Partyzantka z opcja na szybka anihilacje wrogich magow. sporo smiecia, dobra magia. Moze nie na turniej, ale oddech od standardowych rozpisek gwarantowany. co sądzicie?
1 Slann Mage-Priest 445 Pts
General; Magic Level 4; Battle Standard; Focus of Mystery; The Focused
Cupped Hands of the Old Ones
Dispel Scroll
Dispel Scroll
1 Skink Priest 425 Pts
Magic Level 2
Plaque of Tepok
Power Stone
1 Engine of the Gods
1 Skink Chief 139 Pts
Light Armour; Shield
Staff of the Lost Sun
Bane Head
1 Skink Chief 137 Pts
Light Armour
Enchanted Shield
Piranha Blade
15 * Temple Guard 309 Pts
Halberd; Light Armour; Shield; Standard
Huanchi's Blessed Totem
Revered Guardian
4 Terradon Riders @ 130 Pts
Terradon Rider Brave
4 Terradon Riders @ 130 Pts
Terradon Rider Brave
5 Cold One Cavalry @ 275 Pts
Spear; Shield; Standard
Skavenpelt Banner
1 Champion
2 Razordon hunting Pack @ 150 Pts
6 Skink Handlers
10 Skink Skirmishers 70 Pts
10 Skink Skirmishers 70 Pts
10 Skink Skirmishers 70 Pts
10 Skink Cohort @ 50 Pts
Javelin; Shield
10 Skink Cohort @ 50 Pts
Javelin; Shield
10 Skink Cohort @ 50 Pts
Javelin; Shield
Casting Pool: 9
Dispel Pool: 6
Total Army Cost: 2500
lajtowe lizaki na 2500
Skavenpelt banner moga miec tylko skinki...
rozumiem ze ten oddech to skink chief *2?
The wood hold peace for thos who desire it, but those who seek battle will find me...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...
Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...
Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...
Lajtowa rozpa to by była bez slana i templi, tak to jest to tylko inny wariant