Księga Armii Nocnych Goblinów Oficjalnie Zakończona

Orcs and Goblins

Moderator: Kołata

Powergamer Rozpiskowy
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Re: Księga Armii Nocnych Goblinów Oficjalnie Zakończona

Post autor: Marjanpl »

A w ŁAAA! GLEBA! ŁAAA! nie są używane gobliny za pocisk ??
Nie nocne ale gobliny (te zielone ;))

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Posty: 1862
Lokalizacja: Warszawa, Białystok

Post autor: likaon »

1. Nocne gobliny doskonale się dogadują z innymi goblinami i chętnie z nimi współpracują
2. Zębaczolot wystrzeliwuje pocisk zawierający squigi, żelazne kule, snotlingami, zagubionymi goblinami, krasnoludzkie materiały wybuchowe i jeszcze niesfermentowane(żrące) grzybkowe piwo
3. Żeby było wiadomo że to zębaczolot, a jak będziesz grał OiG to nie sądzę żeby ktoś się czepiał że w wyrzutni siedzi mały squig.
"Księga Armii Nocnych Goblinów"( 09.11.2011
http://www.docstoc.com/docs/94525591/No ... 99ga-Armii

Posty: 15

Post autor: Kopaj-Glan »

Witam wszystkich

Księga jest świetna, kawał dobrej roboty, mam jednak pytanie, a mianowicie: Co oznacza zasada "monstrualna piechota/kawaleria"?

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Posty: 2630
Lokalizacja: Liverpool/Wrocław

Post autor: gerald_tarrant »

Kopaj-Glan pisze:Witam wszystkich

Księga jest świetna, kawał dobrej roboty, mam jednak pytanie, a mianowicie: Co oznacza zasada "monstrualna piechota/kawaleria"?
to samo co monstrous infantry cavalary z rb

Posty: 15

Post autor: Kopaj-Glan »

dzięki, już wiem o co chodzi

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Posty: 53

Post autor: Gnorst »

witam :D przypadkowo zauważywszy ten temat przypomnialem sobie ze mam troche goblinkow z skull passa a zawsze tez chcialem zaczac zbierac O&G ale z wieksza przychylnoscia dal goblinkow. i tak sobie mysle ze to fajne rozwiazanie dla mnie :D
wiec moje pytanko czego potrzebuje jak na poczatek zeby zlozyc jakas mala armie? moze dacie jakies rozpiski? jak wygladaja niektore modele? skad je brac itd tak ogolem bym prosil o poradnik dla czlowiczka ktory chcialby zaczac grac NG ;)

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Posty: 1862
Lokalizacja: Warszawa, Białystok

Post autor: likaon »

Okładka do nowej edycji nocników, podręcznik dostępny nie długo
"Księga Armii Nocnych Goblinów"( 09.11.2011
http://www.docstoc.com/docs/94525591/No ... 99ga-Armii

Posty: 88
Lokalizacja: Dęblin woj. Lubelskie

Post autor: AwangardowyKaloryfer »

Świetna robota! Ja mam za sobą już sporo walk tą armią (całkiem dawno temu), myślę że specjalnie dla niej kupię sobie ze 200 skulpasów i jazda. Ta armia to fajna sprawa dla ludzi takich jak ja (spam 400 modeli na stole hehe), najnowszego booka nie oglądałem ale myślę że świetny. Ciekawe czy kiedyś dopuszczą na turnieje?
Potężna dawka całkiem sporych ilości psów naraz (to wcale nie reklama)

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Posty: 2759
Lokalizacja: Warszawa Czarne Wrony

Post autor: eliah91 »

AwangardowyKaloryfer pisze:Ciekawe czy kiedyś dopuszczą na turnieje?
Oczywiście że tak.
Słyszałem nawet że Włosi już rozważają tę armię na ETC 2012.
Boję się że zdecydują się jednak na AB do wiewiórek albo pingwinów mają bardziej przej&*ane Rary. :cry:

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1862
Lokalizacja: Warszawa, Białystok

Post autor: likaon »

eliah91 pisze:AwangardowyKaloryfer napisał(a):
Ciekawe czy kiedyś dopuszczą na turnieje?

Oczywiście że tak.
Słyszałem nawet że Włosi już rozważają tę armię na ETC 2012.
Boję się że zdecydują się jednak na AB do wiewiórek albo pingwinów mają bardziej przej&*ane Rary.
Oczywiście że się zgodzą, mam już zapewnienia ligi sędziwoskiej że jeżeli w 2012 ziemia pierdolnie od uderzenia meteorytu wielkości teksasu to w 2013 ją dopuszczą 8)

Może bym się nie obraził gdybyś podał inny kraj niż Włochy, nie znoszę skubańców, są bardziej irytujący ode mnie
"Księga Armii Nocnych Goblinów"( 09.11.2011
http://www.docstoc.com/docs/94525591/No ... 99ga-Armii

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Posty: 2759
Lokalizacja: Warszawa Czarne Wrony

Post autor: eliah91 »

likaon pisze:są bardziej irytujący ode mnie
Jeżeli chodzi o forumowiczów, to ty Likaonku jesteś dla mnie taką wisienką pośród nich. :wink:
I od razu odpowiadam na głupie pytanie.
To nie był sarkazm.

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1862
Lokalizacja: Warszawa, Białystok

Post autor: likaon »

Założyłem tyle tematów do spamowania, nie wiem idź napisz jak bardzo nie podobają ci się moje modele, wielu forumowiczów eliahunku91 tak robi
"Księga Armii Nocnych Goblinów"( 09.11.2011
http://www.docstoc.com/docs/94525591/No ... 99ga-Armii

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1862
Lokalizacja: Warszawa, Białystok

Post autor: likaon »

Miałem zawirusowanego worda więc musiał pisać wszystko od nowa
Grafiki i reszta booka nie długo będzie gotowa

Wiele zasad parszywca, nightlingów, tipi, olbrzyma, piechoty(szczwany knut, dywersja, sieciarz itp.) i kilku innych jednostek które zdają się mieć za dużo/lub kłócące się ze sobą zasady wykupuje je oddzielnie(np. parwszywiec może mieć maksymalnie trzy reguły a jabber dwie)
"Księga Armii Nocnych Goblinów"( 09.11.2011
http://www.docstoc.com/docs/94525591/No ... 99ga-Armii

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1862
Lokalizacja: Warszawa, Białystok

Post autor: likaon »

Zapraszam do złorzeczenia kolejna porcja paskudnych goblinów.

PS. szukam kogoś pomocy w złożeniu tego wszystkiego w całość razem z grafikami, mój komp odmawia posłuszeństwa gdy w dokumencie jest za dużo tabel, rysunków i inszych dziwnych rzeczy.
"Księga Armii Nocnych Goblinów"( 09.11.2011
http://www.docstoc.com/docs/94525591/No ... 99ga-Armii

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1862
Lokalizacja: Warszawa, Białystok

Post autor: likaon »

Gobliny w kolorze i z grafikami, zapraszam do lektury
"Księga Armii Nocnych Goblinów"( 09.11.2011
http://www.docstoc.com/docs/94525591/No ... 99ga-Armii

"Nie jestem powergamerem"
Posty: 178

Post autor: BAAGRRAA »

Przysyłam tłumaczenia zasad nocników na angielski. Sorry, że tak długo zeszło. (Miałem sporo spraw na głowie.) W ramach przeprosin wysyłam także przetłumaczony fluff i zasady do magic itemów.

Army Rules

Orks be da big bastarda!! If you don’t have any orc units in your army(including allied armies) all night goblins charters Leadership increases by +1.

Fear elves
Hate dwarfs

Big Waaagh!!!-Night Goblins can spend up to 25% of their points on units from the Orcs and Goblins armybook.

These weapons are stone or wooden clubs of immense size spiked with squig teeth. Goblins use them to stun whatever they catch in their nets, during battle they aren`t so careful.

A unit gains a +1 Strength bonus in the first round of combat. This bonus also applies each time the goblins successfully throw their nets at the enemy. Clubaz count as hand weapons.

Mangry Troll-
The Troll is a mascot of the bunch that takes it to battle as a war beast. The creature itself enjoys these escapades seeing them as opportunities to eat something else than goblin.

The Troll is placed in the second rank of Night Goblin unit. The Troll must always be surrounded by Night Goblin models unless there aren’t enough to do so. Also it can vomit from the second rank, if Goblin models in front of it are in base contact with a foe. Vomiting Troll causes damage on these two goblins. Clubaz doesn’t increase Troll Strength and failed roll to entangle the foe doesn’t decrease Troll Strength. Night Goblins aren`t stupid enough to enrage the Troll like that. The Troll automatically passes all Stupidity tests. In addition, the unit is immune to Psychology and have Fear special rule.

The Troll can use all his 3 attacks while being in the second rank. He cannot use troll vomit unless the goblins in front of him are in base contact with an enemy. Thanks to goblin pointy sticks Troll always passes Stupidity Test, thanks to that unit is ITP until the troll lives. Unit Causes Fear. For shooting hit are randomized 1-4 goblins, 5-6 troll. Troll doesn`t have LOS.

When goblins start loosing a fight, they release a pack of squigs towards the enemy to slow them down while they make a run for it.

If goblins fail a break test and start fleeing, target enemy unit that caused it get D6 Strength 5 hits, if the hits caused at least one wound, the unit cannot pursue running goblins(its hard to chase anyone when angry squig is biting your leg off) Distraction can be used once per game.

Bastarda bozz-
The Bozz knows his lads very well and has ways of intimidating them to do their job properly.

A unit is allowed to reroll failed animosity test once per game.

Sneaky plan-

Follow me boyz, I’ve got a sneaky plan! 

If a unit with this rule has Sneaky Bozz, the unit with this character gain Ambush special rule. If the unit is mounted, Sneaky Bozz must have the same mount.

Bite, Scratch, Stabb – if a model rolls a 6 to hit, the enemy is not allowed an armour save.

We are Many- Roll D6 for each base of nightlings that are not in base contact with the enemy, on a roll of 5+ they can attack. Fighting with models with the Large Target special rule Nightlings can attack on a roll of 3+.

Spayders- Nightlings gain Poisoned Attacks special rule.

Stabbers- All attacks count as magical attacks. Every roll to Hit and Wound of 1 counts as 6.

Shamanashinis- magical attacks

Boss!? Where is UP??-
Stealers aren`t deployed before battle with other units. Instead starting from turn two roll a dice, on a 5+ the stealers appear on the right or left table edge. Once they appear, they can move as normal, except they cannot charge.
Mangel– catapult
Mangy Troll- unit gets 3 attacks, troll vomit and additional Wound. Mangrel can shoot two times for one shooting phase, but it counts like mangrel didn’t see the target. Before each shot you need to make stupidity test, if it fails no more shooting in this round can be declared and you need to roll misfire table.
Wall Smasha- A hit building is destroyed on 4+. Wall Smasha doesn`t use a template, the model hit receives one S10 hit with no armour saves allowed. If the model is wounded, it receives 3d3 wounds.
Nasta Squiga- Every unit under the small template gets hit with Strength 5, no wound multiplication.
Mad hatters pot- reroll failed to wound rolls.
Krasha Rolla- Mangel counts as a chariot, As 4+, impact hits(2d6+1), S6, M7, W6 and T6. Mangel once per game can shoot like catapult, but he can do so even after he moves.

Net shoota- all unit under the template will have Always Strike Last special rule until the next Night Goblins shooting phase.

Bad Moon Glifa- Magic Resistance (2), magical attacks (close combat and shooting attacks)

Stunty Boom Dust- flaming attacks ,Armour Piercing special rule (close combat and shooting)

Red Paint- Only for Krasha Rolla, +2M.

Bite Hym Hard!! If a tamer joins a unit of warbeasts or a squig they reroll 1 on To hit and To wound rolls.

One of thym- tamer can join any unit of warbeasts or squigs as long as he is riding an appropriate mount. If he joins a unit with random movement he needs a mount with the same rule. In the unit of Squig Herders he doesn’t need any mount, if that unit use rule “Wild Squig” tamer dies with it.

Shaman Gitz

Tipi have random attacks(*k6) rule, * is a level of lunatic instead tipi. Second level lunatic has Armour Piercing special rule, third level Poisoned Attacks special rule, fourth level Hatred (all enemies) special rule. Lunatic cannot attack until he is in tipi.

Nasty Curse

When enemy wizard rolls snake eyes while casting a spell, he gets one hit Strength equal to Lunatic’s Level in Tipi with no Armour Save allowed.

Revenge of Gork

Choose one enemy unit not containing wizards, on a roll of 6 for Armour Saves, Hits, Wounds and Charge Distance counts as 1. Effect wears of at the beginning of next NG magic phase, then you can pick another target.

Sneaky Steala

Tipi takes one dice from Opponent’s Power pool and adds it to your Dispel dice pool.

Lunatic’s apprentice

Goblins showing signs unity with “da big green” are being given lessons under lunatic’s patronage. For them the shaman is a “master”, however for him they are merely slaves, who tidy up the mess, cook dinner or become victims of magical discharges instead of him.

Roll D6. On 2+ negate negative effects of magic mushroom and lost control. Then pupil dies in magical explosion. Lunatic can buy a number of apprentices equal to his level.

Strong brew

Chose one regular infantry allied night goblin(sneaky killa, thiefa and so on) unit on table that have more than five models. D3 models take a Toughness Test, each successful test means that a model turns into a fanatic, each failed test means painful death. Those models are treated as casualties.

and those witch survived are released in the same phase as fanatics.

Da Ring of Mork

On a roll of 5+ a spell cast against a tipi is turned against the caster. Also the tipi gains magic resistance equal to Shaman’s level.

Get the Gobbo!!

The Lunatic in a tipi cannot be targeted by shooting attacks or in combat, but the tipi is vulnerable to this kind of attacks. When the tipi is destroyed roll a d6, on 3+ the Lunatic escapes in the last moment from the falling hut, roll 2D6 and select the direction, this is the place where the Lunatic appears. If you roll 1or 2 it means, that the lunatic was squashed by his crumbling hut, remove the tipi and him as a casualty.

Stabbed to da Ground

The Tipi cannot move, the lunatic cannot leave tipi unless its destroyed(all his shiny staff is in there).

Pride of a Greenskin

The Tipi and Lunatic have Unbreakable special rule. Lunatic in the tipi has a 360* line of sight, the Tipi has no front, flanks or rear. In addition, the Lunatic and Tipi have Large Target special rule.

Horned squig
Each enemy model in base contact with Horned Squigs suffers one hit Strength 5.

Spiked squig
Roll D6 at the start of each combat. On a roll of 2+ the squig gets the Always Strike First rule until the next combat phase. If you roll 1 each herd or goblin raider in unit suffers Strength 5 hit for every squig.

Spore Squig
Every enemy model in base contact with Spore Squigs must pass a Toughness Test in the first round of each combat. If the foe fails test, it will loose all its attacks.

Rampaging Squig
Rampaging Squigs gain an extra attack. In addition, they can use this attack from the second rank.

Nets and chains
Net Gits are netters, also they can reroll a netting roll once per game.
Swallow Whole
All attacks made by this Squig have the Killing Blow special rule. This rule also applies to monstrous infantry.
Goblin Crew
Goblin Crew cannot be the target of spells, shooting or attacks. They attack in inactive order. Goblin construction on the squig`s back gives him 5+ armour save.

Living ram
If he throws triple 6 for movement, all impact hits have Strength 10.

Almost Sneaky

Once per game cave trolls can automatically pass stupidity test.

I Da Biggest!!

Troll in a unit with this hero automatically passes stupidity test.

Shadow Rag

All shooting attacks wound giant only on a 6. Giant attacks count as magical. When he rolls for falling, throw two dices instead of one, any of these dice roll a 1, the giant falls.
All shooting attacks wound the giant only on 6. Giant attacks count as magical. No matter how many times a Giant takes a test to Fall Over, roll an additional D6. If there is roll of 1 on this dice, the Giant falls over.


When a Giant goes to combat, he is under the influence of hallucinogenic decoction that makes its mind insane as well as surrounding goblins.

A player can reroll a result of giant’s random attacks.

‘Ere I Come

Giants are under the care of Night Goblins, that are drunk with decoction of mad hatter before battle to increase their strength and to become more unpredictable.

If a Giant Falls over on 2+, the Giant’s player decides in which direction a model falls. Every wound caused by fall over counts to combat resolution.


Vague Effigy and Cursed Cauldron 50 points

Arcane Item

Terrifying artefacts created by the hand of one of the worst night goblin shamans in the old world Grimkok The Three Times Cursed. The cauldron has been forged in full Bad Moon from the metal of a Dwarfish Runemaster`s anvil and tempered in troll’s blood. Everyone ,who become imprisoned in that cauldron, will be a prisoner forever. Even gods must beware this dammed cauldron. The effigy has been made of human king’s bone and white skaven and the whole completes a black robe of Grimgok. Everyone, who hurts the shaman will become a victim of the power of terrifying vague effigy.

Choose one enemy model at the start of a game. Everytime, that shaman casts spell with Irresistible Force, the foe model suffers the same Miscast table effect as the caster. If the shaman suffers a wound, the enemy model on a roll of 4+ will suffer one wound with no Armour Save and Ward Save allowed. If the shaman is slain, place a small template in the centre of enemy model. Each model under the template must pass a Toughness test. If the test is failed, the model suffers one wound with no Armour Save and Ward Save allowed.

Net of Broken Bones 60 points

Goblins only

Magic Weapon

Chains creating this net have been sculpted from bones of the chosen ones from the depths of Black Water. Every fettered creature will loose strength and pressed to the ground like a drowned man in the depths of Black Water. Those, who can`t set themselves free, will be squashed, and the nets will be a few links larger.

At the start of each close combat phase roll D6. On a roll of 2-4 a chosen model in base contact with the bearer suffers -1 penalty to its Strength until the end of the combat round. On a roll of 5-6 the model suffers -2 penalty to its Strength until the end of the combat round. If a 1 is rolled, the bearer suffers -1 penalty to his Strength. If a character is in unit with Netters and roll 1, you can re roll a result of entangling.

Bloody Column 75 points

When the king Ubnur Talk led his army to conflict with sneaky Skavens, he met on his way an enormous troll, blocking the dwarfish pass to Skaven lands. This beast was called Mog, very infamous troll known for killing Dwarfs and whole tribes of greenskins. When the fight started, the monster destroyed one of the columns supporting the ceiling, causing it to crumble down cutting of the king and half of his army with debris. Before the dwarfs had dug through it, nothing more than bloody pulps broken bones remained of the dwarfs left in the fight. Mog after the combat, had thrown away his weapon that was found by goblins many miles farther. According to those, who had seen it, this obelisk is sticky from blood, which he spilt. If you put your ear to it, you will hear the sound of breaking bones and screams of the dwarfs that were crushed under it.

This weapon doubles bearer’s Strength (up to 10). The bearer has Always Strike Last special rule. In addition, the enemy model hit by this weapon must reroll any successful armour saves. Also, the weapon has D3 Multiple Wounds special rule. The bearer causes Terror to Dwarf units.

Collar of Zorga 50 points

A collar is made of a gigantic wyvern’s tongue and is spiked with fangs and claws of the biggest monsters from The World Edge Mountains. All beasts feel fear seeing somebody wearing the collar, even if they normally show fear. No one knows, who has created a collar, it’s name comes from a legendary Goblin Warboss, who forced the wildest and the most unruly creatures to obedience.

All Monsters, Monstrous Beasts, War Beasts, Monstrous Cavalry and Monstrous Infantry in a base contact with the bearer hit and wound him on 6. Bonuses such as +1 to Hit have no effects. In addition, they cannot use Stomp or Thunderstomp special rule against the bearer.

Da Stick of Da Mad Marsh 50 points

This banner has been made from ripped robes of many fanatics, who had died from their own weapon. Hanged on a Jabberlok skeleton and a pot on a top of the banner, that produces green smoke, which causes hallucinations everyone who stands near the stick.

Roll D6 for each fanatic within 18” of the bearer. On 2+ a player decides in which direction the fanatic moves. On a roll of 1 the fanatic moves towards the bearer.

The Bad Moon Banner 50 points

When the leering, yellowed face of the Bad Moon Banner rises, all Night Goblins swell with an insane blend of daring and pure battle-madness. The very air about the banner seems to thicken into an inking gloaming. In the shadowy murk, the much-revered moon seems to shine more fully and more sickly still. As the light seems to get sucked away from their surroundings, the Night Goblins cackle and screech their glee. For those nearby, it feels for all the world like the damp and confined air of some darksome tunnel has materialized around them. Just the thing to fill a Night Goblin full of renewed bravery. Of a sort.

This Standard may only be taken by a Night Goblin Battle Standard Bearer. Night Goblin models in a unit with the Bad Moon banner are Stubborn. In addition, the banner shrouds the unit in darkness. The bearer and any unit he joins count as being in soft cover, and any enemy model that charges into base contact with the bearer or the unit must take a Dangerous Terrain test.

Pipe of doom 50 points
This strange instrument has been made from drilled bones of squigs and nightlings stuck into great squig’s stomach. Sounds made with that item are extremely frightening and fill enemies’ hearts with terror, if a goblin plays this vile instrument.

If the bearer declares using the pipe of doom in a turn, he must roll a D6. On a roll of 4+ all enemy models within 12” of the bearer cannot have Leadership more than 8 and cannot have Unbreakable and Determination special rules.

Da Robe of Secretiveness 50 points

This coat sewed with spider silk is a dream for all goblins. The light drives away dark as the darkness of this robe drives away the light creating a pleasure dark around the greenskin that enables him to pass unnoticeably to the worst enemy to stick a knife in his back. What is more, it looks great.

Light armour. A bearer has magic resistance (3). If the bearer or a unit with him engages a combat, place the bearer at the rear flank of enemy unit.
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Savage Orc Armybook - http://forum.wfb-pol.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=31550

Posty: 17

Post autor: Gonzo88 »

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"Nie jestem powergamerem"
Posty: 102

Post autor: minority »

Czy na obecną chwilę armia dalej jest rozwijana?

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Posty: 696
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru - Warszawa

Post autor: Jeżus »

A jak sądzisz szalony nekromanto?
Kalesoner pisze:Mi się temat podoba. Nie wiem o co wam chodzi. Poczytalbym co ma jeszcze Glonojad do napisania.