Voodoo pisze:Garść blotek z Warseer'a:
TerrorGeist about 50 points more than Vargulf scream attack is 8 inch range must have line of sight to target can do even if marched moved charged etc can scream at target that it is in close combat with. 2d6 plus remaining wounds left then subtract from targets leadership ouch that could hurt no armor saves allowed
has option for poison attacks but not usable when thunderstomping
also option where it explodes into 3d6 st2 bats when it dies agains unit in btb
ws3 st 5 t 6 w 6 I 4 at 4 L 4 only one I am hazy on is I sounds fun
Wraith can be hero choice at about 10 points more than their current cost
has same stats but optional chill attack substitute all reg attacks for 1 attack that if its wounds automatically and allows no armor saves.
Tomb Banshee about 5 points more than she was in old 6th ed book infantry character same rules as she has current found nothing in rules that said she could not join units so cool.
You can still buy these as a rare in the unit nothing said the contrary it said they could be fielded in this manner but all official rules so cool. I liked wraiths in 6th but they were terrible next to other options and were expensive now they are cheaper have more attacks I am sure we can all find uses for them likewise I missed the single banshee floating around causing opponents grief a welcome addition in my books
All in all I am pumped for this release all my sruff already ordered at my local gaming store. No all VC need is cheaper zombies and new plastic kit like corpse cart zombies ( my wish) cheaper skellies ala tomb kings and new plastic black knights and I would be a happy camper. But they don't have to stop there I like what I was hearing regarding the flesh golems sounded cool hopefully it works out eventually. Thanks for the early pics guys from the web hope some of these rules help you all till the white dwarf is in your hands. Cheers JasonAll the rules for the VC are official update to the VC codex not just for Storm of Magic these are here to stay. Rules for the Terrorgeist, Wraith and Banshee provided by Phil Kelly.
hmm. 2d6 +6 -ld może być niezłym straszakiem na jakies pojedyncze modele takie jak GUO czy jakieś latajace gówna typu DE pedzio z pedantem.
Czy już wiadomo jaką to będzie miało podstawkę?
przydała by się temu jakas ochrona w postaci save'a albo jakaś mała regenka czy wardzik.
Bydle jest przeżywalne, ale dość słabo się bije - mogli mu dać chociaż 1 atak więcej.
a wraithy w hero choice beda bardzo ciekawą opcją