ETC 2012

Moderator: swieta_barbara

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Posty: 2645
Lokalizacja: wrocław

Re: ETC 2012

Post autor: loko »

czy planowany jest nowy draft?
kupię bretke,orki, leśne elfy i wampiry.

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Posty: 8647
Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz

Post autor: Gokish »

loko pisze:czy planowany jest nowy draft?

przecież już ostateczny na ten rok rzucili?
LICZNIK: W/D/L od 2012
Brettonia 23/1/13
Lizardmen 1/0/0 <-------- FTW :D
Fumijako pisze: Przepraszam bardzo, ale mag Khorna na dysku jest rzeczą , którą nie nazwałbym , że jest dla słabych

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Posty: 7714
Lokalizacja: Syberia

Post autor: bigpasiak »

Crusader pisze:Niemcy mają syndrom Polskiego comebacku z etc2010 do tego skopiowali nasze rozpy w Hannoverze
Znaczy się leśniaki też wcisnęli po batach jakie dostali 8) :wink:
Ciekawym bardzo :mrgreen:
The wood hold peace for thos who desire it, but those who seek battle will find me...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...

Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...

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Posty: 1822
Lokalizacja: GW - Rogaty Szczur

Post autor: Aro »

a ja się zastanawiam, czy ten cały drafcik nie jest spowodowany zbyt wysokim poziomem naszych reprezentantów :D

Znalazłem gdzieś na moim kompie starą galerię z pierwszego ETC - fotek masa :D zarzucę trzy zdjęcia hehe :D.

Jankiel, Robson i Mój Master Skwara niszczycie system :D
a na trzecim zdjęciu...




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Posty: 2219
Lokalizacja: Rogaty Szczur Gorzów Wlkp.

Post autor: Kedziorson »

wszyscy jakieś 20 kilo temu ;)
nie wiem jak Kędziorek teraz :D

a Boski niedziel toż to zapomniana legenda!

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Posty: 1822
Lokalizacja: GW - Rogaty Szczur

Post autor: Aro »

Kedziorson pisze:wszyscy jakieś 20 kilo temu ;)
nie wiem jak Kędziorek teraz :D

a Boski niedziel toż to zapomniana legenda!
Hehe Niedziel na zdjęciu nr 2 ma taką niewinną minę :D

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Posty: 1103
Lokalizacja: Legion Kraków klub pijaków ;)

Post autor: Danrakh »

Crusader pisze:Rosjanie skopiowali nasze rozpy na BoBie
A kto na BoBie grał na Blodziu i klocach horrorów?
Przynajmniej z relacji holenderskiego kraśka wynika, że trafił na taką armię.
Zniosę wszystko pod warunkiem, że to komplement.

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Posty: 1349
Lokalizacja: Białystok - Front Wschodni

Post autor: Akadera »

Nikt pewnie ;) Ruscy ze wszystkich gosci na wschod od nas ogarniaja najlepiej, do tego maja troche graczy na dobrym poziomie. Spojrz na ich wyniki na poprzednim etc, to raczej nie za piekne oczy ;) Wiec pewnie jakas ichnia kmina.
kudłaty pisze:Wiadomo alkohol jest dla ludzi, ale śliwowica jest dla frontu wschodniego

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Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4679

Post autor: Lidder »

Kanadian pisze:Team Canada
8. Kacper Bucki
Zawsze dowiaduję się ostatni! :D

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Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4573

Post autor: Lazur »

Przecież Barbara ma korzenie kanadyjskie i nawet w tej chwili trwają procedury wyrobienia kanadyjskiego paszportu

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Posty: 7202
Lokalizacja: NEMEZIS Warszawa

Post autor: Rince »

Lidder pisze:
Kanadian pisze:Team Canada
8. Kacper Bucki
Zawsze dowiaduję się ostatni! :D
Minely bezpowrotnie czasy machlojek,
W JH-1 rowniez nie chca mnie!
Gdzie ta chwała, gdzie e-podboje,
Z Teamem Kanada zwiaze serce swe!
Z życia europejskiego battlowca: "im going to play on UB cause we have a bomb in school, so unexpectedly some free time".

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Posty: 7659
Lokalizacja: Ordin, Warszawa, Polska, Świat

Post autor: Cauliflower »

Rince pisze:
Lidder pisze:
Kanadian pisze:Team Canada
8. Kacper Bucki
Zawsze dowiaduję się ostatni! :D
Minely bezpowrotnie czasy machlojek,
W JH-1 rowniez nie chca mnie!
Gdzie ta chwała, gdzie e-podboje,
Z Teamem Kanada zwiaze serce swe!
Nawet czapkę z głowy zdjąłem
i obraczkę założyłem
do Kanady się nająłem
choć o Polsce znów marzyłem!
malfoj pisze:Ty to zawsze musisz kogos upokorzyc przy stole

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Posty: 14642
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: swieta_barbara »

Gdzie te czasy? Gdzie ta chwała?
Choc sie staram nieustannie,
i sprawuje nienagannie,
moja Polska mnie olala.

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Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4573

Post autor: Lazur »

I refren... Gdzie się podziały tamte lokale? ...

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Posty: 7714
Lokalizacja: Syberia

Post autor: bigpasiak »

Minęło to wszystko bezpowrotnie...
Choć każdy z nas starał się stokrotnie;
Garstka znów tylko wybrana została;
Oby sen o potędze śnić za nas zdołała...
The wood hold peace for thos who desire it, but those who seek battle will find me...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...

Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...

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Posty: 2938

Post autor: Golonka »

Pasiak wygrał ten konkurs nieznaczny
Teraz wróci do Bydgoszczy i pokaże
Raz jeszcze jaki jest odważny
Wygrywając elfami master prosto w nasze twarze.
Furion pisze:
@nders9 pisze:
Can units deploy closer than 1" apart?
No, becouse no.

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Ace of Spades
Posty: 11531
Lokalizacja: The Gamblers

Post autor: Dymitr »

Kombo brejker!
Lohost pisze: Nie myslalem ze to kiedys powiem, ale za Dymitra byl ordnung i az mi tego brakuje.

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Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4766
Lokalizacja: The Gamblers

Post autor: Durin »

Gdzie się podziały tamte lokale
gdzie te mastery gdzie podia te
Gdzie się podziały nasze wspomnienia
Tamtych szalonych wspaniałych szarż
Barbara pisze:Może nie wszyscy się w tym środowisku lubimy, ale akurat prawie wszyscy się znamy. To że dwóch znajomych da sobie czasem po ryjach nie powinno chyba nikogo dziwić.

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Posty: 14642
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: swieta_barbara »

Sa juz rozpy:

Sam Moore ©, Chaos Dwarfs
Sorcerer-Prophet: General, Lvl 4, Hashut, Blackshard Armour, Darkforge Weapon, Enchanted Shield, Earthing Rod, Talisman of Protection,
Ironcurse Icon 380
Daemonsmith Sorceror: Lvl 2, Fire, Ensorcelled Hand Weapon, Blackshard Armour, Dispell Scroll,155
Daemonsmith Sorceror: Lvl 2, Metal, Ensorcelled Hand Weapon, Blackshard Armour, Dragonbane Gem 135
Infernal Castellan: BSB, Warrior Bane, Shield, Blackshard Armour, The Mask of the Furnace, Luckstone, 207
20 Infernal Guard: FCG, 272
20 Infernal Guard: FCG, 272
20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats: Banner, Musician, Shield, 102
20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats: Banner, Musician, Shield, 102
Magma Cannon, 145
Deathshrieker, 100
Hellcannon, 205
K'Daii Destroyer, 325
Total: 2400

Simon Turner , Beastmen
Greater Bray Shaman: general, L4, Beasts, Extra Hand Weapon, Talisman of Preservation, Crown of Command, Hagtree Fetish, 339
Greater Bray Shaman: L4, Wild, Herdstone, Dispel Scroll, 310
Wargor: BSB, Gnarled Hide, Heavy Armour, Shield, Beast Banner, 206
Bray Shaman : L1, Shadow, Chalice of Dark Rain, 115
38 Gors: Standard; Musician, Extra Hand Weapon, 319
10 Ungor Raiders, 60
5 Ungor Raiders,30
5 Ungor Raiders,30
5 Ungor Raiders,30
1 Tuskgor Chariot, 80
1 Tuskgor Chariot, 80
1 Tuskgor Chariot, 80
8 Razorgors, 440
5 Harpies, 55
5 Harpies, 55
27 Bestigors : FCG, Banner of Discipline, 369
Total: 2598

Nick Legrand, Daemons
Bloodthirster: general, immortal fury, spell breaker, armour of khorne, collar of khorne, 530
Herald of tzeentch: BSB, L2, Tzeentch magic, Great Standard of Sundering, Winged Horror, Flames of Tzeentch, 235
Herald of Khorne, Firestorm blade, 125
Herald of Khorne, 100
5 Furies, 60
5 Furies, 60
28 Bloodletters, FCG, 366
27 Bloodletters, FCG, 379
10 Horrors, 120
5 Flamers, 175
1 Bloodcrusher, 70
1 Bloodcrusher, 70
1 Fiend, 55
1 Fiend, 55
Total: 2400

Greg Johnson, The Empire
Arch Lector on Barded Steed: General, Heavy Armour, Shield,Dragonhelm, Dawn Stone, Sword of Antiheroes, Ironcurse Icon, 202
Wizard Lord on Warhorse: Lvl 4, Heavens, Talisman of Preservation, Dispel Scroll, 288
Captain of the Empire on Barded Steed: BSB, Full Plate Armour, Shield,
Talisman of Endurance, Biting Blade, 149
Master Engineer: 65
13 Knights of the Inner Circle: Standard, Musician, Lance, Shield,
Standard of Discipline, 360
5 Knightly Orders: Musician, Lance, Shield, 120
5 Knightly Orders: Musician, Lance, Shield, 120
4 Demigryph Knights: Musician, Lance, Shield, 242
4 Demigryph Knights: Musician, Lance, Shield, 242
Great Cannon: 120
Helblaster Volley Gun: 120
Helblaster Volley Gun: 120
Steam Tank: 250
Total: 2398

Roy Diprose, Ogre Kingdoms
Slaughtermaster: general, Level 4, Lore of the great maw, Fencers
Blades, Glittering Scales, Crown of Command, 380
Bruiser: BSB, Heavy armour , Ironfist, Runemaw, 198
Firebelly: Level 2, Fire, extra hand weapon, dispel scroll, ruby ring, 207
9 Ironguts: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 432
5 Ogres: Musician, ironfists, 170
Sabretusk: 21
Sabretusk: 21
Sabretusk: 21
4 Mournfang: Musician, standard, heavy armour, ironfist,banner of
eternal flame, 310
4 Mournfang: Musician, heavy armour, ironfist, 290
Gorger: 90
Gorger: 90
Ironblaster: 170
Total: 2400

Nick Hoen, Wood Elves
Treeman Ancient: general,Annoyance of Netlings, Cluster of Radiants, 375
Spellweaver: Level 4, Life, Dispel Scroll, 275
Noble: BSB, Asyendis Bane, Hail of Doom Arrow, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Light Armour, 142
13 Glade Guard: Musician, 162
13 Glade Guard: Musician, 162
14 Glade Guard: Banner, Musician, Banner of the Eternal Flame, 196
12 Dryads, 144
7 Wardancers, Musician, 133
6 Treekin, 390
1 Great Eagle, 50
1 Treeman, 285
1 Treeman, 285
Total: 2599

Ben Leopold, Skaven
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell: General, level 4, plague & Ruin, Skalm, Dispel Scroll, Dragonbane Gem, 500
Cheiftain: BSB, Heavy amour, Halberd, Talisman of Preservation, 117
Warlock: Doom Rocket, 45
Warlock: Brass Orb, 65
31 Clanrats: FCG, Shields, 159.5
35 Stormvermin: FCG, Banner of Eternal Flame, 280
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, 42
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, 42
Rat Pack; 5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster: 23
34 Plague Monks: FCG, Plague Banner, 293
8 Jezzails: 160
8 Gutter Runners: Poisoned Weapons, Slings, 144
6 Gutter Runners: Poisoned Weapons, Slings, 108
Hellpit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes, 250
Warp Lightning Cannon: 90
Total 2398.5

Akhter "Foodmonster" Khan Vampire Counts
Master Necromancer: general, lvl 4, Vampires, Talisman of Endurance, Black Periapt, 285
Master Necromancer: general, lvl 4, Death, Rod of Flaming Death, Obsidian Loadstone, 285
Necromancer: lvl 1, Vampires, Scroll, 90
Necromancer: lvl 1, Vampires, 65
40 Zombies: Standard; Musician, 130
39 Zombies: Standard; Musician, 127
39 Zombies: Standard; Musician, 127
9 Wolves: Champion, 82
9 Wolves: Champion, 82
6 Wolves: Champion, 58
2 Fell Bats: 32
2 Fell Bats: 32
28 Grave Guard: FCG, Great Weapons, Banner of the Barrows, 416
8 Crypt Horrors: 304
Total: 2400

Florian Wanka (c) non-playing
Philip Bauer, Dark Elves
Supreme Sorceress: General, Lvl 4, Death, Lifetaker, Null Talisman (3x), Dispel Scroll, 360
Death Hag:BSB, Additional hand weapon, Cauldron of blood, 225
Sorceress, Lvl 1: Fire, Seal of Ghrond, 130
Master on Dark Pegasus: Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Biting Blade, Pendant of Kaeleth, Dragonhelm, 190
5 Harpies: 55
5 Harpies: 55
5 Dark Rider: Musician, 92
11 Crossbowmen: Musician, Champion, 120
12 Crossbowmen: Musician, Champion, 130
38 Warrior: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 258
10 Cold One Knights: FCG, Standard of Hag Graef, Whip of Agony, 370
30 Executioner: FCG, Banner of Murder, 415
Total: 2400
Martin Sölkner, Bretonnia
Bretonnian Lord on barded Warhorse: General, Knight's Vow, Virtue of Heroism, Heavy Armour, Shield, Lance, Sword of Anti-Heroes, Gromril Great helm, 240
Prophetess of the Lady on Warhorse: Lvl 4,Heaven, Falcon-horn of Fredemund,Dispel Scroll - 310
Paladin on barded Warhorse: BSB, Knights's Vow, Heavy Armour, Lance, Warrior Bane, Dawnstone, Enchanted Shield, 118
Paladin on barded Warhorse: Knights's Vow, Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Crown of Command, Luckstone, Dragonhelm, 130
Paladin on barded Warhorse: Knights's Vow, Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, 80
14 Knights Errant: FCG, 301
14 Knights Errant: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 316
8 Knights Errant: Musician, champion, 167
12 Knights of the Realm: FCG, Gleaming Pennant 317
3 pegasus Knights: Champion, 165
5 Mounted Yeomen: 75
Field Trebuchet: 90
Field Trebuchet: 90
Total: 2399
Alexander Böhm, Skaven
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell: general, Lvl 4, Ruin, Plague, Fencers Blades, Skalm, Power Scroll, 540
Chieftain: BSB, handweapon, heavy armour, Banner of Swiftness, 85
Warlock: Lvl 2, Ruin, Dispel Scroll, 125
Warlock: Brass Orb, 65
Warlock: 15
Assassin: throwing stars, Weeping blade, Potion of Strength, 170
Assassin: throwing stars, Sword of Anti-Heroes, Charmed Shield, The other Tricksters Shard, 170
40 Stormvermins: FCG, Stormbanner, 355
40 Skavenslaves: musician, 82
40 Skavenslaves: musician, 82
40 Skavenslaves: musician, 82
8 Gutter Runners:slings, poisoned attacks, 144
8 Gutter Runners:slings, poisoned attacks, 144
1 Warp Lightning Cannon: 90
1 Hell Pit Abomination: warpstone spikes, 250
Total: 2.399
Bernd Sorger, Lizardmen
Slann Mage-Priest: general, Lvl 4, Shadow, Higher State of Consciousness, 275
Slann Mage-Priest: Lvl 4, Death, The Focused Rumination, Higher State of Consciousness, 325
Saurus Scar-Veteran: BSB, Great Weapon, Light Armor, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield, 171
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One: Great Weapon, Light Armor, Venom of the Firefly Frog, Amulet of Itzl, Dragonhelm, 166
Skink Priest: Lvl 1, Heaven, Dispel Scroll, 90
33 Saurus Warriors: FCG, 393
34 Saurus Warriors: FCG, 404
10 Skink Skirmishers: 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: 70
10 Skinks: Musician, 56
10 Skinks: 50
3 Teradon Riders: 90
3 Teradon Riders: 90
2 Salamander Hunting Pack: 150
Total: 2400

Sito Vatthauer, The Legion of Azgorh
Sorcerer-Prophet on Bale Taurus: General, Lvl 4, Death, Blackshard Armour, Darkforged Weapon, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield, Dispel Scroll, 600
Infernal Castellan: BSB, Blackshard Armour, Shield, 132
Bull Centaur Taur'ruk: Blackshard Armour, Great Weapon, Dawnstone, Dragonhelm, 220
Bull Centaur Taur'ruk: Heavy Armour, Warrior Bane, Crown of Command, Dragonbane Gem, Enchanted Shield, 205
20 Hobgoblin Cutthroates: Musician, Champion, 94
20 Hobgoblin Cutthroates: Musician, Champion, Bows, 114
23 Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard: FCG, Great Weapons, Banner of Swiftness, 392
5 Bull Centaur Renders: Musician, Great Weapons, 255
5 Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders: 60
1 K'daii Destroyer: 325
Total: 2397

Lukas Fantl, The Empire
Arch Lector: General, Heavy Armour, Enchanted Shield, 109
Wizard Lord: Lvl 4, Light, 200
Captain of the Empire on Barded Steed: BSB, Full Plate Armour, Warrior Bane, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Crown of Command, 157
Master Engineer: 65
Battle Wizard, lvl 1, light, Dispel Scroll, 90
Battle Wizard, lvl 1, light, 65
11 Spearmen: Musician, 65
39 Halberdiers: FCG, 264
detatchment: 5 archers, 35
detatchment: 5 archers, 35
7 Knights of the Order: FCG, Inner Circle, 205
6 Demigriffon Knights: Musician, Champion, 368
1 Great Cannon: 120
1 Great Cannon: 120
1 Hellblaster Volley Gun: 120
1 Celestial Hurricanum: 130
1 Steam Tank: 250
Total: 2398

Philipp Merlin Jost, Dwarfs
Dwarf Lord on Shieldbearers: General, Great Weapon, gromril armour, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Stone, Master Rune of Challenge, Rune of the Furnace, 251
Runelord: Anvil of Doom, Shield, gromril armour, Rune of Stone, Rune of Spellbreaking, 348
Thane: BSB, Great Weapon, gromril armour, Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Preservation, Rune of the Furnace, 164
Master Engineer: Great Weapon, gromril armour, Rune of Stone, 79
20 Quarrellers: FCG, Great Weapon, 285
22 Longbeards: FCG, Shields, Rune of Determination, Ancestor Rune, 319
21 Hammerers: FCG, Rune of Slowness, 332
Grudge Thrower: Engineer, Rune of Accuracy, 2 x Rune of Penetrating, 170
Grudge Thrower: Engineer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating, Rune of Burning, 150
5 Miners: musician, 60
5 Miners: musician, 60
5 Miners: musician, 60
Organ Gun: 120
Total: 2398

Philip Gollmann, Vampire Counts
Vampire Lord: General,lvl 1, Vampires, Heavy Armour, Ogre Blade, Talisman of Preservation, Enchanted Shield, Red Fury, Quickblood, 396
Necromancer Lord:lvl 4, Death, 200
Necromancer: lvl 2, Vampires, Obsidian Lodestone, 145
Necromancer: lvl 2, Vampires, The ohter Trickster's Shard, Dispel Scroll, 140
Cairn Wraith: 60
Cairn Wraith: 60
Cairn Wraith: 60
40 Skeleton Warriors: FCG,Banner of Swiftness 245
40 Zombies: musician, 125
35 Zombies: musician, 110
5 Dire Wolves: 40
5 Dire Wolves: 40
5 Dire Wolves: 40
9 Crypt Horrors: Champion, 352
7 Vargheists: 322
2 Fell Bats: 32
2 Fell Bats: 32

Eugene Myakishev © Dark Elves
Dreadlord on Black Dragon: General, Soulrender, Armour of Darkness, Talisman of Preservation, The Other Tricksters Shard, 560
Master on Dark Pegasus: BSB, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Biting Blade, Dragonhelm, Pendant of Khaeleth, 215
Master on Dark Pegasus: Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Cloak of Hag Graef, Dawn Stone, 190
Sorceress: lvl2, metal, Dispell Scroll, The Guiding Eye, 185
30 Dark Elf Warriors: FCG, Shields, 225
15 Dark Elf Repeater Crossbowmen: Musician, Champion, 160
5 Dark Riders: Reapeater Crossbows, 110
5 Dark Riders: Reapeater Crossbows, 110
2x5 Harpies: 55x2
2x1 Cold one chariot: 100x2
5 Shades: 80
5 Shades: 80
War Hydra: 175
Total: 2400

Eugene Romantsov, Daemons of Chaos
Bloodthirster of Khorne: General, Armour of Khorne, Immortal Fury, Axe of Khorne, Spell Breaker, 540
Herald of Khorne: BSB, Great Standart of Sundering, 175
Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut of Khorne: Obsidian Armour, 200
Herald of Khorne: 100
24 Bloodletters of Khorne: FCG, 318
23 Bloodletters of Khorne: FCG, 306
5 Chaos Furies: 60
10 Flesh Hounds of Khorne: 350
3 Bloodcrushers of Khorne: Standart, Musician, 240
Fiend of Slaanesh: 55
Fiend of Slaanesh: 55
Total: 2399

Alexey Spadar, Bretonnia
Bretonnian Lord on Warhorse: Heavy Armour, Shield, Knightly Vow, Virtue of Heroism (1st), Sword of Bloodshed, 234
Bretonnian Lord on Royal Pegasus: General, Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Knightly Vow, Virtue of Confidence (1st), Gauntlet of the Duel, Gromril Great Helm, Birth-Sword of Carcassone, 269
Paladin on Royal Pegasus: Lance, Heavy Armour, Knightly Vow, Crown of Command, Enchanted Shield, 159
Paladin on Warhorse: Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Knightly Vow, Shrieking Blade, 90
Paladin on Warhorse: BSB, Heavy Armour, Lance, Shield, Knightly Vow, Dragonhelm, The Ruby Goblet, 122
Damsel of the Lady on Warhorse: lvl1, beasts, Dispel Scroll, 105
Damsel of the Lady on Warhorse: lvl1, beasts, The Silver Mirror, 120
15 Knights of the Realm: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 399
13 Knights Errant: FCG, Errantry Banner, 301
5 Mounted Yeomen: Light Armour, Shield, 90
2x3 Pegasus Knights: 165x2
2x1 Field Trebuchet: 90x2
Total: 2399

Dmitry Goncharov, Ogre Kingdoms
Tyrant: General, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, Talisman of Preservation, Ironcurse Icon, 277
Tyrant: Heavy Armour, Enchanted Shield, Greedy Fist, Arabyan Carpet, Warrior Bane, 315
Bruiser: BSB, Rune Maw Banner, 190
Butcher: lvl 2, Great Maw, Dispel Scroll, 160
Firebelly: lvl 1, Fire, Tormentor Sword, Potion of Speed, 130
Firebelly: lvl 1, Fire, 120
13 Ogres: FCG, Iron Fist, 446
3 Ogres: Musician, 2ndWeapon, 103
10 Gnoblars: 25
10 Gnoblars: 25
10 Gnoblars: 25
4 Mournfang Cavalry: Standard, Musician, Iron Fist, Heavy Armour, Dragonhide Banner, 350
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
1 Ironblaster: 170
Total: 2399

Timofey Dvoskin, Vampire Counts
Strigoi Ghoul King: General, lvl1, Vampires, Red Fury, Sword of Bloodshed, Dragonbane Gem, Potion of Strength, 395
Master Necromancer: lvl 4, Vampires, 200
Necromancer: lvl1, Vampires, Dispel Scroll, 90
Vampire, BSB: lvl1, Shadow, Heavy Armor, Shield, Nightshroud, Seed of Rebirth, Aura of Dark Mastery, 211
6 Dire Wolves: 48
6 Dire Wolves: 48
20 Zombies: 60
21 Zombies: Standard, Musician, 73
25 Skeleton Warriors: FCG, Spears, Banner of Swiftness, 170
20 Crypt Ghouls: Ghast, 210
1 Spirit Host: 45
1 Spirit Host: 45
5 Crypt Horrors: 190
1 Mortis Engine: Blasphemous Tome, 240
1 Terrorgheist: 225
5 Hexwraiths: 150
Total: 2400

Anton Saturin, Lizardmen
Slann Mage-Priest: General, lvl4, light, BSB, Focus of Mystery, Itxi Grubs, 325
Slann Mage-Priest: lvl4, light, Focused Rumination, 275
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One: Great Weapon, Shield, Armour of Destiny, 164
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One: Great Weapon, Light Armour, Dragonhelm, Amulet of Itzl, Venom of Firefly Frog, 166
Skink Priest: lvl1, heaven, Dispel Scroll, 90
10 Skinks: 50
3x10 Skink Skirmishers: 70x3
34 Skinks: Standard, Musician, 3 Kroxigors, 349
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Terradon Riders: 90
20 Temple Guard: FCG, Huanchi's Blessed Totem, 380
5 Chameleon Skinks: 60
2 Salamander Hunting Packs: 150
Total: 2399

Samir Shamilov, Skaven
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell: General, lvl4, Power Scrol, Fencer's Blades, Warpstone Token, 525
Chieftain: BSB, Halberd, Heavy Armour, Standard of Discipline, 87
Warlock Engineer: lvl1, Dispel Scroll, 90
Warlock Engineer: lvl1, Doom Rocket, Warp-energy condenser, 115
Assassin: Weeping Blade, Potion of Strength, 170
34 Stormvermin: FCG, Storm Banner, Poisoned Wind Mortar 378
40 Skavenslaves: Slave Musician, 82
40 Skavenslaves: Slave Musician, 82
40 Skavenslaves: Slave Musician, 82
5 Giant Rats: Packmasters, 23
5 Giant Rats: Packmasters, 23
5 Giant Rats: Packmasters, 23
5 Poisoned Wind Globadiers: 50
5 Gutter Runners: Poisoned Attacks; Sling, 90
5 Gutter Runners: Poisoned Attacks; Sling, 90
Doomwheel: 150
Hellpit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes, 250
Warp-lightning Warp Cannon: 90
Total: 2400

Alexandr Vinogradov, Beastmen
Beastlord: General, Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny, The Other Tricksters Shard, Obsidian Amulet, 252
Great Bray-Shaman: lvl4, shadow, Talisman of Preservation, Sceptre of Stability, Crown of Command, 330
Wargor: BSB, Heavy Armour, Shield, Gnarled Hide, Warrior Bane, Talisman of Endurance, 166
Bray Shaman: lvl2, beasts, Chalice of Dark Rain, Ironcurse Icon, 155
Bray Shaman: lvl1, shadow, Herdstone Shard, 125
Bray Shaman: lvl1, shadow, Dispel Scroll, 100
40 Gor Herd: FCG, 2ndWeapon, 345
50 Ungor Herd: Musician, Champion, 259
5 Ungor Raiders: 30
5 Ungor Raiders: 30
5 Ungor Raiders: 30
5 Ungor Raiders: 30
39 Bestigor Herd: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 513
5 Harpies: Scout, 70
5 Harpies: 55
2x1 Razorgors: 55x2
Total: 2600

Alex Thouet © Dwarfs TEAM Captain
RuneLord: General, Shield, Runic Armour of Stone + preservation, Runic Talisman of Balance + Furnace , Anvil of Doom, 393
Thane: BSB, Runic Armour Gromril + resistance, Runic Talisman of Challenge, 165
Runesmith: Great Weapon, Runic Talisman of spell breaking + Spite, 70
29 Warriors great weapons, standard, musician, 305
29 Warriors great weapons, standard, musician, 305
Grudge Thrower engineering Runes 2x penetrating + 1x accuracy, engineer, 170
Grudge Thrower engineering Runes 1x penetrating + 1x accuracy + 1x Burning, engineer ,150
Canon engineering Runes of Forging, 135
15 Miners, standard, musician, 180
15 Miners, standard, musician, 180
2x1 Gyrocopter, 140x2
1 Gyrocopter ,140
Total: 2397 points

Dave De Crop © Empire
1 Arch lector : War alter , van horstmann's speculum , the white claok of ulric , enchantend shield , warrior bane , Heavy armour. 354
1 Wizard lord : lvl 4, shadow , earthing rod. 225
1 Battle wizard : lvl 1, light , dispell scroll. 90
1 Battle wizard : lvl 1, light , 65
1 Captain : BSB , fullplate armour , shield , dragon helm .103
1 Engineer:65
1 Engineer:65
25 halbadiers : full command 250
5 archers detachments
5 archers detachments
25 halbadiers : full command 250
5 archers detachments
5 archers detachments
10 archers : 70
5 Knights of the innercircle : musician. 135
5 outriders : musician. 115
1 Great cannon :120
2x1 Helblaster volley gun : 120x2
1 Steamtank :250
total: 2397 points

Nathaniel Fettweiss © Skaven
1 Grey Seer General; lvl 4 Talisman of Preservation Dispel Scroll 310
1 Grey Seer lvl 4 Power Scroll Warpstone Token 290
1 Chieftain Halberd; BSB, Heavy Armour; Standard of Discipline 87
1 Warlock Engineer Brass Orb 65
1 Warlock Engineer Doom Rocket 65
1 Warlock Engineer 15
39 Clanrats Light Armour; Shields; Standard; Musician 270.0
1 Clawleader 8.0
1 Weapon Team Warpfire Thrower 70
39 Clanrats Light Armour; Shields; Standard; Musician 200
1 Clawleader 8.0
5 Giant Rats 23.0
1 Packmasters Whip; Light Armour 8
5 Giant Rats 23
1 Packmasters Whip; Light Armour 8.0
5 Giant Rats 23
1 Packmasters Whip; Light Armour 8.0
32 Skavenslaves Slave Musician 66
32 Skavenslaves Slave Musician 66
6 Gutter Runners 2ndWeapon; Poisoned Attacks; Sling; Throwing Stars 108
6 Gutter Runners 2ndWeapon; Poisoned Attacks; Sling; Throwing Stars 108
8 Rat Ogres Frenzy 360
5 Rat Ogre Packmasters Whip; Light Armour 40.0
1 Hellpit Abomination Warpstone Spikes 250
1 Warp-lightning Warp Cannon 90
Total: 2399 points

Raphael Stabelini © Dark Elves
1 Dreadlord General, black dragon, dragon helm , préservation talisman , crown of command, sea dragon cloak, heavy armour, lance shield 571
1 sorceress, lvl 1, metal, scroll,anneau "rubis de ruine" 150
1 master BSB, cold one, heavy armour sea dragon cloak, shield, lance, hydra banner 214
38 dark elf warriors : musician, banners, discipline banner 252
3x5 dark riders : crossbows, musician 117x3
2x5 harpies 55x2
9 cold one knights : Champion, musician, banners, standard of hag graef, other tricksters shard 333
5 shades 80
5 shades 80
5 shades 80
Hydra 175
total : 2396 points

Julien Small © Ogre kingdoms
Slaughtermaster : Lvl 4 ,the Great Maw, Fencers Blades , Greedy Fist , Glittering Scales 385
Bruiser : Bsb, Heavy Armor , IronFist , Crown of Command , Dragonhelm 183
Firebelly : Lvl 2 fire , Heavy Weapon , Dispel Scroll , Dragonbane Gem 193
8 Iron Guts : Gutlord , Bellower , Standard , Lookout Gnoblar , Standard of Discipline 394
3 Ogres : IronFists , Bellower 106
10 Gnoblar Fighters : Trappers 50
10 Gnoblar Fighters : 25
10 Gnoblar Fighters : 25
6 Maneaters : Brace of Ogre Pistols , Heavy Armor , Champion , Bellower , Standard Bearer , Banner of the Eternal Flame , Lookout Gnoblar 441
5 Leadbelchers : Bellower 225
2 Mournfang Cavalry : Heavy Armor , Iron Fist 140
1 Sabretusk : 21
1 Sabretusk : 21
1 Sabretusk : 21
1 Ironblaster : 170
Total: 2400 points

Vandersande François © Daemons of Chaos
1, Great Unclean One, General, lvl 1, Balesword, Noxorius vapor, 550
1, Herald of Khorne, Battle Standard Bearer, Armour of Khorne, Firestorm Blade, 165
1, Herald of Khorne, Obsidian Armor, 150
28, Bloodletters of Khorne, Standard, Musician, Bloodreaper, Icon of Endless War, 391
28, Bloodletters of Khorne, Standard, Musician, Bloodreaper, 366
5, Chaos Furies, 60
5, Flesh Hounds, 175
2x3, Flamers of Tzeench, 105x2
6, Fiends of Slaanesh, 330
total: 2397 pts

Stephane Derdi © Chaos Warriors
1 Sorcerer Lord No Mark; General;lvl 4, Shadow; ; Chaos Armour Talisman of Preservation ;Ironcurse Icon ;Infernal Puppet ,Enchanted Shield 370.0
1 Exalted Hero of Tzeentch Mark of Tzeentch; Chaos Armour Talisman of Protection Charmed Shield Sword of Swift Slaying Favour of the Gods Disc of Tzeentch 190
1 Exalted Hero of Tzeentch Mark of Tzeentch; Chaos Armour; Shield Biting Blade Talisman of Endurance Bloodcurdling Roar Disc of Tzeentch 200
1 Exalted Hero of Tzeentch Mark of Tzeentch; Chaos Armour; Shield; Battle Standard Collar of Khorne Dragonhelm Warrior Bane 190
40 Chaos Marauders of Tzeentch Mark of Tzeentch; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Chieftain 280
40 Chaos Marauders of Tzeentch Mark of Tzeentch; Great Weapon; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Chieftain 320
5 Chaos Warhounds 30
5 Chaos Warhounds 30
7 Chaos Knights Mark of Khorne; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield; Standard 330
7 Chaos Knights Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield; Standard 310
1 Chaos Warshrine of Tzeentch Mark of Tzeentch 150
total: 2400 pts

Lars Meeussen © Vampire Counts
1 Vampire Lord, General, Barded Nightmare, lvl1,Vampires; Heavy armour; Sword of Antiheros The Other Tricksters Shard Charmed Shield Red Fury Quickblood 380
1 Master Necromancer ,Barded Nightmare, lvl 4; Vampires 220
1 Vampire, Barded Nightmare, Bsb ; lvl 1; Vampires; Heavy armor; Shield; Dawn Stone Dragonhelm Sceptre of Stability Aura of Dark Majesty 227
1 Vampire ,Barded Nightmare, lvl 1; Vampires; Lance; Heavy armour; Enchanted Shield Luckstone Dispel Scroll 168
1 Necromancer lvl 2; Death; Nightmare Obsidian Amulet Ironcurse Icon 150
2x5 Dire Wolves 40x2
38 Zombies 114
40 Crypt Ghouls Ghast (unit champion ) 410
3x2 Fell Bats 32x3
Total: 2400 points

Pavel Janachkov,Captain,Skaven
Grey Seer,General,lvl4,Dispel Scroll,Obsidian Lodestone,310
Warlord,Rat Ogre Bonebreaker,Great Weapon,Talisman of preservation,Skalm, World's edge armor,261
Chieftain, BSB, Great Weapon, Storm Baner 124
Warlock Engineer, Brass orb, 65
Warlock Engineer, Ironcurse Icon 20
Warlock Engineer, Dragonbane Gem 20
Assassin,Two hand weapons,Trowing Stars, Weeping Blade, Potion of Strenght,170
40 Clanrats.FCG 180
40 Skavenslaves, Champion 84
40 Skavenslaves, 80
40 Skavenslaves, 80
40 Stormvermin,FCG,Razor Standard, 350
5 Gutter Runners,Sling,Poisoned Attacks,90
5 Gutter Runners,Sling,Poisoned Attacks,90
1 Doomwheel,150
1 Hellpit Abomination,235
1 Warp-lightning Warp Cannon 90

Yavor Bidzhov – Warriors Of Chaos
Chaos Lord, Disc Of Tzeentch, General, Mark of Tzeentch, Shield, Talisman Of preservation, Dragon Helm, Crown Of Command, Warrior Bane, 345
Sorcerer Lord, Level 3, Lore of Heavens, HW, Spell Familiar, Charmed Shield, 255
Exalted Hero, BSB, Barded Chaos Steed, Shield, Bronze Armour of Zhrakk, Favour Of The Gods, Dawnstone, Biting Blade, 213
Chaos Sorcerer, Barded Chaos Steed, Level 2, Lore of Death, HW, Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, Enchanted Shield, 189
39 Chaos Marauders, Banner, Musician , Mark Of Nurgle, GW, 237
39 Chaos Marauders, Banner, Musician , Mark Of Nurgle, GW, 237
12 Chaos Marauders, Mark Of Slaneesh, HW, 58
5 Marauder Horsemen, Mark Of Slaneesh, HW, 85
5 Marauder Horsemen, Mark Of Slaneesh, HW, 85
9 Chaos Knights, Musician, Banner, Mark Nurgle, Banner Of Discipline, 435
Chaos Warshrine, 130
Chaos Warshrine, 130

Georgi Sariev, Bretonnia
Bretonnian Lord on Barded Bretonnian Warhorse, General,Virtue of Heroism, Heavy Armour, Heartwood Lance, Potion of Foolhardiness, Luckstone, Dragonhelm, 229
Prophetess of the Lady on Bretonnian Warhorse, lvl 4, Heavens, Dispel Scroll, The Terrifying Mask of EEE!, 290
Paladin on Barded Bretonnian Warhorse, BSB, Virtue of the Impetus Knight, Heavy Armour, Lance, Enchanted Shield, 123
Paladin on Barded Bretonnian Warhorse, Heavy Armour, shield, Sword of Anti-Heroes, Tress of Issulde, 126
Paladin on Royal Pegasus, Heavy Armour, lance, charm shield, 119
Paladin on Royal Pegasus, Heavy Armour, lance, shield, 116
Paladin on Royal Pegasus, Heavy Armour, lance, shield, 116
14 Knights of the realm, FCG, Banner of Swiftness, 375
9 Knights of the realm, FCG, Banner of Eternal Flame, 226
3 Pegasus Knights, 165
1 Field Trebuchet, 90
1 Field Trebuchet, 90
8 Grail Knights, FCG, 334
Total: 2399

Richard Coupland Orcs & Goblins
Black Orc Warboss, Hvy Armour, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Endurance, Ironcurse Icon, 200
Orc Great Shaman, lvl 4, Dispel Scroll, 225
Night Goblin Great Shaman, lvl4, Ruby Ring of Ruin, 200
Goblin Big Boss, BSB, Short Bow, Light Armour; Shield, Spider Banner, 151
60 Night Goblins, FCG, Nets, Short Bow 255
60 Night Goblins, FCG, Nets, Short Bow 255
24 Savage Orc Big'Uns, Musician, Extra Hand Weapon, 274
3x 1 Troll, 35x3
2x 1 Goblin Rock Lobber, 85x2
2x 1 Goblin Doom Diver Catapult, 80x2
2x 1 Mangler Squig, 65x2
3x 1 Snotling Pump Wagon, 45x3
1 Orc Boar Chariot, 85
1 Goblin Wolf Chariot, 50
3x 1 Night Goblin Squig; 9 Night Goblin Handlers, 1 Squig, 35x3
Total: 2500

Hristo Nikolov, Dwarfs
Dwarf Lord on Shieldbearers, General, GW, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Stone, Rune of Preservation, Master Rune of Challenge, 246
Thane, BSB, GW, Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Preservation, 159
Runesmith, GW, Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Spellbreaking, 149
30 Dwarf Warriors, FCG, Longbeards, Rangers, GW, 445
12 Quarrellers, Veteran, Musician, GW, 171
30 Hammerers, FCG, 390
1 Grudge Thrower, Engineer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating, Rune of Penetrating, 170
1 Cannon, Rune of Forging, 125
1 Cannon, Rune of Forging, Rune of Fire, 130
1 Cannon, Rune of Forging, Rune of Reloading, 135
1 Gyrocopter, 140
1 Gyrocopter, 140
Total: 2400

Marin Karageorgiev,Vampire Counts Army
Vampire Lord,General,Lvl4,Vampires,Great Weapon,Aura of dark Majesty, Beguile,Red Fury,Nightshroud,The other tricksters shard,Talisman of preservation,525
Vampire,Barded nightmare,Lvl2,Vampires,Lance,Heavy armor,Red Fury,Dawn Stone,Enchanted shield,Potion of strength,268pts
Necromancer,Lvl 1,Book of arkhan,90
Tomb Banshee,95
40 Skeleton Warriors,FCG 230
40 Zombies,Champion,Musician,130
34 Zombies,102
20 Zombies,60
5 Dire Wolves,40
5 Dire Wolves,40
8 Black Knights,FCG,Barding,Lance,264
1 Spirit Hosts,45
1 Spirit Hosts,45
1 Terrorgheist,225
1 Mortis Engine,Blasphemous Tome,240
Total Army Cost: 2399

Marcus Lake, Ogre Kingdoms
Slaughter Master: General, Level 4, Heavens, Fencers Blades, Glittering Scales, Crown of Command, Dragon Bane Gem. 385.
Bruiser: BSB, Heavy Armour, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Preservation. 184.
Butcher: Level 1, Great Maw, Great Weapon, Dispel Scroll. 134.
9 Iron Guts: FCG, Lookout Gnobler, Banner of Dicipline.437
6 Ogres: Musician, Iron Fists. 202.
4 Mournfang Cavalry: Standard, Musician, Iron Fists, Heavy Armour, Dragonhide Banner. 350.
2 Mournfang Cavalry: Musician, Iron Fists, Heavy Armour. 150.
4 Lead Belchers: Musician. 182.
3 Lead Belchers: Musician. 139.
3x 1 Sabretusk. 21.x3
Iron Blaster. 170.

Metodi Markov – High Elves
Prince, Star Dragon; General; Great Weapon, Armour of Caledor, Vambraces of Defence Talisman of Loec, 622
1 Noble, Great Eagle, Battle Standard, GW, Shield, Dragon Armour ,Helm of Fortune , Guardian Phoenix, 226
Mage, Magic Level 2, Lore of High Magic, Annulian Crystal, 175
29 First Spear Elves, FC, Spear, Light Armour, Shield, Gleaming Pendant, 300
20 Archers, Musician, 255
10 Archers, Musician, 115
Great Eagle, 50
Great Eagle, 50
Great Eagle, 50
Great Eagle, 50
9 Swordmasters, Musician, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, 141
9 Swordmasters, Musician, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, 141
20 White Lions, FC, Lion Pelt, Great Weapon , Heavy Armour, Banner Of Eternal Flame, 355
Total 2,500

Artur Stasieoko (c) Dark Elves
Supreme Sorceress; General; Magic Level 4; Lore of Death Magic; Seal of Ghrond 290 Pts
Supreme Sorceress; Magic Level 4; Lore of Shadow/Metal; Sacrificial Dagger 285 Pts
Master; Dark Pegasus; Beastmaster's Scourge; Heavy Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Black Dragon Egg; Dragonbane Gem; Enchanted Shield 194 Pts
Master; Dark Pegasus; Beastmaster's Scourge; Heavy Armour; Shield;Cloak of Hag Graef; Dawnstone 192 Pts
Master; Dark Pegasus; Heavy Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Battle Standard; Pendant of Khaeleth; Dragonhelm 212 Pts
2x5 Harpies 55 Pts
3x10 Dark Elf Repeater Crossbowmen; Shield; Musician 115 Pts
15 Dark Elf Warriors; Shield; Music; Standard of Discipline 129 Pts
2x5 Dark Riders; Music 92 Pts
5 Shades; extra HW 85 Pts
2x1 Cold One Chariot 100 Pts
1 War Hydra 175 Pts
Total Army Cost: 2396

Matt Ansell - Lizardmen
Slann Mage-Priest: General, Battle Standard Bearer, Level 4, Lore of Light, Focus of Mystery, Dispel scroll; 325
Slann Mage Priest: Level 4, Lore of Metal, Focused Rumination; 275
Skink Priest: Level 1, Lore of Heavens, Cube of darkness; 105
Scar Veteran: Cold One, Light Armour, Great Weapon, Dragonhelm, Venom of Firefly Frog; 136
Scar Veteran: Cold One, Light Armour, Biting Blade, Charmed Shield, Luckstone; 130
10 Skink Skirmishers; 70
10 Skink Skirmishers; 70
10 Skink Skirmishers; 70
21 Skinks, Musician; 111
24 Skinks, 3 Kroxigor, Standard, Musician; 299
24 Skinks, 3 Kroxigor, Standard, Musician; 299
5 Chameleon Skinks; 60
5 Chameleon Skinks; 60
5 Chameleon Skinks; 60
3 Terradons; 90
3 Terradons; 90
2 Salamander Hunting Packs; 150
Total 2400

Tim Harris, High Elves
Prince Star Dragon, Dragon Armour, Vambraces of Defence, Enchanted Shield, Sword of Might, Other Tricksters Shard, 624
Noble Barded Elven Steed, BSB, Great Weapon, Dragon Armour, Helm Of Fortune, Guardian Phoenix, 190
Mage Level 2, High, Dispel Scroll 155
40 Spear Elves, FCG 385
13 Archers, Musician 148
10 Archers 110
28 White Lions Guardian, Musician 438
9 Dragon Princes Drakemaster, Musican 300
3x1Eagle, 50x3
Total 2500

Tom Harris, Daemons of Chaos
Herald of Khorne, Armour of Khorne, 115
Herald of Khorne, Firestorm Blade, 125
Herald of Tzeentch, General, Master of Sorcery (Heavens), Spellbreaker 165
Herald of Tzeentch, BSB, Great Standard of Sundering 190
5 Chaos Furies 60
5 Chaos Furies 60
5 Chaos Furies 60
28 Bloodletters of Khorne, Musician, Standard, Icon of Endless War 379
28 Bloodletters of Khorne, Musician, Standard Bearer 354
28 Plaguebeares of Nurgle, Musician, Standard Bearer, Standard of Seeping Decay 379
10 Horrors Of Tzeentch, 120
6 Flamers of Tzeentch, 210
Fiend of Slaanesh, 55
Fiend of Slaanesh, 55
Bloodcrusher, 70
Total. 2397

Chris O'Brien, Skaven
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell: general, lvl 4, Ruin/Plague, skalm, power scroll, 505
Chieftain: BSB, halberd, charmed shield, foul pendant, 107
Warlock Engineer: lvl 1, Ruin, warplock pistol, warp-energy condensor, 93
Warlock Engineer: lvl 1, Ruin, dispel scroll, 90
Warlock Engineer: doom rocket, 45
40 Stormvermin: full command, shields, storm banner, 395
40 Skavenslaves: musician, 82
40 Skavenslaves: musician, 82
40 Skavenslaves: musician, 82
5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster: 23
5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster: 23
5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster: 23
10 Gutter Runners: poisoned attacks, slings, 180
10 Gutter Runners: poisoned attacks, slings, 180
1 Hellpit Abomination: warpstone spikes, 250
1 Doomwheel: 150
1 Warp-lightning Warp Cannon: 90
Total: 2400

Kacper Bucki, Warriors od Chaos
Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch on Disc of Tzeentch: Level 4; Lore of Tzeentch; Charmed Shield; Dispel Scroll; Third Eye of Tzeentch; Talisman of Preservation; 410
Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle: General; Level 1; Lore of Nurgle; Shrieking Blade; Necrotic Phylactery; Favour of the Gods; Power Familiar; 155
Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle: Level 1; Lore of Nurgle; Skull of Katam; 155
Exalted Hero of Tzeentch: Shield; BSB; Sword of Swift Slaying; Potion of Strength; 195
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh: Light Armor; 80
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh: Light Armor; 80
21 Chaos Warriors of Nurgle: Halberd; Shield; Standard; Musician; Banner of Rage; 440
15 Chosen of Nurgle: Halberd; Shield; FCG; Standard of Discipline; Champion: Book of Secrets; Level 1; Lore of Nurgle; 420
Chaos Warshrine: 130
Chaos Warshrine: 130
Hellcannon: 205

Michał Kołakowski, Orcs and Goblins
Black Orc Warboss; General; Heavy Armour; Shield; Dragonhelm; Talisman of Preservation; Crown of Command; 253
Savage Orc Great Shaman; Magic Level 4; Warpaint; Fencer's Blades; Potion of Speed; Lucky Shrunken Head; Dragonbane Gem; 300
Savage Orc Big Boss; Great Weapon; Warpaint; Battle Standard; Mork's War Banner; 204
Savage Orc Shaman; Magic Level 2; Warpaint; Ruby Ring of Ruin; Dispel Scroll; 155
31 Savage Orc Big 'Uns; 2ndWeapon; Warpaint; Standard; Musician; Boss; 376
54 Night Goblins; Netters; Spear; Shield; Standard; Musician; Boss; 1 Fanatic; 262
Goblin Wolf Chariot; 50
Goblin Wolf Chariot; 50
Orc Boar Chariot; 85
Orc Boar Chariot; 85
8 Trolls; 280
1 Trolls; 35
1 Trolls; 35
1 Doom Diver; 80
1 Doom Diver; 80
1 Goblin Rock Lobber; 85
1 Goblin Rock Lobber; 85
Total 2500

Andi Avery, Vampire Counts
Vampire lord, level 4 (vampires); Heavy armour; shield; Red fury;Quickblood; Summon creatures of the night; Ogre blade; Talisman of preservation; The other tricksters shard; 524
Necromancer (vampires); Dispel scroll; 90
Necromancer (shadow); Rod of flaming death; 105
Cairn wraith; 60
39 ghouls; ghast; 400
24 zombies; standard; musician; 82
24 zombies; standard; musician; 82
5 dire wolves; 40
2 fell bats; 32
2 fell bats; 32
8 crypt horrors; 304
8 crypt horrors; 304
5 vargheists; 230
spirit host; 45
2 bat swarms; 70

Miroslav Pavlíček(Popelka) (c) non-playing
Josef Koštíř (Horned Rat), Skaven
Warlord : general, Heavy Armour, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield, Warlock Weapon. 185
Warlord: Heavy Armour, halberd, tail weapon, 101
Warlord on Bonebreaker: Heavy Armour,Enchanted Shield, Rival Hide Talisman, 180
Chieftain : BSB, halberd, Armour of Silvered Steel, Luckstone, 122
Warlock: magic level 2, Ruin, Dispell Scroll, 125
Warlock: magic level 2, Ruin, Ironcurse Icon, Warp-Energy Condenser, 125
Warlock: Doomrocket, 45
32 Stormvermin: FCG, Storm Banner, 299
32 Clanrats: FCG, shields, 164
1 Warpfire Thrower, 70
32 Clanrats: FCG, shields, 164
1 Poisoned Wind Mortar, 65
30 Skavenslaves: musician, 62
29 Skavenslaves: musician, 60
Not true core:
5 Giantrats + 1 Packmaster, 23
5 Gutter Runners, 60
5 Gutter Runners, 60
1 Hell Pit Abomination: Warpstone spikes, 250
1 Warplightning: 90
1 Doomwheel: 150
Total: 2400 Pts.

Michal Bukvic (Pudl), Empire
Wizard Lord: level 4, lore of Light, Earthing Rod 225
Warrior Priest on barded Warhorse: general; Heavy Armour, Shield; Dragonhelm, Dawn Stone 125
Captain of the Empire on barded Warhorse: BSB; Full Plate Armor; Charmed Shield, Luckstone, Crown of Command 152
Battle Wizard: level 1, lore of Light; Dispell Scroll 90
Battle Wizard: level 1, lore of Light 65
Master Engineer 65
Master Engineer 65
15 Knights of the Inner Circle: FCG, Lance; Full Plate Armor; Shield; Standard of Discipline 420
20 Halberdiers: Musician, Light Armour, Halberd 130
5 Detachments Spearmen: Spear; Light Armour 25
5 Detachments Spearmen: Spear; Light Armour 25
1 Great Cannon 120
1 Great Cannon 120
5 Reiksguard Knights: Musician; Lance; Full Plate Armor; Shield 145
5 Reiksguard Knights: Lance; Full Plate Armor; Shield 135
1 Helblaster Volley Gun 120
1 Helblaster Volley Gun 120
1 Steam Tank 250
Total: 2397 Pts.

Tobiáš Veska (Dr.Anthrax), Hight Elf
Archmage:general, magic level 4, death, Book of Hoeth 360
Noble: BSB, Great Weapon, Armour of Caledor, Luckstone, Amulet of Light 163
10 Spear Elves: musician 95
10 Spear Elves: musician 95
10 Spear Elves: musician 95
10 Archers: musician 115
10 Archers: musician 115
10 Archers: musician 115
28 White Lions: musician 426
28 White Lions: musician 426
17 White Lions: standart, musician, Standart of Discipline 288
Great Eagle 50
Great Eagle 50
Great Eagle 50
Great Eagle 50
Total: 2493 Pts.

Ondřej Mýtina (Vrinkl), Vampire Counts
Strigoi Ghoul King: General, Level 1, Lore of Vampires, Red Fury, Flying Horror, Ogre Blade, Dragonbane Gem, Tricsters Shard, 400
Master Necromancer: Level 4, Vampires, 200
Necromancer: Level 1, Death, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, 95
Cairn Wraith: 60
Cairn Wraith: 60
Cairn Wraith: 60
40 Skeleton Warriors: FCG, Banner of Swiftness, 245
40 Zombies: standart, musician, 130
22 Zombies: standart, musician, 76
5 Dire Wolves: 40
5 Dire Wolves: 40
9 Dire Wolves: Doom Wolf, 82
10 Crypt Horrors: 380
6 Crypt Horrors: 228
2 Fell Bat: 32
2 Fell Bat: 32
1 Mortis Engine: Blasphemous Tome, 240
Total: 2400 Pts.

Filip Bartoš (Sirkař), Lizardmen
Slann Mage-priest: General, level 4, Lore of Light, Focus of Mystery, Dispell Scroll 300
Slann Mage-priest: level 4, lore of Light, The Focused Rumination, Plaque of Tepok 290
Saurus Scar-Veteran: BSB, Light Armour, Shield, Burning blade of Chotec, Dragonbane gem 143
10 Skink Skirmishers 70
10 Skink Skirmishers 70
10 Skink Skirmishers 70
10 Skinks: musician 56
10 Skinks: musician 56
10 Skinks: musician 56
19 Saurus Warriors: standart, musician 227
3 Terradon Riders 90
3 Terradon Riders 90
25 Temple Guard: standart, musician, Banner of Swiftness 436
25 Temple Guard: standart, musician, Huanchis Blessed Totem 446
Total: 2400 Pst.

Jan Pavlíček (Krvavyzub), Dwarfs
Dwarf Lord, General: Great Weapon, Shieldbearers, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Resistance; Rune of Stone, 221 pts
Runelord: Shield, Anvil of Doom, Rune of Stone, Rune of Spellbreaking x2, 373 pts
Thane: BSB, Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Resistance, Master Rune of Challenge 165
27 Longbeards: FCG, Great Weapons, 376 pts
30 Quarrellers, musician, standard bearer, Great Weapon, 405 pts
27 Hammerers: FCG, 354 pts
6 Miners: musician, 71 pts
Cannon: Rune of Burning, Rune of Forging, 1 Engineer 145 pts
Grudge Thrower: Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating x2, 1 Engineer , 170 pts
Organ Gun: 120 pts
Total: 2400 Pts.

Petr Ambrož(Ampy), Daemons of Chaos
Bloodthirster of Khorne: General, Axe of Khorne, Immortal Fury, Obsidian Armour, 550
Herald of Khorne: BSB, Armour of Khorne, Great Standard of Sundering, 190
Herald of Khorne: Firestorm Blade, 125
Herald of Tzeentch: Magic level 2, Lore of Life, Master of Sorcery, Spell Breaker, 165
29 Bloodletters of Khorne: FCG, Icon of Endless War, 403
29 Bloodletters of Khorne: FCG, 378
10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: Iridescent Horror, Musician, 138
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Chaos Furies: 60
1 Fiends of Slaanesh: 55
1 Fiends of Slaanesh: 55
3 Flamers of Tzeentch: 105
3 Flamers of Tzeentch: 105
Total: 2389 Pts.

Jan Cerny (Fox), Warriors of Chaos
Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch on Disc: general, magic level 4, lore of tzeentch, Chaos Armour, mark of tzeentch, Third Eye of Tzeentch, Infernal Puppet, Armour of Destiny, Necrotic Phylactery, 430 pts.
Exalted Hero of Tzeentch : BSB, Chaos Armour, Shield, mark of tzeentch, Talisman of Preservation, Warrior Bane, 200 pts
Exalted Hero of Tzeentch on Disc: Chaos Armour, Shield, Talisman of Endurance, Biting blade, Dragon Helm, Stream of Corruption, 210 pts
40 Chaos Marauders of Khorne: musician, mark of Khorne, Great Weapon, 234 pts
20 Chaos Warriors of Nurgle: musician, standart, Halberd, Chaos Armour, Shield, Mark of Nurgle 388 pts
5 Chaos Warhounds: 30 pts
16 Chosen of Nurgle: FCG, Chaos Armour, Mark of Nurgle, Halberd, Wailing Banner, Favour of the Gods, 439 pts
1 Chaos Warshrine: 130 pts
1 Chaos Warshrine: 130 pts
1 Hellcannon: 205 pts
Total: 2396 Pts.

Michael Vedel (c), Non playing
Troels Hugo Cederholm, Tomb Kings
Tomb King: general, light armour, Warrior Bane, 175
Liche High Priest: hierophant, Lvl 4, Nehekhara, Sceptre of Stability, 225
Liche Priest: Lvl 2, death, Scroll of Shielding, 120
Liche Priest: Lvl 2, death, Dispel Scroll, 130
12 Skeleton Archers: 72
12 Skeleton Archers: 72
39 Skeleton Warriors: Musician, Champion, 176
10 Skeleton Warriors: 40
10 Skeleton Warriors: 40
5 Skeleton Horse Archers: 70
5 Skeleton Horsemen: 60
5 Skeleton Horsemen: 60
5 Skeleton Horsemen: 60
8 Ushabti: great bow, 400
8 Ushabti: musician, great bow, 410
1 Screaming Skull Catapult: 90
1 Screaming Skull Catapult: 90
1 Hierotitan: 175
1 Casket of Souls: 135
Total: 2600

Anders Nøhr, Empire
Grand Master on Barded Warhorse: gëneral, full plate armor, Runefang, Charmed Shield, Luckstone, Potion of Speed, 255
Bättle Wizard Lord on Warhorse: Lvl 4, Life, Obsidian Lodestone, Crown of Command, Sceptre of Stability, 313
Captain of the Empire on Barded Warhorse: bsb, great weapon, full plate armor, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, The Öther Trickster's Shard, 163
Battle Wizard: Lvl 1, Fire, Dispel Scroll, 90
Master Engineer, light amour: 66
15 Knights of the Inner Circle: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 420
15 Archers: 105
Detatchment: 5 Archers: 35
Detatchment: 6 Archers: 42
5 Demigryph Knights: musician, 300
1 Great Cannon: 120
1 Great Cannon: 120
1 Steam Tank: 250
1 Helblaster Volley Gun: 120
Total: 2399

Mikkel Buch Skadhauge, Vampire counts
Vampire Lord: general, Lvl 1, Vampires, Red Fury, Quickblood, heavy armour, Ogre Blade, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation, 396
Master Necromancer: Lvl4, Vampires, 200
Wight King: bsb, heavy armour, shield, Nightshroud, Luckstone, Ironcurse Icon, 164
Necromancer: Lvl 1, Vampires, Book of Arkhan, 90
Necromancer: Lvl 2, Death, Dispel Scroll, 125
Necromancer: Lvl 2, Death, Rod of Flaming Death, 140
40 Crypt Ghouls: Champion, 410
38 Zombies: Standard, Musician, 124
21 Zombies: Musician, 68
35 Grave Guard: FCG, great weapon, 450
2 Fell Bats: 32
2 Fell Bats: 32
2 Fell Bats: 32
3x1 Spirit Host: 45x3
Total: 2398

Asger Sams Granerud, High Elves
Prince: general, great weapon, Null Stone, 262
Archmage: lvl4, life, Folariath's Robe, Loremaster's Cloak, Silver Wand, 355
Noble: bsb, halberd, Banner of Sorcery, 164
Mage: lvl1, high, Dispel Scroll, Amulet of Light, 135
19 Archers: FCG, Banner of Eternal Flame, 244
10 Archers: Musician, 115
10 Archers: 110
16 Spearmen: Champion, Musician, 159
27 White Lions: Champion, Musician, 423
27 White Lions: Champion, Musician, Talisman of Loec, 433
1 Great Eagle: 50
1 Great Eagle: 50
Total: 2500

Rasmus Hammer, Dark Elves
Supreme Sorceress: general, Lvl4, death, Sacrificial Dagger, 2x Null Talisman, 315
Supreme Sorceress: Lvl4, fire, Dispel Scroll, 285
Master on Dark Pegasus: bsb, lance, heavy armour, sea dragon cloak, shield, Pendant of Khaeleth, Dragonhelm, 214
Master on Dark Pegasus: heavy armour, shield, Cloak of Hag Graef, Dawnstone, 186
Death Hag: Cauldron of Blood, 200
Dark Elf Assassin: 2nd weapon, Rending Stars, Manbane, 151
18 Dark Elf Warriors: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 138
36 Dark Elf Warriors: FCG, Gleaming pennant, 236
36 Dark Elf Warriors: FCG, 231
5 Harpies: 55
5 Harpies: 55
7 Shades: 2nd weapon, 119
7 Shades: 2nd weapon, 119
6 Shades: 96
Total: 2400

Wilhelm Grøfte, Skaven
Grey Seer on Screaming bell: general, Lvl 4, Plague/ruin, D3 Warpstone Tokens, Skalm, Power Scroll, 505
Chieftain: bsb, heavy armour, 70
Assassin: throwing stars, 2nd weapon, Weeping Blade, Potion of Strength, 170
Warlock Engineer: Lvl 1, Ruin, Scroll of Shielding, 80
Warlock Engineer: Lvl 1, Ruin, Dispel Scroll, 90
Warlock Engineer: Doomrocket, 45
34 Stormvermin: FCG, Storm Banner, 313
40 Skavenslaves: musician, champion, shield, 106
40 Skavenslaves: musician, champion, shield, 106
37 Skavenslaves: musician, 76
5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster, 23
5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster, 23
5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster, 23
5 Gutter Runners: poison, slings, 90
5 Gutter Runners: poison, slings, 90
Warp Lightning Cannon: 90
Plaqueclaw Catapult: 100
Doomwheel: 150
Hell Pit Abomination: Warpstone spikes, 250
Total: 2400

Daniel Hedegaard, Daemons of Chaos
Herald of Khorne: general, Armour of Khorne, Firestorm Blade, 140
Herald of Nurgle: bsb, Great Standard of Sundering, Staff of Nurgle, 240
Herald of Tzeentch: lvl 2, Heavens, Spell Breaker, Master of Sorcery, 165
30 Bloodletters of Khorne: Musician, Bloodreaper, 378
30 Bloodletters of Khorne: Musician, Bloodreaper, 378
29 Plague Bearers: FCG, Standard of Seeping Decay, 403
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Chaos Furies: 60
7 Fiends of Slaanesh: 385
1 Fiend of Slaanesh: 55
1 Bloodcrusher of Khorne: 70
Total: 2394

Kent Max Hansen, Ogre Kingdoms
Tyrant: general, light armour, Charmed Shield, Sword of Anti-Heroes, Talisman of Preservation, 290
Slaughtermaster: Lvl 3, death, Fencer's Blades, Glittering Scales, 310
Bruiser: bsb, great weapon, light armour, Rune Maw, 201
Butcher: Lvl 1, great maw, great weapon, Crown of Command, Dragonbane Gem, 149
Firebelly: Lvl 1, fire, 2ndWeapon, Dispel Scroll, Potion of Speed, 152
9 Ironguts; FCG, look-out gnoblar, Standard of Discipline, 437
40 Gnoblars: musician, champion, 115
11 Gnoblars: 27.5
10 Gnoblars: 25
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
2 Mournfang Cavalry: iron fist, heavy armour, 140
2 Mournfang Cavalry: iron fist, heavy armour, 140
1 Gorger: 90
1 Gorger: 90
1 Ironblaster: 170
Total: 2399,5

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Bryan Carmichael, non-playing coach
Dan Heelan (c), Skaven
Grey Seer: General, Lvl4, Screaming Bell, Fencers Blades, Skalm, Power Scroll, 540
Chieftain: BSB, Shield, Standard Of Discipline, 87
Warlock Engineer: Lvl1, Ruin, Doom Rocket, Warpstone Token, 110
Warlock Engineer: Lvl 1, Ruin, Dispel Scroll, 90
Warlock Engineer: Lvl2, Ruin, Warp-Energy Condensor, 120
40 Stormvermin: FCG, Storm Banner, 355
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, Pawleader, 86
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, Pawleader, 86
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, Pawleader, 86
6 Giant Rats: Packmaster, 23
6 Giant Rats: Packmaster, 23
6 Giant Rats: Packmaster, 23
5 Gutter Runners: Slings, Poisoned Attacks, 90
5 Gutter Runners: Slings, Poisoned Attacks, 90
Hell Pit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes, 250
Warp Lightning Cannon: 90
Doom Wheel: 150
Plagueclaw Catapult: 100
Total: 2399

Nick Pym, Daemons of Chaos
Herald of Tzeentch: General, Lvl 2, Light, Master of Sorcery, Spellbreaker, 165
Herald of Tzeentch: BSB, Lvl 2, Light, Master of Sorcery, 165
Herald of Khorne: Firestorm Axe, Armour of Khorne, 140
Herald of Khorne: 100
10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: Musician, 126
28 Bloodletters of Khorne: Musician, Standard Bearer, Icon of Endless War, 379
28 Bloodletters of Khorne: Musician, 342
28 Bloodletters of Khorne: Musician, 342
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Chaos Furies: 60
6 Flamers of Tzeentch: 210
1 Fiend of Slaanesh: 55
1 Fiend of Slaanesh: 55
1 Bloodcrusher: 70
1 Bloodcrusher: 70
Total: 2399

Ben Curry, Dark Elves
Supreme Sorceress: General, Lvl 4, Fire, Dispel Scroll, 285 pts
Supreme Sorceress: Level 4, Death, Sacrificial Dagger, Obsidian Amulet, 315 pts
Master: Dark Pegasus, BSB, Lance, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Dragonhelm, Pendant of Khaeleth, 214 pts
Master: Dark Pegasus, Heavy Armour, Shield, Cloak of Hag Graef, Dawnstone, 186 pts
Death Hag: Cauldron of Blood, 200 pts
Assassin: Manbane, Rending Stars 145 pts
35 Dark Elf Warriors: FCG, Gleaming Pennant, 230 pts
35 Dark Elf Warriors: FCG, 225 pts
21 Dark Elf Warriors: Standard, Musician, Standard of Discipline 150 pts
5 Harpies: 55 pts
5 Harpies: 55 pts
7 Shades: xhw, 119 pts
7 Shades: xhw, 119 pts
6 Shades: xhw, 102 pts
Total: 2400

Russ Veal, Tomb Kings
Liche High Priest: General, Army Hierophant, Lvl 4, Nekharia, Earthing Rod, Dragonbane Gem, 240
Liche High Priest: Lvl 4, Light, Dispel Scroll, 235
10 Skeleton Bowmen: Musician, 70
10 Skeleton Bowmen: Musician, 70
10 Skeleton Bowmen: Musician, 70
5 Skeleton Horse Archers: 70
5 Skeleton Horse Archers: 70
5 Skeleton Chariots: Musician, Standard, Banner of Eternal Flame, 305
5 Necropolis Knights: Musician, 335
5 Necropolis Knights: Musician, 335
1 Tomb Scorpion: 85
1 Tomb Scorpion: 85
1 Screaming Skull Catapult: 90
1 Screaming Skull Catapult: 90
1 Necrosphinx: 225
1 Necrosphinx: 225
Total: 2600

Chris Legg, Vampire Counts
Vampire Lord: General, Lvl1, Vampires, Quickblood, Red Fury, Talisman of Preservation, Ogre Blade, Charmed Shield, Heavy Armour, 396
Necromancer Lord: Level 4, Vampires, 200
Wight King: BSB, Enchanted Shield, Obsidian Amulet, The Other Tricksters Shard, 160
Necromancer: Lvl 1, Death, Dispel Scroll, Dragonbane Gem, 95
Necromancer: Lvl 1, Vampires, Book of Arkhan, 90
Cairn Wraith: 60
Cairn Wraith: 60
Cairn Wraith: 60
39 Ghouls: Ghast, 400
31 Zombies: Standard, Musician, 103
31 Zombies: Standard, Musician, 103
8 Crypt Horrors: 304
8 Crypt Horrors: 304
2 Fell Bats: 32
2 Fell Bats: 32
Total: 2399

Will Goodwin, Empire
Arch Lector: General, Heavy Armour, Enchanted Shield, 109
Battle Wizard Lord: Lvl 4, Heavens, Sceptre of Stability, 215
Battle Wizard: Lvl 1, Fire, Dispel Scroll, 90
Captain of the Empire: BSB, Full Plate Armour, Shield, Standard of Discipline, 108
Master Engineer: 65
Master Engineer: 65
39 Halberdiers: FCG, 264
Detachment: 17 Halberdiers; 102
5 Knightly Orders: Musician, 120
5 Knightly Orders: Musician, 120
4 Demigryph Knights: Musician, 242
4 Demigryph Knights: Musician, 242
3 Demigryph Knights: 174
1 Great Cannon: 120
1 Great Cannon: 120
1 Helblaster Volley Gun: 120
1 Helblaster Volley Gun: 120
Total: 2396

Jack Armstrong, Lizardmen
Slann: General, BSB, Light, Focus of Mystery, Earthing Rod, 325
Slann: Light, Focused Rumination, 275
Scar Vet: Cold One, Light Armour, Halberd, Luckstone, Dragonhelm, 129
Scar Vet: Cold One, Light Armour, Biting Blade, Dawnstone, Charmed Shield, 150
Skink Priest: Lvl 1, Heavens, Cube of Darkness, 105
21 Skink Cohort: Musician, 111
24 Skinks / 3 Kroxigor: Musician, 291
24 Skinks / 3 Kroxigor: Musician, 291
10 Skink Skirmishers: 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: 70
5 Chameleons: 60
5 Chameleons: 60
5 Chameleons: 60
3 Terradons: 90
3 Terradons: 90
2 Salamanders: 6 Handlers, 150
Total: 2397

Alan Thompson, Ogre Kingdoms
Slaughtermaster: General, Lvl 4, Great Maw, Glittering Scales, Fencers Blades, Talisman of Endurance, 375
Bruiser: Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armour, Crown of Command, Enchanted Shield, Biting Blade, , 184
Firebelly: Lvl 1, Fire, Additional Hand Weapon, Dispel Scroll, Ring of Ruby Ruin, 172
9 Ironguts: Standard, Musician, Lookout Gnoblar, Standard of Discipline 427
9 Ogre Bulls: Musician, 280
1 Sabretusk, 21
1 Sabretusk, 21
4 Mournfang Cavalry: Ironfists, Heavy Armour, Musician, Standard, Dragonhide Banner, 350
9 Lead Belchers: Musician, 397
1 Ironblaster: 170
Total: 2397

Sami Järvinen (c) non-playing
Ville Rantanen, Skaven
Grey Seer: general, lvl 4, plague & ruin, Foul Pendant, Earthing Rod, Ironcurse Icon, 300
Grey Seer: lvl 4, plague & ruin, Power Scroll, 275
Chieftain: bsb, heavy armour, warplock pistol, Standard of Discipline, 93
Warlock Engineer: lvl1, ruin, Dispel Scroll, 90
Warlock Engineer: Brass Orb, 65
Warlock Engineer: Obsidian Lodestone, 60
40 Stormvermin: FCG, Storm Banner, 355
40 Skavenslaves: Champion, Musician, 86
40 Skavenslaves: Champion, Musician, 86
34 Skavenslaves: Champion, Musician, 74
2 Rat Swarms: 50
2 Rat Swarms: 50
5 Giant Rats: 1 packmaster, 23
5 Giant Rats: 1 packmaster, 23
5 Gutter Runners: poisoned attacks, sling, 90
5 Gutter Runners: poisoned attacks, sling, 90
1 Hell Pit Abomination, warpstone spikes, 250
1 Doomwheel, 150
1 Plagueclaw Catapult, 100
1 Warp Lightning Cannon, 90
Total: 2400

Pyry Peitso, The Empire
Arch Lector on barded warhorse: general, heavy armour, Enchanted Shield, Sword of Anti-Heroes, The White Cloak of Ulric, Potion of Speed: 218
Battle Wizard Lord on warhorse: lvl4, death, Dispel Scroll, Crown of Command, Obsidian Amulet: 308
Captain of the Empire on barded warhorse: bsb, full plate armour, lance, shield, Dawnstone, Ruby Ring of Ruin: 166
11 Archers, musician: 87
detachment: 5 Archers: 35
detachment: 5 Archers: 35
16 Inner Circle Knights, FCG, Standard of Discipline: 445
5 Demigryphon Knights, champion, musician: 310
3 Demigryphon Knights, musician: 184
2x 1 Great Cannon: 120x2
1 Steam Tank: 250
1 Luminark of Hysh: 120
Total: 2398

Olli Kanninen, Dwarfs
Runelord: general, gromril armour, shield, anvil of doom, Rune of Stone, Master Rune of Balance, 373
Thane: BSB, great weapon, gromril armour, Master Rune of Gromril, Master Rune of Challenge, Rune of Brotherhood, Rune of the Furnace, 169
Dragon slayer, slayer axes: 50
Dragon slayer, slayer axes: 50
25 Quarrellers: FCG, great weapon, rangers, 375
10 Quarrellers: musician, 115
10 Quarrellers: musician, 115
31 Miners: FCG, steam drill, 391
21 Miners: standard, musician, 246
5 Miners: musician, 60
1 Grudge Thrower: engineer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating, Rune of Penetrating, 170
1 Cannon: engineer, Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning, 145
1 Cannon: engineer, Rune of Forging, 140
Total: 2399

Juuso Lähdekorpi, Ogre Kingdoms
Slaughtermaster: general, lvl 4, death, Fencer's Blades, Greedy Fist, Charmed Shield, Power Stone, 385
Bruiser: BSB, heavy armor, ironfist, look-out gnoblar, Standard of Discipline, 158
Butcher: lvl 1, maw, great weapon, Obsidian Lodestone, Ironcurse Icon, 159
Butcher: lvl 2, death, great weapon, Crown of Command, Dragonbane Gem, 184
13 Ogres: FCG, ironfist, 446
3 Ogres: 90
3x 10 Gnoblars: 25x3
5 Mournfang Cavalry, heavy armor, ironfist, champion, musician, 370
4 Mournfang Cavalry, heavy armor, ironfist, champion, musician, 300
1 Sabretusk pack: 21
1 Sabretusk pack: 21
1 Sabretusk pack: 21
1 Ironblaster: 170
Total: 2400

Janne Mikkola, Lizardmen
Slann Mage-Priest: general, BSB, lvl 4, Death, Focused Rumination, Focus of Mystery, Soul of Stone, Cube of Darkness, Divine Plaque of Protection, Standard of Discipline, 485
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One: light armour, great weapon, Venom of the Firefly Frog, Dragonhelm, Amulet of Itzl, 166
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One: light armour, Sword of Might, Charmed shield, Dawnstone, 160
Skink Priest: lvl 1, heaven, Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring of Ruin, 115
10 Skink Skirmishers, 70
10 Skink Skirmishers, 70
10 Skink Skirmishers, 70
15 Skinks: FCG, 97
20 Saurus: FCG, 250
30 Saurus: FCG, 360
5 Chameleon Skinks, 60
3 Terradon Riders, 90
3 Terradon Riders, 90
3 Terradon Riders, 90
3 Salamander Hunting Packs, 225
Total: 2398

Antti Häkli , Daemons Of Chaos
Herald Of Khorne: General, 100
Herald Of Khorne: BSB, Great Icon Of Despair, 200
Herald Of Khorne: Firestorm Blade, Armour of Khorne, 140
Herald Of Tzeentch: lvl 2, Tzeentch, Spell Breaker, Winged Horror, 160
29 Bloodletters Of Khorne: FCG, Icon Of Endless War, 403
28 Bloodletters Of Khorne: FCG, 366
28 Bloodletters Of Khorne: FCG, 366
3x5 Chaos Furies: 60x3
4 Fiends Of Slaanesh: 220
1 Fiends Of Slaanesh: 55
6 Flamers Of Tzeentch: 210
Total: 2400

Juha Pääkkönen, Dark Elves
Dreadlord on Cold One: General, heavy armour, sea dragon cloak, Whip of Agony, The Other Trickster's Shard, Shield of Ghrond, Dawn Stone, 272
Dreadlord on Cold One: sea dragon cloak, Soulrender, Armour of Eternal Servitude, Null Talisman x 3, 271
Master on Cold One: BSB, heavy armour, shield, lance, sea dragon cloak, Hydra Banner, 214
Sorceress: lvl 2, Fire, Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring of Ruin, 185
Death Hag: two hand weapons, Cauldron of Blood, 200
10 Dark Elf Repeater Crossbowmen: shield, musician, 115
10 Dark Elf Repeater Crossbowmen: shield, musician, 115
5 Harpies: 55
5 Harpies: 55
20 Dark Elf Warriors: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 150
5 Dark Riders: repeater crossbow, 110
5 Dark Riders: repeater crossbow, 110
10 Cold One Knights: FCG, Standard of Hag Graef, Ring of Hotek, 370
1 War Hydra: 175
Total: 2397

Olli Katila, Orcs & Goblins
Black Orc Warboss: general, Heavy Armour, Talisman of Endurance, Sword of Anti-Heroes, Crown of Command, Enchanted Shield, 260
Savage Orc Great Shaman: lvl4, big waaagh!, Lucky Shrunken Head, Obsidian Lodestone, 300
Savage Orc Big Boss: bsb, Standard of Discipline, additional hand weapon, 117
Savage Orc Shaman: lvl1, big waaagh!, Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring of Ruin, 120
Orc Big Boss on WarBoar, Light Armour, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Shrieking Blade, 91
29 Savage Orcs: FCG, Big 'Uns, additional hand weapon, 354
21 Night Goblins: Short Bow, 1 Fanatic, 88
20 Night Goblins: Short Bow, 1 Fanatic, 85
2x5 Goblin Wolf Raiders: Shield, Spear, Short Bow, 65x2
1 Goblin Wolf Chariot: 50
12 Trolls: 420
1 Trolls: 35
1 Snotling Pump Wagon: Out-Rigga, 55
1 Mangler Squigs: 65
2x 1 Goblin Rock Lobber: 85x2
2x1 Doom Diver: 80
Total: 2500

Vincent Bernat ©, Orks and Goblins
1 Black orc warboss: General, heavy armour, shield, sword of striking, dragonhelm, talisman of preservation, potion of strength, 253
1 Savage orc warboss: shield, fencer's blades, glittering scales, dragonbane gem, crown of command, 253
1 Savage orc big boss: BSB, heavy weapon, mork's war banner, 204
1 Savage orc shaman: lvl 2, big waagh, dispel scroll, 130
1 Savage orc shaman: lvl 2, big waagh, lucky shrunken head, 155
1 Night goblin shaman: lvl 1, little waagh, feedback scroll, 100
32 Savage orcs: FCG, 291
38 Night goblins: musician, champion, 3 fanatics, 209
20 Night goblins: musician, champion, 2 fanatics, short bows, 130
1 Goblin wolf chariot, 50
1 Goblin wolf chariot, 50
1 Goblin wolf chariot, 50
1 Orc boar chariot, 85
1 Night gobelin squig herd: 8 night gobelins herders, 2 squigs, 40
1 Night gobelin squig herd: 8 night gobelins herders, 2 squigs, 40
1 Goblin rock lobber, 85
1 Goblin rock lobber, 85
1 Doom diver catapult, 80
1 Doom diver catapult, 80
1 Mangler squigs, 65
1 Mangler squigs, 65
Total : 2 500

Jonathan Schil, Dwarf
1 Runelord: anvil of doom, great weapon, spell eater rune, rune of stone, rune of furnace, 381
1 Master engineer: General, great weapon, rune of stone, 79
1 Thane: shield, rune of striking, rune of fire, master rune of challenge, rune of brotherhood, rune of furnace, rune of stone, 137
1 Thane: BSB, great weapon, master rune of gromril, rune of resistance, rune of preservation, rune of furnace, 164
15 Quarrellers: musician, great weapons, 200
35 Rangers "warriors": musician, standard, 400
7 Hammerers: musician, champion, 102
35 Minors: FCG, steamdrill, 435
5 Minors, 55
1 Canon: rune of forging, 125
1 Grudge Thrower: engineer, rune of accuracy, rune of penetrating, rune of burning, 150
1 Grudge Thrower: engineer, rune of accuracy, rune of penetrating (X2), 170
Total : 2 398

Johan Meunier, Vampire Counts
1 Vampire lord: General, lvl 4, vampires, heavy armour, red fury, quickblood, beguil, potion of strength, sword of anti-heroes, charmed shield, talisman of preservation, 526
1 Wight king: BSB, heavy armour, great weapon, armour of destiny, 165
1 Necromancer: lvl 2, vampires, the book of Arkhan, ironcurse icon, obsidian trinket, 145
1 Necromancer: lvl 1, vampires, dispell scrol, the other tricksters shard, 105
21 Zombies: standard, musician, 73
20 Zombies: musician, 65
40 Crypt ghouls: champion, 410
2x5 dire wolfs, 40x2
2 Fell bats, 32
3x1 Spirit host, 45x3
9 vargheists: champion, 424
5 vargheists: champion, 240
Total : 2 400

Olivier Nicolas, Daemons of Chaos
1 Khorne herald: General, armour of Khorne, firestorm blade, 140
1 Khorne herald: 100
1 Tzeentch herald: BSB, lvl 2, Tzeentch, whirlpool of power, great banner of the eclipse, 220
1 Tzeentch herald: lvl 2, Tzeentch, spellbreaker, 140
29 Bloodletters of Khorne: champion, musician, 366
29 Bloodletters of Khorne: champion, musician, 366
27 Bloodletters of Khorne: musician, 330
10 Pink horrors of Tzeentch: musician, 126
5 Chaos furies, 60
5 Chaos furies, 60
5 Chaos furies, 60
6 Flamers of Tzeentch, 210
4 Fiends of Slaanesh, 220
Total : 2 398

Antoine Granet, Dark Elves
1 Dreadlord on pegasus: heavy armour, sea dragon cloak, talisman of preservation, crimson death, dragonhelm, 282
1 Dreadlord on pegasus: General, sea dragon cloak, shield, armour of destiny, whip of agony, dawnstone, 299
1 Master on pegasus: great weapon, sea dragon cloak, heavy armour, shield, pendant of Kaeleth, the other trickster’s shard, 194
1 Master on pegasus: lance of cavalry, heavy armour, shield, cloak of Hag Graef, ring of Hotek, 190
1 Master on pegasus: BSB, lance of cavalry, sea dragon cloak, shield, armour of eternal servitude, dragonbane gem, 205
13 Dark riders: FCG, 256
8 Dark riders: musician, repeater crossbows, 183
7 Dark riders: musician, repeater crossbows, 161
5 Harpies, 55
5 Harpies, 55
10 Shades: great weapons, 180
9 Shades: great weapons, 162
1 War hydra, 175
Total : 2 397

Sylvain Marchal, Skavens
1 Grey seer: General, lvl 4, ruin, earthing rod, ironcurse icon, 315
1 Warlock engineer: lvl 1, ruin, warp-energy condenser, 85
1 Warlock engineer: lvl 1, ruin, dispel scroll, 90
1 Warlock engineer: brass orb, 65
1 Chieftain: BSB, heavy armour, standard of discipline, 85
21 Clanrats: FCG, shields, warpfire thrower, 184.5
21 Clanrats: musician, shields, warpfire thrower, 168.5
40 Slaves: musician, champion, 86
40 Slaves: musician, champion, 86
39 Slaves: musician, 80
5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster, 23
5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster, 23
9 Gutter runners: slings, poisonned attacks, 162
9 Gutter runners: slings, poisonned attacks, 162
5 Plague censer bearers, 80
5 Plague censer bearers, 80
10 Plague monks: musician, standard, storm banner, 135
1 Hellpit abomination: warpstone spikes, 250
1 Warplight cannon, 90
1 Doomwheel, 150
Total : 2 400

Pierre-Yves Renoux, Ogre Kingdom
1 Bruiser: General, heavy armour, sword of strike, enchanted shield, ironcurse icon, 134
1 Bruiser: BSB, iron fist, heavy armour, look out gnoblar, crown of command, dragonhelm, lucky stone, 193
1 Firebelly: lvl 2, fire, additionnal weapon, dragonbane gem, dispel scroll, potion of speed, 192
8 Ironguts: FCG, look out gnoblar, standard of discipline, 394
8 Ironguts: musician, 354
5 Mournfang cavalries: musician, heavy armours, ironfists, 360
5 Mournfang cavalries: musician, heavy armours, ironfists, 360
3x1 Sabertusk, 21x3
2x1 Gorger, 90x2
1 Iron blaster, 170
Total : 2 400

Hugo Couval, The Empire
1 Wizard lord: lvl 4, life, dispel scroll, 225
1 Warrior priest on barding warhorse: General, heavy armour, shield, dragonbane gem, 90
1 Captain of the Empire on barding warhorse: BSB, heavy armour, shield, dragonhelm, crown of command, warrior bane, 155
1 Battle wizard: lvl 1, shadow, 65
13 Knights of inner circle: FCG, standard of discipline, 370
28 Spearmen: musician, champion, 160
- detachement of 5 Empire archers, 35
- detachement of 5 Empire archers, 35
5 Demigryph knights: musician, 300
5 Demigryph knights: musician, 300
3 Demigryph knights: 174
1 Great canon, 120
1 Great canon, 120
1 Steam tank, 250
Total : 2 399

Nils "SirProxALot" Reinke (c) Dwarfs
Runelord on Anvil of Doom: General, Shield, Rune of the Furnace, Spelleater Rune, Spelleater Rune, Rune of Stone, Rune of Resistance, 453
Thane: BSB, Master Rune of Gromril, Master Rune of Challenge, Rune of Brotherhood, Rune of Fire, 165
Master Engineer: 70
Master Engineer: 70
25 Quarreller Rangers: FCG, Great Weapon, 375
10 Quarrellers: Musician, Great Weapon, 135
10 Quarrellers: Musician, Great Weapon, 135
1 Cannon: Engineer, Rune of Forging, 140
1 Grudge Thrower: Engineer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating, Rune of Penetrating, 170
1 Grudge Thrower: Engineer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating, Rune of Burning, 150
21 Miners: Standard, Musician, 246
20 Miners: Standard, Musician, 235
5 Miners: 55
Total: 2399

Oliver "Lipizzaner" Linke, Skaven
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell: General, lvl 4, Spells of Plague, Spells of Ruin, Fencer's Blades, Skalm, Power Scroll, 540
Chieftain: BSB, Halberd, Banner of Eternal Flame, 82
Warlock Engineer: Doomrocket, 45
Warlock Engineer: lvl 1, Spells of Ruin, Dispell Scroll, 90
Warlock Engineer: 15
Assassin: Sword of Anti-Heroes, The other Trickster's Shard, Charmed Shield, 170
Assassin: Weeping Blade, Potion of Strength, 170
39 Storm Vermin: FCG, Storm Banner, 348
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, Champion, 86
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, Champion, 86
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, Champion, 86
10 Gutter Runners: Slings, Poisoned Attacks, 180
9 Gutter Runners: Slings, Poisoned Attacks, 162
1 Hell Pit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes, 250
1 Warp Lightning Cannon: 90
Total: 2400

Gerd "Kah-thurak" Kochem, Vampire Counts
Vampire Lord: General, lvl 1, Vampires, Red Fury, Quickblood, Shield, Sword of Might, Talisman of Preservation, Glittering Scales, 393
Necromancer Lord: lvl 4, Death, 200
Wight King: BSB, Heavy Armour, Sword of Anti-Heroes, The other Trickster's Shard, Charmed Shield, 160
Necromancer: lvl 1, Vampires, Dispel Scroll, 90
Necromancer: lvl 1, Vampires, Obsidian Lodestone, 110
Cairn Wraith: 60
Cairn Wraith: 60
Cairn Wraith: 60
39 Crypt Ghouls: Champion, 400
30 Zombies: Musician, Standard, 100
30 Zombies: Musician, Standard, 100
8 Vargheists: Champion, 378
2 Fell Bats: 32
2 Fell Bats: 32
1 Terrorgheist: 225
Total: 2400

Florian Biastoch "Great_Unclean_One", Lizardmen
Slann Mage-Priest: General, lvl 4, Shadow, Focus of Mystery, Dispel Scroll, 300
Slann Mage-Priest: BSB, lvl 4, Shadow, Focused Rumination, 300
38 Saurus Warriors: FCG, 448
38 Saurus Warriors: FCG, 448
22 Skinks: Musician, 116
10 Skinks: Musician, 56
10 Skinks: Musician, 56
5 Chameleon Skinks: 60
5 Chameleon Skinks: 60
5 Chameleon Skinks: 60
3 Teradon Riders: 90
3 Teradon Riders: 90
3 Teradon Riders: 90
3 Salamander: 225
Total: 2399

Michael "Chaosbiene" Geringer, Dark Elves
Dreadlord: General, Executioner's Axe, Blood Armor, Potion of Speed, 240
Supreme Sorceress: lvl 4, Fire, Obsidian Loadstone, Dispel Scroll, 330
Death Hag: Cauldron of Blood, 200
Master: BSB, Heavy Armor, Sea Dragon Cloak, Great Weapon, Standart of Hag Graef, 152
Master on Dark Pegasus: Heavy Armor, Sea Dragon Cloak, Great Weapon, Dragonhelm, Potion of Foolhardiness, Pendant of Khaeleth, 192
30 Black Arc Corsairs: FCG, Repeater Hand Bow, Banner of Murder, 350
+Dark Elf Assassin: 2nd Hand Weapon, Manbane, Rending Star, 151
38 Dark Elf Warriors: FCG, Banner of the Eternal Flame, 253
5 Harpies: 55
5 Harpies: 55
15 Shades: Great Weapon, 270
+Dark Elf Assassin: 2nd Hand Weapon, Manbane, Rending Star, 151
Total: 2399

Norman "Dr_Eist" Susilo, Bretonia
Bretonnian Lord on Pegasus: General, Virtue of Heroism, The Heartwood Lance, Dragonbane Gem, Enchanted Shield, 250
Prophetess of the Lady on Steed: lv l4, Heaven, Crown of Command, The Silver Mirror, 315
Paladin on Barded Warhorse: BSB, Shield, Lance, Mantel of Elena, Gromril Great Helm, 130
Paladin on Barded Warhorse: Lance, Shield, Dawnstone, Dragonhelm, 115
Paladin on Barded Warhorse: Warrior Bane, Shield, 81
Paladin on Barded Warhorse: Morning Star, Shield, 78
Damsel of the Lady on Steed: lvl 1, Beasts, Feedback Scroll, 130
11 Knights of the Realm: Musician, Standard, Banner of Eternal Flame, 298
12 Knights of the Realm: Musician, Standard, Standard of Discipline 327
3 Pegasus Knights: 165
3 Pegasus Knights: 165
3 Pegasus Knights: 165
1 Field Trebuchet: 90
1 Field Trebuchet: 90
Total: 2399

Johannes "Puppenspieler" Mohr, Daemons of Chaos
Herald of Khorne: General, 100
Herald of Khorne: Firestormblade, 125
Herald of Khorne: BSB, Armour of Khorne, Great Standard of Sundering, 190
Herald of Tzeentch: lvl 2, Heaven, Spellbreaker, Master of sorcery, 165
29 Bloodletters: FCG, Icon of Endless War, 403
28 Bloodletters: FCG, 366
28 Bloodletters: FCG, 366
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Chaos Furies: 60
8 Fiends of Slaanesh: 440
1 Fiends of Slaanesh: 55
Total: 2390

Tore "Langbart" Plennis, Empire
Wizard Lord on Steed: General, lvl 4, Life, Crown of Command, Dispel Scroll, 278
Wizard Lord on Steed: lvl 4, Light, Obsidian Amulett, 248
Captian of the Empire on Pegasus: BSB, Full Plate Armour, Shield, Dawnstone, Biting Blade, Dragonhelm, 183
13 Knights of the Inner Circle, FCG, Standard of Discipline, 370
5 Knights of the Order, Musician, 120
5 Knights of the Order: 110
1 Great Cannon: 120
1 Great Cannon: 120
6 Demigryph Knights, Musician, 358
4 Demigryph Knights, Musician, 242
1 Steam Tank: 250
Total: 2399

-Dimitris Kapareliotis "Darlok" Skaven, Captain
Grey Seer on screaming bell: general, L4,Ruin/Plague, Skalm, dragonbane gem, power scroll 510 Pts
Chieftain: BSB, banner of the undermpire, Heavy armour, 95 Pts
Assassin: weeping blade, potion of strength 170 Pts
Warlock Engineer L1, Ruin, dispell scroll 90 Pts
Warlock Engineer: L1, Ruin, doomrocket, scroll of shielding 110 Pts
Chieftain: halberd, Heavy Armour 47 Pts
30 Stormvermins: FCG, shields, stormbanner 315 Pts
-Poison Wind Mortar: 65 Pts
30 Skavenslaves: shields, musician 77 Pts
30 Skavenslaves: shields, musician 77 Pts
30 Skavenslaves: shields, musician 77 Pts
5 giant rats/1 packmaster: 23 Pts
5 giant rats/1 packmaster: 23 Pts
5 poison wind globadiers: 50 Pts
5 poison wind globadiers: 50 Pts
5 gutter runners: poison attacks, slings 90 Pts
5 gutter runners: poison attacks, slings 90 Pts
1 Hell Pit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes 250 Pts
1 Warp Lightning Cannon: 90 Pts
1 Plagueclaw Catapult: 100 Pts
Total:2399 Pts

-Konstantinos Laimos "Zilda" Bretonnia
1 Bretonnian Lord on Royal Pegasus: General, Heavy Armour,Shield,Knightly Vow, Virtue of Heroism,Dragonhelm,Sword of Swift Slaying,Dawn Stone, 263 Pts
1 Prophetess of the Lady on Warhorse: L4, Lore of Heaven, Dispel Scroll, Crown of Command, 300 Pts
1 Paladin on Warhorse: BSB, Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Gromril Great Helm, Mantle of Damsel Elena 130 Pts
1 Paladin on Warhorse: Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Knightly Vow, Falcon Horn of Fredemund 125 Pts
1 Paladin on Warhorse: Heavy Armour, Shield, Knightly Vow, Warrior Bane, Dragonbane Gem 86 Pts
10 Men-at-Arms: 50 Pts
10 Knights of the Realm: FCG, Banner of the Eternal Flame 274 Pts
11 Knights Errant: FCG, Standard of Discipline 256 Pts
11 Knights Errant: FCG 241 Pts
3x3 Pegasus Knights: Gallant 165 Pts x3
1 Field Trebuchet: 90 Pts
1 Field Trebuchet: 90 Pts
Total:2400 Pts

-Konstantinos Andreanos "Xereus" Dark Elves
1 Dreadlord: General, Executioner's Axe, Blood Armour, Potion of Speed 240 Pts
1 Supreme Sorceress: L4, Fire, Lifetaker, Dispel Scroll, Null Talisman (x3) 360 Pts
1 Death Hag on Cauldron of Blood: 200 Pts
1 Master: BSB, Great Weapon, Heavy armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Standard of Hag Graef 152 Pts
1 Master on Dark Pegasus: Heavy armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Pendant of Khaeleth, Soulrender 190 Pts
1 Dark Elf Assassin: extra hand weapon, Manbane, Rending Stars 151 Pts
1 Dark Elf Assassin: extra hand weapon, Manbane, Rending Stars 151 Pts
1 Dark Elf Assassin: extra hand weapon, Manbane, Rending Stars 151 Pts
35 Dark Elf Warriors: FCG, Banner of Murder 250 Pts
30 Dark Elf Warriors: FCG, Banner of Eternal Flame 356 Pts
15 Dark Elf Repeater Crossbowmen: Musician 155 Pts
5 Dark Riders: 85 Pts
5 Harpies: 55 Pts
5 Harpies: 55 Pts
Total: 2400 Pts

-Panagiotis Demiris "IronMan" Dwarfs
1 Runelord on Anvil of Doom: General, Shield, Master Rune of Balance 368 Pts
1 Dragon Slayer: 50 Pts
1 Dragon Slayer: 50 Pts
1 Dragon Slayer: 50 Pts
1 Dragon Slayer: 50 Pts
1 Master Engineer: 70 Pts
1 Thane: BSB, Rune of Fire, Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Master Rune of Challenge, Rune of the Furnace 165 Pts
13 Thunderers: 182 Pts
10 Thunderers: 140 Pts
20 Quarreller: Rangers, Musician, Crossbows 285 Pts
1 Dwarf Cannon: Engineer, Rune of Burning, Rune of Forging 145 Pts
1 Grudge Thrower: Engineer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Burning, Rune of Penetrating 150 Pts
1 Grudge Thrower: Engineer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating (x2) 170 Pts
20 Hammerers: FCG, Rune of Slowness 320 Pts
15 Miners: Musician, Champion, Steamdrill 205 Pts
Τotal:2400 Pts

-Edroulfo Espinoza "Asarnil" Empire
Archlector of Sigmar on Warhorse: General, Barding, Heavy Armour, Warrior Bane, Van Horstmann's Speculum, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield 223 Pts
Wizard Lord on Warhorse: L4, Light, Crown of Command, Scroll of Shielding 268 Pts
Captain of the Empire on Warhorse: BSB, Full Plate, Shield, Obsidian Amulet, Dragonhelm, Biting Blade 155 Pts
Battle Wizard: L1, Light, Dispel Scroll 90 Pts
Battle Wizard on Warhorse: L1, Light, Ironcurse Icon 82 Pts
12 Knight of the Inner Circle: FCG, Standard of Discipline 345 Pts
5 Knights: Musician, 120 Pts
12 Crossbowmen: 108 Pts, Detachment I: 5 Archers 35 Pts
4 Demigryphs: Lances, Musician 242 Pts
4 Demigryphs: Lances, Musician 242 Pts
1 Great Cannon: 120 Pts
1 Great Cannon: 120 Pts
1 Steam Tank: 250 Pts
Total: 2399 Pts

-Dimitris Kasdovasilis "Laskoulas" Tomb Kings
1 Liche High Priest: General, L4, Light, Dispel Scroll 235 Pts
1 Liche High Priest: Hierophant, L4, Nehekhara, Sceptre of Stability 225 Pts
1 Liche Priest: L1, Light, Scroll of Shielding 85 Pts
1 Liche Priest: L1, Light 70 Pts
20 Skeleton Warriors: Musician , Champion 100 Pts
5 Skeleton Horse Αrchers: 70 Pts
6 Skeleton Chariots: Musician 340 Pts
19 Skeleton Archers: 114 Pts
10 Skeleton Archers: 60 Pts
6 Necropolis Knights: Musician, Champion 410 Pts
5 Necropolis Knights: Musician, Champion 345 Pts
1 Warsphinx, Fiery Roar: 230 Pts
1 Screaming Skull Catapult: 90 Pts
1 Screaming Skull Catapult: 90 Pts
1 Casket of Souls: 135 pts
Total : 2600 Pts

Theodoratos Makis "Daemonkin" Vampire Counts
1 Vampire Lord: General, L1, Vampires, heavy armour, Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Potion of Strength, Red Fury, Quickblood 374 Pts
1 Master Necromancer: L4, Vampires, Dispel Scroll 225 Pts
35 Crypt Ghouls: Ghast 360 Pts
28 Skeleton Warriors: FCG, Banner of the Eternal Flame 180 Pts
20 Zombies: Musician 65 Pts
7 Crypt Horrors: 266 Pts
7 Crypt Horrors: 266 Pts
2 Fell Bats: 32 Pts
2 Fell Bats: 32 Pts
3x1 Spirit Host: 45 Ptsx3
1 Mortis Engine: Blasphemous Tome 240 Pts
1 Terrorgheist: 225 Pts
Total: 2400 Pts

Chaos Lord of Tzeentch on Barded Chaos Steed: General, Shield, Sword of Antiheros, Talisman of Preservation, Helm of Many Eyes, Bloodcurdling Roar, Stream of Corruption 394 Pts
Exalted Hero of Tzeentch on Barded Chaos Steed: BSB, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Endurance, The Other Tricksters Shard 211 Pts
Exalted Hero of Tzeentch on Barded Chaos Steed: Halberd, Dragonhelm, Collar of Khorne, Potion of Foolhardiness 180 Pts
Chaos Sorcerer: L2, Fire, Necrotic Phylactery, Infernal Puppet, Ironcurse Icon, 3rd Eye of Tzeentch 195 Pts
23 Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch: Halberds, Shields, musician, standard, Standard of Discipline 444 Pts
24 Chaos Marauders of Khorne: champion, musician, Flails 162 Pts
10 Chaos Marauders of Slaanesh: Flails, musician 64 Pts
9 Chaos Knights of Tzeentch: Standard, Musician, Blasted Standard 450 Pts
1 Warshrine of Tzeentch: 150 Pts
1 Warshrine of Tzeentch: 150 Pts
Total: 2400 Pts

Gabor Kovacs ©, Orc & Goblins
Savage Orc Great Shaman: lvl 4, Big Waaaagh, Fencer's Blade, Dispel
Scroll, Potion of Speed, Obsidian Amulet, 300
Black Orc Big Boss: general, heavy armour, shield, Talisman of
Preservation, Warrior Bane, 142
Savage Orc Big Boss: BSB, great weapon, Standard of Discipline, 119
Savage Orc Shaman: lvl 2, Big Waaaagh, Lucky Shrunken Head, 155
20 Night Goblins: 3 Fanatics, 135
30 Night Goblins: Musician, 100
24 Savage Orc: FCG, Big 'Uns, extra hand weapons, 299
5 Goblin Wolf Riders: Musician, 60
5 Goblin Wolf Riders: Musician, 60
3x 2 Goblin Wolf Chariots: 100x3
1 Troll: 35
1 Troll: 35
6 Troll: 210
1 Mangler Squigs: 65
1 Mangler Squigs: 65
2X 1 Doom Diver: 80 x2
2x1 Rock Lobba: 85x2
2x1 Pump wagon: 45x2
Total: 2500

Kristof Eck, Warriors of Chaos
Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch on Disc of Tzeentch: lvl 4, Tzeentch, Mark
of Tzeentch,Chaos Armour, Talisman of Preservation, Infernal Puppet,
Biting Blade, Dragonhelm, Stream of Corruption, 425
Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch on Disc of Tzeentch: lvl 1, Tzeentch, Mark
of Tzeentch, Chaos Armour, Golden Eye of Tzeentch, Charmed Shield,
Sword of Might, Bloodcurdling Roar, 195
Exalted Hero of Tzeentch: General, Mark of Mark of Tzeentch, Chaos Armour, Shield, Glaive of Putrefaction, Potion of Strength, Luckstone, 175
Exalted Hero of Tzeentch: BSB, Mark of Tzeentch, Chaos Armour,
Enchanted Shield, Collar of Khorne, Favour of the Gods, 190
22 Chaos Marauders of Khorne: FCG, Mark of Khorne, Flail, 160
6 Marauder Horsemen of Khorne: Musican, Mark of Khorne, Flails,
Throwing Axes, Light Armour, 144
6 Marauder Horsemen of Khorne: Musican, Mark of Khorne, Flails,
Throwing Axes, Light Armour, 144
20 Chaos Warriors of Nurgle: FCB, Halberd, Shield, 400
1 Hellcannon: 205
1 Chaos Warshrine of Tzeentch: Mark of Tzeentch, 150
1 Chaos Warshrine of Tzeentch: Mark of Tzeentch, 150
5 Chaos Warhounds: 30
5 Chaos Warhounds: 30
Total: 2398

Attila Jeles, Skaven Army
1 Grey Seer: General, lvl 4, Ruin, Power Scroll, 275
1 Warlord: Heavy Armour, Shield, The Fellblade, 193
1 Chieftain: BSB, Halberd, Heavy Armour, Shield, Banner of the Eternal Flame, 84
1 Plague Priest on Plague Furnace: lvl2, Plague, Flail, Opal Amulet,
Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, 334
27 Plague Monks: FCG, Plague Banner, 251
1 Warlock Engineer: Doom Rocket, 45
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, Champion, Shields, 106
24 Clanrats: FCG, Shields, Poisoned Wind Mortar, 188.5
6 Gutter Runners: 72
30 Stormvermin: FCG, Razor Standard, Doom-flayer, 335
6 Giant Rats: Packmaster, 26
1 Hellpit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes, 250
1 Doomwheel: 150
1 Warp-lightning Warp Cannon: 90
Total Army Cost: 2399.5
Peter Kisváradi, High Elves
Prince on Star Dragon: general, great weapon, Armour of Caledor,
Vambraces of Defence, Ironcurse Icon, 617
Mage: lvl 2, High magic, Annulian Crystal, 175
Mage: lvl 2, Fire, Skeinsliver, Dispell scroll, 180
Noble on Great Eagle: BSB, great weapon, shield, Dragon Armour,
Talisman of Preservation, 221
30 Spear Elves: FCG, 295
33 Spear Elves: First Elves, FCG, Banner of Eternal Flame, 332
20 White Lions: FCG, Banner of Sorcery, Amulet of Light, Dragonbane Gem, 400
5 Shadow Warriors: 80
1 Great Eagle: 50
1 Great Eagle: 50
1 Great Eagle: 50
1 Great Eagle: 50
Total: 2500
Dániel Orosz, Empire
Grand Master on warhorse: General, Barding, Full Plate Armor, Shield,
Runefang, The Other Tricksters Shard, 259
Wizard Lord on warhorse: lvl 4, Heaven, Barding, Dispel Scroll, 249
Captain of the Empire on Warhorse: BSB, Barding, Lance, Full Plate
Armor, Shield, Talisman of Preservation, 161
Warrior Priest on warhorse: Heavy Armour, Shield, Barding, 85
Master Engineer: 65
15 Knights of the Inner Circle: FCG, Razor Standard, 450
6 Knightly Orders: Standard, Musician, 152
3 Demigryph Knights: Musician, 184
3 Demigryph Knights: Musician, 184
1 Steam Tank: 250
1 Helblaster Volley Gun: 120
1 Great Cannon: 120
1 Great Cannon: 120
Total: 2399
Richárd Lambert, Chaos Dwarfs
Daemonsmith Sorcerer: General, lvl 2, Metal, Blackshard Armour, Enscrolled hand weapon, Talisman of Preservation, Enchanted Shield, 180
Daemonsmith Sorcerer: lvl2, Fire, Blackshard Armour, Enscrolled hand weapon, Dispel Scroll, Talisman of Protection, Dragonhelm, 180
Dark Castellan: BSB, Pistol, Blackshard Armour, Shield, The Mask of the Furnace, Biting Blade, 212
23 Chaos Dwarf Inferal Guard: Standard, Musician, Hailshot
Blunderbuss, Standard of Discipline, 449
10 Chaos Dwarf Inferal Guard: Musician, Fireglaives, 180
3 Bull Centaurs Renders: FCG, Great Weapons, Heavy Armour, Shields, 190
3 Bull Centaurs Renders: Musician, Champion, Great Weapons, Heavy
Armour, Shields, 180
1 Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher: Hellbound, 125
1 Magma Cannon: Hellbound, 170
1 Hellcannon: 205
1 K'daai Destroyer: 325
Total: 2396

Balazs Kuno Kiss, Lizardmen
Slann Mage-Priest: general, bsb, lvl4, Light, Focus of Mystery, Dispell Scroll, 325
Slann Mage-Priest: lvl4, Light, Focused Rumination, 275
10 Skink Skirmishers: Javelin, Shield, 80
10 Skink Skirmishers: Javelin, Shield, 80
30 Saurus Warriors: Standard, Musician, 348
20 Saurus Warriors: Standard, Musician, 238
5 Chameleon Skinks: 60
10 Chameleon Skinks: 120
10 Chameleon Skinks: 120
26 Temple Guard: Standard, Musician, 437
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Salamander Hunting Pack: 225

Szabolcs Fekete Páris, Dwarfs
Runelord on Anvil of Doom: General, Two handed weapon, Gromir armour,
shield, Master Rune of Balance, Rune of Furnance, Stone rune, 379
Thane: BSB, Gromir armour, Shield, Rune of Resistance, Stone rune,
Rune of might, Rune of fire, Rune of Furnance, 152
Master Engineer: Two handed weapon, Gromir armour, Stone rune, 79
29 Warriors: FCG, Two handed weapon, 315
30 Warriors: FCG, Two handed weapon, 325
30 Hammerer: FCG, Rune of battle, 415
20 Miners: FCG, Steamdrill, 270
1 Grudge thrower: Engineer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of penetratingX2, 170
1 Grudge thrower: Engineer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of penetrating,
Burning rune, 150
1 Cannon: Engineer, Burning rune, Rune of Forging, 145
Total: 2400