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dopuscic specjal charakterów!!! angole nie wiedzą ze orki są z dupy wlasnie dlatego ze graja na specjalach!
Na szybko znalazlem kilka tematow. Pozwolilem sobie tez z tych tematow powyciagac od razu kilka co bardziej tresciwych cytatów, ktore swiadcza o tym, ze Angole (i inne narody) jednak tez maja oczy i tez widza, ze orkasy teraz obsysaja po kule i zadni special herosi im nie pomogą (choc za speciali tez bym sie obrazil)
Zachecam do lektury i dalszych samodzielnych poszukiwań na roznych forach. Ogolnie sprawa wyglada tak: jest grupa klimaciarzy-masochistow, ktorzy lubia dostawac non-stop w dupe. Reszta graczy lubi miec armie, ktora da sie pograc. Orkasami obecnie nie za bardzo daje sie pograc i dlatego wiekszosc graczy orkowych na calym swiecie płacze. Oni nie maja na tyle zwartego srodowiska by O&G na wlasnym podwórku poprawic. My taka mozliwosc mamy. Wystarczy z niej skorzystac...
A oto i linki oraz cytaty (oddzielane pustymi wersami):
http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic ... 1&start=30
It is great that armies like Orcs'n'Goblins, Ogres etc, suddenly seem to be attractive...
If for example Orcs were the strongest army (and no, they definitely are not), you could still outplay them because the army by itself is vulnerable in many ways.
Armies like Orcs and Goblins don't need to be taken a closer look at, they were crappy in the last years and still are, but now they can field more crap.
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Orcs and Golbins: same as almost every other match-up... baaaaad times for being a greenskin.
If the Orcs & Goblins had the Dark Elf Magic items, would they be the hardest army in warhammer instead of the worst?
No animosity, magical attacks on savage orcs along with their mystical ward, killing blow for black orcs and a flaming magic weapon would sort most of the lists problems. They would become reliable and get a few of the tools needed to compete.
Animosity doesn't kill the Orcs' competitiveness - the problem is that, even when the army performs well, it's still not competitive enough. (...)Throw in some killing blow, magical attacks, fire, ItP, stubborn, decent magic banners for the 'elites', maybe some better monsters, and drop some points off most of the troops in the army, then you get something competitive.
Animosity prevents any kind of reliance on 5+ model units, ruining battle plans all over the place.
Animosity should probably not be removed, but changed radically, preferably in a way where one can avoid the whole squabble issue at a certain cost (let the champions have the D6 S something attacks).
Having played since 3rd ed Orcs have always been very competative till the most recent book.
Has O&G ever been competitive in any editions in WFB? Just wondering...
O&G will never be competitive until GW realizes that while some rules are fitting from a background perspective, they just don't belong in the game because they're frustrating to deal with and a single bad roll can completely decide the outcome of the game without any input from the player whatsoever. Intrigue at Court and animosity are two very good examples of this and unfortunately one of those rules is here for the long haul.
IMHO a lot of the OnG army is over costed and that combined with their low leadership and reliance on infantry (which has fared incresingly poorly over time) means that you need both skill and luck to win with them. I seem to have neither.
http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic ... 52&start=0
why oh why in the world does everyone put O&G like the worst army of warhammer?
http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic ... ve&start=0
They're a ton of fun to play if you stay out of the competetive scene. Point for point their troops simply aren't competetive with the top tier armies out there, and animosity rules can sabotage your plans occasionally. So it's hard to compete.
A lot of people think O&G are a fun army to play. For me, they are definitely NOT fun to play. Playing against them is usually fine, but not running the army. I want to play a tactical game where my decision making has a significant impact on the game. I like the mental challenge between myself and the other player. Between animosity, poor leadership, and other extra random factors, O&G are not an army where I felt my decisions regularly contributed to the game play.
I rarely win with them but in a friendly enviroment you get to do enough damage and play long enough to get a lot of laughs out of them during the game. In a competetive enviroment however it's mostly just depressing to see how fast your army falls apart due to psychology and animosity helping your opponent out.
What is wrong with having a fun army that is also competitive?
I would like to have a little more chances with my Orcs...
http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic ... ve&start=0
is the O&G army a tournament army?
Short answer: NO
Long answer: If you are really lucky. The main problem lies in the randomness of O&G. For example if you are playing say 6 games over the course of the tourney and during each game you have 2 important charges that you must get off, chances are thay you will fail 2 of those animosity tests, probably in different games.
O&G also suffer from some weaknesses other armys don't, such as not being able to do an effective all cav army, and not having decent "immovable" infantry, you combine these together, and you don't really have the makings of an overly effective army.
http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic ... my&start=0
I'd say O&G are universally agreed upon as one of the weakest armies in the game. More than any other army book, even more than Ogres.
O&G and OK, if I only had one army I wouldnt want it to be a punching bag all the time.
http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic ... akest+army
If I had to play only orcs for a year, Id die of frustation.