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1000 Pts - Vampire Counts Roster
Vampire (1#, 175 pts)
1 Vampire, 175 pts (General; Vampire; Hand Weapon; Undead)
1 The Flayed Hauberk
1 Forbidden Lore
1 Summon Ghouls
1 0. Invocation of Nehek
1 1. Raise Dead
1 2. Vanhel's Danse Macabre
1 3. Gaze of Nagash
1 4. Curse of Years
1 5. Wind of Undeath
0 Spirit Host (Ethereal; Undead)
1 6. Summon Undead Horde
1 Lore of the Vampires
Necromancer (1#, 70 pts)
1 Necromancer, 70 pts (Hand Weapon; Undead)
1 0. Invocation of Nehek
1 2. Vanhel's Danse Macabre
Crypt Ghouls (20#, 168 pts)
19 Crypt Ghouls, 168 pts (Poisoned Attacks; Undead)
1 Crypt Ghast
Crypt Ghouls (20#, 168 pts)
19 Crypt Ghouls, 168 pts (Poisoned Attacks; Undead)
1 Crypt Ghast
Grave Guard (24#, 357 pts)
23 Grave Guard, 357 pts (Always Strikes Last; Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Undead)
1 Banner of Swiftness
1 Seneschal (Always Strikes Last; Hand Weapon; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour)
Fell Bats (3#, 60 pts)
3 Fell Bats, 60 pts (Flyer; Undead)
Validation Report:
Edition: 8th Edition; Game Type: Normal Game; Army Subtype: Vampire Counts Army
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
Composition Report:
Points of Lords: 0 (0 - 250)
Points of Heroes: 245 (0 - 250)
Points of Core: 336 (250 - Unlimited)
Points of Special: 417 (0 - 500)
Points of Rare: 0 (0 - 250)
Total Roster Cost: 998
Created with Army Builder® - Try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com
VC - 1000
Nie wiem jaki taktyczny sens ma +1 M na gwardii, oba kloce są wolniejsze i będą zostawać w tyle co nie ma sensu. Skoro to gry towarzyskie, barrowsa nie pchamy. Zdejmij magiczny sztandar w ogóle, zdejmij jednego ghula i dorzuć za to czwartego nietoperza i za 5 pkt daj wampirowi luckstone albo dragonbane gem, zależy z czym grasz.
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