Empire armylist by Sa!nt


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Chuck Norris
Posty: 551
Lokalizacja: Z Zadupia

Post autor: pelcu »

ismael pisze:Saint, czy daną aurę będzie mogło mieć kilku kapłanów w armii, czy nie mogą się powtarzać? Czy ich efekty się kumulują? Pytam, bo wyobraziłem sobie 3 stojące koło siebie oddziały piechoty Imperium z 4 kapłanami Ulryka w środku, każdy z Aura of Glory :)
Co do Aur , to uważam , że powinno być jak u Bretki. Każda następna za podwojony koszt...
No i trzeba zastrzec, że efekty aur nie kumulują się, tak samo jak jest to magic resistance...

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Posty: 1472
Lokalizacja: Nowy Sącz

Post autor: Sa!nt »

Nie czekając na dalsze głosy wyciągłem wnioski z tego co już zagłosowaliście (uważam że rozkład głosów byłby podobny)
Jako że w kilku przypadkach głosy były rozkładane po równo (i w przedziałach a także nie podane) próbowałem wyśrednić (oraz domyślić się co autor miał na myśli) i iść na naszą korzyść (według mnie jak byłoby lepiej). Mam nadzieje że nie będziecie mi mieli tego za złe.

Magiczne bronie - 11
Magiczne zbroje - 9
Talizmany - 8
Arcany - 7
Enchanty - 11
Sztandary - 11

Teraz baza z której będziemy wybierać itemy.

Magic Weapons
Runefang:….………………..100 points
(General of the Empire only)
All hits from a Runefang wound automatically and allow no armour saves.
Sword of Province…………..100 points
When using the Sword of Province character add +1 Attack and +1 Strength to his profile for every State Troops with Unit Strength 20+ within 12"
Myrmydia Lance……………..80 points
(Grand Master only)
Lance, +2 Attacks
Sword of Morr:..……………..65 points
Weapon; +1 Strength; Wounds inflicted by character with Sword of Morr (but not those coused by his mount) count towards CR of every combat with State Troops within 12"
The Mace of Helstrum:..……..60 points
The bearer can forfeit all of his normal Attacks to make only one Attacks to make only one Attack. Roll to hit normally. If this one Attack hits, the hit resolved at Strength 10 and cause D6 wounds.
Shard Blade…………………..60 points
When using the Shard Blade, character adds +2 to his Strength. In addition, any model who suffer a wound (after saving throws, etc) must take an immediate Toughness test. If this test is failed, they suffer an additional wound, with no save of any kind.
The Bright Sword:..…………..50 points
This magic sword casts a Flaming Sword of Ruin spell at the beginning of each player’s turn (the opponent cannot stop this at all). The spell can then be dispelled normally in each player’s magic phase, but that just temporarily quenches its fire and the sword automatically burst into new flames at the beginning of the next turn. There are no cumulative effects with spell Flaming Sword of Ruin.
Sword of Sigismund:..………..45 points
The wielder of this sword strikes with +1 Strength and benefits from the ‘always strikes first’ special rule in close combat.
Sword of Fate:..……………….40 points
At the beginning of the battle, nominate one enemy character or monster. The sword counts as a magic with no particular bonuses against any other opponent, but attacks directed against the designated target will wound it on a 2+ and cause D3 wounds, with no armour saves allowed.
Sword of Power:………………40 points
The sword confers +2 Strength to all close combat attacks made by the character.
Sword of Righteous Steel:…….30 points
The wielder always hits any opponent on a 2+, regardless of relative Weapon Skill. This cannot be modified in any way.
Scythe of Morr:……………….30 points
Great weapon; Killing blow.
Winter’s Bite:………………….30 points
On a roll to hit of 6, Winter’s Bite wounds automatically with no Armour save possible.
Storm Hammer:………………..30 points
White Wolf hammer. Models wounded in the turn the wielder charges may not attack that turn.
Hammer of Sigmar:..………….30 points
(Arch Lectors and Warrior Priest only )
Demons and Undead will wound on 2+ and surfer D3 wounds.
Blessed Rifle:..………………...30 points
Hochland Long Rifle; re-roll failed rolls to wounds.
Hammer of Judgement:………..25 points
Models hit by this hammer must take a Toughness test for every hit suffered. If the test is failed, the hit wound automatically and no armour save is allowed. If the test is passed, roll to wound and take armour saves as normal.
Dragon Bow:…………………..25 points
The Dragon Bow has a range of 36” and Strength 6. Any hits from this bow count as being from a magical weapon.
Sword of Justice:………………20 points
The bearer can re-roll failed rolls to wound.
Wyrmslayer Sword:…………...15 points
Hits from this sword wound any opponent on a roll of 4+ (unless the wielder’s Strength would make this less). Armour saves apply as normal; but large targets lose their armour save due to the scaly special rule against hits from this sword.

Magic Armour
Armour of Heldenhammer:……80 points
Armour save 3+ ; Magic Resistance 2; Model in base contact (friend or foe) can’t cast spell or use bound items.
Armour of Chamon:..…………..50 points
Full plate armour (armour save 4+) At the beginning of Empire magic phase roll dice.
1-2 Commandment of Brass
3-4 Transmutation of Lead
5-6 Law of Gold
The Armour of Chamon can cast the spell like bound spell with power level 4.
Armour of Ursun:……………….50 points
The Armour of Ursun counts as full plate armour (armour save 4+). In additional for each hit caused by his enemies in close combat, character wearing Armour of Ursun can make an additional attack back after his enemies’ attacks have been resolved (and assuming he’s still alive!). He may make these bonus attacks even if he has already attacked that phase.
Gilded Armour:………………….40 points
Heavy armour. Models attacking the wearer in close combat must pass a Strength test before rolling hit for every Attack directed at the target. If the test is failed, the Attack is lost. Special Attack (like those of a Giant, impact hits and anything not included in the Attack value on model’s profile) are not affected.
Armour of Skoll:………………...40 points
As heavy armour. Attacks against the wearer in close combat suffer a -1 Strength penalty. This can affect the attack’s save modifier. Wearer is immune to Light magic.
Dawn Armour:…………………..35 points
Full plate armour (armour save 4+). The model can re-roll any failed armour save.
Armour of Tarnus:………………35 points
Light armour. The Armour of Tarnus confers a 5+ ward save to the wearer. Wizards can wear this armour and cast spells.
Wolf Helm:……………………...35 points
Grants a 6+ Armour save that can be combined with other armour as normal. In addition, the wearer can take a Ld test at the start of every Close Combat phase. If passed, they gain +1 Strength for the duration of that phase.
Armour of Meteoric Iron:………..25 points
This armour gives the bearer a 1+ armour save that cannot be improved by any means.
Helm of the Ratslayer:……………25 points
This helm confers a 6+ armour save which can be combined with other equipment normally (including normal armour and a shield). In addition, the wearer cause Fear in all models in a Skaven army.
Shield of the Gorgon:……………..25 points
Shield. The wearer can force one model in base contact to lose one Attack. In the case of model with different Attacks (eg. mounted models) the wearer choose which Attack is lost. Special Attack (like those of a Giant, impact hits and anything not included in the Attack value on model’s profile) are not affected.
Bronze Shield:…………………….20 points
Shield. The bearer ignores the first hit in the battle from shooting or close combat.
Gold Shield:……………………….15 points
Shield. Shooting to character and unit with character suffer -1 penalty to shot.

The Silver Seal:……………………60 points
The Silver Seal confers a 4+ ward save and magic resistance (3).
Shroud of Magnus:………………...60 points
This item gives a 4+ Ward save. A model carrying the Shroud and his mount are tottaly immune to Dark, Skaven, and Chaos magic, even if cast with Irresistible Force. Note that the spell will not be dispelled and other models in the unit the character is will be affected normally.
The Crystal Cloak:…………………55 points
The Crystal Cloak grants the character a 4+ Ward save. In addition, all attacks directed against character in close combat suffer a -1 to both the To Hit and To Wound dice.
Icon of Sigismund:…………………50 points
This item gives the bearer a 5+ ward save and magic resistance (2).
Holy Relic:…………………………45 points
The Holy Relic gives its bearer a 4+ ward save.
Jade Amulet:………………………..40 points
The model may ignore the first wound it suffers.
Cloak of Molten Metal:……………..40 points
The rope gives a 3+ ward save against any missile attack directed toward character and his mount.
Heart of Middenheim:………………40 points
5+ Ward save. Wearer gains +1 to their Weapon Skill.
The White Cloak:.…………………..35 points
This item gives a 5+ ward save; which is increased to 2+ against Flaming Attack.
Cloak of Anraheir:…………………..25 points
Magic Resistance (1), wearer counts as causing fear to all Beastmen and Minotaur models.
Sigil of Ulric:………………………..25 points
Wearer have a number of additional Attack equal difference of Leadership wearer and enemy.
The Crimson Amulet:……………….20 points
This item gives a 6+ ward save. The wearer automatically passes any characteristic tests he has to take (except Leadership tests).
Sigil of Morr:………………………..20 points
Wearer is immune to Poison and Killing Blow.
Sigil of Sigmar:……………………...15 points
The Sigil of Sigmar confers magic resistance (1). Can be take several times like power stone or dispel scroll

Arcane Items
Staff of Voland:………………………...75 points
Bearer knows one more spell. Immediately after rolling the dice to cast a spell or to dispel an enemy spell, the Wizard wielding the Staff of Volans can pick up one of the dice rolled and turn it so that result is one higher than the number rolled. Only then is the total score and its effect worked out, including Miscast and Irresistible Force, This is especially useful because the Staff will make Miscast and failed Dispels rarer (you need to roll at least three 1s) and will make spells cast with Irresistible Force more common (if you roll a 5 and 6, you can transform the 5 into 6).
Staff of Verspasian:…………………….60 points
The Staff of Verspasian gives +2 to casting attempts made by Wizard wielding the staff. In addition, it allows him to ignore first miscast he suffer.
The Fire Stone of Agni:…………………55 points
This item works exactly like a power stone, but it can be used once per bearer’s magic phase and not one per game.
Hexstaff:………………………………..50 points
+ D3 Power dice only usable by bearer. Any Hex dice rolls of 1 cause Miscast
Seal of Destruction:……………………..45 points
One use only. The Seal has the same effect as Dispel Scroll. In addition, roll a D6. On a result of 4+ the spell is removed from the caster’s mind and he can no longer cast it. Spells cast from a bound spell item will only be removed on a result of a 6. Can be take several times like power stone or dispel scroll
Grey Wand:……………………………...40 points
Gives +1 to the casting attempts made by the Wizard.
Rod of Power:……………………………30 points
At the end of each magic phase (yours and enemy’s), you can save up to three unused power/dispel dice from the pool and store them in the rod. At the beginning of each successive magic phase (yours and enemy’s), roll a dice. If the result is equal or higher to number of dice stored, add them to the power/dispel pool, if the result is lower than the number of dice stored, they are lost.
Luckstone:………………………………..25 points
One use only. One per battle, the bearer can re-roll all of the dice rolled to cast or dispel a spell. This can effective cancel a miscast result, and cause irresistible force or a miscast.
The Firebrand Staff:…………….……….20 points
This magic staff extends the range of all spells by 12”.
Crystal ball:……………………………….15 points
The enemy must always reveal all the ‘secrets’ involving all units that are within 24” of the Wizard at any time. This includes which magic items are in the unit and who is carrying them, the presence of disguised, hidden or otherwise ‘invisible’ models ad everything else that the player in not normally obliged to disclose to his opponent.
Wizard’s Staff:……………………………10 points
The Wizard’s Staff allows the bearer to use one more dice than he is normally allowed to when casting a spell (eg. Wizard that can normally use up to two dice to cast spells will be able to use up to three).

Enchanted Items
Laurels of Victory:………………………...55 points
Each wound caused by a model wearing the Laurels of Victory (but not those cause by his mount) will counts as 2 Wounds when working out combat resolution. Note that you do not actually cause double wounds on your victim!
Rod of Command:…………………………50 points
One use only. Whenever the character (and the unit he is with) have to take a Break test, instead of rolling the dice, the player can declare he is using this item, If the player decides to do so, the character (and his unit) automatically roll double 1s (Insane Courage!) for the test, automatically passing regardless if modifiers. This item cannot be used by a character in a turn he refused a challenge or if he is hiding at back of the unit (nobody would pay heed to such a coward!).
Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery:………………..35 points
Bound Spell: Power Level variable. At the end of each of his movement phases, the bearer may remove and capture one randomly determined spell from an enemy Wizard within 12” of him on a roll 4+. The bearer can then cast the captured spell in any of his following magic phases by releasing it from the casket just like from bound item, whereupon the spell is then removed from the game. Any number of spells may be captured by the casket, and the bearer can cast each one once, either over several magic phase or all at the same time if he prefers. The power level of the spell cast by the casket will be equivalent to the normal casting value of the spell.
The Silver Horn:……………………………35 points
Bound Spell: Power Level 5. If successfully cast, all fleeing friendly units on the battlefield will rally immediately, regardless of number of models left.
The Orb of Thunder:………………………..30 points
Bound Spell: Power Level 4. Remains in play. When the Or of Thunder is in play, flying creatures on the battlefield cannot fly and must move on the ground at their normal Movement rate.
Doomfire Ring:……………………………...30 points
Bound Spell. Power Level 3. The Doomfire Ring cast the Burning Head spell from the Lore of Fire (see the Warhammer rulebook)
Lightning Stone:…..………………………...30 points
Bound Spell. Power Level 3. The Lightning Stone cast the Forked Lightning spell from the Lore of Heavens (see the Warhammer rulebook)
Van Horstmann’s Speculum:………………...30 points
When the wearer fights a challenge he can ‘swap’ his base Weapon Skill, Strength, Toughness, Initiative and Attacks values with those of his enemy. He can choose not to use the mirror, but if he does he must swap all these characteristics for the duration of the challenge. So, the wearer fights with his enemy’s WS, S, T, I and A whilst his enemy fights with the wearer’s Ws, S, T, I and A.
Bane of Craven:………………………………..30 points
Neither the unit that carries the Bane of the Craven nor any unit they charge may ever voluntarily flee as a charge reaction. They may use any other charge reaction they would normally be allowed.
Icon of Magnus:………………………………25 points
The character and the unit he is with are immune to Fear. When faced with an enemy that cause Terror, the character and the units only suffer Fear, not Terror.
Alchemist Badluck Stone:……………25 points
24" One use only. After the enemy wizard roll the dice for make a spell and in one dice is result 1 Empire player can use this item to make auto mistcast. It can be use even if the spell is throw with IF.
Halfling Cockbook…………………………….25 points
Allows army to take one more special slot that normally should have, but must have one more core that normally is demand. For example for 2k instead core 3+ special 0-4 you can have core 4+ special 0-5.
Ring of Volans:………………………………..20 points
One use only. Bound Spell: Power Level variable. Choose any one of the eight magic lores in the Warhammer rulebook and randomly select one spell from that lore to be bound within the Ring of Volans. The power level of the spell cast by the ring will be equivalent to the normal casting value of the spell.
Pelt of Horros:…………………………………20 points
The wearer may re-roll one failed to wound in each Close Combat phase.
Claw Totem:…………………………………...15 points
The character and any unit he is with can roll one extra dice when pursuing fleeing enemies and discard the lowest roll.
Halfling Pouch:…………………………………15 points
Other magic items character with Halfling Pouch cost 10 points less.
Gourd of Marienburg Wine:………………….10 points
One use only. +D6 Strength until end of turn.
Book from Nuln:………………………………..5 points
Character has ‘Extra Crewman’ special rule.

Magic Standards
Imperial Banner:……………………………..100 points
All units with at least one model within 12” of the Imperial Banner can re-roll any failed Terror, Fear, Panic or Rally test as well tests to avoid pursuing a fleeing enemy.
Banner of Sigismund:………………………….60 points
The standard bearer and all models in his unit are Stubborn. Note that this bonus is also conferred to other character within the unit.
Griffon Standard:………………………………50 points
A unit carrying the Griffon Standard counts double its rank bonus when it comes to working out combat results, If the unit is in two rank it receives +2, in three +4, and in four ranks (the maximum bonus) +6. The unit will never pursue a fleeing enemy but, will always hold its ground, even if affected by a special rule that means it normally must do so.
Banner of the Daemonslayer:…………………..50 points
(Knightly Orders Only)
During the turn when it charges into combat, the unit cause Fear (from the moment it is found to be in charge range to the end of that turn).
Banner of Middenheim:………………………….40 points
The unit carrying the banner is immune to fear and terror.
Standard of the White Wolf:……………………..40 points
All missile fire against the unit (including magic missiles) suffers a -1 penalty to its Strenght. Other types of attack including spells that are not magic missiles, are unaffected.
Banner of Warrior True:…………………………35 points
When the unit carrying this banner takes a Break test, they count as having lost the combat by D3 fewer points than they really did. If this reduces the margin of the loss to 0 or lower, they still count as having lost the combat but test on their unmodified Leadership. This has no effect on other friendly units in a multiple combat, which must test as normal.
Banner of Fury:………………………………….30 points
(State Troops Only)
Unit State Troops gains additional Attack in the turn when they are charging.
Banner of Valour:………………………………30 points
The unit is Immune to Panic.
Standard of Arcane Warding:…………………..30 points
This banner confers magic resistance (2) on the unit that carries it.
Discipline Standard:..…………………………………..25 points
No matter how mamy models were killed in close combat phase, all models from the first rank may strike back as if were not slain at all.
Drill Banner:..…………………………………..25 points
State Troops only
Unit may reform and hold as a charge reaction when charging unit is far then half of its charge move.
Steel Standard:…………………………………..20 points
(Knightly Orders Only)
The unit can add D3” to its charge move. If the charge is failed, the unit will move forward 7” as normal.
Banner of Reloading:...........................20 points
The unit may fire a second time every friendly shooting phase with their weapon. Note: this is not a multiple shoot.
Standard of Troops:………………………………20 points
(State Troops Only)
If the unit carrying the banner is fighting in a combat where its side outnumbers the enemy, the ‘outnumber enemy’ bonus is +2 instead of the normal +1.
Banner of Duty:………………………………….10 points
The unit can re-roll any failed Rally test.
Hochland Standard ..................................................10 points
The parent unit carrying the Hochland Standard and Detachments which are within 3" of the parent unit, can always make Stand and Shoot reaction. When Detchments make Support Fire, like it is described in Empire Army book p.39, they get +1 to hit roll. State Troops can wait to the last moment and than make deadly volley.
Banner of Ulric:.......................................................... 50 points
Unit causes fear in the first round of every combat (WW only)
Banner of the Daemonslayer:...................................... 50 points
when facing Daemonic units the unit is subject to frenzy (never loose it) even if immune to psychology. (KO and WW only)
Ostatnio zmieniony 13 wrz 2008, o 21:21 przez Sa!nt, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
squiq pisze:Mój Sigmar myśli inaczej.

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1472
Lokalizacja: Nowy Sącz

Post autor: Sa!nt »

Teraz prosiłbym o wybieranie w pośród bazy przedmiotów i pisanie tylko ich nazw o kosztach porozmawiamy później ;)

9. Magiczne bronie wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance

3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

10. Magiczne zbroje wybieramy - 9

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Gilded Armour
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

11. Talizmany wybiaramy - 8

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

12. Arcany wybieramy - 7

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

13. Enchanty wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Gourd of Marienburg Wine
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Doomfire Ring
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

14. Sztandary wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Fury
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Reloading

3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

I stare głosowania:

1. Czy zmieniłbyś coś w dziale Common Magic Items:

1. Ismael - nic, dlaczego ES ma być za 10 pts?
2. Saint - Enchanted Shield - 10 pts
3. Thrawn - ES - 10 pts
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - nic
8. Pelcu - Staff of Sorcery 30 pts
9. Argoth - sam nie wiem, niektóre rzeczy wydają się nie przydatne, ale ogólnie to bym zostawił jak jest
10. Toni - e-shield 10 pts.
11. SaH - jest dobrze jak jest

8. Ile powinno być aur dla Kapłanów i jak miałyby być podzielone

1. Ismael - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
2. Saint - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
3. Thrawn - zdaję się na Saint'a w tej sprawie
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
8. Pelcu 3 po 3
9. Argoth - koncepcja Sa!nta jak najbardziej
10. Toni jak SaH
11. SaH - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 3 aury
squiq pisze:Mój Sigmar myśli inaczej.

Awatar użytkownika
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Posty: 1257
Lokalizacja: Biała Podlaska

Post autor: Grand Admiral Thrawn »

A czy mógłbyś do sztandrów dorzucić jeszcze te?

Banner of Ulric - 50pts - unit causes fear in the first round of every combat (WW only)
Banner of the Daemonslayer - 50pts - when facing Daemonic units the unit is subject to frenzy (never loose it) even if immune to psychology. (KO and WW only)

I jeszcze sztandar Pelcu gdzieś tam jest ale nie pamiętam dokładnie na której stronie

Co do kosztów sztandarów to zauważułem, że np Griffon ma już obniżony koszt ale te z CoU nie. Może niech wszystkie przedmioty mają koszt punktowy jakie mają w pod Imperium do 7 ed i liście CoU. Łatwiej będzie potem dyskutować co i ole podrożyć/potanieć.
Ostatnio zmieniony 13 wrz 2008, o 21:18 przez Grand Admiral Thrawn, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1472
Lokalizacja: Nowy Sącz

Post autor: Sa!nt »

Sztandar Pelca został uwzględniony tych nie widziałem wcześniej albo przeoczyłem ;) Już je dodam :)

Przekopiowałem to co sam napisałem wcześniej w swoim armyliście więc nie martw się o koszt punktowy jak napisałem wyżej będziemy jeszcze o tym dyskutować teraz głosuj na temat przedmiotów których zasady i umiejętności Ci się podobają.

Awatar użytkownika
Chuck Norris
Posty: 601
Lokalizacja: Zad Trolla Koszalin

Post autor: -SaH- »

9. Magiczne bronie wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance

3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Judgement
7. Sword of Justice
8. Wyrmslayer Sword
9. Winter’s Bite
10. Scythe of Morr
11. The Bright Sword

10. Magiczne zbroje wybieramy - 9

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Gilded Armour
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Skoll
3. Helm of the Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

11. Talizmany wybiaramy - 8

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Shroud of Magnus
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

12. Arcany wybieramy - 7

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

13. Enchanty wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Gourd of Marienburg Wine
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Doomfire Ring
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. The Silver Horn
5. The Orb of Thunder
6. Doomfire Ring
7. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8. Bane of Craven
9. Icon of Magnus
10. Halfling Pouch
11. Alchemist Badluck Stone

14. Sztandary wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Fury
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Reloading

3. Thrawn
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Standard of Troops
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Standard of Arcane Warding
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Banner of Reloading
11. Banner of Warrior True

I stare głosowania:

1. Czy zmieniłbyś coś w dziale Common Magic Items:

1. Ismael - nic, dlaczego ES ma być za 10 pts?
2. Saint - Enchanted Shield - 10 pts
3. Thrawn - ES - 10 pts
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - nic
8. Pelcu - Staff of Sorcery 30 pts
9. Argoth - sam nie wiem, niektóre rzeczy wydają się nie przydatne, ale ogólnie to bym zostawił jak jest
10. Toni - e-shield 10 pts.
11. SaH - jest dobrze jak jest

8. Ile powinno być aur dla Kapłanów i jak miałyby być podzielone

1. Ismael - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
2. Saint - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
3. Thrawn - zdaję się na Saint'a w tej sprawie
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
8. Pelcu 3 po 3
9. Argoth - koncepcja Sa!nta jak najbardziej
10. Toni jak SaH
11. SaH - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 3 aury
Ostatnio zmieniony 14 wrz 2008, o 13:13 przez -SaH-, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
To fight Chaos on the battlefields, not to grow rich and fat in the golden halls of the capital, that is the purpose of our Cult! - Boomed Luthor's voice at the Council

Awatar użytkownika
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Posty: 1257
Lokalizacja: Biała Podlaska

Post autor: Grand Admiral Thrawn »

9. Magiczne bronie wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance

3. Thrawn - Runefang, The Mace of Helstrum, Shard Blade, Sword of Sigismund, Sword of Power, Scythe of Morr, Storm Hammer, Hammer of Sigmar, Winter’s Bite, Dragon Bow, Sword of Justice

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Judgement
7. Sword of Justice
8. Wyrmslayer Sword
9. Winter’s Bite
10. Scythe of Morr
11. The Bright Sword

10. Magiczne zbroje wybieramy - 9

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Gilded Armour
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

3. Thrawn - Armour of Chamon (zmieniłbym nazwę bo ta jakaś żabojadzkobrzmiąca), Armour of Ursun, Armour of Skoll, Dawn Armour, Armour of Tarnus, Wolf Helm, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Shield of the Gorgon, Gold Shield

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Skoll
3. Helm of the Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

11. Talizmany wybiaramy - 8

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

3. Thrawn - Icon of Sigismund, Holy Relic, Cloak of Molten Metal, Heart of Middenheim, Sigil of Ulric, Sigil of Morr, Sigil of Sigmar, The White Cloak

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Shroud of Magnus
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

12. Arcany wybieramy - 7

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

3. Thrawn - Staff of Voland, Seal of Destruction, Grey Wand, Rod of Power, Luckstone, The Firebrand Staff, Wizard’s Staff
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

13. Enchanty wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Gourd of Marienburg Wine
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Doomfire Ring
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

3. Thrawn - Laurels of Victory, Rod of Command, Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery, The Silver Horn, The Orb of Thunder, Doomfire Ring, Van Horstmann’s Speculum, Bane of Craven, Icon of Magnus, Ring of Volans, Alchemist Badluck Stone

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. The Silver Horn
5. The Orb of Thunder
6. Doomfire Ring
7. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8. Bane of Craven
9. Icon of Magnus
10. Halfling Pouch
11. Alchemist Badluck Stone

14. Sztandary wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Fury
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Reloading

3. Thrawn - (Drill Banner jest już nie potrzebny, to będą dawali EC i Kapitan), Imperial Banner, Banner of Sigismund, Griffon Standard, Banner of the Daemonslayer (z frenzy), Banner of Ulric, Banner of Middenheim, Standard of the White Wolf, Banner of Warrior True, Standard of Arcane Warding, Steel Standard, Standard of Troops
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth
10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Standard of Troops
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Standard of Arcane Warding
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Warrior True

I stare głosowania:

1. Czy zmieniłbyś coś w dziale Common Magic Items:

1. Ismael - nic, dlaczego ES ma być za 10 pts?
2. Saint - Enchanted Shield - 10 pts
3. Thrawn - ES - 10 pts
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - nic
8. Pelcu - Staff of Sorcery 30 pts
9. Argoth - sam nie wiem, niektóre rzeczy wydają się nie przydatne, ale ogólnie to bym zostawił jak jest
10. Toni - e-shield 10 pts.
11. SaH - jest dobrze jak jest

8. Ile powinno być aur dla Kapłanów i jak miałyby być podzielone

1. Ismael - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
2. Saint - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
3. Thrawn - zdaję się na Saint'a w tej sprawie
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
8. Pelcu 3 po 3
9. Argoth - koncepcja Sa!nta jak najbardziej
10. Toni jak SaH
11. SaH - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 3 aury

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 290
Lokalizacja: Oświęcim

Post autor: argoth »

9. Magiczne bronie wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance

3. Thrawn - Runefang, The Mace of Helstrum, Shard Blade, Sword of Sigismund, Sword of Power, Scythe of Morr, Storm Hammer, Hammer of Sigmar, Winter’s Bite, Dragon Bow, Sword of Justice

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Sigmar
7. Sword of Morr
8. Blessed Riffle
9. Myrmidia Lance
10. Scythe of Morr
11. Storm Hammer

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Judgement
7. Sword of Justice
8. Wyrmslayer Sword
9. Winter’s Bite
10. Scythe of Morr
11. The Bright Sword

10. Magiczne zbroje wybieramy - 9

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Gilded Armour
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

3. Thrawn - Armour of Chamon (zmieniłbym nazwę bo ta jakaś żabojadzkobrzmiąca), Armour of Ursun, Armour of Skoll, Dawn Armour, Armour of Tarnus, Wolf Helm, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Shield of the Gorgon, Gold Shield

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Helm of Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Skoll
3. Helm of the Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

11. Talizmany wybiaramy - 8

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

3. Thrawn - Icon of Sigismund, Holy Relic, Cloak of Molten Metal, Heart of Middenheim, Sigil of Ulric, Sigil of Morr, Sigil of Sigmar, The White Cloak

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. Shrout of Magnus

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Shroud of Magnus
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

12. Arcany wybieramy - 7

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

3. Thrawn - Staff of Voland, Seal of Destruction, Grey Wand, Rod of Power, Luckstone, The Firebrand Staff, Wizard’s Staff
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

13. Enchanty wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Gourd of Marienburg Wine
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Doomfire Ring
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

3. Thrawn - Laurels of Victory, Rod of Command, Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery, The Silver Horn, The Orb of Thunder, Doomfire Ring, Van Horstmann’s Speculum, Bane of Craven, Icon of Magnus, Ring of Volans, Alchemist Badluck Stone

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Orb of Thunder
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Silver Horn
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Halfling Pouch
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. The Silver Horn
5. The Orb of Thunder
6. Doomfire Ring
7. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8. Bane of Craven
9. Icon of Magnus
10. Halfling Pouch
11. Alchemist Badluck Stone

14. Sztandary wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Fury
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Reloading

3. Thrawn - (Drill Banner jest już nie potrzebny, to będą dawali EC i Kapitan), Imperial Banner, Banner of Sigismund, Griffon Standard, Banner of the Daemonslayer (z frenzy), Banner of Ulric, Banner of Middenheim, Standard of the White Wolf, Banner of Warrior True, Standard of Arcane Warding, Steel Standard, Standard of Troops
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
9. Argoth

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer (frenzy)
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Warrior True
8. Standard of Arcane Warding
9. Discipline Standard
10. Standard of Troops
11. Banner of Reloading

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Standard of Troops
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Standard of Arcane Warding
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Warrior True

I stare głosowania:

1. Czy zmieniłbyś coś w dziale Common Magic Items:

1. Ismael - nic, dlaczego ES ma być za 10 pts?
2. Saint - Enchanted Shield - 10 pts
3. Thrawn - ES - 10 pts
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - nic
8. Pelcu - Staff of Sorcery 30 pts
9. Argoth - sam nie wiem, niektóre rzeczy wydają się nie przydatne, ale ogólnie to bym zostawił jak jest
10. Toni - e-shield 10 pts.
11. SaH - jest dobrze jak jest

8. Ile powinno być aur dla Kapłanów i jak miałyby być podzielone

1. Ismael - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
2. Saint - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
3. Thrawn - zdaję się na Saint'a w tej sprawie
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
8. Pelcu 3 po 3
9. Argoth - koncepcja Sa!nta jak najbardziej
10. Toni jak SaH
11. SaH - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 3 aury
Ogień oczyszcza ciało i dusze nawet największych wrogów Imperium...niech zapłoną stosy!

PG...czyli jak wygrać bitwę przed jej rozpoczęciem. 100% HATE!!!

Awatar użytkownika
Chuck Norris
Posty: 601
Lokalizacja: Zad Trolla Koszalin

Post autor: -SaH- »

@Sa!nt -Uprzejmie poproszę o zmianę wyboru mojego sztandaru z Drill Banner na Banner of Reloading podczas zliczania głosów. Dziękuję. :)
To fight Chaos on the battlefields, not to grow rich and fat in the golden halls of the capital, that is the purpose of our Cult! - Boomed Luthor's voice at the Council

Awatar użytkownika
Chuck Norris
Posty: 551
Lokalizacja: Z Zadupia

Post autor: pelcu »

9. Magiczne bronie wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance

3. Thrawn - Runefang, The Mace of Helstrum, Shard Blade, Sword of Sigismund, Sword of Power, Scythe of Morr, Storm Hammer, Hammer of Sigmar, Winter’s Bite, Dragon Bow, Sword of Justice

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu

1. Runefang
2. Myrmyda lance
3. Mace of Helstrum
4. Bright Sword
5.Sword of Sigismund
6.Sword of fate
7.Scythe of Morr
8. Dragon Bow
9. Hammer of Judgement
10.Winter bite
11. Sword of power

9. Argoth

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Sigmar
7. Sword of Morr
8. Blessed Riffle
9. Myrmidia Lance
10. Scythe of Morr
11. Storm Hammer

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Judgement
7. Sword of Justice
8. Wyrmslayer Sword
9. Winter’s Bite
10. Scythe of Morr
11. The Bright Sword

10. Magiczne zbroje wybieramy - 9

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Gilded Armour
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

3. Thrawn - Armour of Chamon (zmieniłbym nazwę bo ta jakaś żabojadzkobrzmiąca), Armour of Ursun, Armour of Skoll, Dawn Armour, Armour of Tarnus, Wolf Helm, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Shield of the Gorgon, Gold Shield

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu

1.Armour of Ursun
2.Gilded Armour
3.Dawn Armour
4.Wolf Helm
5.Aemour of Meteoric Iron
6.Armour odf Tarnus
7. Gold Shield
8 Shield of the Gorgon
9 Armour of Skoll

9. Argoth

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Helm of Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Skoll
3. Helm of the Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

11. Talizmany wybiaramy - 8

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

3. Thrawn - Icon of Sigismund, Holy Relic, Cloak of Molten Metal, Heart of Middenheim, Sigil of Ulric, Sigil of Morr, Sigil of Sigmar, The White Cloak

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
1.The Silver Seal
2.The Crystal Cloak
3.Icon of Sigismund
4.Holy Relic
5.Heart of Middenheim
6.The White Cloak
7. Sigil of Mor
8. Sigil of Sigmar

9. Argoth

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. Shrout of Magnus

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Shroud of Magnus
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

12. Arcany wybieramy - 7

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

3. Thrawn - Staff of Voland, Seal of Destruction, Grey Wand, Rod of Power, Luckstone, The Firebrand Staff, Wizard’s Staff
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu

1.Staff of Verspasian
2. Seal of Destruction
3.Rod of Power
5.Wizard’s Staff
6.The Firebrand Staff
7.Grey Wand

9. Argoth

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

13. Enchanty wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Gourd of Marienburg Wine
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Doomfire Ring
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

3. Thrawn - Laurels of Victory, Rod of Command, Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery, The Silver Horn, The Orb of Thunder, Doomfire Ring, Van Horstmann’s Speculum, Bane of Craven, Icon of Magnus, Ring of Volans, Alchemist Badluck Stone

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu
1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Orb of Thunder
5.Doomfire Ring
6.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
7.Alchemist Badluck Stone
8.Ring of Volans
9.Icon of Magnus
10.Bane of Craven
11.The Silver Horn

9. Argoth

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Orb of Thunder
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Silver Horn
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Halfling Pouch
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. The Silver Horn
5. The Orb of Thunder
6. Doomfire Ring
7. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8. Bane of Craven
9. Icon of Magnus
10. Halfling Pouch
11. Alchemist Badluck Stone

14. Sztandary wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Fury
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Reloading

3. Thrawn - (Drill Banner jest już nie potrzebny, to będą dawali EC i Kapitan), Imperial Banner, Banner of Sigismund, Griffon Standard, Banner of the Daemonslayer (z frenzy), Banner of Ulric, Banner of Middenheim, Standard of the White Wolf, Banner of Warrior True, Standard of Arcane Warding, Steel Standard, Standard of Troops
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek
8. Pelcu

1.Imperial Banner
2.Banner of Sigismund
3..Griffon Standard
4.Banner of Valour
5.Discipline Standard - poprawiłbym tylko opis na wszystkie modele będące w walce...
6.Steel Standard
7.Hochland Standard
8.Standard of Troops
9.Standard of Arcane Warding
10.Banner of Middenheim
11.Banner of Warrior True

9. Argoth

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer (frenzy)
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Warrior True
8. Standard of Arcane Warding
9. Discipline Standard
10. Standard of Troops
11. Banner of Reloading

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Standard of Troops
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Standard of Arcane Warding
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Warrior True

I stare głosowania:

1. Czy zmieniłbyś coś w dziale Common Magic Items:

1. Ismael - nic, dlaczego ES ma być za 10 pts?
2. Saint - Enchanted Shield - 10 pts
3. Thrawn - ES - 10 pts
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - nic
8. Pelcu - Staff of Sorcery 30 pts
9. Argoth - sam nie wiem, niektóre rzeczy wydają się nie przydatne, ale ogólnie to bym zostawił jak jest
10. Toni - e-shield 10 pts.
11. SaH - jest dobrze jak jest

8. Ile powinno być aur dla Kapłanów i jak miałyby być podzielone

1. Ismael - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
2. Saint - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
3. Thrawn - zdaję się na Saint'a w tej sprawie
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 4 aury
8. Pelcu 3 rodzaje po 3 aury
9. Argoth - koncepcja Sa!nta jak najbardziej
10. Toni jak SaH
11. SaH - 3 rodzaje aur (common, Sigmar, Ulric) po 3 aury

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 2695

Post autor: Czopek »

9. Magiczne bronie wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance

3. Thrawn - Runefang, The Mace of Helstrum, Shard Blade, Sword of Sigismund, Sword of Power, Scythe of Morr, Storm Hammer, Hammer of Sigmar, Winter’s Bite, Dragon Bow, Sword of Justice

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek -

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance
8. Pelcu

1. Runefang
2. Myrmyda lance
3. Mace of Helstrum
4. Bright Sword
5.Sword of Sigismund
6.Sword of fate
7.Scythe of Morr
8. Dragon Bow
9. Hammer of Judgement
10.Winter bite
11. Sword of power

9. Argoth

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Sigmar
7. Sword of Morr
8. Blessed Riffle
9. Myrmidia Lance
10. Scythe of Morr
11. Storm Hammer

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Judgement
7. Sword of Justice
8. Wyrmslayer Sword
9. Winter’s Bite
10. Scythe of Morr
11. The Bright Sword

10. Magiczne zbroje wybieramy - 9

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Gilded Armour
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

3. Thrawn - Armour of Chamon (zmieniłbym nazwę bo ta jakaś żabojadzkobrzmiąca), Armour of Ursun, Armour of Skoll, Dawn Armour, Armour of Tarnus, Wolf Helm, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Shield of the Gorgon, Gold Shield

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek -
1.Armour of Ursun
2.Gilded Armour
3.Dawn Armour
4.Wolf Helm
5.Aemour of Meteoric Iron
6.Armour odf Tarnus
7. Gold Shield
8 Shield of the Gorgon
9 Armour of Skoll

8. Pelcu

1.Armour of Ursun
2.Gilded Armour
3.Dawn Armour
4.Wolf Helm
5.Aemour of Meteoric Iron
6.Armour odf Tarnus
7. Gold Shield
8 Shield of the Gorgon
9 Armour of Skoll

9. Argoth

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Helm of Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Skoll
3. Helm of the Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

11. Talizmany wybiaramy - 8

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

3. Thrawn - Icon of Sigismund, Holy Relic, Cloak of Molten Metal, Heart of Middenheim, Sigil of Ulric, Sigil of Morr, Sigil of Sigmar, The White Cloak

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Icon of Sigismund, Holy Relic, Cloak of Molten Metal, Heart of Middenheim, Sigil of Ulric, Sigil of Sigmar, Sigil of Morr, The White Cloak

8. Pelcu
1.The Silver Seal
2.The Crystal Cloak
3.Icon of Sigismund
4.Holy Relic
5.Heart of Middenheim
6.The White Cloak
7. Sigil of Mor
8. Sigil of Sigmar

9. Argoth

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. Shrout of Magnus

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Shroud of Magnus
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

12. Arcany wybieramy - 7

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

3. Thrawn - Staff of Voland, Seal of Destruction, Grey Wand, Rod of Power, Luckstone, The Firebrand Staff, Wizard’s Staff
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Staff of Voland, Seal of Destruction, Grey Wand, Rod of Power, Luckstone, The Firebrand Staff, Wizard’s Staff
8. Pelcu

1.Staff of Verspasian
2. Seal of Destruction
3.Rod of Power
5.Wizard’s Staff
6.The Firebrand Staff
7.Grey Wand

9. Argoth

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

13. Enchanty wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Gourd of Marienburg Wine
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Doomfire Ring
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

3. Thrawn - Laurels of Victory, Rod of Command, Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery, The Silver Horn, The Orb of Thunder, Doomfire Ring, Van Horstmann’s Speculum, Bane of Craven, Icon of Magnus, Ring of Volans, Alchemist Badluck Stone

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Laurels of Victory, Rod of Command, Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery, The Silver Horn, The Orb of Thunder, Doomfire Ring, Van Horstmann’s Speculum, Bane of Craven, Icon of Magnus, Ring of Volans, Alchemist Badluck Stone

8. Pelcu
1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Orb of Thunder
5.Doomfire Ring
6.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
7.Alchemist Badluck Stone
8.Ring of Volans
9.Icon of Magnus
10.Bane of Craven
11.The Silver Horn

9. Argoth

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Orb of Thunder
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Silver Horn
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Halfling Pouch
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. The Silver Horn
5. The Orb of Thunder
6. Doomfire Ring
7. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8. Bane of Craven
9. Icon of Magnus
10. Halfling Pouch
11. Alchemist Badluck Stone

14. Sztandary wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael
2. Saint

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Fury
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Reloading

3. Thrawn - (Drill Banner jest już nie potrzebny, to będą dawali EC i Kapitan), Imperial Banner, Banner of Sigismund, Griffon Standard, Banner of the Daemonslayer (z frenzy), Banner of Ulric, Banner of Middenheim, Standard of the White Wolf, Banner of Warrior True, Standard of Arcane Warding, Steel Standard, Standard of Troops
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Imperial Banner, Banner of Sigismund,Griffon Standard, Banner of Valour, Discipline Standard, Steel Standard, Hochland Standard, Standard of Troops, Standard of Arcane Warding, Banner of Middenheim, Banner of Warrior True

8. Pelcu

1.Imperial Banner
2.Banner of Sigismund
3..Griffon Standard
4.Banner of Valour
5.Discipline Standard - poprawiłbym tylko opis na wszystkie modele będące w walce...
6.Steel Standard
7.Hochland Standard
8.Standard of Troops
9.Standard of Arcane Warding
10.Banner of Middenheim
11.Banner of Warrior True

9. Argoth

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer (frenzy)
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Warrior True
8. Standard of Arcane Warding
9. Discipline Standard
10. Standard of Troops
11. Banner of Reloading

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Standard of Troops
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Standard of Arcane Warding
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Warrior True

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 670
Lokalizacja: Gdynia

Post autor: ismael »

9. Magiczne bronie wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael

2.The Mace of Helstrum
3.Sword of Sigismund
4.Sword of Fate
5.Sword of Power
6.Sword of Righteous Steel
7.Hammer of Judgement
8.Dragon Bow
9.Sword of Justice
10.Winter’s Bite
11.Scythe of Morr

2. Saint

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance

3. Thrawn - Runefang, The Mace of Helstrum, Shard Blade, Sword of Sigismund, Sword of Power, Scythe of Morr, Storm Hammer, Hammer of Sigmar, Winter’s Bite, Dragon Bow, Sword of Justice

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek -

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance
8. Pelcu

1. Runefang
2. Myrmyda lance
3. Mace of Helstrum
4. Bright Sword
5.Sword of Sigismund
6.Sword of fate
7.Scythe of Morr
8. Dragon Bow
9. Hammer of Judgement
10.Winter bite
11. Sword of power

9. Argoth

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Sigmar
7. Sword of Morr
8. Blessed Riffle
9. Myrmidia Lance
10. Scythe of Morr
11. Storm Hammer

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Judgement
7. Sword of Justice
8. Wyrmslayer Sword
9. Winter’s Bite
10. Scythe of Morr
11. The Bright Sword

10. Magiczne zbroje wybieramy - 9

1. Ismael

1.Gilded Armour
2.Dawn Armour
3.Armour of Tarnus
4.Armour of Meteoric Iron
5.Helm of the Ratslayer
6.Shield of the Gorgon
7.Wolf Helm
8.Armour of Skoll
9.Bronze Shield

2. Saint

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Gilded Armour
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

3. Thrawn - Armour of Chamon (zmieniłbym nazwę bo ta jakaś żabojadzkobrzmiąca), Armour of Ursun, Armour of Skoll, Dawn Armour, Armour of Tarnus, Wolf Helm, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Shield of the Gorgon, Gold Shield

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek -
1.Armour of Ursun
2.Gilded Armour
3.Dawn Armour
4.Wolf Helm
5.Aemour of Meteoric Iron
6.Armour odf Tarnus
7. Gold Shield
8 Shield of the Gorgon
9 Armour of Skoll

8. Pelcu

1.Armour of Ursun
2.Gilded Armour
3.Dawn Armour
4.Wolf Helm
5.Aemour of Meteoric Iron
6.Armour odf Tarnus
7. Gold Shield
8 Shield of the Gorgon
9 Armour of Skoll

9. Argoth

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Helm of Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Skoll
3. Helm of the Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

11. Talizmany wybiaramy - 8

1. Ismael

1.Shroud of Magnus
2.Holy Relic
3.Jade Amulet
4.The White Cloak
5.Sigil of Morr
6.Sigil of Sigmar
7.Heart of Middenheim
8.Sigil of Ulric

2. Saint

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

3. Thrawn - Icon of Sigismund, Holy Relic, Cloak of Molten Metal, Heart of Middenheim, Sigil of Ulric, Sigil of Morr, Sigil of Sigmar, The White Cloak

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Icon of Sigismund, Holy Relic, Cloak of Molten Metal, Heart of Middenheim, Sigil of Ulric, Sigil of Sigmar, Sigil of Morr, The White Cloak

8. Pelcu
1.The Silver Seal
2.The Crystal Cloak
3.Icon of Sigismund
4.Holy Relic
5.Heart of Middenheim
6.The White Cloak
7. Sigil of Mor
8. Sigil of Sigmar

9. Argoth

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. Shrout of Magnus

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Shroud of Magnus
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

12. Arcany wybieramy - 7

1. Ismael

1.Seal of Destruction
2.Grey Wand
3.Rod of Power
5.Crystal ball
6.Wizard’s Staff
7.The Firebrand Staff - PODNIEŚĆ KOSZT

2. Saint

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

3. Thrawn - Staff of Voland, Seal of Destruction, Grey Wand, Rod of Power, Luckstone, The Firebrand Staff, Wizard’s Staff
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Staff of Voland, Seal of Destruction, Grey Wand, Rod of Power, Luckstone, The Firebrand Staff, Wizard’s Staff
8. Pelcu

1.Staff of Verspasian
2. Seal of Destruction
3.Rod of Power
5.Wizard’s Staff
6.The Firebrand Staff
7.Grey Wand

9. Argoth

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

13. Enchanty wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael

1.Laurels of Victory
2.Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Silver Horn
5.The Orb of Thunder
6.Doomfire Ring
7.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8.Icon of Magnus
9.Ring of Volans
10.Claw Totem
11.Alchemist Badluck Stone

2. Saint

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Gourd of Marienburg Wine
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Doomfire Ring
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

3. Thrawn - Laurels of Victory, Rod of Command, Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery, The Silver Horn, The Orb of Thunder, Doomfire Ring, Van Horstmann’s Speculum, Bane of Craven, Icon of Magnus, Ring of Volans, Alchemist Badluck Stone

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Laurels of Victory, Rod of Command, Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery, The Silver Horn, The Orb of Thunder, Doomfire Ring, Van Horstmann’s Speculum, Bane of Craven, Icon of Magnus, Ring of Volans, Alchemist Badluck Stone

8. Pelcu
1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Orb of Thunder
5.Doomfire Ring
6.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
7.Alchemist Badluck Stone
8.Ring of Volans
9.Icon of Magnus
10.Bane of Craven
11.The Silver Horn

9. Argoth

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Orb of Thunder
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Silver Horn
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Halfling Pouch
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. The Silver Horn
5. The Orb of Thunder
6. Doomfire Ring
7. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8. Bane of Craven
9. Icon of Magnus
10. Halfling Pouch
11. Alchemist Badluck Stone

14. Sztandary wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael

1.Imperial Banner
2.Banner of Sigismund
3.Griffon Standard
4.Banner of the Daemonslayer - w brzmieniu:
Banner of the Daemonslayer:…………………..50 points
(Knightly Orders Only)
During the turn when it charges into combat, the unit is immune to psychology. What is more, it causes Fear (from the moment it is found to be in charge range to the end of that turn).

5.Banner of Valour
6.Standard of Arcane Warding
7.Steel Standard
8.Banner of Reloading - PODNIEŚĆ KOSZT
9.Banner of Warrior True
10.Standard of the White Wolf
11.Standard of Troops

2. Saint

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Fury
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Reloading

3. Thrawn - (Drill Banner jest już nie potrzebny, to będą dawali EC i Kapitan), Imperial Banner, Banner of Sigismund, Griffon Standard, Banner of the Daemonslayer (z frenzy), Banner of Ulric, Banner of Middenheim, Standard of the White Wolf, Banner of Warrior True, Standard of Arcane Warding, Steel Standard, Standard of Troops
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Imperial Banner, Banner of Sigismund,Griffon Standard, Banner of Valour, Discipline Standard, Steel Standard, Hochland Standard, Standard of Troops, Standard of Arcane Warding, Banner of Middenheim, Banner of Warrior True

8. Pelcu

1.Imperial Banner
2.Banner of Sigismund
3..Griffon Standard
4.Banner of Valour
5.Discipline Standard - poprawiłbym tylko opis na wszystkie modele będące w walce...
6.Steel Standard
7.Hochland Standard
8.Standard of Troops
9.Standard of Arcane Warding
10.Banner of Middenheim
11.Banner of Warrior True

9. Argoth

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer (frenzy)
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Warrior True
8. Standard of Arcane Warding
9. Discipline Standard
10. Standard of Troops
11. Banner of Reloading

10. Toni
11. SaH

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Standard of Troops
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Standard of Arcane Warding
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Warrior True

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 705
Lokalizacja: Opole

Post autor: Toni »

9. Magiczne bronie wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael

2.The Mace of Helstrum
3.Sword of Sigismund
4.Sword of Fate
5.Sword of Power
6.Sword of Righteous Steel
7.Hammer of Judgement
8.Dragon Bow
9.Sword of Justice
10.Winter’s Bite
11.Scythe of Morr

2. Saint

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance

3. Thrawn - Runefang, The Mace of Helstrum, Shard Blade, Sword of Sigismund, Sword of Power, Scythe of Morr, Storm Hammer, Hammer of Sigmar, Winter’s Bite, Dragon Bow, Sword of Justice

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek -

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance
8. Pelcu

1. Runefang
2. Myrmyda lance
3. Mace of Helstrum
4. Bright Sword
5.Sword of Sigismund
6.Sword of fate
7.Scythe of Morr
8. Dragon Bow
9. Hammer of Judgement
10.Winter bite
11. Sword of power

9. Argoth

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Sigmar
7. Sword of Morr
8. Blessed Riffle
9. Myrmidia Lance
10. Scythe of Morr
11. Storm Hammer

10. Toni

1. Runefang
2. Myrmyda lance
3. Mace of Helstrum
4. Bright Sword
5.Sword of Sigismund
6.Sword of fate
7.Scythe of Morr
8. Dragon Bow
9. Hammer of Judgement
10.Winter bite
11. Sword of power

11. SaH

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Judgement
7. Sword of Justice
8. Wyrmslayer Sword
9. Winter’s Bite
10. Scythe of Morr
11. The Bright Sword

10. Magiczne zbroje wybieramy - 9

1. Ismael

1.Gilded Armour
2.Dawn Armour
3.Armour of Tarnus
4.Armour of Meteoric Iron
5.Helm of the Ratslayer
6.Shield of the Gorgon
7.Wolf Helm
8.Armour of Skoll
9.Bronze Shield

2. Saint

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Gilded Armour
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

3. Thrawn - Armour of Chamon (zmieniłbym nazwę bo ta jakaś żabojadzkobrzmiąca), Armour of Ursun, Armour of Skoll, Dawn Armour, Armour of Tarnus, Wolf Helm, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Shield of the Gorgon, Gold Shield

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek -
1.Armour of Ursun
2.Gilded Armour
3.Dawn Armour
4.Wolf Helm
5.Aemour of Meteoric Iron
6.Armour odf Tarnus
7. Gold Shield
8 Shield of the Gorgon
9 Armour of Skoll

8. Pelcu

1.Armour of Ursun
2.Gilded Armour
3.Dawn Armour
4.Wolf Helm
5.Aemour of Meteoric Iron
6.Armour odf Tarnus
7. Gold Shield
8 Shield of the Gorgon
9 Armour of Skoll

9. Argoth

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Helm of Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

10. Toni
1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Skoll
3. Helm of the Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield - zmieniłbym zapis, że działa tylko we frontal arcu oddziału/modelu
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus
11. SaH

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Skoll
3. Helm of the Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

11. Talizmany wybiaramy - 8

1. Ismael

1.Shroud of Magnus
2.Holy Relic
3.Jade Amulet
4.The White Cloak
5.Sigil of Morr
6.Sigil of Sigmar
7.Heart of Middenheim
8.Sigil of Ulric

2. Saint

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

3. Thrawn - Icon of Sigismund, Holy Relic, Cloak of Molten Metal, Heart of Middenheim, Sigil of Ulric, Sigil of Morr, Sigil of Sigmar, The White Cloak

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Icon of Sigismund, Holy Relic, Cloak of Molten Metal, Heart of Middenheim, Sigil of Ulric, Sigil of Sigmar, Sigil of Morr, The White Cloak

8. Pelcu
1.The Silver Seal
2.The Crystal Cloak
3.Icon of Sigismund
4.Holy Relic
5.Heart of Middenheim
6.The White Cloak
7. Sigil of Mor
8. Sigil of Sigmar

9. Argoth

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. Shrout of Magnus

10. Toni

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

11. SaH

1. Shroud of Magnus
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

12. Arcany wybieramy - 7

1. Ismael

1.Seal of Destruction
2.Grey Wand
3.Rod of Power
5.Crystal ball
6.Wizard’s Staff
7.The Firebrand Staff - PODNIEŚĆ KOSZT

2. Saint

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

3. Thrawn - Staff of Voland, Seal of Destruction, Grey Wand, Rod of Power, Luckstone, The Firebrand Staff, Wizard’s Staff
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Staff of Voland, Seal of Destruction, Grey Wand, Rod of Power, Luckstone, The Firebrand Staff, Wizard’s Staff
8. Pelcu

1.Staff of Verspasian
2. Seal of Destruction
3.Rod of Power
5.Wizard’s Staff
6.The Firebrand Staff
7.Grey Wand

9. Argoth

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

10. Toni

1.Seal of Destruction
2.Grey Wand
3.Rod of Power
5.Crystal ball
6.Wizard’s Staff
7.The Firebrand Staff - wyższy koszt

11. SaH

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

13. Enchanty wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael

1.Laurels of Victory
2.Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Silver Horn
5.The Orb of Thunder
6.Doomfire Ring
7.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8.Icon of Magnus
9.Ring of Volans
10.Claw Totem
11.Alchemist Badluck Stone

2. Saint

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Gourd of Marienburg Wine
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Doomfire Ring
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

3. Thrawn - Laurels of Victory, Rod of Command, Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery, The Silver Horn, The Orb of Thunder, Doomfire Ring, Van Horstmann’s Speculum, Bane of Craven, Icon of Magnus, Ring of Volans, Alchemist Badluck Stone

4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Laurels of Victory, Rod of Command, Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery, The Silver Horn, The Orb of Thunder, Doomfire Ring, Van Horstmann’s Speculum, Bane of Craven, Icon of Magnus, Ring of Volans, Alchemist Badluck Stone

8. Pelcu
1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Orb of Thunder
5.Doomfire Ring
6.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
7.Alchemist Badluck Stone
8.Ring of Volans
9.Icon of Magnus
10.Bane of Craven
11.The Silver Horn

9. Argoth

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Orb of Thunder
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Silver Horn
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Halfling Pouch
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

10. Toni
1.Laurels of Victory
2.Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Silver Horn
5.The Orb of Thunder
6.Doomfire Ring
7.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8.Icon of Magnus
9.Ring of Volans
10.Claw Totem
11.Alchemist Badluck Stone
11. SaH

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. The Silver Horn
5. The Orb of Thunder
6. Doomfire Ring
7. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8. Bane of Craven
9. Icon of Magnus
10. Halfling Pouch
11. Alchemist Badluck Stone

14. Sztandary wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael

1.Imperial Banner
2.Banner of Sigismund
3.Griffon Standard
4.Banner of the Daemonslayer - w brzmieniu:
Banner of the Daemonslayer:…………………..50 points
(Knightly Orders Only)
During the turn when it charges into combat, the unit is immune to psychology. What is more, it causes Fear (from the moment it is found to be in charge range to the end of that turn).

5.Banner of Valour
6.Standard of Arcane Warding
7.Steel Standard
8.Banner of Reloading - PODNIEŚĆ KOSZT
9.Banner of Warrior True
10.Standard of the White Wolf
11.Standard of Troops

2. Saint

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Fury
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Reloading

3. Thrawn - (Drill Banner jest już nie potrzebny, to będą dawali EC i Kapitan), Imperial Banner, Banner of Sigismund, Griffon Standard, Banner of the Daemonslayer (z frenzy), Banner of Ulric, Banner of Middenheim, Standard of the White Wolf, Banner of Warrior True, Standard of Arcane Warding, Steel Standard, Standard of Troops
4. Cord
5. Kal_Torak
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Imperial Banner, Banner of Sigismund,Griffon Standard, Banner of Valour, Discipline Standard, Steel Standard, Hochland Standard, Standard of Troops, Standard of Arcane Warding, Banner of Middenheim, Banner of Warrior True

8. Pelcu

1.Imperial Banner
2.Banner of Sigismund
3..Griffon Standard
4.Banner of Valour
5.Discipline Standard - poprawiłbym tylko opis na wszystkie modele będące w walce...
6.Steel Standard
7.Hochland Standard
8.Standard of Troops
9.Standard of Arcane Warding
10.Banner of Middenheim
11.Banner of Warrior True

9. Argoth

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer (frenzy)
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Warrior True
8. Standard of Arcane Warding
9. Discipline Standard
10. Standard of Troops
11. Banner of Reloading

10. Toni
1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer (frenzy)
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Warrior True
8. Standard of Arcane Warding
9. Discipline Standard
10. Standard of Troops
11. Banner of Reloading

11. SaH

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Standard of Troops
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Standard of Arcane Warding
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Warrior True
Berik ze słowackiego forum, o nowych planach wydawniczych GW pisze:10 plastovych idiotov za 25 libier, to nie je to krasa?

Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3175
Lokalizacja: Warszawa, 8 Bila

Post autor: Myth »

9. Magiczne bronie wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael

2.The Mace of Helstrum
3.Sword of Sigismund
4.Sword of Fate
5.Sword of Power
6.Sword of Righteous Steel
7.Hammer of Judgement
8.Dragon Bow
9.Sword of Justice
10.Winter’s Bite
11.Scythe of Morr

2. Saint

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance

3. Thrawn - Runefang, The Mace of Helstrum, Shard Blade, Sword of Sigismund, Sword of Power, Scythe of Morr, Storm Hammer, Hammer of Sigmar, Winter’s Bite, Dragon Bow, Sword of Justice

4. Cord
5. Myth

2.Sword of Province
3.Myrmydia Lance
4.The Mace of Helstrum
5.Sword of Sigismund
6.Sword of Fate
7.Sword of Power
8.Scythe of Morr
9.Winter’s Bite
10.Hammer of Judgement
11.Sword of Justice
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek -

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance
8. Pelcu

1. Runefang
2. Myrmyda lance
3. Mace of Helstrum
4. Bright Sword
5.Sword of Sigismund
6.Sword of fate
7.Scythe of Morr
8. Dragon Bow
9. Hammer of Judgement
10.Winter bite
11. Sword of power

9. Argoth

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Sigmar
7. Sword of Morr
8. Blessed Riffle
9. Myrmidia Lance
10. Scythe of Morr
11. Storm Hammer

10. Toni

1. Runefang
2. Myrmyda lance
3. Mace of Helstrum
4. Bright Sword
5.Sword of Sigismund
6.Sword of fate
7.Scythe of Morr
8. Dragon Bow
9. Hammer of Judgement
10.Winter bite
11. Sword of power

11. SaH

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Judgement
7. Sword of Justice
8. Wyrmslayer Sword
9. Winter’s Bite
10. Scythe of Morr
11. The Bright Sword

10. Magiczne zbroje wybieramy - 9

1. Ismael

1.Gilded Armour
2.Dawn Armour
3.Armour of Tarnus
4.Armour of Meteoric Iron
5.Helm of the Ratslayer
6.Shield of the Gorgon
7.Wolf Helm
8.Armour of Skoll
9.Bronze Shield

2. Saint

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Gilded Armour
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

3. Thrawn - Armour of Chamon (zmieniłbym nazwę bo ta jakaś żabojadzkobrzmiąca), Armour of Ursun, Armour of Skoll, Dawn Armour, Armour of Tarnus, Wolf Helm, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Shield of the Gorgon, Gold Shield

4. Cord
5. Myth

1.Armour of Ursun
2.Gilded Armour
3.Dawn Armour
4.Armour of Meteoric Iron
5.Helm of the Ratslayer
6.Shield of the Gorgon
7.Armour of Chamon
8.Gold Shield
9.Armour of Skoll

6. Niglafar
7. Czopek -
1.Armour of Ursun
2.Gilded Armour
3.Dawn Armour
4.Wolf Helm
5.Aemour of Meteoric Iron
6.Armour odf Tarnus
7. Gold Shield
8 Shield of the Gorgon
9 Armour of Skoll

8. Pelcu

1.Armour of Ursun
2.Gilded Armour
3.Dawn Armour
4.Wolf Helm
5.Aemour of Meteoric Iron
6.Armour odf Tarnus
7. Gold Shield
8 Shield of the Gorgon
9 Armour of Skoll

9. Argoth

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Helm of Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

10. Toni
1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Skoll
3. Helm of the Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield - zmieniłbym zapis, że działa tylko we frontal arcu oddziału/modelu
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus
11. SaH

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Skoll
3. Helm of the Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

11. Talizmany wybiaramy - 8

1. Ismael

1.Shroud of Magnus
2.Holy Relic
3.Jade Amulet
4.The White Cloak
5.Sigil of Morr
6.Sigil of Sigmar
7.Heart of Middenheim
8.Sigil of Ulric

2. Saint

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

3. Thrawn - Icon of Sigismund, Holy Relic, Cloak of Molten Metal, Heart of Middenheim, Sigil of Ulric, Sigil of Morr, Sigil of Sigmar, The White Cloak

4. Cord
5. Myth

1.Shroud of Magnus
2.Icon of Sigismund
3.Holy Relic
4.Cloak of Molten Metal
5.The White Cloak
6.Sigil of Sigmar
7.Sigil of Morr
8.The Crimson Amulet

6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Icon of Sigismund, Holy Relic, Cloak of Molten Metal, Heart of Middenheim, Sigil of Ulric, Sigil of Sigmar, Sigil of Morr, The White Cloak

8. Pelcu
1.The Silver Seal
2.The Crystal Cloak
3.Icon of Sigismund
4.Holy Relic
5.Heart of Middenheim
6.The White Cloak
7. Sigil of Mor
8. Sigil of Sigmar

9. Argoth

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. Shrout of Magnus

10. Toni

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

11. SaH

1. Shroud of Magnus
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

12. Arcany wybieramy - 7

1. Ismael

1.Seal of Destruction
2.Grey Wand
3.Rod of Power
5.Crystal ball
6.Wizard’s Staff
7.The Firebrand Staff - PODNIEŚĆ KOSZT

2. Saint

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

3. Thrawn - Staff of Voland, Seal of Destruction, Grey Wand, Rod of Power, Luckstone, The Firebrand Staff, Wizard’s Staff
4. Cord
5. Myth

1.Staff of Voland
2.The Fire Stone of Agni
3.Seal of Destruction
4.Rod of Power
6.The Firebrand Staff
7.Wizard’s Staff

6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Staff of Voland, Seal of Destruction, Grey Wand, Rod of Power, Luckstone, The Firebrand Staff, Wizard’s Staff
8. Pelcu

1.Staff of Verspasian
2. Seal of Destruction
3.Rod of Power
5.Wizard’s Staff
6.The Firebrand Staff
7.Grey Wand

9. Argoth

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

10. Toni

1.Seal of Destruction
2.Grey Wand
3.Rod of Power
5.Crystal ball
6.Wizard’s Staff
7.The Firebrand Staff - wyższy koszt

11. SaH

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

13. Enchanty wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael

1.Laurels of Victory
2.Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Silver Horn
5.The Orb of Thunder
6.Doomfire Ring
7.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8.Icon of Magnus
9.Ring of Volans
10.Claw Totem
11.Alchemist Badluck Stone

2. Saint

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Gourd of Marienburg Wine
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Doomfire Ring
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

3. Thrawn - Laurels of Victory, Rod of Command, Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery, The Silver Horn, The Orb of Thunder, Doomfire Ring, Van Horstmann’s Speculum, Bane of Craven, Icon of Magnus, Ring of Volans, Alchemist Badluck Stone

4. Cord
5. Myth

1.Laurels of Victory
2.Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Orb of Thunder
5.Doomfire Ring
6.Lightning Stone
7.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8.Icon of Magnus
9.Ring of Volans
10.Gourd of Marienburg Wine
11.Alchemist Badluck Stone

6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Laurels of Victory, Rod of Command, Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery, The Silver Horn, The Orb of Thunder, Doomfire Ring, Van Horstmann’s Speculum, Bane of Craven, Icon of Magnus, Ring of Volans, Alchemist Badluck Stone

8. Pelcu
1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Orb of Thunder
5.Doomfire Ring
6.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
7.Alchemist Badluck Stone
8.Ring of Volans
9.Icon of Magnus
10.Bane of Craven
11.The Silver Horn

9. Argoth

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Orb of Thunder
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Silver Horn
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Halfling Pouch
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

10. Toni
1.Laurels of Victory
2.Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Silver Horn
5.The Orb of Thunder
6.Doomfire Ring
7.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8.Icon of Magnus
9.Ring of Volans
10.Claw Totem
11.Alchemist Badluck Stone
11. SaH

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. The Silver Horn
5. The Orb of Thunder
6. Doomfire Ring
7. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8. Bane of Craven
9. Icon of Magnus
10. Halfling Pouch
11. Alchemist Badluck Stone

14. Sztandary wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael

1.Imperial Banner
2.Banner of Sigismund
3.Griffon Standard
4.Banner of the Daemonslayer - w brzmieniu:
Banner of the Daemonslayer:…………………..50 points
(Knightly Orders Only)
During the turn when it charges into combat, the unit is immune to psychology. What is more, it causes Fear (from the moment it is found to be in charge range to the end of that turn).

5.Banner of Valour
6.Standard of Arcane Warding
7.Steel Standard
8.Banner of Reloading - PODNIEŚĆ KOSZT
9.Banner of Warrior True
10.Standard of the White Wolf
11.Standard of Troops

2. Saint

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Fury
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Reloading

3. Thrawn - (Drill Banner jest już nie potrzebny, to będą dawali EC i Kapitan), Imperial Banner, Banner of Sigismund, Griffon Standard, Banner of the Daemonslayer (z frenzy), Banner of Ulric, Banner of Middenheim, Standard of the White Wolf, Banner of Warrior True, Standard of Arcane Warding, Steel Standard, Standard of Troops
4. Cord
5. Myth

1.Imperial Banner
2.Banner of Sigismund
3.Griffon Standard
4.Banner of the Daemonslayer
5.Banner of Middenheim
6.Banner of Warrior True
7.Standard of Arcane Warding
8.Discipline Standard
9.Steel Standard
10.Banner of Reloading
11.Standard of Troops

6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Imperial Banner, Banner of Sigismund,Griffon Standard, Banner of Valour, Discipline Standard, Steel Standard, Hochland Standard, Standard of Troops, Standard of Arcane Warding, Banner of Middenheim, Banner of Warrior True

8. Pelcu

1.Imperial Banner
2.Banner of Sigismund
3..Griffon Standard
4.Banner of Valour
5.Discipline Standard - poprawiłbym tylko opis na wszystkie modele będące w walce...
6.Steel Standard
7.Hochland Standard
8.Standard of Troops
9.Standard of Arcane Warding
10.Banner of Middenheim
11.Banner of Warrior True

9. Argoth

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer (frenzy)
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Warrior True
8. Standard of Arcane Warding
9. Discipline Standard
10. Standard of Troops
11. Banner of Reloading

10. Toni
1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer (frenzy)
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Warrior True
8. Standard of Arcane Warding
9. Discipline Standard
10. Standard of Troops
11. Banner of Reloading

11. SaH

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Standard of Troops
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Standard of Arcane Warding
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Warrior True

Chuck Norris
Posty: 398

Post autor: Cord »

Przepraszam że nie wypowiedziałem się w tym temacie ale uważam że trochę się pospieszyliśmy. Proponował bym omówić najpierw każdy item z AB który zaserwował nam McNeill z osobna i uzgodnić co jest z nim nie tak i w razie czego coś zmienić zamiast tworzyć nowe przedmioty (te też powinny się pojawić ale najpierw powinno się zobaczyć czy da się coś ze starych wyciągnąć jeszcze) dla przykładu podam dwa przypadki:

Sword of Righteous Steel - na razie beznadzieja i to za 30pts ale jak doda się AP to coś już sobą reprezentuję a jak będzie miał autohita to już robi się ciekawy.

The Silver Horn - za 35pts jakiś Bound Spell lvl 5 którego nie sztuka rozproszyć to lekka kpina. Ja bym proponował coś w rodzaju Helm of Commandment (czy jak to się tam nazywa) z tą różnicą że nie dawał by WS sojusznikom tylko odporność na strach gdy posiadacz itemu nie walczy, takie coś było by jakimś rozwiązaniem na gnębiące nas ostatnio "straszne" armie.

Oczywiście itemów do poprawki jest oczywiście więcej i można by się tym właśnie zająć aktualnie.

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 17
Lokalizacja: Gdynia

Post autor: BabyIon »

9. Magiczne bronie wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael

2.The Mace of Helstrum
3.Sword of Sigismund
4.Sword of Fate
5.Sword of Power
6.Sword of Righteous Steel
7.Hammer of Judgement
8.Dragon Bow
9.Sword of Justice
10.Winter’s Bite
11.Scythe of Morr

2. Saint

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance

3. Thrawn - Runefang, The Mace of Helstrum, Shard Blade, Sword of Sigismund, Sword of Power, Scythe of Morr, Storm Hammer, Hammer of Sigmar, Winter’s Bite, Dragon Bow, Sword of Justice

4. Cord
5. Myth

2.Sword of Province
3.Myrmydia Lance
4.The Mace of Helstrum
5.Sword of Sigismund
6.Sword of Fate
7.Sword of Power
8.Scythe of Morr
9.Winter’s Bite
10.Hammer of Judgement
11.Sword of Justice
6. Niglafar
7. Czopek -

1. Runefang
2. Sword of Morr
3. The Mace of Helstrum
4. The Bright Sword
5. Sword of Sigismund
6. Sword of Fate
7. Sword of Power
8. Hammer of Judgement
9. Storm Hammer
10. Sword of Province
11. Myrmydia Lance
8. Pelcu

1. Runefang
2. Myrmyda lance
3. Mace of Helstrum
4. Bright Sword
5.Sword of Sigismund
6.Sword of fate
7.Scythe of Morr
8. Dragon Bow
9. Hammer of Judgement
10.Winter bite
11. Sword of power

9. Argoth

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Sigmar
7. Sword of Morr
8. Blessed Riffle
9. Myrmidia Lance
10. Scythe of Morr
11. Storm Hammer

10. Toni

1. Runefang
2. Myrmyda lance
3. Mace of Helstrum
4. Bright Sword
5.Sword of Sigismund
6.Sword of fate
7.Scythe of Morr
8. Dragon Bow
9. Hammer of Judgement
10.Winter bite
11. Sword of power

11. SaH

1. Runefang
2. The Mace of Helstrum
3. Sword of Sigismund
4. Sword of Fate
5. Sword of Power
6. Hammer of Judgement
7. Sword of Justice
8. Wyrmslayer Sword
9. Winter’s Bite
10. Scythe of Morr
11. The Bright Sword

12. BabyIon

1. Runefang
2. Mace of Helstrum
3. Shard Blade
4. Bright Sword
5.Sword of Sigismund
6.Sword of fate
7.Scythe of Morr
8. Dragon Bow
9. Sword of Righteous Steel
10.Winter's bite
11. Sword of power

10. Magiczne zbroje wybieramy - 9

1. Ismael

1.Gilded Armour
2.Dawn Armour
3.Armour of Tarnus
4.Armour of Meteoric Iron
5.Helm of the Ratslayer
6.Shield of the Gorgon
7.Wolf Helm
8.Armour of Skoll
9.Bronze Shield

2. Saint

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Gilded Armour
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

3. Thrawn - Armour of Chamon (zmieniłbym nazwę bo ta jakaś żabojadzkobrzmiąca), Armour of Ursun, Armour of Skoll, Dawn Armour, Armour of Tarnus, Wolf Helm, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Shield of the Gorgon, Gold Shield

4. Cord
5. Myth

1.Armour of Ursun
2.Gilded Armour
3.Dawn Armour
4.Armour of Meteoric Iron
5.Helm of the Ratslayer
6.Shield of the Gorgon
7.Armour of Chamon
8.Gold Shield
9.Armour of Skoll

6. Niglafar
7. Czopek -
1.Armour of Ursun
2.Gilded Armour
3.Dawn Armour
4.Wolf Helm
5.Aemour of Meteoric Iron
6.Armour odf Tarnus
7. Gold Shield
8 Shield of the Gorgon
9 Armour of Skoll

8. Pelcu

1.Armour of Ursun
2.Gilded Armour
3.Dawn Armour
4.Wolf Helm
5.Aemour of Meteoric Iron
6.Armour odf Tarnus
7. Gold Shield
8 Shield of the Gorgon
9 Armour of Skoll

9. Argoth

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Helm of Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

10. Toni
1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Skoll
3. Helm of the Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield - zmieniłbym zapis, że działa tylko we frontal arcu oddziału/modelu
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus
11. SaH

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Skoll
3. Helm of the Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

12. BabyIon

1. Armour of Chamon
2. Armour of Ursun
3. Helm of Ratslayer
4. Dawn Armour
5. Armour of Meteoric Iron
6. Shield of the Gorgon
7. Gold Shield
8. Wolf Helm
9. Armour of Tarnus

11. Talizmany wybiaramy - 8

1. Ismael

1.Shroud of Magnus
2.Holy Relic
3.Jade Amulet
4.The White Cloak
5.Sigil of Morr
6.Sigil of Sigmar
7.Heart of Middenheim
8.Sigil of Ulric

2. Saint

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

3. Thrawn - Icon of Sigismund, Holy Relic, Cloak of Molten Metal, Heart of Middenheim, Sigil of Ulric, Sigil of Morr, Sigil of Sigmar, The White Cloak

4. Cord
5. Myth

1.Shroud of Magnus
2.Icon of Sigismund
3.Holy Relic
4.Cloak of Molten Metal
5.The White Cloak
6.Sigil of Sigmar
7.Sigil of Morr
8.The Crimson Amulet

6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Icon of Sigismund, Holy Relic, Cloak of Molten Metal, Heart of Middenheim, Sigil of Ulric, Sigil of Sigmar, Sigil of Morr, The White Cloak

8. Pelcu
1.The Silver Seal
2.The Crystal Cloak
3.Icon of Sigismund
4.Holy Relic
5.Heart of Middenheim
6.The White Cloak
7. Sigil of Mor
8. Sigil of Sigmar

9. Argoth

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. Shrout of Magnus

10. Toni

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

11. SaH

1. Shroud of Magnus
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. Sigil of Ulric
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. The White Cloak

12. BabyIon

1. Icon of Sigismund
2. Holy Relic
3. Cloak of Molten Metal
4. Heart of Middenheim
5. The Crystal Cloak
6. Sigil of Sigmar
7. Sigil of Morr
8. Shroud of Magnus

12. Arcany wybieramy - 7

1. Ismael

1.Seal of Destruction
2.Grey Wand
3.Rod of Power
5.Crystal ball
6.Wizard’s Staff
7.The Firebrand Staff - PODNIEŚĆ KOSZT

2. Saint

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

3. Thrawn - Staff of Voland, Seal of Destruction, Grey Wand, Rod of Power, Luckstone, The Firebrand Staff, Wizard’s Staff
4. Cord
5. Myth

1.Staff of Voland
2.The Fire Stone of Agni
3.Seal of Destruction
4.Rod of Power
6.The Firebrand Staff
7.Wizard’s Staff

6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Staff of Voland, Seal of Destruction, Grey Wand, Rod of Power, Luckstone, The Firebrand Staff, Wizard’s Staff
8. Pelcu

1.Staff of Verspasian
2. Seal of Destruction
3.Rod of Power
5.Wizard’s Staff
6.The Firebrand Staff
7.Grey Wand

9. Argoth

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

10. Toni

1.Seal of Destruction
2.Grey Wand
3.Rod of Power
5.Crystal ball
6.Wizard’s Staff
7.The Firebrand Staff - wyższy koszt

11. SaH

1. Staff of Voland
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Grey Wand
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. The Firebrand Staff
7. Wizard’s Staff

12. BabyIon

1. Staff of Volans
2. Seal of Destruction
3. Hexstaff
4. Rod of Power
5. Luckstone
6. Staff of Verspasian
7. Wizard’s Staff

13. Enchanty wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael

1.Laurels of Victory
2.Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Silver Horn
5.The Orb of Thunder
6.Doomfire Ring
7.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8.Icon of Magnus
9.Ring of Volans
10.Claw Totem
11.Alchemist Badluck Stone

2. Saint

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Gourd of Marienburg Wine
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Doomfire Ring
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

3. Thrawn - Laurels of Victory, Rod of Command, Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery, The Silver Horn, The Orb of Thunder, Doomfire Ring, Van Horstmann’s Speculum, Bane of Craven, Icon of Magnus, Ring of Volans, Alchemist Badluck Stone

4. Cord
5. Myth

1.Laurels of Victory
2.Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Orb of Thunder
5.Doomfire Ring
6.Lightning Stone
7.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8.Icon of Magnus
9.Ring of Volans
10.Gourd of Marienburg Wine
11.Alchemist Badluck Stone

6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Laurels of Victory, Rod of Command, Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery, The Silver Horn, The Orb of Thunder, Doomfire Ring, Van Horstmann’s Speculum, Bane of Craven, Icon of Magnus, Ring of Volans, Alchemist Badluck Stone

8. Pelcu
1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Orb of Thunder
5.Doomfire Ring
6.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
7.Alchemist Badluck Stone
8.Ring of Volans
9.Icon of Magnus
10.Bane of Craven
11.The Silver Horn

9. Argoth

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Orb of Thunder
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Halfling Cockbook
7. Silver Horn
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Halfling Pouch
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

10. Toni
1.Laurels of Victory
2.Rod of Command
3.Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4.The Silver Horn
5.The Orb of Thunder
6.Doomfire Ring
7.Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8.Icon of Magnus
9.Ring of Volans
10.Claw Totem
11.Alchemist Badluck Stone
11. SaH

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Rod of Command
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. The Silver Horn
5. The Orb of Thunder
6. Doomfire Ring
7. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
8. Bane of Craven
9. Icon of Magnus
10. Halfling Pouch
11. Alchemist Badluck Stone

12. BabyIon

1. Laurels of Victory
2. Orb of Thunder
3. Aldred’s Casket of Sorcery
4. Van Horstmann’s Speculum
5. Icon of Magnus
6. Rod of Command
7. Silver Horn
8. Alchemist Badluck Stone
9. Doomfire Ring
10. Bane of Craven
11. Ring of Volans

14. Sztandary wybieramy - 11

1. Ismael

1.Imperial Banner
2.Banner of Sigismund
3.Griffon Standard
4.Banner of the Daemonslayer - w brzmieniu:
Banner of the Daemonslayer:…………………..50 points
(Knightly Orders Only)
During the turn when it charges into combat, the unit is immune to psychology. What is more, it causes Fear (from the moment it is found to be in charge range to the end of that turn).

5.Banner of Valour
6.Standard of Arcane Warding
7.Steel Standard
8.Banner of Reloading - PODNIEŚĆ KOSZT
9.Banner of Warrior True
10.Standard of the White Wolf
11.Standard of Troops

2. Saint

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Fury
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Reloading

3. Thrawn - (Drill Banner jest już nie potrzebny, to będą dawali EC i Kapitan), Imperial Banner, Banner of Sigismund, Griffon Standard, Banner of the Daemonslayer (z frenzy), Banner of Ulric, Banner of Middenheim, Standard of the White Wolf, Banner of Warrior True, Standard of Arcane Warding, Steel Standard, Standard of Troops
4. Cord
5. Myth

1.Imperial Banner
2.Banner of Sigismund
3.Griffon Standard
4.Banner of the Daemonslayer
5.Banner of Middenheim
6.Banner of Warrior True
7.Standard of Arcane Warding
8.Discipline Standard
9.Steel Standard
10.Banner of Reloading
11.Standard of Troops

6. Niglafar
7. Czopek - Imperial Banner, Banner of Sigismund,Griffon Standard, Banner of Valour, Discipline Standard, Steel Standard, Hochland Standard, Standard of Troops, Standard of Arcane Warding, Banner of Middenheim, Banner of Warrior True

8. Pelcu

1.Imperial Banner
2.Banner of Sigismund
3..Griffon Standard
4.Banner of Valour
5.Discipline Standard - poprawiłbym tylko opis na wszystkie modele będące w walce...
6.Steel Standard
7.Hochland Standard
8.Standard of Troops
9.Standard of Arcane Warding
10.Banner of Middenheim
11.Banner of Warrior True

9. Argoth

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer (frenzy)
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Warrior True
8. Standard of Arcane Warding
9. Discipline Standard
10. Standard of Troops
11. Banner of Reloading

10. Toni
1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer (frenzy)
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Warrior True
8. Standard of Arcane Warding
9. Discipline Standard
10. Standard of Troops
11. Banner of Reloading

11. SaH

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Standard of Troops
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Standard of Arcane Warding
8. Banner of Valour
9. Discipline Standard
10. Drill Banner
11. Banner of Warrior True

12. BabyIon

1. Imperial Banner
2. Banner of Sigismund
3. Griffon Standard
4. Banner of the Daemonslayer
5. Banner of Middenheim
6. Standard of the White Wolf
7. Banner of Warrior True
8. Standard of Arcane Warding
9. Discipline Standard
10. Standard of Troops
11. Hochland Standard

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 551
Lokalizacja: Z Zadupia

Post autor: pelcu »

OK. To glosowanie już prawie dobiegło końca, Na głosy niektórych osób czekamy od miesiąca. Może by tak Zrobić podsumowanie wybranych przedmiotów i zacząć dyskusje nad szczegółami, tj. ile pts. , jakie działanie powinno dokładnie obejmować przedmioty. Wreszcie mielibyśmy możliwość zacząć robić rozpiski na nowych zasadach i testować nowe Imperium...

Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3175
Lokalizacja: Warszawa, 8 Bila

Post autor: Myth »

Brakuje Niglafara i Corda z tego co widzę, oni w ogóle pokazują się na forum jeszcze? No i w sumie fajnie by było już to zacząć robić, bo wolno coś postępują prace.

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1472
Lokalizacja: Nowy Sącz

Post autor: Sa!nt »

Odpuściłem te dwie osoby 10 osób to dobra baza i już mam magiczne bronie przygotowane do głosowań. Wrzucę to jak wrócę.
squiq pisze:Mój Sigmar myśli inaczej.

Chuck Norris
Posty: 398

Post autor: Cord »

Myth pisze:Brakuje Niglafara i Corda z tego co widzę, oni w ogóle pokazują się na forum jeszcze? No i w sumie fajnie by było już to zacząć robić, bo wolno coś postępują prace.
Ja się pokazuje, a to moja wypowiedzi w tym temacie 5 postów wyżej która tłumaczy dlaczego nie głosowałem:
Cord pisze:Przepraszam że nie wypowiedziałem się w tym temacie ale uważam że trochę się pospieszyliśmy. Proponował bym omówić najpierw każdy item z AB który zaserwował nam McNeill z osobna i uzgodnić co jest z nim nie tak i w razie czego coś zmienić zamiast tworzyć nowe przedmioty (te też powinny się pojawić ale najpierw powinno się zobaczyć czy da się coś ze starych wyciągnąć jeszcze) dla przykładu podam dwa przypadki:

Sword of Righteous Steel - na razie beznadzieja i to za 30pts ale jak doda się AP to coś już sobą reprezentuję a jak będzie miał autohita to już robi się ciekawy.

The Silver Horn - za 35pts jakiś Bound Spell lvl 5 którego nie sztuka rozproszyć to lekka kpina. Ja bym proponował coś w rodzaju Helm of Commandment (czy jak to się tam nazywa) z tą różnicą że nie dawał by WS sojusznikom tylko odporność na strach gdy posiadacz itemu nie walczy, takie coś było by jakimś rozwiązaniem na gnębiące nas ostatnio "straszne" armie.

Oczywiście itemów do poprawki jest oczywiście więcej i można by się tym właśnie zająć aktualnie.