Empire Armylist by Border Princes
Moderator: #helion#
Empire Armylist by Border Princes
Oto zapowiadany przeze mnie temat, w którym systematycznie będziemy pracować nad Naszą wspólną wizją Armylistu do Imperium.
Będą się tu kolejno pojawiać nowe zagadnienia, a także wyniki Naszego głosowania. Proszę tu dyskutować wyłącznie nad aktualnie omawianymi zagadnieniami, a na inne tematy: zagadnienia przyszłe, nowe pomysły itp, wypowiadać się w innym temacie.
Głosujemy poprzez wklejanie zagadnienia, a następnie wybór opcji przy Naszym Nicku.
Życzę sobie i Wam udanej i owocnej współpracy.
Wyniki Naszych prac:
Empire Armylist by Border Princes
- General of the Empire
points: 80
M4 WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 LD9
Hand weapon
- May have a great weapon (+6 pts), an additional hand weapon (+6 pts), a pistol (+9 pts) and/or brace of pistols(+12 pts)
- May have a longbow (+10 pts) and/or a handgun (+10 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts) or full plate armour (+12 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts) or a Griffon (+200 pts). If mounted, he may have a lance (+6 pts)
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Special Rules:
Commanding Presence – Generals and Captains of the Empire are tried and tested veterans of many battles, who understand the craft of soldiering better than anyone. Training and fighting together with their soldiers, these characters are able to give their orders in the midst of battle. Unit of State Troops that includes a General or a Captain of the Empire, may reform and hold as a charge reaction when charging unit is far than half of its charge move.
Army organisation:
- Ancestral Heirloom. If your army is led by a General of the Empire, one unit of State Troops can have a magic banner worth up to 50 points
- Bodyguards. If the army includes a General of the Empire, one unit of Greatswords per General of the Empire can be taken as his bodyguards and takes a Core slot choice instead of a Special. General of the Empire does not have to join the Bodyguards unit and if he does he is free to leave it. As long as the General of the Empire is in this unit, it is immune to panic.
- Templar Grand Master
points: ??
M4 WS6 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I6 A4 LD9
Barded Warhorse
Hand weapon, full plate armour and either a lance and a shield or a great weapon, or a Cavalry hammer for +6 pts/model
Special Rules:
Master of Battle
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
- Each Templar Grand Master can be upgraded to the leader of the following Legendary Orders:
- The Grand Order of the Reiksguard (Reiksguard Knights) - Testy Ld na 3 kościach, odrzucamy najgorszą for +15 pts
- The Knights of the White Wolf - Crush The Weak - Re-roll wound in charge for +10 pts
- Knights Panther - Splendor - use finest warhorses from best Imperial stables – suffer no movement penalty because of barding for +5 pts
- Knights of the Blazing Sun - Blessing of Myrmidia - all their weapons count as magical for +10 pts
Army organisation:
- You may only field a Templar Grand Master if your army contains a unit a Knights of the same Order.
- For each Templar Grand Master in the Army, one unit of Knights of The Inner Circle can be included as a Core Units choice instead of Special
- Arch Lector of Sigmar
points: 125
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I4 A2 LD9
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Sigmar; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Sigmar.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +6 pts), or a second warhammer if on foot (+6 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts).
- May ride upon the War Altar (+150 pts)
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation:
He cannot join the following units: Teutogen Guard, Wolf-Kin, Legendary Order Knights of The White Wolf
- Wizard Lord
points: 175
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T4 W3 I3 A1 LD8
Level 3 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight Lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Hand weapon
- May be upgraded to a level 4 Wizard for +35 points.
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts), or an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts).
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
- High Priest of Ulric
points: 135
M4 WS5 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 LD9
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +6 pts), a second warhammer if on foot (+6 pts), or a White Wolf Hammer (+9 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts).
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Special Rules:
- Crush The Weak (Re-roll wound in charge)
- Blessing of Ulric – Priests of Ulric can invoke their patron god’s protection against the sorcerous powers of the enemy. So long as he is on the battlefield and is not fleeing, a Priest of Ulric adds one dice to the dispel dice pool, while High Priest adds two.
- Prayers of Ulric:
Battle Howl – As long as the Battle Howl is in effect, the Priest and any unit he leads add D6” to their charge moves. If the charge is failed, the extra movement is wasted; make a normal move towards the target as normal. Lasts until next Empire magic phase.
Destruction – Cast only on Priest himself. Place a small 3” round template on the Priest. Every enemy model under the tempate (those with partly covered base too) receive one S5 hit with no armour save allowed. Demons, Undead and Forest Spirits have one S6 hit with no armour save allowed.
Winter’s Chill – Cast only on Priest himself. Enemy unit engaged in close combat suffer a –1 to roll to hit until end of the turn. If they break in this turn, they suffer –1 to the flee roll.
Fury of Ulric – RiP. Cast only on Priest himself. The Priest and the unit he leads become immune to Panic, Fear and Terror.
Blessing of the Wolf - Remains in play. Can be cast on Prist himself or on any character or unit champion within 12" of the Priest. The model gets Killing Blow special skill and a 5+ ward save against any non magical atack.
Army organisation:
He cannot join the following units: Flagellant Warband, Legendary Order Knigts of the Blazing Sun, Legendary Order Reiksguard Knights, Reiksguard on Foot
- Captain of the Empire
points: 50
M4 WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I5 A3 LD8
Hand weapon
- May have a great weapon (+4 pts), a halberd (+4 pts), an additional hand weapon (+4 pts), a pistol (+6 pts) and/or brace of pistols (+10 pts)
- May have a longbow (+10 pts) and/or a handgun (+10 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts) or full plate armour (+8 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts). If mounted, he may have a lance (+4 pts)
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Special Rules:
Commanding Presence – Generals and Captains of the Empire are tried and tested veterans of many battles, who understand the craft of soldiering better than anyone. Training and fighting together with their soldiers, these characters are able to give their orders in the midst of battle. Unit of State Troops that includes a General or a Captain of the Empire, may reform and hold as a charge reaction when charging unit is far than half of its charge move.
Army organisation:
Battle Standard Bearer: One Captain In the army can carry the battle standard for +25 pts. He cannot be the army’s general and can use exactly the same equipment and ride the same mounts as normal Captain. He can have any magic banner (no points limit), but if he carries a magic banner, he cannot carry any other magic items.
- Warrior Priest of Sigmar
points: 90
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 LD8
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Sigmar; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Sigmar.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +4 pts), or a second warhammer if on foot (+4 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation:
He cannot join the following units: Teutogen Guard, Wolf-Kin, Legendary Order Knights of The White Wolf
- Battle Wizard
points: 65
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W2 I3 A1 LD7
Level 1 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight Lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Hand weapon
- May be upgraded to a level 2 Wizard for +35 points.
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
- Master Engineer
points: 65
M4 WS3 BS5 S3 T3 W2 I3 A1 LD7
Hand weapon
Special Rules
1. Master of Ballistics – a great cannon or a mortar (but not a volley gun or a rocket battery) which has been joined by a Master Engineer may re-roll either one Scatter dice or one Artillery dice per turn (not the roll to determine distance bounced by the cannonball). Note that if the Engineer uses his re-roll ability he will not be able to shoot with his own missile weapon in the same shooting phase.
2. Extra Crewman – an Engineer can also replace one crew member of a machine he joins (including volley guns and rocket batteries), but if he is operating the machine, the Engineer cannot fire his own missile weapon. If a machine with an Engineer attached to it misfires and explodes, the Engineer will be killed with the rest of the crew if he replaced a crewman or used his re-roll ability that turn.
3. Artillery Specialist – cannon and mortar can re-roll result on Misfire chart.
4. Trainee Engineer – Champion - If the army includes at least one Master Engineer, the player may add a Trainee Engineer to any number of Great Cannons and Mortars on the battlefield. (NOTE: only ONE Trainee Engineer may be added to a machine).
Trainee Engineer M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Hand Weapon
- may carry one of the following weapons: brace of pistols (+5 pts) or/and a handgun (+5 pts)
Special Rules
Trainee Engineer – Champion; Artillery Specialist; Extra crewman.
5. Master Engineer is able to provide the Empire army that he his a part of, with the high quality powder. Thanks to that, if the army includes a Master Engineer, all models with handguns that are in the army benefit from the First Volley special rule.
- May wear light armour (+2 pts).
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May have a repeater pistol (+10 pts), a Hochland long rifle (+15 pts), a repeater handgun (+12 pts), Mancatcher (+2 pts) (which grants the Killing Blow ability) or Hook Halberd (+2 pts) (counts as a halberd).
- May choose magic items from the Common or Empire magic items lists, with a maximum total value of 50 pts.
- Warrior Priest of Ulric
points: 90
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 LD8
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Crush The Weak (Re-roll wound in charge)
Blessing of Ulric – Priests of Ulric can invoke their patron god’s protection against the sorcerous powers of the enemy. So long as he is on the battlefield and is not fleeing, a Priest of Ulric adds one dice to the dispel dice pool, while High Priest adds two.
Prayers of Ulric:
Battle Howl – As long as the Battle Howl is in effect, the Priest and any unit he leads add D6” to their charge moves. If the charge is failed, the extra movement is wasted; make a normal move towards the target as normal. Lasts until next Empire magic phase.
Destruction – Cast only on Priest himself. Place a small 3” round template on the Priest. Every enemy model under the template (those with partly covered base too) receive one S5 hit with no armour save allowed. Demons, Undead and Forest Spirits have one S6 hit with no armour save allowed.
Winter’s Chill – Cast only on Priest himself. Enemy unit engaged in close combat suffer a –1 to roll to hit until end of the turn. If they break in this turn, they suffer –1 to the flee roll.
Fury of Ulric – RiP. Cast only on Priest himself. The Priest and the unit he leads become immune to Panic, Fear and Terror.
Blessing of the Wolf - Remains in play. Can be cast on Priest himself or on any character or unit champion within 12" of the Priest. The model gets Killing Blow special skill and a 5+ ward save against any non magical attack.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +4 pts), a second warhammer if on foot (+4 pts) or a White Wolf Hammer (+6 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation:
He cannot join the following units: Flagellant Warband, Legendary Order Knigts of the Blazing Sun, Legendary Order Reiksguard Knights, Reiksguard on Foot
- Halberdiers
points/model: 6
Halberdier M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Sergeant M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, halberd, heavy armour.
Special rules: State Troops, Regulars
Regulars – it takes a lot of training to become a professional soldier in Empire. Practicing in Empire Martial Academy, soldiers learn to use their weapons in the most efficient way. Due to that, they are able to take a better advantage of bonuses and benefits the common weapons give. Therefore:
Halberdiers – Empire soldiers are learned how to hit harder from the first rank and how to strike from the rear. This means that in addition to normal +1 Strength bonus the halberd gives, their blows are armour piercing. What is more, when not charging, they may fight with one extra rank to the front, and although they do not receive a Strength bonus to attacks made from the second row, armour piercing bonus still apply.
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a Sergeant for +8 pts.
- A standard bearer of one (and only one) unit of Core State Troops in the Army may carry a magic standard worth up to 25 points.
- Spearmen
points/model: 5
Spearman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Sergeant M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, spear, heavy armour
Special rules: State Troops, Regulars
Regulars – it takes a lot of training to become a professional soldier in Empire. Practicing in Empire Martial Academy, soldiers learn to use their weapons in the most efficient way. Due to that, they are able to take a better advantage of bonuses and benefits the common weapons give. Therefore:
- Spearmen – Empire soldiers are learned to make a wall of spears in front of their enemies. They may fight with one extra rank to the front, when not charging. This means they normally fight in three ranks or two in a turn that they charge.
- Any unit can exchange their hand weapons for shields at +1pt/model
- Upgrade one Spearman to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Spearman to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Spearman to a Sergeant for +8 pts.
- A standard bearer of one (and only one) unit of Core State Troops in the Army may carry a magic standard worth up to 25 points.
- Swordsmen
points/model: 6
Swordsman M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD7
Duellist M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Sword (hand weapon), light armour and shield.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a Duellist for +8 pts.
- A standard bearer of one (and only one) unit of Core State Troops in the Army may carry a magic standard worth up to 25 points.
- Knightly Orders
points/model: ??
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Barded Warhorse
Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour. Knight may be armed with either a lance and a shield or a great weapon (with no additional cost) or a Cavalry hammer for +2 pts/model – to ustaliliśmy sami
- Upgrade one Knight to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a standard bearer for +16 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a Preceptor for +16 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
- Handgunners
points/model: 8
Handgunner M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Marksman M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Handgun, hand weapon.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a Marksman for +5 pts.
- Marksman may carry one of the following weapons instead of his handgun: Hochland long rifle (+20 pts); repeater handgun (+15 pts); brace of pistols (free).
- A standard bearer of one (and only one) unit of Core State Troops in the Army may carry a magic standard worth up to 25 points.
- Crossbowmen
points/model: 7
Crossbowman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Marksman M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Crossbow, hand weapon.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a Marksman for +5 pts.
- A standard bearer of one (and only one) unit of Core State Troops in the Army may carry a magic standard worth up to 25 points.
- Archers
points/model: 7
Archer M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Marksman M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 10-20
Equipment: Bow, hand weapon.
Special rules: Militia, Skirmishers.
- Promote one Archer to a Marksman for +5 pts.
Army Organization:
Huntsmen: A single unit of Archers may be upgraded to Huntsmen at a cost of +2 pts/model. Huntsmen have the Scouts special rule, unit size 5-15 and longbows instead of bows.
- Free Company
points/model: 4
Fighter M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Sergeant M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: two hand weapons
Special rules: Militia.
- Great Weapons (+1 Pts/model)
- Upgrade one Fighter to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a Sergeant for +8 pts.
- Greatswords
points/model: 10
Greatsword M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Champion M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment: Two-handed sword (great weapon), hand weapon, full plate armour.
Special rules: Stubborn, State Troops (not as detachments),
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
- Pistoliers
points/model: 18
Pistolier M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Outrider M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Warhorse
Equipment: Brace of pistols, light armour.
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Fusillade.
- Any unit may swap their light armour with heavy armour for +2 pts/model (and will still count as fast cavalry)
- Upgrade one Pistolier to a musician for +7 pts.
- Upgrade one Pistolier to a Outrider for +7 pts.
- An Outrider may exchange one of his pistols for a repeater pistol for +10 pts.
- Outriders
points/model: 21
Outrider M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Champion M4 WS3 BS5 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Warhorse
Equipment: Repeater handgun, hand weapon, light armour.
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry.
- Any unit may swap their light armour with heavy armour for +2 pts/model (and will still count as fast cavalry)
- Upgrade one Outrider to a musician for +7 pts.
- Upgrade one Outrider to a Champion for +10 pts.
- The Champion may carry one of the following weapons instead of his repeater handgun: repeater pistol and pistol (free), grenade launching blunderbuss (free), Hochland long rifle (+5 pts).
- Outriders may equip their Warhorses with barding for +2 point per model (Outriders on barded Warhorses no longer count as fast cavalry).
- Great Cannon (the same rules as in the current AB)
points/model: 100
Great Cannon T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
Options: Engineer +10 pts
- Mortar (the same rules as in the current AB with the following exception: S3 –2 AS hits)
points/model: 75
Mortar T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon
Options: Engineer +10 pts
- Knights of Inner Circle
points/model: ??
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Barded Warhorse
Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour. Knight may be armed with either a lance and a shield or a great weapon (with no additional cost) or a Cavalry hammer for +2 pts/model
- Upgrade one Knight to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a standard bearer for +16 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a Preceptor for +16 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
Each unit of Knights of the Inner Circle can be upgraded to one of the following Legendary Orders:
- The Grand Order of the Reiksguard (Reiksguard Knights) - fight with lance and shield, Emperor’s Guard - For all Leadership tests, including break tests, roll 3 dices and choose the lowest 2 scores for +4 pts / model
- The Knights of the White Wolf - fight with Cavalry Hammer, Crush The Weak - Re-roll wound in charge for +4 pts / model
- Knights Panther - fight with lance and shield, Splendor - use finest warhorses from best Imperial stables – suffer no movement penalty because of barding for +3 pts / model
- Knights of the Blazing Sun - fight with lance and shield, Blessing of Myrmidia - all their weapons count as magical for +3 pts / model
- Reiksguard on Foot
points/model: 10
Reiksguard M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Champion M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment:Hand weapon, shield, full plate armour.
Special rules: none
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
Knights of the Inner Circle: Reiksguard on Foot may be upgraded to Knights of the Inner Circle for +3 pts/model. Teutogen Guard in this unit are S4 and have the Emperor’s Guard special rule (For all Leadership tests, including break tests, roll 3 dices and choose the lowest 2 scores).
- Teutogen Guard
points/model: 10
Teutogen Guard M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
First Knight M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment: White Wolf hammer, hand weapon, full plate armour.
Special rules: Stubborn,
- Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points
Knights of the Inner Circle: Teutogen Guard may be upgraded to Knights of the Inner Circle for +2 pts/model. Teutogen Guard in this unit are S4 and have the Crush The Weak special rule.
- Flagellant Warband
points/model: 10
Flagellant M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T4 W1 I3 A1 LD10
Prophet of Doom M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T4 W1 I3 A2 LD10
Unit size: 5-30
Equipment: Flail.
Special rules: Unbreakable, Crazed!, The End is Nigh!
- Promote one Flagellant to a Prophet of Doom for +10 pts.
Army organisation:
If the army includes one or more Priests of Sigmar (Warrior Priests and Arch Lectors), one (and only one) unit of Flagellant Warband can be included as a Core Units choice instead of Rare.
- Helblaster Volley Gun – (the same rules as in the 6th edition AB)
points/model: 125
Volley Gun T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon
- Helstorm Rocket Battery (the same rules as in the current AB)
points/model: 115
Helstorm T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
- Steam Tank
Steam Tank MS - - S6 T6 W10- AS -
Engineer - - BS4 - - - - - LD10
“If you declared 1 or more SP, roll a D3 and add to the number of steam points you’ve decided to generate. If the total is equal to or less than the Steam Tank’s remaining Wounds, all is well”
“You may only include one Empire Steam Tank for every full 2,000 points in your army.”
" 1 steam point = 1" moving backward”
“No weapon upgrades”
“The commander himself is not eligible as a target - he usually keeps his head down and only appears over the rim of his armoured command turret to shoot his weapon. In effect he is treated as an integral part of the Steam Tank”
“There are no victory points for a Steam Tank if it is reduced to half or less of its original starting number of Wounds.”
- Wolf-Kin
points/model: 8
Wolf-kin M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Wolf Brother M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5-15
Equipment: Hand weapon.
Special rules: Stubborn, Skirmishers
- Any unit may be equipped with light armour (+1 pts/per model) and may also carry shields for +1 pts/per model
- Any unit may be equipped with additional hand weapons (+2 pts/per model) or great weapon (+2 pts/per model)
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a Wolf Brother for +10 pts.
Army organisation
If the army includes one or more Priests of Ulric (Warrior Priests and High Priests), one (and only one) unit of Wolf-kin can be included as a Core Units choice instead of Rare.
Oto zapowiadany przeze mnie temat, w którym systematycznie będziemy pracować nad Naszą wspólną wizją Armylistu do Imperium.
Będą się tu kolejno pojawiać nowe zagadnienia, a także wyniki Naszego głosowania. Proszę tu dyskutować wyłącznie nad aktualnie omawianymi zagadnieniami, a na inne tematy: zagadnienia przyszłe, nowe pomysły itp, wypowiadać się w innym temacie.
Głosujemy poprzez wklejanie zagadnienia, a następnie wybór opcji przy Naszym Nicku.
Życzę sobie i Wam udanej i owocnej współpracy.
Wyniki Naszych prac:
Empire Armylist by Border Princes
- General of the Empire
points: 80
M4 WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 LD9
Hand weapon
- May have a great weapon (+6 pts), an additional hand weapon (+6 pts), a pistol (+9 pts) and/or brace of pistols(+12 pts)
- May have a longbow (+10 pts) and/or a handgun (+10 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts) or full plate armour (+12 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts) or a Griffon (+200 pts). If mounted, he may have a lance (+6 pts)
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Special Rules:
Commanding Presence – Generals and Captains of the Empire are tried and tested veterans of many battles, who understand the craft of soldiering better than anyone. Training and fighting together with their soldiers, these characters are able to give their orders in the midst of battle. Unit of State Troops that includes a General or a Captain of the Empire, may reform and hold as a charge reaction when charging unit is far than half of its charge move.
Army organisation:
- Ancestral Heirloom. If your army is led by a General of the Empire, one unit of State Troops can have a magic banner worth up to 50 points
- Bodyguards. If the army includes a General of the Empire, one unit of Greatswords per General of the Empire can be taken as his bodyguards and takes a Core slot choice instead of a Special. General of the Empire does not have to join the Bodyguards unit and if he does he is free to leave it. As long as the General of the Empire is in this unit, it is immune to panic.
- Templar Grand Master
points: ??
M4 WS6 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I6 A4 LD9
Barded Warhorse
Hand weapon, full plate armour and either a lance and a shield or a great weapon, or a Cavalry hammer for +6 pts/model
Special Rules:
Master of Battle
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
- Each Templar Grand Master can be upgraded to the leader of the following Legendary Orders:
- The Grand Order of the Reiksguard (Reiksguard Knights) - Testy Ld na 3 kościach, odrzucamy najgorszą for +15 pts
- The Knights of the White Wolf - Crush The Weak - Re-roll wound in charge for +10 pts
- Knights Panther - Splendor - use finest warhorses from best Imperial stables – suffer no movement penalty because of barding for +5 pts
- Knights of the Blazing Sun - Blessing of Myrmidia - all their weapons count as magical for +10 pts
Army organisation:
- You may only field a Templar Grand Master if your army contains a unit a Knights of the same Order.
- For each Templar Grand Master in the Army, one unit of Knights of The Inner Circle can be included as a Core Units choice instead of Special
- Arch Lector of Sigmar
points: 125
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I4 A2 LD9
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Sigmar; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Sigmar.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +6 pts), or a second warhammer if on foot (+6 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts).
- May ride upon the War Altar (+150 pts)
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation:
He cannot join the following units: Teutogen Guard, Wolf-Kin, Legendary Order Knights of The White Wolf
- Wizard Lord
points: 175
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T4 W3 I3 A1 LD8
Level 3 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight Lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Hand weapon
- May be upgraded to a level 4 Wizard for +35 points.
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts), or an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts).
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
- High Priest of Ulric
points: 135
M4 WS5 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 LD9
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +6 pts), a second warhammer if on foot (+6 pts), or a White Wolf Hammer (+9 pts)
- May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts).
- May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Special Rules:
- Crush The Weak (Re-roll wound in charge)
- Blessing of Ulric – Priests of Ulric can invoke their patron god’s protection against the sorcerous powers of the enemy. So long as he is on the battlefield and is not fleeing, a Priest of Ulric adds one dice to the dispel dice pool, while High Priest adds two.
- Prayers of Ulric:
Battle Howl – As long as the Battle Howl is in effect, the Priest and any unit he leads add D6” to their charge moves. If the charge is failed, the extra movement is wasted; make a normal move towards the target as normal. Lasts until next Empire magic phase.
Destruction – Cast only on Priest himself. Place a small 3” round template on the Priest. Every enemy model under the tempate (those with partly covered base too) receive one S5 hit with no armour save allowed. Demons, Undead and Forest Spirits have one S6 hit with no armour save allowed.
Winter’s Chill – Cast only on Priest himself. Enemy unit engaged in close combat suffer a –1 to roll to hit until end of the turn. If they break in this turn, they suffer –1 to the flee roll.
Fury of Ulric – RiP. Cast only on Priest himself. The Priest and the unit he leads become immune to Panic, Fear and Terror.
Blessing of the Wolf - Remains in play. Can be cast on Prist himself or on any character or unit champion within 12" of the Priest. The model gets Killing Blow special skill and a 5+ ward save against any non magical atack.
Army organisation:
He cannot join the following units: Flagellant Warband, Legendary Order Knigts of the Blazing Sun, Legendary Order Reiksguard Knights, Reiksguard on Foot
- Captain of the Empire
points: 50
M4 WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I5 A3 LD8
Hand weapon
- May have a great weapon (+4 pts), a halberd (+4 pts), an additional hand weapon (+4 pts), a pistol (+6 pts) and/or brace of pistols (+10 pts)
- May have a longbow (+10 pts) and/or a handgun (+10 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts) or full plate armour (+8 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts). If mounted, he may have a lance (+4 pts)
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Special Rules:
Commanding Presence – Generals and Captains of the Empire are tried and tested veterans of many battles, who understand the craft of soldiering better than anyone. Training and fighting together with their soldiers, these characters are able to give their orders in the midst of battle. Unit of State Troops that includes a General or a Captain of the Empire, may reform and hold as a charge reaction when charging unit is far than half of its charge move.
Army organisation:
Battle Standard Bearer: One Captain In the army can carry the battle standard for +25 pts. He cannot be the army’s general and can use exactly the same equipment and ride the same mounts as normal Captain. He can have any magic banner (no points limit), but if he carries a magic banner, he cannot carry any other magic items.
- Warrior Priest of Sigmar
points: 90
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 LD8
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Blessings of Sigmar; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Sigmar.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +4 pts), or a second warhammer if on foot (+4 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation:
He cannot join the following units: Teutogen Guard, Wolf-Kin, Legendary Order Knights of The White Wolf
- Battle Wizard
points: 65
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W2 I3 A1 LD7
Level 1 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight Lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Hand weapon
- May be upgraded to a level 2 Wizard for +35 points.
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
- Master Engineer
points: 65
M4 WS3 BS5 S3 T3 W2 I3 A1 LD7
Hand weapon
Special Rules
1. Master of Ballistics – a great cannon or a mortar (but not a volley gun or a rocket battery) which has been joined by a Master Engineer may re-roll either one Scatter dice or one Artillery dice per turn (not the roll to determine distance bounced by the cannonball). Note that if the Engineer uses his re-roll ability he will not be able to shoot with his own missile weapon in the same shooting phase.
2. Extra Crewman – an Engineer can also replace one crew member of a machine he joins (including volley guns and rocket batteries), but if he is operating the machine, the Engineer cannot fire his own missile weapon. If a machine with an Engineer attached to it misfires and explodes, the Engineer will be killed with the rest of the crew if he replaced a crewman or used his re-roll ability that turn.
3. Artillery Specialist – cannon and mortar can re-roll result on Misfire chart.
4. Trainee Engineer – Champion - If the army includes at least one Master Engineer, the player may add a Trainee Engineer to any number of Great Cannons and Mortars on the battlefield. (NOTE: only ONE Trainee Engineer may be added to a machine).
Trainee Engineer M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Hand Weapon
- may carry one of the following weapons: brace of pistols (+5 pts) or/and a handgun (+5 pts)
Special Rules
Trainee Engineer – Champion; Artillery Specialist; Extra crewman.
5. Master Engineer is able to provide the Empire army that he his a part of, with the high quality powder. Thanks to that, if the army includes a Master Engineer, all models with handguns that are in the army benefit from the First Volley special rule.
- May wear light armour (+2 pts).
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May have a repeater pistol (+10 pts), a Hochland long rifle (+15 pts), a repeater handgun (+12 pts), Mancatcher (+2 pts) (which grants the Killing Blow ability) or Hook Halberd (+2 pts) (counts as a halberd).
- May choose magic items from the Common or Empire magic items lists, with a maximum total value of 50 pts.
- Warrior Priest of Ulric
points: 90
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 LD8
Warhammer (Hand weapon)
Special Rules:
Crush The Weak (Re-roll wound in charge)
Blessing of Ulric – Priests of Ulric can invoke their patron god’s protection against the sorcerous powers of the enemy. So long as he is on the battlefield and is not fleeing, a Priest of Ulric adds one dice to the dispel dice pool, while High Priest adds two.
Prayers of Ulric:
Battle Howl – As long as the Battle Howl is in effect, the Priest and any unit he leads add D6” to their charge moves. If the charge is failed, the extra movement is wasted; make a normal move towards the target as normal. Lasts until next Empire magic phase.
Destruction – Cast only on Priest himself. Place a small 3” round template on the Priest. Every enemy model under the template (those with partly covered base too) receive one S5 hit with no armour save allowed. Demons, Undead and Forest Spirits have one S6 hit with no armour save allowed.
Winter’s Chill – Cast only on Priest himself. Enemy unit engaged in close combat suffer a –1 to roll to hit until end of the turn. If they break in this turn, they suffer –1 to the flee roll.
Fury of Ulric – RiP. Cast only on Priest himself. The Priest and the unit he leads become immune to Panic, Fear and Terror.
Blessing of the Wolf - Remains in play. Can be cast on Priest himself or on any character or unit champion within 12" of the Priest. The model gets Killing Blow special skill and a 5+ ward save against any non magical attack.
- May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +4 pts), a second warhammer if on foot (+4 pts) or a White Wolf Hammer (+6 pts)
- May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts)
- May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts).
- May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.
Army organisation:
He cannot join the following units: Flagellant Warband, Legendary Order Knigts of the Blazing Sun, Legendary Order Reiksguard Knights, Reiksguard on Foot
- Halberdiers
points/model: 6
Halberdier M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Sergeant M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, halberd, heavy armour.
Special rules: State Troops, Regulars
Regulars – it takes a lot of training to become a professional soldier in Empire. Practicing in Empire Martial Academy, soldiers learn to use their weapons in the most efficient way. Due to that, they are able to take a better advantage of bonuses and benefits the common weapons give. Therefore:
Halberdiers – Empire soldiers are learned how to hit harder from the first rank and how to strike from the rear. This means that in addition to normal +1 Strength bonus the halberd gives, their blows are armour piercing. What is more, when not charging, they may fight with one extra rank to the front, and although they do not receive a Strength bonus to attacks made from the second row, armour piercing bonus still apply.
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Halberdier to a Sergeant for +8 pts.
- A standard bearer of one (and only one) unit of Core State Troops in the Army may carry a magic standard worth up to 25 points.
- Spearmen
points/model: 5
Spearman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Sergeant M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, spear, heavy armour
Special rules: State Troops, Regulars
Regulars – it takes a lot of training to become a professional soldier in Empire. Practicing in Empire Martial Academy, soldiers learn to use their weapons in the most efficient way. Due to that, they are able to take a better advantage of bonuses and benefits the common weapons give. Therefore:
- Spearmen – Empire soldiers are learned to make a wall of spears in front of their enemies. They may fight with one extra rank to the front, when not charging. This means they normally fight in three ranks or two in a turn that they charge.
- Any unit can exchange their hand weapons for shields at +1pt/model
- Upgrade one Spearman to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Spearman to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Spearman to a Sergeant for +8 pts.
- A standard bearer of one (and only one) unit of Core State Troops in the Army may carry a magic standard worth up to 25 points.
- Swordsmen
points/model: 6
Swordsman M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD7
Duellist M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Sword (hand weapon), light armour and shield.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Swordsman to a Duellist for +8 pts.
- A standard bearer of one (and only one) unit of Core State Troops in the Army may carry a magic standard worth up to 25 points.
- Knightly Orders
points/model: ??
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Barded Warhorse
Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour. Knight may be armed with either a lance and a shield or a great weapon (with no additional cost) or a Cavalry hammer for +2 pts/model – to ustaliliśmy sami
- Upgrade one Knight to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a standard bearer for +16 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a Preceptor for +16 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
- Handgunners
points/model: 8
Handgunner M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Marksman M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Handgun, hand weapon.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Handgunner to a Marksman for +5 pts.
- Marksman may carry one of the following weapons instead of his handgun: Hochland long rifle (+20 pts); repeater handgun (+15 pts); brace of pistols (free).
- A standard bearer of one (and only one) unit of Core State Troops in the Army may carry a magic standard worth up to 25 points.
- Crossbowmen
points/model: 7
Crossbowman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Marksman M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: Crossbow, hand weapon.
Special rules: State Troops.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Crossbowman to a Marksman for +5 pts.
- A standard bearer of one (and only one) unit of Core State Troops in the Army may carry a magic standard worth up to 25 points.
- Archers
points/model: 7
Archer M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Marksman M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 10-20
Equipment: Bow, hand weapon.
Special rules: Militia, Skirmishers.
- Promote one Archer to a Marksman for +5 pts.
Army Organization:
Huntsmen: A single unit of Archers may be upgraded to Huntsmen at a cost of +2 pts/model. Huntsmen have the Scouts special rule, unit size 5-15 and longbows instead of bows.
- Free Company
points/model: 4
Fighter M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Sergeant M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD7
Unit size: 10+
Equipment: two hand weapons
Special rules: Militia.
- Great Weapons (+1 Pts/model)
- Upgrade one Fighter to a musician for +4 pts.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a standard bearer for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Fighter to a Sergeant for +8 pts.
- Greatswords
points/model: 10
Greatsword M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Champion M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment: Two-handed sword (great weapon), hand weapon, full plate armour.
Special rules: Stubborn, State Troops (not as detachments),
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Greatsword to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
- Pistoliers
points/model: 18
Pistolier M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Outrider M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Warhorse
Equipment: Brace of pistols, light armour.
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Fusillade.
- Any unit may swap their light armour with heavy armour for +2 pts/model (and will still count as fast cavalry)
- Upgrade one Pistolier to a musician for +7 pts.
- Upgrade one Pistolier to a Outrider for +7 pts.
- An Outrider may exchange one of his pistols for a repeater pistol for +10 pts.
- Outriders
points/model: 21
Outrider M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Champion M4 WS3 BS5 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Warhorse
Equipment: Repeater handgun, hand weapon, light armour.
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry.
- Any unit may swap their light armour with heavy armour for +2 pts/model (and will still count as fast cavalry)
- Upgrade one Outrider to a musician for +7 pts.
- Upgrade one Outrider to a Champion for +10 pts.
- The Champion may carry one of the following weapons instead of his repeater handgun: repeater pistol and pistol (free), grenade launching blunderbuss (free), Hochland long rifle (+5 pts).
- Outriders may equip their Warhorses with barding for +2 point per model (Outriders on barded Warhorses no longer count as fast cavalry).
- Great Cannon (the same rules as in the current AB)
points/model: 100
Great Cannon T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
Options: Engineer +10 pts
- Mortar (the same rules as in the current AB with the following exception: S3 –2 AS hits)
points/model: 75
Mortar T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon
Options: Engineer +10 pts
- Knights of Inner Circle
points/model: ??
Unit size: 5+
Mount: Barded Warhorse
Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour. Knight may be armed with either a lance and a shield or a great weapon (with no additional cost) or a Cavalry hammer for +2 pts/model
- Upgrade one Knight to a musician for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a standard bearer for +16 pts.
- Upgrade one Knight to a Preceptor for +16 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
Each unit of Knights of the Inner Circle can be upgraded to one of the following Legendary Orders:
- The Grand Order of the Reiksguard (Reiksguard Knights) - fight with lance and shield, Emperor’s Guard - For all Leadership tests, including break tests, roll 3 dices and choose the lowest 2 scores for +4 pts / model
- The Knights of the White Wolf - fight with Cavalry Hammer, Crush The Weak - Re-roll wound in charge for +4 pts / model
- Knights Panther - fight with lance and shield, Splendor - use finest warhorses from best Imperial stables – suffer no movement penalty because of barding for +3 pts / model
- Knights of the Blazing Sun - fight with lance and shield, Blessing of Myrmidia - all their weapons count as magical for +3 pts / model
- Reiksguard on Foot
points/model: 10
Reiksguard M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Champion M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment:Hand weapon, shield, full plate armour.
Special rules: none
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Reiksguard to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.
Knights of the Inner Circle: Reiksguard on Foot may be upgraded to Knights of the Inner Circle for +3 pts/model. Teutogen Guard in this unit are S4 and have the Emperor’s Guard special rule (For all Leadership tests, including break tests, roll 3 dices and choose the lowest 2 scores).
- Teutogen Guard
points/model: 10
Teutogen Guard M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
First Knight M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5+
Equipment: White Wolf hammer, hand weapon, full plate armour.
Special rules: Stubborn,
- Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a musician for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a standard bearer for +12 pts.
- Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a Champion for +12 pts.
- A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points
Knights of the Inner Circle: Teutogen Guard may be upgraded to Knights of the Inner Circle for +2 pts/model. Teutogen Guard in this unit are S4 and have the Crush The Weak special rule.
- Flagellant Warband
points/model: 10
Flagellant M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T4 W1 I3 A1 LD10
Prophet of Doom M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T4 W1 I3 A2 LD10
Unit size: 5-30
Equipment: Flail.
Special rules: Unbreakable, Crazed!, The End is Nigh!
- Promote one Flagellant to a Prophet of Doom for +10 pts.
Army organisation:
If the army includes one or more Priests of Sigmar (Warrior Priests and Arch Lectors), one (and only one) unit of Flagellant Warband can be included as a Core Units choice instead of Rare.
- Helblaster Volley Gun – (the same rules as in the 6th edition AB)
points/model: 125
Volley Gun T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon
- Helstorm Rocket Battery (the same rules as in the current AB)
points/model: 115
Helstorm T7 W3
Crewman M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Number of crew: 3
Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.
- Steam Tank
Steam Tank MS - - S6 T6 W10- AS -
Engineer - - BS4 - - - - - LD10
“If you declared 1 or more SP, roll a D3 and add to the number of steam points you’ve decided to generate. If the total is equal to or less than the Steam Tank’s remaining Wounds, all is well”
“You may only include one Empire Steam Tank for every full 2,000 points in your army.”
" 1 steam point = 1" moving backward”
“No weapon upgrades”
“The commander himself is not eligible as a target - he usually keeps his head down and only appears over the rim of his armoured command turret to shoot his weapon. In effect he is treated as an integral part of the Steam Tank”
“There are no victory points for a Steam Tank if it is reduced to half or less of its original starting number of Wounds.”
- Wolf-Kin
points/model: 8
Wolf-kin M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD8
Wolf Brother M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A2 LD8
Unit size: 5-15
Equipment: Hand weapon.
Special rules: Stubborn, Skirmishers
- Any unit may be equipped with light armour (+1 pts/per model) and may also carry shields for +1 pts/per model
- Any unit may be equipped with additional hand weapons (+2 pts/per model) or great weapon (+2 pts/per model)
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a musician for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a standard bearer for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a Wolf Brother for +10 pts.
Army organisation
If the army includes one or more Priests of Ulric (Warrior Priests and High Priests), one (and only one) unit of Wolf-kin can be included as a Core Units choice instead of Rare.
Ostatnio zmieniony 8 gru 2008, o 23:32 przez ismael, łącznie zmieniany 9 razy.
1. Oto podręcznikowa lista jednostek typu Lord: General of the Empire, Templar Grand Master, Arch Lector of Sigmar, Wizard Lord. Czy dodałbyś coś do niej? Dla przypomnienia, propozycje, które do tej pory padały na forum: Arch lector of Ulric.
A) nic bym nie dodał
B) chcę dodać … (wpisujemy co)
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
A) nic bym nie dodał
B) chcę dodać … (wpisujemy co)
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
Ostatnio zmieniony 1 cze 2008, o 22:23 przez ismael, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
2. Oto podręcznikowa lista jednostek typu Hero: Captain of the Empire, Warrior Priest of Sigmar, Battle Wizard, Master Engineer. Czy dodałbyś coś do niej? Dla przypomnienia, propozycje, które do tej pory padały na forum: Warrior Priest of Ulric, Seneschal of the White Wolf
A) nic bym nie dodał
B) chcę dodać … (wpisujemy co)
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
A) nic bym nie dodał
B) chcę dodać … (wpisujemy co)
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
Ostatnio zmieniony 1 cze 2008, o 22:23 przez ismael, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
3. Oto podręcznikowa lista jednostek typu Core: Halberdiers, Spearmen, Swordsmen, Knightly Orders, Handgunners, Crossbowmen, Archers/Huntsmen, Free company. Czy dodałbyś coś do niej? Dla przypomnienia, propozycje, które do tej pory padały na forum: Zealots, Horse Archers
A) nic bym nie dodał
B) chcę dodać … (wpisujemy co)
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
A) nic bym nie dodał
B) chcę dodać … (wpisujemy co)
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
4. Oto podręcznikowa lista jednostek typu Special: Greatswords, Pistoliers, Outriders, Great Cannon, Mortar, Knights of Inner Circle. Czy dodałbyś coś do niej? Dla przypomnienia, propozycje, które do tej pory padały na forum: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds.
A) nic bym nie dodał
B) chcę dodać … (wpisujemy co)
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
A) nic bym nie dodał
B) chcę dodać … (wpisujemy co)
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
5. Oto podręcznikowa lista jednostek typu Rare: Flagellant Warband, Helblaster Volley Gun, Helstorm Rocket Battery, Steam Tank. Czy dodałbyś coś do niej? Dla przypomnienia, propozycje, które do tej pory padały na forum: Wolf-kin.
A) nic bym nie dodał
B) chcę dodać … (wpisujemy co)
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
A) nic bym nie dodał
B) chcę dodać … (wpisujemy co)
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
Ostatnio zmieniony 1 cze 2008, o 22:24 przez ismael, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
6. Ulric – bóg wojny i zimy. Czy jednostki z nim związane powinny mieć specjalną zasadę? Jeżeli tak, na ile punktów wyceniasz tę umiejętność u: Lorda, Herosa, Piechoty, Konnicy
A) Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A during its first round of combat in the battle
B) Crush the Weak - unit hates all models in the enemy army with a basic Leadership characteristic of 6 or lower even if normally Immune to Psychology
C) Inna… (wpisz jaka)
D) Nie powinny mieć zasady specjalnej.
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
A) Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A during its first round of combat in the battle
B) Crush the Weak - unit hates all models in the enemy army with a basic Leadership characteristic of 6 or lower even if normally Immune to Psychology
C) Inna… (wpisz jaka)
D) Nie powinny mieć zasady specjalnej.
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint - Horse Archers
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint - B: Wolf-kiny i może coś jeszcze tylko nie mam pomysłu co to mogło by być
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint: - D A co dostaną Sigmarici? Czyli reszta Imperium?
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
Zauważyłem Ismael że Twój nacisk jest szczególnie nałożony na kult Ulryka, osobiście uważam że jest w porządku dopóki nie zachwieje równowagi. Pewnie jestem jedyną osobą na forum która nie przepada za Ulrykiem, jestem za Sigmarem co odzwierciedla moja armia i prowincja przecież to w Nuln są największe prześladowania kultu Ulryka.
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint - Horse Archers
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint - B: Wolf-kiny i może coś jeszcze tylko nie mam pomysłu co to mogło by być
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint: - D A co dostaną Sigmarici? Czyli reszta Imperium?
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
Zauważyłem Ismael że Twój nacisk jest szczególnie nałożony na kult Ulryka, osobiście uważam że jest w porządku dopóki nie zachwieje równowagi. Pewnie jestem jedyną osobą na forum która nie przepada za Ulrykiem, jestem za Sigmarem co odzwierciedla moja armia i prowincja przecież to w Nuln są największe prześladowania kultu Ulryka.
squiq pisze:Mój Sigmar myśli inaczej.
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Arch lector of Ulric
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint - Horse Archers
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint - B: Wolf-kiny i może coś jeszcze tylko nie mam pomysłu co to mogło by być
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH – B: Wolf-kin
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint: - D A co dostaną Sigmarici? Czyli reszta Imperium?
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A:Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A - White Wolfs only, +2pts to cost per knight; B: Crush the Weak: +5pkt Hero, +10pkt Lord
Nie martw się Saint! O Sigmaritach jeszcze pogadamy!
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Arch lector of Ulric
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint - Horse Archers
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint - B: Wolf-kiny i może coś jeszcze tylko nie mam pomysłu co to mogło by być
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH – B: Wolf-kin
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint: - D A co dostaną Sigmarici? Czyli reszta Imperium?
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A:Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A - White Wolfs only, +2pts to cost per knight; B: Crush the Weak: +5pkt Hero, +10pkt Lord
Nie martw się Saint! O Sigmaritach jeszcze pogadamy!
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Arch Lector of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Arch lector of Ulric
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint - Horse Archers
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - A
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint - B: Wolf-kiny i może coś jeszcze tylko nie mam pomysłu co to mogło by być
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Wolf-kin
10. Wilqu
11. SaH – B: Wolf-kin
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint: - D A co dostaną Sigmarici? Czyli reszta Imperium?
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - C: re-roll wound in charge. Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts,
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A:Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A - White Wolfs only, +2pts to cost per knight; B: Crush the Weak: +5pkt Hero, +10pkt Lord
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Arch Lector of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Arch lector of Ulric
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint - Horse Archers
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - A
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint - B: Wolf-kiny i może coś jeszcze tylko nie mam pomysłu co to mogło by być
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Wolf-kin
10. Wilqu
11. SaH – B: Wolf-kin
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint: - D A co dostaną Sigmarici? Czyli reszta Imperium?
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - C: re-roll wound in charge. Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts,
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A:Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A - White Wolfs only, +2pts to cost per knight; B: Crush the Weak: +5pkt Hero, +10pkt Lord
Ogień oczyszcza ciało i dusze nawet największych wrogów Imperium...niech zapłoną stosy!
PG...czyli jak wygrać bitwę przed jej rozpoczęciem. 100% HATE!!!
PG...czyli jak wygrać bitwę przed jej rozpoczęciem. 100% HATE!!!
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Arch lector of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Arch Lector of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Arch lector of Ulric
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint - Horse Archers
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A z tym ze KO mieli by opcje WW (mamy juz 9 corow z ww 10 czyli scisla czolowka WFB, raczej skupmy sie na grywalnosci tego co jest)
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - A
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A: KOICWW pozatym nic bo reigsi i teutogonowi to byla by taka opcja GSow wiec za bardzo nie wiedze sensu w ich obecnosci, modeli Teutogen Guard spokojnie mozna urzywac jako GSow poza tym.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint - B: Wolf-kiny i może coś jeszcze tylko nie mam pomysłu co to mogło by być
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B. Wolf-kin
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Wolf-kin
10. Wilqu
11. SaH – B: Wolf-kin
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint: - D A co dostaną Sigmarici? Czyli reszta Imperium?
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A/D: herosi moze tak i jednostki kladace nacisk na wysznanie nie reszta nie.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - C: re-roll wound in charge. Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts,
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A:Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A - White Wolfs only, +2pts to cost per knight; B: Crush the Weak: +5pkt Hero, +10pkt Lord
Sry za ewentualnebledy i brak polskich znakow ale pisze ze szkoly[/i]
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Arch lector of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Arch Lector of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Arch lector of Ulric
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint - Horse Archers
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A z tym ze KO mieli by opcje WW (mamy juz 9 corow z ww 10 czyli scisla czolowka WFB, raczej skupmy sie na grywalnosci tego co jest)
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - A
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A: KOICWW pozatym nic bo reigsi i teutogonowi to byla by taka opcja GSow wiec za bardzo nie wiedze sensu w ich obecnosci, modeli Teutogen Guard spokojnie mozna urzywac jako GSow poza tym.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint - B: Wolf-kiny i może coś jeszcze tylko nie mam pomysłu co to mogło by być
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B. Wolf-kin
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - B: Wolf-kin
10. Wilqu
11. SaH – B: Wolf-kin
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint: - D A co dostaną Sigmarici? Czyli reszta Imperium?
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A/D: herosi moze tak i jednostki kladace nacisk na wysznanie nie reszta nie.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth - C: re-roll wound in charge. Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts,
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A:Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A - White Wolfs only, +2pts to cost per knight; B: Crush the Weak: +5pkt Hero, +10pkt Lord
Sry za ewentualnebledy i brak polskich znakow ale pisze ze szkoly[/i]
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Arch lector of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Arch lector of Ulric (oczywiście modlitwy będą inne dla Ulryków)
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu A
9. Argoth - B: Arch Lector of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Arch lector of Ulric
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric (oczywiście modlitwy będą inne dla Ulryków)
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu B Worior Priest of Urlic
9. Argoth - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint - Horse Archers
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A z tym ze KO mieli by opcje WW (mamy juz 9 corow z ww 10 czyli scisla czolowka WFB, raczej skupmy sie na grywalnosci tego co jest)
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Knights of the White Wolf
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu B Halfing Archers Horsman Archers
9. Argoth - A
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A: KOICWW pozatym nic bo reigsi i teutogonowi to byla by taka opcja GSow wiec za bardzo nie wiedze sensu w ich obecnosci, modeli Teutogen Guard spokojnie mozna urzywac jako GSow poza tym.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Teutogen Guards, Hunting Hounds
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu B Teutogen Guards bez opcji +1S z Hammer= Halabarda. Za to zasada Parrent Unit.
9. Argoth - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint - B: Wolf-kiny i może coś jeszcze tylko nie mam pomysłu co to mogło by być
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B. Wolf-kin
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Wolf-kin
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu B : Halfling HOT POT
9. Argoth - B: Wolf-kin
10. Wilqu
11. SaH – B: Wolf-kin
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint: - D A co dostaną Sigmarici? Czyli reszta Imperium?
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A/D: herosi moze tak i jednostki kladace nacisk na wysznanie nie reszta nie.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - A: Ulrics Fury for Teutogen Guards and White Wolfs ONLY (+1p/+2p). B: Crush the Weak! Lord: + 10p, Hero: + 5p
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu D
9. Argoth - C: re-roll wound in charge. Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts,
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A:Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A - White Wolfs only, +2pts to cost per knight; B: Crush the Weak: +5pkt Hero, +10pkt Lord
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Arch lector of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Arch lector of Ulric (oczywiście modlitwy będą inne dla Ulryków)
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu A
9. Argoth - B: Arch Lector of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Arch lector of Ulric
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric (oczywiście modlitwy będą inne dla Ulryków)
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu B Worior Priest of Urlic
9. Argoth - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint - Horse Archers
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A z tym ze KO mieli by opcje WW (mamy juz 9 corow z ww 10 czyli scisla czolowka WFB, raczej skupmy sie na grywalnosci tego co jest)
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Knights of the White Wolf
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu B Halfing Archers Horsman Archers
9. Argoth - A
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A: KOICWW pozatym nic bo reigsi i teutogonowi to byla by taka opcja GSow wiec za bardzo nie wiedze sensu w ich obecnosci, modeli Teutogen Guard spokojnie mozna urzywac jako GSow poza tym.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Teutogen Guards, Hunting Hounds
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu B Teutogen Guards bez opcji +1S z Hammer= Halabarda. Za to zasada Parrent Unit.
9. Argoth - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint - B: Wolf-kiny i może coś jeszcze tylko nie mam pomysłu co to mogło by być
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B. Wolf-kin
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Wolf-kin
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu B : Halfling HOT POT
9. Argoth - B: Wolf-kin
10. Wilqu
11. SaH – B: Wolf-kin
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint: - D A co dostaną Sigmarici? Czyli reszta Imperium?
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A/D: herosi moze tak i jednostki kladace nacisk na wysznanie nie reszta nie.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - A: Ulrics Fury for Teutogen Guards and White Wolfs ONLY (+1p/+2p). B: Crush the Weak! Lord: + 10p, Hero: + 5p
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu D
9. Argoth - C: re-roll wound in charge. Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts,
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A:Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A - White Wolfs only, +2pts to cost per knight; B: Crush the Weak: +5pkt Hero, +10pkt Lord
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Arch lector of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Arch lector of Ulric (oczywiście modlitwy będą inne dla Ulryków)
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu A
9. Argoth - B: Arch Lector of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Arch lector of Ulric
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric (oczywiście modlitwy będą inne dla Ulryków)
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu A - nie może być zbyt dużo zasad dla graczy innych armii
9. Argoth - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint - Horse Archers
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A z tym ze KO mieli by opcje WW (mamy juz 9 corow z ww 10 czyli scisla czolowka WFB, raczej skupmy sie na grywalnosci tego co jest)
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - A
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu Halfling Archers , Horsman Archers
9. Argoth - A
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A: KOICWW pozatym nic bo reigsi i teutogonowi to byla by taka opcja GSow wiec za bardzo nie wiedze sensu w ich obecnosci, modeli Teutogen Guard spokojnie mozna urzywac jako GSow poza tym.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Teutogen Guards, Hunting Hounds
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu B Teutogen Guards bez opcji +1S IC, Młot=Halabarda Parrent Unit
9. Argoth - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint - B: Wolf-kiny i może coś jeszcze tylko nie mam pomysłu co to mogło by być
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B. Wolf-kin
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Wolf-kin
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu Halfling Hot Pot
9. Argoth - B: Wolf-kin
10. Wilqu
11. SaH – B: Wolf-kin
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint: - D A co dostaną Sigmarici? Czyli reszta Imperium?
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A/D: herosi moze tak i jednostki kladace nacisk na wysznanie nie reszta nie.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - A: Ulrics Fury for Teutogen Guards and White Wolfs ONLY (+1p/+2p). B: Crush the Weak! Lord: + 10p, Hero: + 5p
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu C: re-roll wound in charge.Lord +10 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts,
9. Argoth - C: re-roll wound in charge. Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts,
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A:Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A - White Wolfs only, +2pts to cost per knight; B: Crush the Weak: +5pkt Hero, +10pkt Lord[/quote]
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Arch lector of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Arch lector of Ulric (oczywiście modlitwy będą inne dla Ulryków)
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu A
9. Argoth - B: Arch Lector of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Arch lector of Ulric
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric (oczywiście modlitwy będą inne dla Ulryków)
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu A - nie może być zbyt dużo zasad dla graczy innych armii
9. Argoth - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint - Horse Archers
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A z tym ze KO mieli by opcje WW (mamy juz 9 corow z ww 10 czyli scisla czolowka WFB, raczej skupmy sie na grywalnosci tego co jest)
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - A
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu Halfling Archers , Horsman Archers
9. Argoth - A
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A: KOICWW pozatym nic bo reigsi i teutogonowi to byla by taka opcja GSow wiec za bardzo nie wiedze sensu w ich obecnosci, modeli Teutogen Guard spokojnie mozna urzywac jako GSow poza tym.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Teutogen Guards, Hunting Hounds
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu B Teutogen Guards bez opcji +1S IC, Młot=Halabarda Parrent Unit
9. Argoth - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint - B: Wolf-kiny i może coś jeszcze tylko nie mam pomysłu co to mogło by być
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B. Wolf-kin
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Wolf-kin
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu Halfling Hot Pot
9. Argoth - B: Wolf-kin
10. Wilqu
11. SaH – B: Wolf-kin
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint: - D A co dostaną Sigmarici? Czyli reszta Imperium?
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A/D: herosi moze tak i jednostki kladace nacisk na wysznanie nie reszta nie.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - A: Ulrics Fury for Teutogen Guards and White Wolfs ONLY (+1p/+2p). B: Crush the Weak! Lord: + 10p, Hero: + 5p
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu C: re-roll wound in charge.Lord +10 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts,
9. Argoth - C: re-roll wound in charge. Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts,
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A:Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A - White Wolfs only, +2pts to cost per knight; B: Crush the Weak: +5pkt Hero, +10pkt Lord[/quote]
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Arch lector of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Arch lector of Ulric (oczywiście modlitwy będą inne dla Ulryków)
7. Czopek - B: Arch lector of Ulric
8. Pelcu A
9. Argoth - B: Arch Lector of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Arch lector of Ulric
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric (oczywiście modlitwy będą inne dla Ulryków)
7. Czopek - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
8. Pelcu A - nie może być zbyt dużo zasad dla graczy innych armii
9. Argoth - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint - Horse Archers
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A z tym ze KO mieli by opcje WW (mamy juz 9 corow z ww 10 czyli scisla czolowka WFB, raczej skupmy sie na grywalnosci tego co jest)
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - A
7. Czopek - A
8. Pelcu Halfling Archers , Horsman Archers
9. Argoth - A
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A: KOICWW pozatym nic bo reigsi i teutogonowi to byla by taka opcja GSow wiec za bardzo nie wiedze sensu w ich obecnosci, modeli Teutogen Guard spokojnie mozna urzywac jako GSow poza tym.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Teutogen Guards, Hunting Hounds
7. Czopek - B: Teutogen Guards
8. Pelcu B Teutogen Guards bez opcji +1S IC, Młot=Halabarda Parrent Unit
9. Argoth - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint - B: Wolf-kiny i może coś jeszcze tylko nie mam pomysłu co to mogło by być
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B. Wolf-kin
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Wolf-kin
7. Czopek -B Wolf-kin
8. Pelcu Halfling Hot Pot
9. Argoth - B: Wolf-kin
10. Wilqu
11. SaH – B: Wolf-kin
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint: - D A co dostaną Sigmarici? Czyli reszta Imperium?
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A/D: herosi moze tak i jednostki kladace nacisk na wysznanie nie reszta nie.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - A: Ulrics Fury for Teutogen Guards and White Wolfs ONLY (+1p/+2p). B: Crush the Weak! Lord: + 10p, Hero: + 5p
7. Czopek - A: Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A - Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
8. Pelcu C: re-roll wound in charge.Lord +10 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts,
9. Argoth - C: re-roll wound in charge. Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts,
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A:Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A - White Wolfs only, +2pts to cost per knight; B: Crush the Weak: +5pkt Hero, +10pkt Lord[/quote]
1. Ismael – B: Arch lector of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Arch lector of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Arch lector of Ulric (oczywiście modlitwy będą inne dla Ulryków)
7. Czopek - B: Arch lector of Ulric
8. Pelcu A
9. Argoth - B: Arch Lector of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Arch lector of Ulric
1. Ismael – B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
2. Saint - A: tylko podzieliłbym kapłanów na różnych wyznań
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric (oczywiście modlitwy będą inne dla Ulryków)
7. Czopek - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
8. Pelcu A - nie może być zbyt dużo zasad dla graczy innych armii
9. Argoth - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Warrior Priest of Ulric
1. Ismael - A
2. Saint - Horse Archers
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A z tym ze KO mieli by opcje WW (mamy juz 9 corow z ww 10 czyli scisla czolowka WFB, raczej skupmy sie na grywalnosci tego co jest)
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - A
7. Czopek - A
8. Pelcu Halfling Archers , Horsman Archers
9. Argoth - A
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A
1. Ismael – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
2. Saint – B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A: KOICWW pozatym nic bo reigsi i teutogonowi to byla by taka opcja GSow wiec za bardzo nie wiedze sensu w ich obecnosci, modeli Teutogen Guard spokojnie mozna urzywac jako GSow poza tym.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Teutogen Guards, Hunting Hounds
7. Czopek - B: Teutogen Guards
8. Pelcu B Teutogen Guards bez opcji +1S IC, Młot=Halabarda Parrent Unit
9. Argoth - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B: Reiksguard on Foot, Teutogen Guard, Hunting Hounds
1. Ismael – B: Wolf-kin
2. Saint - B: Wolf-kiny i może coś jeszcze tylko nie mam pomysłu co to mogło by być
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B. Wolf-kin
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - B: Wolf-kin
7. Czopek -B Wolf-kin
8. Pelcu Halfling Hot Pot
9. Argoth - B: Wolf-kin
10. Wilqu
11. SaH – B: Wolf-kin
1. Ismael – A: Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
2. Saint: - D A co dostaną Sigmarici? Czyli reszta Imperium?
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - A/D: herosi moze tak i jednostki kladace nacisk na wysznanie nie reszta nie.
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar - A: Ulrics Fury for Teutogen Guards and White Wolfs ONLY (+1p/+2p). B: Crush the Weak! Lord: + 10p, Hero: + 5p
7. Czopek - A: Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A - Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts
8. Pelcu C: re-roll wound in charge.Lord +10 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts,
9. Argoth - C: re-roll wound in charge. Lord +5 pts, Heros +5pts, piechota +1pts, kawaleria +2pts,
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - A:Ulric’s Fury – unit gains +1 A - White Wolfs only, +2pts to cost per knight; B: Crush the Weak: +5pkt Hero, +10pkt Lord[/quote]
Dziękuję za szybką reakcję na moje posty.
Dla porządku dodam tylko, iż dana opcja przechodzi większością głosów (a więc wystarczy 6 za, aby została przyjęta).
Jeżeli pojawi się w Naszych odpowiedziach dużo nowych opcji / pomysłów, proponuję głosować jeszcze raz, już z nowymi opcjami. Myślę, że taka sytuacja może mieć tu miejsce dla zasady jednostek Ulryka (warto będzie chyba dodać opcję: re-roll wound in charge).
Takie zasady są chyba ok?
Temat Ulryka pojawił się tak szybko, gdyż jest to jeden z tematów ogólnych i jego przegłosowanie będzie Nam niezbędne w momencie rozmowy na temat niektórych jednostek (może mieć wpływ na ich koszt itp.), których obecnie nie ma w kodeksie.
Jeżeli chodzi o kwestię wierzeń w Imperium, to z tego co się orientuję niemal cała społeczność Imperium jako głównego boga traktuje Sigmara, a jedyną jego konkurencją jest właśnie Ulryk. Pozostałe bóstwa są czymś na zasadzie patronów poszczególnych grup społecznych lub zawodowych - Taal myślilwych, Morr kapłanów odprawiającch ceremonie pogrzebowe itd. Ludzie w nich wierzący w moim wyobrażeniu i tak czczą głównie Sigmara, dużo rzadziej Ulryka.
Jednostki charakterystyczne dla Ulryka są łatwe do zidentyfikowania, bo określiło je GW w ostatniej kampanii. Za jednostki Sigmara można więc uznać praktycznie całą resztę. Jeżeli przegłosujemy jakąś nową zasadę dla piechoty / całego Imperium, można z niej będzie wyłączyć oddziały Ulryka, aby podkreślić różnicę i zbyt mocno ich nie wzmacniać. Taka zasada mogłaby się nazywać, np. "Sons of Sigmar" lub coś w tym stylu, aby wyraźnie zaznaczyć piętno największego bóstwa Imperium.
Dla porządku dodam tylko, iż dana opcja przechodzi większością głosów (a więc wystarczy 6 za, aby została przyjęta).
Jeżeli pojawi się w Naszych odpowiedziach dużo nowych opcji / pomysłów, proponuję głosować jeszcze raz, już z nowymi opcjami. Myślę, że taka sytuacja może mieć tu miejsce dla zasady jednostek Ulryka (warto będzie chyba dodać opcję: re-roll wound in charge).
Takie zasady są chyba ok?
Jako, że obecnie prowadzę ten temat będę się starał, aby moje osobiste preferencje nie miały zbyt wielkiego wpływu na końcowy kształt tego Armylistu. Zauważ Saint, iż sam mam tylko jeden głos i bez problemu odrzucicie każdy mój dziwny pomysł. Jeżeli martwisz się o to, że będę tendencyjnie formułował zagadnienia, trzymaj rękę na pulsie i mnie kontroluj, a dodatkowo na bieżąco dawaj znać, jakie kwestie chciałbyś rozpatrywać.Zauważyłem Ismael że Twój nacisk jest szczególnie nałożony na kult Ulryka, osobiście uważam że jest w porządku dopóki nie zachwieje równowagi. Pewnie jestem jedyną osobą na forum która nie przepada za Ulrykiem, jestem za Sigmarem co odzwierciedla moja armia i prowincja przecież to w Nuln są największe prześladowania kultu Ulryka.
Temat Ulryka pojawił się tak szybko, gdyż jest to jeden z tematów ogólnych i jego przegłosowanie będzie Nam niezbędne w momencie rozmowy na temat niektórych jednostek (może mieć wpływ na ich koszt itp.), których obecnie nie ma w kodeksie.
Jeżeli chodzi o kwestię wierzeń w Imperium, to z tego co się orientuję niemal cała społeczność Imperium jako głównego boga traktuje Sigmara, a jedyną jego konkurencją jest właśnie Ulryk. Pozostałe bóstwa są czymś na zasadzie patronów poszczególnych grup społecznych lub zawodowych - Taal myślilwych, Morr kapłanów odprawiającch ceremonie pogrzebowe itd. Ludzie w nich wierzący w moim wyobrażeniu i tak czczą głównie Sigmara, dużo rzadziej Ulryka.
Jednostki charakterystyczne dla Ulryka są łatwe do zidentyfikowania, bo określiło je GW w ostatniej kampanii. Za jednostki Sigmara można więc uznać praktycznie całą resztę. Jeżeli przegłosujemy jakąś nową zasadę dla piechoty / całego Imperium, można z niej będzie wyłączyć oddziały Ulryka, aby podkreślić różnicę i zbyt mocno ich nie wzmacniać. Taka zasada mogłaby się nazywać, np. "Sons of Sigmar" lub coś w tym stylu, aby wyraźnie zaznaczyć piętno największego bóstwa Imperium.
7. Czy chciałbyś, aby jacyś inni bogowie Imperium (poza Sigmarem i Ulrykiem) odgrywali znaczącą rolę w Naszym Armyliście: posiadali swojego kapłana / jednostkę itp. Nie rozpatrujmy tu póki co zakońow rycerskich (będziemy na nie głosować później) oraz przedmiotów magicznych:
A) tak (napisz jakie bóstwo i mniej więcej określ jednostkę/jednostki)
B) nie
1. Ismael – B
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
A) tak (napisz jakie bóstwo i mniej więcej określ jednostkę/jednostki)
B) nie
1. Ismael – B
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
1. Ismael – B
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
Udział innych bogów w wojnie jest naprawdę znikomy w porównaniu z panem Sigmarem i Ulrykiem znikomy. Morr to ciekawy bóg ale on sie żywymi mało interesuje co prawda są jego zakony rycerskie ale nie są one uznawane przez kościół morra.
1. Ismael – B
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH
Udział innych bogów w wojnie jest naprawdę znikomy w porównaniu z panem Sigmarem i Ulrykiem znikomy. Morr to ciekawy bóg ale on sie żywymi mało interesuje co prawda są jego zakony rycerskie ale nie są one uznawane przez kościół morra.
Ostatnio zmieniony 2 cze 2008, o 17:07 przez Cord, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
1. Ismael – B
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B
W armyliście marzeń byłoby miejsce dla wszystkich, no ale to nie WFRP, a Armylist ma być zbalansowany do innych
1. Ismael – B
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B
5. Bleasus
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH - B
W armyliście marzeń byłoby miejsce dla wszystkich, no ale to nie WFRP, a Armylist ma być zbalansowany do innych

1. Ismael – B
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - :A ja bym chciał Kapłana Taala* oraz jednostkę zwiadowców czczących własnie Taala - Długonodzy - opisani w Dziedzictwo Sigmara.
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH- B
* to się nie przyjmie - będzie wtedy za dużo herosów i jednostek pozatym bardziej by pasowali nie do całego Imperium ale np. prowincji Talabecland czy Hochland. Jak Cord pisze ich udział jest raczej znikomy. Priesta mam już nawet opracowanego
ja bym ich chciał ale nie ma co przesadzać
2. Saint
3. Thrawn
4. Cord - B
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - :A ja bym chciał Kapłana Taala* oraz jednostkę zwiadowców czczących własnie Taala - Długonodzy - opisani w Dziedzictwo Sigmara.
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Wilqu
11. SaH- B
* to się nie przyjmie - będzie wtedy za dużo herosów i jednostek pozatym bardziej by pasowali nie do całego Imperium ale np. prowincji Talabecland czy Hochland. Jak Cord pisze ich udział jest raczej znikomy. Priesta mam już nawet opracowanego

