1 Vampire - [200]
General, Magic Level 2
Avatar of Death [20]
Dark Acolyte [30]
Book of Arkhan [35]
Enchanted Shield [15]
1 Vampire - [225]
Magic Level 1, BSB
Sword of Might [15]
Talisman of Lycni [10]
Flayed Haubek [25]
Infinite Hatred [25]
Walking Death [25]
5 Dire Wolves [40]
5 Dire Wolves [40]
10 Crypt Ghouls [80]
10 Crypt Ghouls [80]
10 Grave Guards [150]
10 Black Knight [365]
FCG, Banner of the Barrows, Barding
4 Cairn Wraiths [225]
Total Cost army:1405
Casting pool:5
Dispel pool:4
Models in army:56
Wampiry - 1405 pkt
Wampiry - 1405 pkt
Come crawling faster, obey your Master...