Wampir generał wchodzi do GG, vampir eteryczny do cairn wraith,1 Vampire [200]
General; Magic level 2
heavy armour, hand weapon, shield
Flayed Hauberk [35], Black Periapt[15]
The Arkayne: Dark Acolyte[30]
The Martialle: Avatar of Death[20]
1 Vampire [150]
Magic level 1
The Severed: Spectral Form[50]
1 Necromancer [105]
Magic level 1
Dispel Scroll
Dispel Scroll
15 Skeleton warriors +FCG [180]
banner of dead legion
15 Ghouls +Ghast [128]
14 Ghouls +Ghast [120]
1 Corpse Cart [100]
unholy lodestone
15 Grave Guards +FCG [255]
banner of the barrorws
4 Fell Bats [80]
6 Cairn Wraiths [325]
PD: 6
DD: 6
Models: 72
corpse cart idzie jako mount dla necromanty i dołącza do odziału ghuli.
All comments welcome, pozdrawiam