Ja na żaden master się nie wybierałem, ale zastanawiaiłem się nad taką koncepcją. Longi ze stand & shootem (14x S5 ) bezcenne, ale "troche" (sic!) kosztują. Może mielibyście jakieś inne koncpecje na złożenie takiej rozpy?
Runelord @ 393.0 Pts
Anvil of Doom; General; Gromril Armour; Shield
#Anvil of Doom [0.0]
#Rune of Oath & Honour [0.0]
#Rune of Hearth & Hold [0.0]
#Rune of Wrath & Ruin [0.0]
Runic Talisman [75.0]
Rune of Spellbreaking
Spelleater Rune
Thane @ 185.0 Pts
Oath Stone; Gromril Armour; Battle Standard
Runic Armour [50.0]
Master Rune of Gromril
Rune of Resistance
Runic Talisman [25.0]
Master Rune of Challenge
14 Quarrellers @ 187.0 Pts
Great Weapon; Crossbow; Light Armour; Musician
28 Rangers @ 523.0 Pts
Great Weapon; Rangers; Throwing Axes; Heavy Armour; Shield; FCG
Runic Banner [50.0]
Rune of Courage
Rune of Determination
Grudge Thrower @ 155.0 Pts
Engineer BoP
Engineering Runes [55.0]
Rune of Accuracy
Rune of Burning
Rune of Penetrating
Grudge Thrower @ 150.0 Pts
Engineer BoP
Engineering Runes [50.0]
Rune of Accuracy
Rune of Penetrating
Cannon @ 145.0 Pts
Engineering Runes [40.0]
Rune of Burning
Rune of Forging
14 Troll Slayers @ 206.0 Pts
2 Giant Slayer @ [52.0] Pts
28 Hammerers @ 444.0 Pts
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Shield; FCG
Runic Banner [50.0]
Master Rune of Grugni
10 Miners @ 150.0 Pts
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Musician, Champion, Steamdrill
Organ Gun @ 120.0 Pts
Misfire Chart
Gyrocopter @ 140.0 Pts
Models in Army: 112
Dwarfy 2800
Dwarfy 2800
Ostatnio zmieniony 22 lut 2011, o 11:15 przez Kotar, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
Jesli chcesz z ta rozpą isc na jakiś tur (Sopot i Bydgoszcz) to masz ją nielegalną jeśli chodzi o zasady euro. Masz oddział powyżej 450 pkt.
Kupię bretońskie modele z 5tej edycji:
Metalowi quesci,
French Games Day Knight 'L'Hermite De Malemont' !! ,
4ed rycerze na piechotę.
Snot Fanpage <<--- , klikać!
Metalowi quesci,
French Games Day Knight 'L'Hermite De Malemont' !! ,
4ed rycerze na piechotę.
Snot Fanpage <<--- , klikać!
U nas nie będzie ojro.
Czyste 2800 ;]
Czyste 2800 ;]
The wood hold peace for thos who desire it, but those who seek battle will find me...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...
Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...
Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...
The wood hold peace for thos who desire it, but those who seek battle will find me...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...
Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...
Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...