Nadciągają Hordy Chaosu :)

Warriors of Chaos

Moderator: JarekK

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Posty: 1172
Lokalizacja: 4 piramida od lewej

Post autor: MUKER »

Chyba tu jeszcze nie było. Za warseerem ot taki przyjemniaczek:


Chyba czarodziej nurglowy, a w tle maruderzy nurglowi.
And the ground did tremble as the king marched to war...
Dziecko jest idealnym przykładem rządów mniejszości!

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Undead, Flying, Lucky Git
Posty: 5574

Post autor: Jasiuuu »

niezły :)

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Corvus Albus
Posty: 1960
Lokalizacja: Włocławek - Klub Fantasy "FENIX"

Post autor: Corvus Albus »

maruderzy klatki piersiowe jak od zabawki HE-MAN'a a czarodziej super :) tylko co robią te pomarszczone penisy za jego plecami? :D Jakaś mutacja? buahaha D:?

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Posty: 2099

Post autor: szafa@poznan »

Khorne był świetn na 1-2 oddziałach w poprzedniej edycji przede wszystkim dlatego że dawal dodatkowa kośc DD.

Teraz, o ile to faktycznie wypadnie, straci 50% swej skuteczności...

Dodatkowo, zwróćcie uwagę na fakt, że coraz więcej armi bierze lekkie strzelanie...demony sa idealnym przykładem, każdy hajelf czy bretończyk ma 20 łuków, delfy to juz w ogóle, dodatkowo magiczne strzelałki na herosach etc.

Skutek tego jest taki, że bardzo często lekkie wsparcie przeciwnika szybciusio spada ze stołu - a jaki ma to efekt na korników - każdy sam wie :/

A tego nie znacie, co?

Chaos Magic
There will be separate lores for the mortal followers of Chaos, they will NOT use the Daemon lores from the Daemon book.

Lore of Slaanesh
#1: Weak magic missile that also hampers movement
#2: Enemy units within 18" must take Panic tests
#3: Frenzy-spell (very similar to before)
#4: Titilating delusions (very similar to before)
#5: Make frendly unit cause Fear or Terror
#6: Entire enemy unit must pass Toughness tests or take wounds with no armour save

Lore of Tzeentch
#1: Magic missile. Better and easier than the old Red fire
#2: Enemy unit takes LD test, loses wounds equal to what they lost the test by
#3: Enemy army cannot benefit from the LD of their characters. Enemy wizards miscast on any double. Remains in play.
#4: Enemy unit attacks itself
#5: Upgrade any friendly model to an Exalted Hero. Remains in play.
#6 Infernal Gateway, cast on 15+. Does 2D6 hits at 2D6 Strength. On an 11 or 12 for Strength the unit is removed

Lore of Nurgle
#1: Sniper spell. Chosen enemy model loses a wound
#2: Friendly unit gains Regeneration
#3: Stone-thrower like attack. Casuses S1 hits with no armour save.
#4 Cloying Quagmire: All models in unit must take an Initiative test. Those who fail must then take an armour save. If they pass the armour save after failing the In-test, they die.
#5: Curse of the Leper. While in play reduces enemy S and T by 1 per turn. If reduced to 0 in either, they die. Remains in play.
#6: Rot, Glorious Rot! Every enemy unit within 18" takes D6 Strength D6 attacks with no armour save

I Tabelka Very Happy
Eye of the Gods
There is apparently a table of chaos rewards that characters and units can get to roll on before or during the game. For example Chosen units supposedly start with a roll on this table, while characters supposedly get to roll on it after killing enemies in challenges and if they kill a Large Target. If you include a Warshrine then champions too can benefit from this.
2: Gain Stupidity (no extra effect if you have it already)
3: +1 Toughness
4: +1 Strength
5: +1 Attack
6: +1 Armour (max. 0+)
7: Nothing
8: Magic Resistance (3)
9: +1 Leadership
10: Cause fear (re-roll if already causing Fear)
11: Cause terror (re-roll if already causing Terror)
12: Stubborn and 4+ Ward save
Duplicate boosts are re-rolled. Effects last for the rest of the battle (sort of, see Warshrine).

I jeszcze coś co dajemy bohaterom Very Happy

Magic items
Magic items are no longer mark-dependant, so you could give a Lord of Slaanesh the Axe of Khorne and a Collar of Khorne, if you wanted to. There is a pretty balanced selection of items, with more weapons (naturally).

Chaos Gifts
These are in ADDITION to the points a character can spend on magic items, very much like Vampire Powers work. Daemon Princes can get 100 pts of gifts, other Lords 50 pts and Heroes 25 pts.
Effects are similar to what you often find with Arcane or Enchanted Items. Nothing gives outright stats boost.
Beasts of Chaos - circa 5k
Warriors of Chaos - circa 5k
Daemons of chaos - circa 3,5k

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Posty: 1472
Lokalizacja: Nowy Sącz

Post autor: Sa!nt »

Curse of the Leper. While in play reduces enemy S and T by 1 per turn. If reduced to 0 in either, they die. Remains in play.


Nawet GW wie jaka jest największa klątwa
squiq pisze:Mój Sigmar myśli inaczej.

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 402
Lokalizacja: Biała Podlaska

Post autor: Rainhold »

Przy pomocy Lore of Slaanesh ciężko będzie walczyć z demonami i trupkami :?

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Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4837
Lokalizacja: Radom

Post autor: Murmandamus »

Sa!nt pisze:
Curse of the Leper. While in play reduces enemy S and T by 1 per turn. If reduced to 0 in either, they die. Remains in play.
Nawet GW wie jaka jest największa klątwa

tyle tylko że Leper to inaczej trąd a nie nasz Andrzej L.
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Posty: 2096
Lokalizacja: kraków

Post autor: vocal »

Przy pomocy Lore of Slaanesh ciężko będzie walczyć z demonami i trupkami
ale za to jak będzie ze szczurami!!
mi sie magia podoba, urozmaicona:)
#4 Cloying Quagmire: All models in unit must take an Initiative test. Those who fail must then take an armour save. If they pass the armour save after failing the In-test, they die.
#3: Enemy army cannot benefit from the LD of their characters. Enemy wizards miscast on any double. Remains in play.
te są moimi faworytami:)

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Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4837
Lokalizacja: Radom

Post autor: Murmandamus »

#6 Infernal Gateway, cast on 15+. Does 2D6 hits at 2D6 Strength. On an 11 or 12 for Strength the unit is removed
, they die. Remains in play.
to jest paskudne, bardzo paskudne a rzucanie na 5 kosciach i tak czesto możę dac IR.
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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5391
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk-SNOT

Post autor: thurion »

Murmandamus pisze:
#6 Infernal Gateway, cast on 15+. Does 2D6 hits at 2D6 Strength. On an 11 or 12 for Strength the unit is removed
, they die. Remains in play.
to jest paskudne, bardzo paskudne a rzucanie na 5 kosciach i tak czesto możę dac IR.
to jest bardziej staraszak, chcesz miec pewnosc wyciagniecia scrolla? rzucasz to...

mi sie podoba magia slaanesha, pojawilo sie swiatelko na koncu tunelu 8)

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Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4837
Lokalizacja: Radom

Post autor: Murmandamus »

ale to RiP jak to wyjdzie to żegnasz się z jednostką bo aby to zdispelować musisz rzucic 15+ w kolejnych turach. Jak nei uda się to płynies. Jak uda się to czarów nie rzucisz swoich bo zużywasz swe kości 4-5 powera.
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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5391
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk-SNOT

Post autor: thurion »

Murmandamus pisze:ale to RiP jak to wyjdzie to żegnasz się z jednostką bo aby to zdispelować musisz rzucic 15+ w kolejnych turach. Jak nei uda się to płynies. Jak uda się to czarów nie rzucisz swoich bo zużywasz swe kości 4-5 powera.
a skad masz info ze to RiP?

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Sol Invictus
Posty: 8228
Lokalizacja: Szybki Szpil

Post autor: Jankiel »

Z posta szafy :P
Warhammer Pro-Tip #2: If Purple Sun isn't winning the game for you, consider using it more.

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Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4837
Lokalizacja: Radom

Post autor: Murmandamus »

no dobrze, zakłądam że to Rip bo tak pisze powyżej w zapostowanych plotach.
zapraszam na Polskie Forum Kings of War

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Posty: 2099

Post autor: szafa@poznan »

ja naprawde bardzo głęboko wierze że te "RIP" przy szóstce tęczy to bład :/
Beasts of Chaos - circa 5k
Warriors of Chaos - circa 5k
Daemons of chaos - circa 3,5k

Posty: 2299

Post autor: Nehan »

- NEW Vilitch the Curseling (Tzeentch - Lord level)
Level 4 wizard, lore of Tzeentch, +1 to cast, every time an opponent fails to dispel one of Vilitch's spells, Vilitch may cast another spell using free amount of power dice equal to the number of dice used in the failed dispel attempt. Also every time an opponent fails to cast a spell, Vilitch may immediately cast a spell using a number of free PD equal to the amount of dice the opponent failed to cast their spell with.
Magic Items: NEW

Banner of the Gods - 125pts
unit cause terror and all units within 6" are stubborn
Berserker Sword - 40pts
+1A for every model on foot in B2B
Axe of Khorne - 45pts
+1S; killing blow
Daemon Prince 300pts NEW
M8 WS8 BS0 S5 T5 W4 I7 A5 Ltd8
100pts of Chaos Gifts; stubborn; fly

Exalted Champion 110pts NEW
may be a BSB

Marauders 4pts NEW
now only 4pts/model basic; can be marked;
Shield 1pt/model
Flail 1pt/model
Light Armour 1pt/model
Great Weapon 2pt/model

Ogres 35pts NEW
may now be marked;
Chaos Armour 5pts
Great Weapons 10pts
Extra HW 5pts
Dragon Ogres 65pts NEW
light armour; may now be marked; may take a unit champion


Spawn NEW
can once again take marks, however more expensive to do so than before
may now be marked; marks differ
Hellcannon 205pts NEW
now only 1 rare choice; may once again take daemonic gifts; works almost the same as before, but loses the ability to make units flee and the re-roll to scatter
Shaggoth 265pts NEW
M7 WS6 BS3 S6 T5 W6 I4 A5 Ltd9
may now be marked; marks differ
Chaos War Shrine 130pts NEW
chariot type model, gives benefits much like the Dark Elves' Cauldron of Blood; allows one per turn to roll on the Gods table as one of its benefits; may not be joined by characters, moves and fights as a monster; radius for it's effects is 12" and they work in the shooting phase, the one benefit I know it can give is to allow any unit in range to roll on the Gaze of the Gods table

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Posty: 309

Post autor: Pierun »

Exalted BSB i helka za 210 - dla mnie wow
Reszta ok, bez rewelacji - chociaz nowe ogry wychodzą całkiem sensownie :). Nie bedzie takiego żalu po minoskach.

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5391
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk-SNOT

Post autor: thurion »

na chwile obecna wchodzi mi exalted bsb, sorcerer, demon prince, 2 helki, 2x5 rycerzy, 4 dragon ogry, 3x maruderzy konni 2-3x psy... calkiem przyjemnie :)

jesli shagoth nie dostanie jakiegos stubborna to znowu bieda...

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Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4837
Lokalizacja: Radom

Post autor: Murmandamus »

zastanawiam się tylko czy ten war shrine będzie można ustrzelić działem. Taki kocioł delficki się nie da nawet a jak tu?
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Sol Invictus
Posty: 8228
Lokalizacja: Szybki Szpil

Post autor: Jankiel »

Shaggoth za 265 wygląda żałośnie.
Warhammer Pro-Tip #2: If Purple Sun isn't winning the game for you, consider using it more.
