So, time for a long battle report! Spoiler - picture heavy!
Battle 1: Malin, DoCh
Roster: GUO with Balesword, BSB of tzeench, Khone herald, Slaanesh w/ Siren Song, 30 Daemonettes of Slaanesh, 30 Bloodlettters, 6 flamers, 1 fiend, 2x5 furies, 2x10 Horrors.

DoCh Left to Right: Flamers, Daemonetts w/ Herald, Bloodletters w/ Herald, Great Unclean One. Behind them 2xHorrors w/ Herald, Furies. On far right flank Furies with Fiend.
HE L to R: Swordmasters, Archers, RBT on hill, Spearment with Mages, Archers w/ BSB & Prince, RBT, Phoenix (aka Eagle) and White Lions.
I win the 1st turn roll and I start like this: Swordmasters advance, Lions advance, Spearmen get the mages to the spell range. Target for this turn: GUO. Magic Phase, I put through 2x2d6s4 on GUO, I wound him twice. Shooting phase: 40 archers, Hero, Lord and 2 RBT put another 8 wounds on GUO, Prince contributed 2 wounds in this picture. GUO goes down. A little bit of luck there, since I should put like 6 wounds on him from shooting, but the positioning of this GUO was no good anyways. With a big huzzah! a situation after turn 1 looks like this:

DoCh in their turn advance, and kill 5 swordmasters from shooting. Panic check passed.

In my 2nd turn, I advance with Lions, I block Daemonettes with remaining swordmasters (that was the original plan from the very beginning)

Then DoCh advance: charge on eagle, flee. Charge on Swordmasters, they hack down 2, die, Daemonettes overrun on 12" in semi-desired direction.

Malin uses his Siren Song to force my archers to charge. I accept the charge, roll enough and I'm in. Original plan was to hold one turn and to be completely hack down in the following turn. I managed to win a 1st round fight, kill the Herald (yay!) and hold an additional turn.

In Malin's 4th turn, he blocks my White Lions with Furies and Fiend. I'm actually happy about that, since I will hack my way to those Horrors evetually, and I had to kill those anyways, plus I won't get shot by flamers / Horror's missles. Bloodletters advance. This is the situation at the beginning of my 5th turn:

In my turn I reduce Bloodletters toughness to 1 and I give them heavy beating with my archers. I reform the archers so they can protect Spearmen against Daemonettes. I move my characters around: Lord blocks Flamers from charing archers, BSB moves to spearmen in case Daemonettes charge them. Meanwhile White Lions hack down 10 Horrors and overrun into 10 horrors with BSB. Finally, The archer block gets charged by 3 daemonettes against the flank, herald against front and reamining bloodletters against the front aswell. Archers hold, and spearmen with mages and BSB make a Final coutnercharge, killing Daemonettes and crumbling Herald of Khorne from CR.
Outcome: A victory for High Elves! Score was 20:0. I think that my opponent placed his GUO very boldly and he provided not enough support for the left flank, hence the swordmasters managed to delay the assault of Daemonettes. I think that I could have played a little better with my White Lions, I placed them in a too defensive position, perhaps a place in the centre would have been a little better.
Battle 2: Ever, VC
Roster: Lord-mage w/ Helm and Fencer's Blade, Wight King w/ Drakenhoff, Vampire with Forbidden Lore of Shadow, 2x40 ghouls, 1x15 ghouls, 30 Grave Guards, 4+1 Wraiths, Black Coach.

In my turn 1 I harrass Wraiths with my Lord + BSB + ring of fury. Besides that no significant damage. White Lions march on far right flank. Right RBT repositions itself (which was crucial - I had a choice of placing RBT in very dangerous spot or moving it for 1-2 turns. I decided for the 2nd option) The situation after VC's turn 2:

I charge with my super-duper Swordmasters into Ghouls with Vampire, I block Wraiths with Eagle and I harrass them yet again with magicand shooting, this time killing 3 of them. Fair enough. Magic Phase: Vaul's Unmaking on Grave Guard, results with Miscast. I was actually unhappy about that, since I wanted my opponent to scroll this spell, which made Flames of Phoenix to not go through, which was more important at this stage. I had no need to take down Drakenhoff so early, I had one or even two turn's more. Miscast result 4! Roll of survival: passed! phew! 7 archers go down due to miscast though. After I took down the Drakenhoff I decided to shoot at Grave Guard and I took down 9 of them. In close combat, Swordmasters kill the vampire and hack some ghouls. Picture taken after HE's turn 2:

The battles goes on at steady pace. VC approach, I defend, moving forward and backward with different unit. From turn 3 White Lions decide to charge at 15 or so Grave Guards. Distance is 9". Roll of 1+1. In my opponent's turn, I do some heavy jedi mind tricks and I encourage him to charge me. Roll of 1+1. In my turn, I charge yet again. Roll of 1+1, failure (due to wheels when doing a failed charged move) My opponent moves 2" backward. 5th turn. I charge. Roll of 1+1, followed by a heavy facepalm. Finally, in turn 6 I manage to land this charge and furiously kill those Grave Guards. Meanwhile...

Fully charged Black Coach approaches. I block him with my Eagle. I kill one unit of ghouls with Spearmen boosted with BSB and Lord. Finally, this is the setup for VC's turn 6:

Ghouls charge archers, Coach charges the big archer unit with all character's within. here I stand with a choice: should I accept the charge and loose Archmage worth of 2 Battle points or perhaps should I flee and rally on 10 in next round, with option to loose 5 Battle points? I took the 2nd option and fled. I lose spearmen and small archers. In my last round I finally land a charge with Lions and rally archers.
Outcome: A 14:6 Victory for High Elves. If I could land a charge on those Grave guard at least one turn earlier, I would have killed the general and made a decisive win. Mistakes from my part: wrong shooting management. After I killed 9 grave Guards I should have focused on shooting Ghouls, since White Lions win a combat even with 25 Grave Guard in one turn. A better control of fire power would allow me to kill an additional unit of ghouls overall, scoring 1 point more in this match.
Battle 3: Marta, VC
Roster: Lord-mage w/ Helm and Hauberk, Wight King w/ Drakenhoff, Vampire with Forbidden Lore of Shadow, 2x40 ghouls, 1x15 ghouls, 30 Grave Guards, 2x Black Coach.
Deployment: Marta decided that she will be happy if she scores a draw with me, hence she decided to deploy in a corner. I decided to not take any pictures out of this battle, since it was pure boringness.
The only notifying sitaution in this battle was Vampire Lord who felt confident in 40 ghouls. I rolled a 9v3 dice magic phase and I landed all the spells I wanted: -d3T (with roll of 5) Flames of Phoenix (36 ghouls killed) and curse of arrow attraction. 40 ghouls were dead in one turn, Vampire Lord has suffered 2 wounds from archers. 2 RBT's shoot at him: 11 hits, 10 wounds followed by... 10 passed armour saves on 4+! Anyways, the VC lord died eventually.
Outcome: Decisive 18:2 Victory for High Elves! If this Lord would have died where he should have, it would have been a clean victory.
That was the last battle of day one, my standing at this point was 2nd place with 52/60 and I was about to face Mlody and his Skaven. Mlody is a strong player, he is an ETC veteran as well as a representative at this year's ETC. Mlody was confident before the match: skaven is not a particularly good pairing for my high elves, plus he managed to do three clean victories, so he had 8 points of advantage over me with his 60/60.
Battle 4: Mlody, Skaven
Grey Seer on Bell: Dispel Scroll, Skalm, Dragonbane Gem, Fencer's Blades
Chieftain: HA, Sh, BSB, Banner of Eternal Flame
Warlock Engineer: L1, Feedback Scroll
Warlock Engineer: Brass Orb
Warlock Engineer: Doom Rocket
Assassin: Rival Hide Talisman, Potion of Strength, Tail Weapon
Warp-lightning Warp Cannon, Hellpit Abomination, 2x5 Gutter Runners w/ sling, 30 Stormvermin w/ Storm Banner, 2x30 Clanrats w/ Shields, 2x Poisoned Wind Mortar, 2x35 Skavenslaves

Skaven L-R: Gutter Runners (not on picture) Gutter Runners, slaves w/ Brass Orb engineer, Abomination, Stormvermin w/ Bell, Slaves w/ Doom Rocker, Clanrats w/ Feedback Scroll, Clanrats w/ Assasin and WLC at the back.
HE L-R: Eagle, White Lions, Archers w/ all chars, Archers and RBT behind them. On far right flank Swordmasters, behind them Spearmen and in table corner another RBT (not on picture)
I win the 1st turn roll and so the battle starts. Storm banner goes on: I manage to land 2 wounds on abomination and to take down 1 Poison Wind Mortar. Skaven turn one: I encourage Mlody to charge my eagle and he does so. Eagle dies two turns later, killing only one rat. I hoped to kill 2 of them, and if I got lucky by any chance to win the combat and kill one unit. The alternative was to run away with eagle and to be shot down with slings. Anyways, the left flank event were not important, the true battle was going on the far side of the other flank. In Skaven turn 1 Mlody carelessly misplaces his units there: he gave me an opportunity to charge clanrats w/ Engineer with my Swordmasters (roll of 6) and spearmen (roll of

In my movement phase I move White Lions out of the house, so they block both abomination and bell. Abomination had 4 wounds remaining, I hoped to kill it with shooting / magic this turn, but even if this had fail (which it did indeed) the bet was safe. I lose 6 White Lions and win the fight in 3-4 close combat turn's perspective.
Shooting did another 2 wounds on abomination. A little below expectations. In close combat Swordmasters and Spearmen kill some rats (like 9) and kill engineer. In skaven's turn, I get charged by Stormvermin w/ Bell and Abomination. Magic does no significant damage at this stage. In close combat White Lions land 2 wuonds on abomination and it doesn't get up, rest of guys severly wound Grey Seer, but he drinks Skalm and is back at full health. I also take down several Stormvermin.
On the right flank Swordmasters do their path to glory: they break clanrats in combat - in 2 turns I killed circa 20 of them and they were no longer steadfast. Spearmen chase down the rats, Swordmasters reform to charge into flank of another clanrat unit, with another engineer!

Meanwhile I get shot by Doom Rocket, losing several Archers. In my turn Archers with Lord and BSB reform, and run to help Swormasters. I make a hail of doom volley on rats, who were about to charge Swordmasters in the back - this unit had an assassin. Lord hits and scores a bulls eye - kills 6 rats. BSB lands another 2 wounds which force a panic check, the check is failed and the unit flees of the table. Anyways, I still had 2x RBT to back up this panic check.

White Lions do a good job killing those rats: I kill like 9 per cc phase plus some wounds on Seer / Bell. In the last turn of Grey Seer's life, My opponent decides to cast the 13th spell on my unit of archers w/ Lord & BSB. Result: double six, Miscast effect insignificant, number of models killed: 16! Just enough to take down the whole unit. No worries though, in ETC restrictions you may take a look out sir roll from 13th / Dwellers / Gateway. So I roll 1 for prince and 1 for BSB, loosing the whole unit regardless. A big unit of Skaven emerges from where the Prince and his Archers were.

Spearmen kill WLC and Poison Wind Mortar decided to kill itself. Spearmen run to kill Slaves, who killed Swordmasters. In magic phase I score 9/3 and I shoot to former unit of archers. Ring of Fury is cast with use of 6 dice, since I can't miscast from casting a Boundspell. Next I cast a normal 2d6s4, with 3 dice and manage to land it as well. Sadly, the rolls for wounding are low, and I kill a handful of them. RBT's aid the fight, as well as the remaining archers. 6 Clanrats make a charge on archers, I hold and win the fight.
In last turns of this battle I land Flames of Phoenix on unit of Slaves who were coming around the corner of house. They charge White Lions into the back. Lions win the fight like a boss, killing the remaining wounds on bell as well as kill the engineer and some slaves. Slaves explode, and the last remaining unit of Slaves flee.
Gutter Runners on the left flank of the table did no significant damage during the whole game and were taken down eventually by some magic / shooting.
Outcome: a massacre win for High Elves! 1502 small point of difference ends up with a 20:0. I clear all table and capture all banners.
After this game I was very pleased with myself since I won a hard match against a good player, I had 72 points which was an 8 point worth of advantage over my last adversary. I needed to do at least a 7:13 result to still claim victory in the tournament.
Battle 5: Tomek F. Skaven
Roster: Seer on Bell, Doom Rocket, Plague Priest with Furnance, WLC, Abomination, Doomwheel.
I was too tired and we were to far behind the schedule to take any pictures from this battle. To make long stroy short though, I played like a moron, my decisions were reckless plus I had a tiny bit of bad luck. I lost the game 6:14, yielding victory to my opponent

Lesson learned: calm down when you play, having a significant advantage over your opponent doesn't grant you a victory. Calm down and keep cool.
Thx for reading the report, comments and questions much appreciated!
ps. now better?