crossbowman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Crossbow, hand weapon.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a Marksman for +5 pts.
points/model: 8
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Archer 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Unit size: 5-20
Equipment: Bow, hand weapon.
Special rules: Militia, Skirmishers.
- Promote one Archer to a Marksman for +5 pts.
Huntsmen 0-1
points/model: 10
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Huntsman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Unit size: 5-20
Equipment: Long bow, hand weapon.
Special rules: Militia, Skirmishers, Scouts.
- Promote one Huntsman to a Marksman for +5 pts.
Free company
points/model: 5
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Fighter 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Sergeant 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Free Companies are armed with a variety of weapons. However, for the game purposes they are all considered to be armed with two hand weapons.
Special rules: Militia.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a Sergeant for +4 pts.
Greatswords 0-1
points/model: 10
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Greatsword 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8
Count’s Champion 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment: Two-handed sword (great weapon), hand weapon, full plate armour.
Special rules: Stubborn, Bodyguards, State Troops.
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 points.
Teutogen Guards 0-1
points/model: 10
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Guard 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8
Ar-Ulric’s Champion 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment: Two-handed sword (great weapon), hand weapon, full plate armour.
Special rules: Stubborn, Honour and Duty.
- Upgrade one Guard to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Guard to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Guard to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 points.
- Knights of the Inner Circle: The Teutogen Guard may be upgraded to Knights of the Inner Circle for +2 pts/model. The Teutogen Guard and Ar-Ulric’s Champion in this unit are S4.
Reiksguard on Foot 0-1
points/model: 10
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Reiksguard 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8
Reiksguard’s Champion 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour and shield.
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a Reiksguard’s Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 points.
Knights of the Inner Circle
points/model: 26
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Knight 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 8
Preceptor 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 2 8
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Barded Warhorse
Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour. Knight may be armed with either a lance and a shield, or great weapon or cavalry hammer (only White Wolf)
Special rules: Legendary Orders.
- Upgrade one Knight to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a standard bearer for +16 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a Preceptor for +16 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 points.
points/model: 18
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Pistolier 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Outrider 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Warhorse
Equipment: Brace of pistols, light armour.
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Fusillade.
- Upgrade one Pistolier to a musician for +7 pts.
- Upgrade one Pistolier to an Outrider for +7 pts.
- An Outrider may exchange one of his pistols for a repeater pistol for +10 pts.
points/model: 21
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Outrider 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Champion 4 3 5 3 3 1 3 1 7
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Warhorse
Equipment: Repeater handgun, hand weapon, light armour.
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry.
- Upgrade one Outrider to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Outrider to a Champion for +16 pts.
- The Champion may carry one of the following weapons instead of his repeater handgun: repeater pistol and pistol (free), grenade launching blunderbuss (free), Hochland long rifle (+5 pts).
- Outriders may equip their Warhorse with barding for +2 points per model (outriders on barded Warhorses no longer counts as fast cavalry).
Great Cannon
points/model: 100
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Great Cannon - - - - 7 3 - - -
Crewman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Engineer 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
- You can add Engineer to a Great Cannon crew for 10 pts.
- Engineer may carry one of the following weapons: brace of pistols (+5 pts) handgun (+5 pts)
Special Rules:
Engineer – Champion; Artillery Specialist: Cannon and Mortar can re-roll result on Misfire chart; Extra crewman.
points/model: 75
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Mortar - - - - 7 3 - - -
Crewman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Engineer 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
- You can add Engineer to a Mortar crew for 10 pts.
- Engineer may carry one of the following weapons: brace of pistols (+5 pts) handgun (+5 pts)
Special Rules:
Engineer – Champion; Artillery Specialist: Cannon and Mortar can re-roll result on Misfire chart; Extra crewman.
Flagellant Warband
points/model: 10
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Flagellant 4 2 2 3 4 1 3 1 10
Prophet of Doom 4 2 2 3 4 1 3 2 10
Unit size: 5-30
Equipment: Flail.
Special rules: Unbreakable, Crazed!, The End is Nigh!
- Promote one Flagellant to a Prophet of Doom for +10 pts.
Helblaster Volley Gun
points/model: 150
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Volley Gun - - - - 7 3 - - -
Crewman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
Helstorm Rocket Battery
points/model: 115
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Helstorm - - - - 7 3 - - -
Crewman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
Steam Tank
points/model: 300
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Steam Tank S - - 6 6 10 - S –
Engineer - - 4 - - - - - 10
Unit Size: 1
Armour Save: 1+
Equipment: Main cannon and steam gun. The Engineer Commander carries a repeater pistol.
Main cannon may be exchanged to volley gun for 50 points.
Main cannon may be exchanged to mortar for 25 points (note that you must reduce the number of W to 8 in total)
You may add a fighting platform for 50 points.
Volley Gun works as normal volley gun with the following exceptions:
It has got a range of 18”. Hits from the gun are Strength 4, -2 save, needs 2 steam points to shoot (once during a turn).
If you roll misfire the Steam Tank suffers D3 wounds.
Mortar and fighting platform work the same way as described in Annual 2002 and Chronicles 2004 with the following exceptions: you need 1 steam point to fire the mortar (once during a turn) If you roll a misfire the ST suffers D2 wounds.
Special Rules: Large Target, Unbreakable, Terror, Unit Strength 10.
Army organisation: You may only include one Empire Steam Tank for every full 2,000 points in your army.
points/model: 8
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Wolf-kin 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 8
Wolf-Brother 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 2 8
Unit size: 5-15
Equipment: Hand weapon..
Special rules: Stubborn, Skirmish.
- Any unit may be equipped with light armour for +1 pt/model and may also carry shields for +1 pt/model.
- Any unit may be equipped with additional hand weapons for +2 pt/model or great weapons for +2 pts/model.
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a Wolf Brother for +10 pts.
State Troops – such units can be used as independent units, parent units or detachments.
Militia – such units can be used and independent units or detachments, but never as parent units.
Skirmishers – Archers, Huntsmen and Wolf-kin are skirmishers, as described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Master of Battle – Templar Grand Masters are veterans of hundreds of battles and are so strong in their faith, that they are Immune to Psychology. In addition, if a Templar Grand Master joins a unit of Knights of his own Order then they are so inspired by his presence that they are Immune to Psychology so long as he remains with the unit.
Fast Cavalry – Pistoliers and Outriders are Fast Cavalry, as described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Fusillade – Mounted models cannot normally use two hand weapons in close combat, but Pistoliers are an exception to this rule. In the first turn of each combat, Pistoliers can attack with both their pistols (or with a sword and a repeater pistol), just like models on foot. In subsequent turns they will revert to the normal rules and the rider will have only one Attack at his basic Strength.
Stubborn – Greatswords, Teutogen Guards, Wolf-kin are stubborn, as described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Master of Ballistics – a great cannon or a mortar (but not a volley gun or a rocket battery) which has been joined by a Master Engineer may re-roll either one Scatter dice or one Artillery dice per turn (not the roll to determine distance bounced by the cannonball). Note that if the Engineer uses his re-roll ability he will not be able to shoot with his own missile weapon in the same shooting phase.
Extra Crewman – an Engineer can also replace one crew member of a machine he joins (including volley guns and rocket batteries), but if he is operating the machine, the Engineer cannot fire his own missile weapon. If a machine with an Engineer attached to it misfires and explodes, the Engineer will be killed with the rest of the crew if he replaced a crewman or used his re-roll ability that turn.
Blessing of Sigmar – Priests of Sigmar can invoke their patron god’s protection against the sorcerous powers of the enemy. So long as he is on the battlefield and is not fleeing, a Priest of Sigmar adds one dice to the dispel dice pool, while Arch Lector adds two.
Righteous Fury – the Priest and any unit he joins Hate all models in the enemy army, so long as he remains with the unit. This does not affect characters in the unit or the model’s mount.
Prayer of Sigmar – once per magic phase, a Priest of Sigmar is allowed to use prayers. An Arch Lector may use two different prayers per turn and a Warrior Priest may use one. These are bound spells with a power level of 4. Unless differently stated they can be cast on the Priest himself or on any one character or unit champion within 12” of the Priest.
Blessing of Ulric - Priests of Ulric can invoke their patron god’s protection against the sorcerous powers of the enemy. So long as he is on the battlefield and is not fleeing, a Priest of Ulric adds one dice to the dispel dice pool, while the High Priest adds two.
Crush the Weak - the Priest and any unit he joins Hate all models in the enemy army with a basic Leadership characteristic of 6 or lower even if normally Immune to Psychology, so long as he remains with the unit. This does not affect characters in the unit or the model’s mount.
Prayers of Ulric - once per magic phase, a Priest of Ulric is allowed to use prayers. A High Priest may use two different prayers per turn and a Warrior Priest may use one. These are bound spells with a power level of 4.
Battle Howl – RiP until dispelled or the Priest attempts to use another Prayer. As long as the Battle Howl is in effect, the Priest and any unit he leads add D3” to their charge moves. If the charge is failed, the extra movement is wasted; make a normal move towards the target as normal.
Destruction – every enemy model in base contact with the Priest suffers a single S4 hit.
Winter’s Chill –any units engaged in close combat with the Priest or the unit he is with must take a Ld test. If failed, they suffer a -1 penalty to hit in the next CC phase. Note that this is not a psychology test.
Fury of Ulric – RiP until dispelled or the Priest attempts to use another Prayer. The Priest and any unit he leads become immune to fear, terror and panic.
Commanding Presence – the Seneschal is a veteran warrior, and is Immune to Panic. In addition his presence and leadership so reassure his troops that any unit he leads becomes Immune to Panic too.
Unbreakable – will never flee and take break tests as described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Crazed! – Flagellants are subject to Frenzy which they will never lose.
The End is Nigh! – Flagellants can martyr themselves as described in the NEB.
Artillery Specialist – cannon and mortar can re-roll result on Misfire chart.
First volley – the first time Empire handguns are fired they have an extra D6” maximum range (short range not affected).
Empire halberd – such is the proficiency of Imperial soldiers tan they can inflict powerful blows to their enemies.
Empire spear – such is the proficiency of Imperial soldiers than they can fight with the spear in three ranks.
Legendary Orders – you can customize your Knightly Orders by giving them special advantages. Note that you may only give one advantage to a unit. The advantages are as follows:
Blessed – attacks count as magical (note that this not affect the model’s mount). (+12pts/model)
Zeal – the unit is always assumed to have a higher US than its foes and always receive the +1 bonus for Outnumbering and will never be automatically broken by fear-causing foes. (+8pts/model)
Exemplars – any friendly units within 6” of the KO unit may re-roll any failed fear, terror or panic test. (+12pts/model)
Resolute – stubborn in the first round of every combat, but revert to their normal rules in subsequent rounds. (+6pts/model)
Fearless – immune to fear. (+10pts/model)
Full plate armour – gives a 4+ armour save.
White Wolf hammer (cavalry hammer) – when a mounted model is using its WW hammer it gives +2S in the turn the model charges and +1S the rest of the time. On foot the hammer is wielded differently, and so counts as a halberd instead. In either case the weapon requires two hands to use.
Empire handgun – range 24” and S4; move or fire and armour piercing.
Hochland long rifle – range 36” and S4; move or fire and armour piercing.
Repeater handgun – range 24” and S4; 3x multiple shots and armour piercing.
Repeater pistol – range 8” and S4; 3x multiple shots and armour piercing.
Helblaster Volley Gun – works the same as in the 6th edition.
Steam Tank – rules as in the NEB with the exception that the player needs to roll a D3 when building up the steam points.
MAGIC BANNERS (added or changed to the existing in the NEB)
Griffon Standard
50 pts
Banner of Middenheim – unit carrying the banner is immune to fear and terror.
45 pts
Standard of the White Wolf – all missile fire against the unit (including magic missile) suffers a -1 penalty to its S. Other types of attack, including spells that are not magic missiles, are unaffected.
40 pts
Banner of the Warrior True – when the unit carrying this banner takes a Break test, they count as having lost the combat by D3 fewer points than they really did. If this reduced the margin of the loss to 0 or lower, they still count as having lost the combat but test on their unmodified Ld. This has no effect on other friendly units in a multiple combat, which must test as normal.
35 pts
I used Warhammer The Empire 6th ed, Warhammer The Empire 7th ed, Chronicles 2002, Chronicles 2004, White Dwarf 310 from October 2005, and a few ideas from Warhammer Dwarfs 7th ed and Warhammer Wood Elves 7th ed.
Elector Count
points: 80
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9
Hand weapon
- May have a great weapon (+6 pts), a halberd (+6 pts), an additional hand weapon (+6 pts) and/or a pistol (+9 pts)
- May have a longbow (+10 pts) and/or a handgun (+10 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts) or full plate armour (+12 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts) or a Griffon (+200 pts). If mounted, he may have a lance (+6 pts)
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation
Ancestral Heirloom. If an Elector Count is your General, one unit of State Troops (Halberdiers, Spearmen, and Swordsmen) can have a magic banner worth up to 50 pts.
Bodyguards. If an Elector Count joins a unit of Greatswords, he and the unit becomes immune to panic.
Templar Grand Master
points: 145
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 6 3 4 4 3 6 4 9
Barded Warhorse
Hand weapon, full plate armour and either a lance and a shield or a great weapon or a cavalry hammer (+5 pts) if Templar Grand Master of the White Wolf
Special Rules:
Master of Battle
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation
You may only field a Templar Grand Master if your army contains a unit of Knights of the same Order.
Arch Lector of Sigmar
points: 125
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 4 3 4 4 3 4 2 9
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Sigmar; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Sigmar.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +6 pts), or a second warhammer if on foot (+6 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts).
- May ride upon the War Altar of Sigmar (+150 pts)
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation
If the army includes one or more Priests of Sigmar (Warrior Priests or Arch Lectors), you may include one (and only one) Flagellant Warband as a Core Units choice instead of Rare.
High Priest of Ulric 0-1
points: 135
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 5 3 4 4 3 5 3 9
Hand weapon
Special Rules:
Blessings of Ulric; Crush the Weak; Prayers of Ulric.
- May choose a great weapon (+6 pts), or an additional hand weapon if on foot (+6 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts).
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation
Honour and Duty. If he joins a unit of Teutogen Guards, he and the unit becomes immune to panic.
Wizard Lord
points: 175
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8
Level 3 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight Lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Hand weapon
- May be upgraded to a level 4 Wizard for +35 points.
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts).
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Captain of the Empire
points: 50
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8
Hand weapon
- May have a great weapon (+4 pts), a halberd (+4 pts), an additional hand weapon (+4 pts) and/or a pistol (+6 pts)
- May have a longbow (+10 pts) and/or a handgun (+10 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts) or full plate armour (+8 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts). If mounted, he may have a lance (+4 pts)
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Battle Standard Bearer: [...]
Seneschal of the White Wolf
points: 65
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 5 3 4 4 2 5 3 8
White Wolf hammer, full plate armour
Special rules:
Commanding Presence, Crush the Weak
- May ride a barded warhorse (+15 pts)
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Warrior Priest of Sigmar
points: 90
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 8
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Sigmar; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Sigmar.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +4 pts), or a second warhammer if on foot (+4 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation
If the army includes one or more Priests of Sigmar (Warrior Priests or Arch Lectors), you may include one (and only one) Flagellant Warband as a Core Units choice instead of Rare.
Warrior Priest of Ulric
points: 90
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 8
Hand weapon
Special Rules:
Blessings of Ulric; Crush the Weak; Prayers of Ulric.
- May choose a great weapon (+4 pts), or an additional hand weapon if on foot (+4 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Battle Wizard
points: 65
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7
Level 1 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight Lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Hand weapon
- May be upgraded to a level 2 Wizard for +35 points.
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Master Engineer
points: 65
Mv Ws Bs St To Wo In At Ld
4 3 5 3 3 2 3 1 7
Hand weapon
Special Rules
Master of Ballistics; Extra Crewman
- May wear light armour (+2 pts).
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May have a repeater pistol (+10 pts), a Hochland long rifle (+20 pts), a repeater handgun (+15 pts) and/or pigeon bombs (+ 25 pts).
points/model: 5
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Halberdier 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Sergeant 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, halberd, and light armour.
Special rules: State Troops, Empire Halberd (Armour Piercing).
- Any unit may be equipped with shields for +1 pt/per model
- Any unit may be equipped with heavy armour for +1 pt/per model (Note: no option to buy a shield then)
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a Sergeant for +8 pts.
points/model: 5
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Spearman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Sergeant 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, spear, and light armour.
Special rules: State Troops, Empire Spear (fight in 3 ranks).
- Any unit may be equipped with shields for +1 pt/per model
- Upgrade one Spearman to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Spearman to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Spearman to a Sergeant for +8 pts.
points/model: 6
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Swordsman 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7
Duellist 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Sword (hand weapon), light armour and shield.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a Duellist for +10 pts.
Knightly Orders
points/model: 23
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Knight 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8
Preceptor 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8
Unit Size: 5+
Mount: Barded Warhorse
Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour. Knight may be armed with either a lance and a shield, or great weapon or cavalry hammer (only White Wolf)
Special rules: Legendary Orders.
- Upgrade one Knight to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a standard bearer for +16 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a Preceptor for +16 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 points.
points/model: 8
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Handgunner 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Handgun, hand weapon.
Special rules: State Troops, First Volley.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a Marksman for +5 pts.
- Marksman may carry one of the following weapons instead of his handgun: Hochland long rifle (+20 pts); repeater handgun (+15 pts); brace of pistols (free).
points/model: 8
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Crossbowman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Crossbow, hand weapon.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a Marksman for +5 pts.
points/model: 8
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Archer 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Unit size: 5-20
Equipment: Bow, hand weapon.
Special rules: Militia, Skirmishers.
- Promote one Archer to a Marksman for +5 pts.
Huntsmen 0-1
points/model: 10
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Huntsman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Unit size: 5-20
Equipment: Long bow, hand weapon.
Special rules: Militia, Skirmishers, Scouts.
- Promote one Huntsman to a Marksman for +5 pts.
Free company
points/model: 5
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Fighter 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Sergeant 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Free Companies are armed with a variety of weapons. However, for the game purposes they are all considered to be armed with two hand weapons.
Special rules: Militia.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a Sergeant for +4 pts.
Greatswords 0-1
points/model: 10
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Greatsword 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8
Count’s Champion 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment: Two-handed sword (great weapon), hand weapon, full plate armour.
Special rules: Stubborn, Bodyguards, State Troops.
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 points.
Teutogen Guards 0-1
points/model: 10
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Guard 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8
Ar-Ulric’s Champion 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment: Two-handed sword (great weapon), hand weapon, full plate armour.
Special rules: Stubborn, Honour and Duty.
- Upgrade one Guard to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Guard to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Guard to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 points.
- Knights of the Inner Circle: The Teutogen Guard may be upgraded to Knights of the Inner Circle for +2 pts/model. The Teutogen Guard and Ar-Ulric’s Champion in this unit are S4.
Reiksguard on Foot 0-1
points/model: 10
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Reiksguard 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8
Reiksguard’s Champion 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour and shield.
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a Reiksguard’s Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 points.
Knights of the Inner Circle
points/model: 26
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Knight 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 8
Preceptor 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 2 8
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Barded Warhorse
Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour. Knight may be armed with either a lance and a shield, or great weapon or cavalry hammer (only White Wolf)
Special rules: Legendary Orders.
- Upgrade one Knight to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a standard bearer for +16 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a Preceptor for +16 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 points.
points/model: 18
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Pistolier 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Outrider 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Warhorse
Equipment: Brace of pistols, light armour.
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Fusillade.
- Upgrade one Pistolier to a musician for +7 pts.
- Upgrade one Pistolier to an Outrider for +7 pts.
- An Outrider may exchange one of his pistols for a repeater pistol for +10 pts.
points/model: 21
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Outrider 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Champion 4 3 5 3 3 1 3 1 7
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Warhorse
Equipment: Repeater handgun, hand weapon, light armour.
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry.
- Upgrade one Outrider to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Outrider to a Champion for +16 pts.
- The Champion may carry one of the following weapons instead of his repeater handgun: repeater pistol and pistol (free), grenade launching blunderbuss (free), Hochland long rifle (+5 pts).
- Outriders may equip their Warhorse with barding for +2 points per model (outriders on barded Warhorses no longer counts as fast cavalry).
Great Cannon
points/model: 100
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Great Cannon - - - - 7 3 - - -
Crewman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Engineer 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
- You can add Engineer to a Great Cannon crew for 10 pts.
- Engineer may carry one of the following weapons: brace of pistols (+5 pts) handgun (+5 pts)
Special Rules:
Engineer – Champion; Artillery Specialist: Cannon and Mortar can re-roll result on Misfire chart; Extra crewman.
points/model: 75
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Mortar - - - - 7 3 - - -
Crewman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Engineer 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
- You can add Engineer to a Mortar crew for 10 pts.
- Engineer may carry one of the following weapons: brace of pistols (+5 pts) handgun (+5 pts)
Special Rules:
Engineer – Champion; Artillery Specialist: Cannon and Mortar can re-roll result on Misfire chart; Extra crewman.
Flagellant Warband
points/model: 10
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Flagellant 4 2 2 3 4 1 3 1 10
Prophet of Doom 4 2 2 3 4 1 3 2 10
Unit size: 5-30
Equipment: Flail.
Special rules: Unbreakable, Crazed!, The End is Nigh!
- Promote one Flagellant to a Prophet of Doom for +10 pts.
Helblaster Volley Gun
points/model: 150
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Volley Gun - - - - 7 3 - - -
Crewman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
Helstorm Rocket Battery
points/model: 115
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Helstorm - - - - 7 3 - - -
Crewman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
Steam Tank
points/model: 300
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Steam Tank S - - 6 6 10 - S –
Engineer - - 4 - - - - - 10
Unit Size: 1
Armour Save: 1+
Equipment: Main cannon and steam gun. The Engineer Commander carries a repeater pistol.
Main cannon may be exchanged to volley gun for 50 points.
Main cannon may be exchanged to mortar for 25 points (note that you must reduce the number of W to 8 in total)
You may add a fighting platform for 50 points.
Volley Gun works as normal volley gun with the following exceptions:
It has got a range of 18”. Hits from the gun are Strength 4, -2 save, needs 2 steam points to shoot (once during a turn).
If you roll misfire the Steam Tank suffers D3 wounds.
Mortar and fighting platform work the same way as described in Annual 2002 and Chronicles 2004 with the following exceptions: you need 1 steam point to fire the mortar (once during a turn) If you roll a misfire the ST suffers D2 wounds.
Special Rules: Large Target, Unbreakable, Terror, Unit Strength 10.
Army organisation: You may only include one Empire Steam Tank for every full 2,000 points in your army.
points/model: 8
M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Wolf-kin 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 8
Wolf-Brother 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 2 8
Unit size: 5-15
Equipment: Hand weapon..
Special rules: Stubborn, Skirmish.
- Any unit may be equipped with light armour for +1 pt/model and may also carry shields for +1 pt/model.
- Any unit may be equipped with additional hand weapons for +2 pt/model or great weapons for +2 pts/model.
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a Wolf Brother for +10 pts.
State Troops – such units can be used as independent units, parent units or detachments.
Militia – such units can be used and independent units or detachments, but never as parent units.
Skirmishers – Archers, Huntsmen and Wolf-kin are skirmishers, as described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Master of Battle – Templar Grand Masters are veterans of hundreds of battles and are so strong in their faith, that they are Immune to Psychology. In addition, if a Templar Grand Master joins a unit of Knights of his own Order then they are so inspired by his presence that they are Immune to Psychology so long as he remains with the unit.
Fast Cavalry – Pistoliers and Outriders are Fast Cavalry, as described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Fusillade – Mounted models cannot normally use two hand weapons in close combat, but Pistoliers are an exception to this rule. In the first turn of each combat, Pistoliers can attack with both their pistols (or with a sword and a repeater pistol), just like models on foot. In subsequent turns they will revert to the normal rules and the rider will have only one Attack at his basic Strength.
Stubborn – Greatswords, Teutogen Guards, Wolf-kin are stubborn, as described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Master of Ballistics – a great cannon or a mortar (but not a volley gun or a rocket battery) which has been joined by a Master Engineer may re-roll either one Scatter dice or one Artillery dice per turn (not the roll to determine distance bounced by the cannonball). Note that if the Engineer uses his re-roll ability he will not be able to shoot with his own missile weapon in the same shooting phase.
Extra Crewman – an Engineer can also replace one crew member of a machine he joins (including volley guns and rocket batteries), but if he is operating the machine, the Engineer cannot fire his own missile weapon. If a machine with an Engineer attached to it misfires and explodes, the Engineer will be killed with the rest of the crew if he replaced a crewman or used his re-roll ability that turn.
Blessing of Sigmar – Priests of Sigmar can invoke their patron god’s protection against the sorcerous powers of the enemy. So long as he is on the battlefield and is not fleeing, a Priest of Sigmar adds one dice to the dispel dice pool, while Arch Lector adds two.
Righteous Fury – the Priest and any unit he joins Hate all models in the enemy army, so long as he remains with the unit. This does not affect characters in the unit or the model’s mount.
Prayer of Sigmar – once per magic phase, a Priest of Sigmar is allowed to use prayers. An Arch Lector may use two different prayers per turn and a Warrior Priest may use one. These are bound spells with a power level of 4. Unless differently stated they can be cast on the Priest himself or on any one character or unit champion within 12” of the Priest.
Blessing of Ulric - Priests of Ulric can invoke their patron god’s protection against the sorcerous powers of the enemy. So long as he is on the battlefield and is not fleeing, a Priest of Ulric adds one dice to the dispel dice pool, while the High Priest adds two.
Crush the Weak - the Priest and any unit he joins Hate all models in the enemy army with a basic Leadership characteristic of 6 or lower even if normally Immune to Psychology, so long as he remains with the unit. This does not affect characters in the unit or the model’s mount.
Prayers of Ulric - once per magic phase, a Priest of Ulric is allowed to use prayers. A High Priest may use two different prayers per turn and a Warrior Priest may use one. These are bound spells with a power level of 4.
Battle Howl – RiP until dispelled or the Priest attempts to use another Prayer. As long as the Battle Howl is in effect, the Priest and any unit he leads add D3” to their charge moves. If the charge is failed, the extra movement is wasted; make a normal move towards the target as normal.
Destruction – every enemy model in base contact with the Priest suffers a single S4 hit.
Winter’s Chill –any units engaged in close combat with the Priest or the unit he is with must take a Ld test. If failed, they suffer a -1 penalty to hit in the next CC phase. Note that this is not a psychology test.
Fury of Ulric – RiP until dispelled or the Priest attempts to use another Prayer. The Priest and any unit he leads become immune to fear, terror and panic.
Commanding Presence – the Seneschal is a veteran warrior, and is Immune to Panic. In addition his presence and leadership so reassure his troops that any unit he leads becomes Immune to Panic too.
Unbreakable – will never flee and take break tests as described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Crazed! – Flagellants are subject to Frenzy which they will never lose.
The End is Nigh! – Flagellants can martyr themselves as described in the NEB.
Artillery Specialist – cannon and mortar can re-roll result on Misfire chart.
First volley – the first time Empire handguns are fired they have an extra D6” maximum range (short range not affected).
Empire halberd – such is the proficiency of Imperial soldiers tan they can inflict powerful blows to their enemies.
Empire spear – such is the proficiency of Imperial soldiers than they can fight with the spear in three ranks.
Legendary Orders – you can customize your Knightly Orders by giving them special advantages. Note that you may only give one advantage to a unit. The advantages are as follows:
Blessed – attacks count as magical (note that this not affect the model’s mount). (+12pts/model)
Zeal – the unit is always assumed to have a higher US than its foes and always receive the +1 bonus for Outnumbering and will never be automatically broken by fear-causing foes. (+8pts/model)
Exemplars – any friendly units within 6” of the KO unit may re-roll any failed fear, terror or panic test. (+12pts/model)
Resolute – stubborn in the first round of every combat, but revert to their normal rules in subsequent rounds. (+6pts/model)
Fearless – immune to fear. (+10pts/model)
Full plate armour – gives a 4+ armour save.
White Wolf hammer (cavalry hammer) – when a mounted model is using its WW hammer it gives +2S in the turn the model charges and +1S the rest of the time. On foot the hammer is wielded differently, and so counts as a halberd instead. In either case the weapon requires two hands to use.
Empire handgun – range 24” and S4; move or fire and armour piercing.
Hochland long rifle – range 36” and S4; move or fire and armour piercing.
Repeater handgun – range 24” and S4; 3x multiple shots and armour piercing.
Repeater pistol – range 8” and S4; 3x multiple shots and armour piercing.
Helblaster Volley Gun – works the same as in the 6th edition.
Steam Tank – rules as in the NEB with the exception that the player needs to roll a D3 when building up the steam points.
MAGIC BANNERS (added or changed to the existing in the NEB)
Griffon Standard
50 pts
Banner of Middenheim – unit carrying the banner is immune to fear and terror.
45 pts
Standard of the White Wolf – all missile fire against the unit (including magic missile) suffers a -1 penalty to its S. Other types of attack, including spells that are not magic missiles, are unaffected.
40 pts
Banner of the Warrior True – when the unit carrying this banner takes a Break test, they count as having lost the combat by D3 fewer points than they really did. If this reduced the margin of the loss to 0 or lower, they still count as having lost the combat but test on their unmodified Ld. This has no effect on other friendly units in a multiple combat, which must test as normal.
35 pts
I used Warhammer The Empire 6th ed, Warhammer The Empire 7th ed, Chronicles 2002, Chronicles 2004, White Dwarf 310 from October 2005, and a few ideas from Warhammer Dwarfs 7th ed and Warhammer Wood Elves 7th ed.
Ostatnio zmieniony 23 maja 2008, o 19:37 przez Grand Admiral Thrawn, łącznie zmieniany 3 razy.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn
- Falubaz
- Posty: 1257
- Lokalizacja: Biała Podlaska
A tak w skrócie to:
- zmiana nazwy z generała na EC
- altar droższy
- dodanie bohaterów i jednostek z CoU
- dodanie Reiksguard on Foot
- dodanie zasad Legendary Orders
- GS z magicznym sztandarem jako default
- huntsmen 5+ z longbow
- helka z zasadami jak w 6 edycji (lepsze zasady bardziej zgodne z zasadami fizyki). Żeby dzieci nie płakały droższy
- dodanie większej ilości opcji uzbrajania ST - na pewno wiele osób kupiło wersje z helką czy z platformą inżynierów, wydali pieniądze i nic z tego nie mają. Pozatym 1 ST na 2000pts
- powrót cavalry hammer i WW
- brak mechanicznego konia
- inzynier z BS5
- mali inżynierowie przy dziale i mortarku
- sztandaty z CoU
- Sztandar Gryfa za 50pts
- HA na halabardniku (ale nie może wtedy wykupić tarczy - znaleźliby się tacy co by nie używali halabardy tylko taczy i ha...sory ale takim osobom mówię nie)
- zmiana nazwy z generała na EC
- altar droższy
- dodanie bohaterów i jednostek z CoU
- dodanie Reiksguard on Foot
- dodanie zasad Legendary Orders
- GS z magicznym sztandarem jako default
- huntsmen 5+ z longbow
- helka z zasadami jak w 6 edycji (lepsze zasady bardziej zgodne z zasadami fizyki). Żeby dzieci nie płakały droższy
- dodanie większej ilości opcji uzbrajania ST - na pewno wiele osób kupiło wersje z helką czy z platformą inżynierów, wydali pieniądze i nic z tego nie mają. Pozatym 1 ST na 2000pts
- powrót cavalry hammer i WW
- brak mechanicznego konia

- inzynier z BS5
- mali inżynierowie przy dziale i mortarku
- sztandaty z CoU
- Sztandar Gryfa za 50pts
- HA na halabardniku (ale nie może wtedy wykupić tarczy - znaleźliby się tacy co by nie używali halabardy tylko taczy i ha...sory ale takim osobom mówię nie)
ech i teraz każdy by gral na halabardnikach, którzy odstają calkowicie od reszty state troopsów, za 6pkt mam gosci z savem na 3+ i Ld8, to kto wezmie swordemnów bądz tych nieszczęsnych spearmenów, co im da walka w 3 szeregach? nic, z tak marnym WS to nic nie da, ich trzeba mega przytanić i będzie, zaś halabrdnikom wziaść możliwość dania tarczy, trudno ale to balansuje dysproporcje.
edit: z tym halabrdnikiem nie doczytalem, iwec jest tak jak myśle:)
ale to wszystko nie poprawia jakości state troopsów, nic nie zmianiloby w ich użyteczności.
Co do AP na halabrdzie jak w pierwszej turze caly oddzial poleci?
podobnie z tymi mega wypasionymi 15 atakami spearmenów, jak nic nie zabiją i się zlamią?
Ta peichota nie ma zabijać tylko wytrzymywać.
edit: z tym halabrdnikiem nie doczytalem, iwec jest tak jak myśle:)
ale to wszystko nie poprawia jakości state troopsów, nic nie zmianiloby w ich użyteczności.
Co do AP na halabrdzie jak w pierwszej turze caly oddzial poleci?
podobnie z tymi mega wypasionymi 15 atakami spearmenów, jak nic nie zabiją i się zlamią?
Ta peichota nie ma zabijać tylko wytrzymywać.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn
- Falubaz
- Posty: 1257
- Lokalizacja: Biała Podlaska
Ups...nastąpiła mała pomyłka...pewno jeszcze kilka takich jest ale ślepy dosyć jestem. Nie Ld 8 tylko 7. To są tylko zwykli ludzie a to że są wyszkoleni to oddaje to zasada detachmentu. I nie róbmy tutaj jakiejś super odjechanej armii. Bo granie ma sprawiać przyjemność obu graczom a nie tylko jednemu. Jeśli ktoś chce pograć dla odmiany czymś mocniejszym to jest w czym wybierać. Ja chaosem też gram jak mi się imperium nudzi i odwrotnie. Dwie całkowicie odmienne armie i to mi się podoba. Mi nie chodzi o dodanie jakichś ultra jednostek do naszej listy tylko zrobienie zbalansowanej, mi się osobiście 6to edycyjna podobała.
Acha...jeszcze jedno...Karl u mnie traci mozliwość latania na smoku. W Altdorfie była zaraza i smok padł. Jakaś ptasie grypa czy cuś takiego.
Acha...jeszcze jedno...Karl u mnie traci mozliwość latania na smoku. W Altdorfie była zaraza i smok padł. Jakaś ptasie grypa czy cuś takiego.

ja w życiu nie gralem imperium i za żądne skarby bym nie chcial grać wieć jestem calkowice neutralny, a Twoje zalozenie zbalansowania army listy nic nie da, i tak będzie podobnie jak teraz tj. kawaleria+strzelcy, a kawaleri jeszcze więcej bo ją wzmocnileś. A piechota dalej nie ma żadnej racji bytu.
Jak to kiedyś ktoś powiedzial, aby piechota byla wystawialna musi mieć troszke zasada aby przyjmować szarże, tj. stuborn, unbrejkable(przegiecie
), T4 i save na 3+ etc. A imperialni co mają? Nic z tych najwazniejszych rzeczy, oczywisćie stuborn na stale na wszystkich state troopsach to nieporozumienie jest, ale co im szkodzi dać tą zasaade tylko na pierwszą ture walki i do tego musi być ich przynajmniej 15? Po prostu zaciskają szyki przed szarżą bo są do tego szkoleni.
A co do bretoni i ich problemy z przebijaniem się rpzez coś takiego, niech wystawi 30 luczników do ściaania tej i tak dosć podatnej na ostrzal piechoty, coby kawaleria mogla wpaść i pojechać to bez stuborna.
Nie wiem po co porawiać w imperium to co i tak jest mocne, lepiej poprawic to co powinno być mocne a jest z deczka żalosne obecnie, czyli state troopsy.
Jak to kiedyś ktoś powiedzial, aby piechota byla wystawialna musi mieć troszke zasada aby przyjmować szarże, tj. stuborn, unbrejkable(przegiecie

A co do bretoni i ich problemy z przebijaniem się rpzez coś takiego, niech wystawi 30 luczników do ściaania tej i tak dosć podatnej na ostrzal piechoty, coby kawaleria mogla wpaść i pojechać to bez stuborna.
Nie wiem po co porawiać w imperium to co i tak jest mocne, lepiej poprawic to co powinno być mocne a jest z deczka żalosne obecnie, czyli state troopsy.