![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
![Razz :P](./images/smilies/icon_razz.gif)
Moderator: Hoax
dokładniekarlee pisze:Fora są po to by pisać, ale z grubsza na temat. Wkurza to zwlaszcza w takich topicach jak ten, gdzie klikający spodziewa się plotek na temat nowych skavenów, a żeby coś znaleźć będzie musiał przekopywać się przez tonę niepotrzebnego spamu...
Why so serious?White Lion pisze:Mam prośbę
Nie, nie masz. Chyba że znudziło Ci się to forum, to wtedy możesz kontynuować nakłanianie do piractwa -- Tomash
HALO pisze: A to ogromna paka plotek o nowych Skavenach
No new Jezzails.
The gun moves from the unit like a fanatic, but not randomly - more a case of 'man-things come! Move gun-gun to safe-safe place!'
it was also slightly confired that a character or hero/lord choice might be able to have the Doomwheel as a mount.
There was also a rather convincing rumour that weapon teams might be redone in plastic, which would make a whole lot of sense to me
Just think about a box with lets say 4-5 weapon teams that could either be assembled as Jezzails, Ratling Guns or Warpfire teams
the rat ogres failing there ld test anfter tha handlers remind me of the CSM dread going crazy.
Also I can confirm Warp Lightning cannon remains as current model.
Some of the early rumours were accurate. Some complete bobbins.
I would consider this was a 'major' update.
New army wide rules, new units, old units, new rules for old units.
Certainly not just a few points changes.
(Confirms Verminlord)
Also clanrat plastics are £20 for 20 and stormvermin are £30 for 20.
(on army book cover:)
Yup, that is Queek
Yup, that is a giant, plague censer contraption.
The Verminlord is in the book, but not as an independent char, instead as the result of a really high level spell
In order to summon one, you have to sacrifice one of your own units with at least 5 models in it (Not sure if it will work on enemy units/undead/demon units etc).
Your VL will be a vanilla monster with lots of 5s in his statline, wielding a greatweapon, 5+ wardsave, large target, terror, stubborn, no caster though(contradicted by Harry), not sure about victory points (250-300 i´d guess)
(Confirms Verminlord)
sceaming bell. It is a new platic kit. It is NOT a remake of the current one like the steamtank. It has been restyled. It does not look much like the old one. You can do other things with the kit which don't have a model currently so I imagine some keeping their current bell and building something else.
(New Nightrunners:)
Not that I have heard.
Yes, more lord choices than heroes because of the special charcaters.
Like all recent army books lots of builds are possible. You can go heavy on the deadly devices with a low model count or take the Skaven horde of doooooom.
He is a hero.
(Rat Ogres:)
They are a bit better and there is an option to 'beef up' the unit even more.
- The Pestilence contraption buildt from the Screaming Bell kit was referred to as a 'Plague Furnace' - a catapult with low strength, no armour save.
- 5 Weapon Teams, including one that works in HTH (impact hits plus random attacks) and a Mortar thingy which shoot poisoned globes.
- Items divided by Clans
- Some new monster (The Hellpit Abomination rumoured elsewhere).
- A Giant Rat/Rat Ogre mount for characters (The Lustria special character????)
- Jezzails strength 5 with champion sniper upgrade (old rumour, validity unknown). Not 0-1.
- Warplock pistols and muskets for all characters.
- Night Runners no longer skirmish but gain some sort of movement bonus.
- Some expensive tunneling option as special (something other than Gutter Runners, Abomination???).(Contradicted by Muriat)
- Verminlord is a lord Choice. No mention of needed to be summoned?
Night Runners are just getting repackaged, on the back of the box, they had them ranked up, not skirmishing....
5 weapon teams ( one hand to hand combat machine, thing powered by warp engine with lots of blades on it- impact hits plus more from blades. v. good armour save as well for the team due to machine being big)
poisoned wind mortar- move and fore weapon, just like posioned wind globes but higher range obviously (24 inches if remember correctly)
ratling cannon (slightly changed rules)
warpfire thrower
some sort of warp drill , add to clan eshin units if you want them to do tunelling (gutter runers and night runners)
5 types of teams can be attached to units:
Ratling guns
Warpfire throwers
Poisond Wind Mortar (also Globadiers!)
Warp-grinder (Eshin only)
Sorry, but Assassins are Hero choices, worst than DE and more costly.
I still wonder why they do not have KB.
NR still LD 6, that makes them 9 with 3 ranks
still movement 6 and will be able to charge after leaving a tunnel.
magic items: not that much info but storm banner is still on plus some new banners.
stormvermin will be able to get baners for 50 pts, but dont know about fear banner if its still there or not.
there are going to be some scriolls, but some of them will be restricted to certain clans
skalm 30 pts
RO do not suffer from stupidity anymore.
40 pts per model plus 8 per packmaster , they have frenzy and champion( plus 15 pts) has WS4 and 4 attacks. master moulder coutns as champion in the unit, not a s a hero choice. RO are frenzied troops now.
WLC will be as RARE choice and 90pts.
SV they have WS4, Str 3 and halberd included, only shields are optional, but they can have magic banner and their leader an have cheap skaven equipment as an option as well (up to 15 points worth i think) 7pts base.
Magic- untill i find out more, i can tell you tha there is gona be 13 spells- divided into two groups (6 for warlocks/grey seers and 6 for plague priests etc) plus mighty 13th spell (proper kick ass!). Magic users are warlocks, grey seers and plague priests.
as for lords:
ikit claw, lord scrolk, thanquol and boneripper, throt the unclean plus new ( i think) powerful warlord( good against dwarfs etc)-Queek.
heroes: snikch, some other commando type of character (leads skaven raiders in bacground stories)
nightrunners without skirmish defo, but can make one normal movement before the battle starts plus can have tunneling weapon team added (so can be a tuneling team)
Gutterrunners have +6 ward save
Strength in numbers stay, still plus 1 when fleeing, characters can refuse a challenge but the unti they are in can still use their LD, life is cheap rule applies only to slaves as far as i know,
Clanrat basic cost 4 points
Plague monks are special choice, unless you got lord scrolk, then they can be core units.
nightrunners will not have a skirmish option either, unless they will change something in the last moment. so far it looks like they will cost 7 points, with two weapons and throwing stars included.
Warplighting cannon will shoot balls of warp energy like cannon, including bouncing etc. you place small template and everything that it passes and where it ends is hit. strenght still random, no armour saves and D6 wound from each unsaved hit.
As for magic warp lightning does only D6 hits now and if you roll 1, then caster suffers a hit instead. there is definitely couple of new spells as well including one that stops fliers from flying and gives minus 1 BS to all enemy shooting units.
Jezzails will be S6
I got a handful of new rumours!
- 2 different lores: one for Skyrie and one for Pestilens. Seers and VL have both.
- ASF and 4+ WS for Assassins (it becomes 5+ for Eshin cahmpions and 6+ for troops)
- Only skirmishing units are PWGs and Gutter runners (and obviously Censers)
- Plague monks definetely Special
- Censers have 2 attacks!
- There is a Plague Catapult so rare choices are now 4
- ROs are confirmed frenzied
And now the big hit!
Lords can have 3 mount choices. Seers can have the bell and plague priest the Plague furnace.
Ikit Claw will be a spellcasting nightmare. As well as being pretty decent in combat to boot. He will be able to use all 13 of the Skaven spells (warlock and grey seer ones, plague priest ones and the 13th spell) or can use any of the normal 8 lores.
(New Mount Choice:)
It is a litter.
13th spell: casting value 25!
Castable on a unit of R&F troops. Throw 3d6: this is the number of wounds, no AS. If models remain in the unit........
The dreaded 13th spell is there.
It is cast on 25+
Didn't get any more info on the spell, but it came up that warpstones can not be used over the natural limit of the caster.
If so, a Seer will have a limit of 5 dice to cast it. Not many chances, indeed..
I just remember a thing! If, as it was told me, it's the 13th spell it should be the one automatically known by Grey Seers. If it is so,....
Don't don't don't don't play against a Lord of change!
Rat ogre rumour summary (info collected till now)
Same stats as old book
Frenzy-No stupidity
Champion available
No shooting weapons (except Boneripper)
Mount for Warlord
Packmaster every 2 ROs
hi guys! i got fresh news by my Games Workshop shop about the first wave:
-clan rats
-doom wheel
-special hero Snitch
-special hero Queek
-special hero Moulder packmaster (don't remember the name)
other things in the second wave.....and probably they will also redone the NightRunners models.......i'm thinking that the second wave will have:
-screaming bell/plague fornace kit
-hellpit abomination (i hope that they will not do the same thing as the Chaos Warshrine.....mmm)
-repack of 5 tunnel runners (i don't remember the name)
-repack of 5 poison wind globadiers
-repack of 5 censer bearers
-maybe 1 or 2 other heroes
Storm banner, Weeping Blades, Warpstone Stars, Warpscroll, Warpstorm scroll, Brass Orb, Death globe, Fellblade, Sacred Banner of Horned rat, Skalm, Skavenbrew, Smoke bombs will be in the book.
No idea of the effects, though.
There are magic items for top clan characters only. For exemple, Death Globe is for Skyrie characters only.
I have it on good authority from a black shirt that the Doom Wheel will in fact be plastic.
Rogatyszczur pisze:A gdzie tam! To ja tak namieszałem!
Why so serious?White Lion pisze:Mam prośbę
Nie, nie masz. Chyba że znudziło Ci się to forum, to wtedy możesz kontynuować nakłanianie do piractwa -- Tomash
Być może, przecież jutro Dzień TzeentchaDark Knight pisze:Wyczuwam tu robote Tzeentcha. On lubi tak namieszać żeby wszyscy sie pogubili i zaczęli powoli sprzeczać ze sobą aż doprowadzi to do wielkiej i wyniszczającej wojny pomiędzy Warlordami i klanami