kilka pytań o Chaos Dwarfy
Moderator: esgaroth
- Cauliflower
- Ciśnieniowiec
- Posty: 7659
- Lokalizacja: Ordin, Warszawa, Polska, Świat
Titan Forge pewnie wyda wcześniej.malfoj pisze:Wiadomo kiedy bedzie model Kadaia ? Lub czy wgl będzie ?
malfoj pisze:Ty to zawsze musisz kogos upokorzyc przy stole

Kolejny update (emailowy) do FAQ by FW, tym razem bullcentaury i ich włocznie, na plus imho

źródło >klik<Bull Centaurs
Q. Do Bull Centaurs use spears as infantry models (Fight In an Extra Rank as implied in the rulebook) or are they fight to get the Strength bonus when charging like cavalry? I assume the second option was intended but unless FAQed ruleswise they are treated like infantry.
A. We consulted them (the book team) regarding the spears for the Bull Centaurs and they said that the best way would be for them to gain the same benefits as cavalry when amed in this way. (Email Tue 11th Apr 2013)
Chaos Dwarfs (2400p)
Chalice or Sorcerer Prophet. Chalice of darkness counts as 2 PD.
Iron daemon counts as war machine, K'daii destroyer counts as 2 war machines.
Prophet with death lore/Hellcannon/K'daii destroyer, max 2 in total.
Ograniczenia nowego drafta wip 3
Moje CHD idą na półkę bo juz nic sensownego nie wymyśle...
Chalice or Sorcerer Prophet. Chalice of darkness counts as 2 PD.
Iron daemon counts as war machine, K'daii destroyer counts as 2 war machines.
Prophet with death lore/Hellcannon/K'daii destroyer, max 2 in total.
Ograniczenia nowego drafta wip 3
Moje CHD idą na półkę bo juz nic sensownego nie wymyśle...
” Rozejrzyj się dookoła. Zobaczysz ludzi, bez których ten świat byłby lepszy.”
Death Note
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Death Note
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