Moderatorzy: Albo_Albo, Asassello
malo ze ciekawa, to obowiazkowa opcja 

- efferus lupus
- "Nie jestem powergamerem"
- Posty: 141
To fajnie w końcu trzeba odkurzyć ten box i ich skleić i pomalować
Mam też pytanie o honor Queen's Handmaiden. Czy +1 bs -1 atak ld 9 Moonlight Arrows and Bow odnosi się do bohatera czy także do jednostki łuczników w której walczy ?

Gdzie macie zapis ze oni maja poisony? W najnowszym pliku nix nie ma na ten temat (oprócz herosa shadow warriora)
- efferus lupus
- "Nie jestem powergamerem"
- Posty: 141
Do pytanie o Queen's Handmaiden które jest wyżej chciałbym zadać jeszcze jedno czy save z innate defence dodaje się do sava z armora ? tzn czy dając bohaterowi lion fur i heavy armor mam save na 5+ czy 4+ ?
do armora dodajesz normalnie
Innate Defence
A model can only use one instance of Innate Defence,
use the best available Innate Defence.
- Innate Defence (6+): +1
- Innate Defence (5+): +2
- Innate Defence (4+): +3
Innate Defence
A model can only use one instance of Innate Defence,
use the best available Innate Defence.
- Innate Defence (6+): +1
- Innate Defence (5+): +2
- Innate Defence (4+): +3
"Our weapons cut through them like blade through air!"
"Double or nothing, aim for his cock"
"Double or nothing, aim for his cock"
- efferus lupus
- "Nie jestem powergamerem"
- Posty: 141
Witam chciałbym potestować 9 edycje, ale proszę o rozwianie wątpliwości czy Swordmasterzy/White Lions biją po inicjatywie ? (tak jak w 8 edycji ASF i ASL się znoszą tak w 9 edycji znosi się ASL i LR ) drugie pytanie czy honor Queen's Handmaiden działa tylko na bohater czy także na oddział w którym walczy ?
- efferus lupus
- "Nie jestem powergamerem"
- Posty: 141
ok dzięki:) czyli +1 do bs -1 atak ld 9 multiple shot moonlight arrow oraz bow odnoszą sie tylko do bohatera ?
- Dark Kluku
- Wałkarz
- Posty: 95
- Lokalizacja: Podkowa Leśna
Jest taka możliwość, aby wyjść lordem z oddziału i w tej samej turze tym oto bohaterem zaszarżować?
Design Changes
3 Magic Items
a) Lion Axe 40 points
Type: Hand Weapon. Strength = Target's Toughness +1. Multiple Wounds (2, MI, MB, MC, Monsters, Ridden Monsters).
After the major limitation of the Shard of Nullification and lots of comments from the community to have a Close Combat weapon for HE we have decided to drop Shard of Nullification for this.
b) Banner of Dragon's Embrace 50 points
All Dragons within 12” have the Stubborn Special Rule. In addition, the bearer and his unit have the Ward Save (5+)Special Rule against ranged attacks and Ward Save (6+) Special Rule against close combat attacks.
All Dragons within 12” have the Stubborn Special Rule. In addition, the bearer and his unit has +1 to all its Ward Save, to a maximum of Ward Save (5+) and are immune to the effects of Toxic Attacks and Hellfire Special Rules. If the unit does not have a Ward Save to begin with it will get Ward Save (6+). If the unit already has Ward Save (4+) Special Rule or better they are instead immune to the effects of Holy Attacks, .
Complete change. We changed it to make it useful for all units in the army book
Keep of the Flame: Immune to Toxic Attacks, Hellfire and Holy Attack
Sword Master: Immune to Toxic Attacks, Immune to Hellfire and Ward Save (5+) [shooting & cc only] Ward Save (6+) against magic
Lion Guard: Immune to Toxic Attacks, Immune to Hellfire and Ward Save (6+)
Knights of the Dragon Realm: Immune to Toxic Attacks, Immune to Hellfire and Ward Save (5+)
The current iteration didn't synergise at all for Keeper of the Flames and Knights of the Dragon Realm.
c) Banner of the Path 30 points
All Wizards within the unit receive +1 to Cast. In addition, Banner of Path contains the following spell: Drain Magic.Bound Power Level 4. Type: Range: Caster’s unit. Duration: Instant. All spells with Duration Lasts one Turn or Remainsin Play on Target immediately ends.
The bearer is a Level 1 Wizard but does not generate spells. 25 points
Dropped Drain Magic Bound spell and changed it to a bound spell similar to that of SE-Treesinging. The banner has been reworked to be item to "aid dispel / aid cast". Been in the same unit and for 50 points means putting your mage into a unit of Lion Guard, Keeper of the Flame, Sword Master and Knights of the Dragon which means putting the mage in a combat units and in dangerous spots.
Drain Magic
Bound Spell, Power Level 4, Range: 24", Type: Augment, Hex, Duration: Instant. All spell with Duration Lasts one Turn or Remains in Play on Target immediately ends. Shield of the Ancient (Path of the White Mage is cast automatically as the Path Attribute.
Only available as a bound spell for Archmage / Mage for 25 points,
Taken out from the Banner of Path and changed as a bound spell similar to that of SE-Tree Singing. Keeping it consist with SE-Tree Singing but giving it a range for play-ability as community feedback has indicated that it has limited play.
d) Cloak of Stars
Cloak of Stars 25 points
Spells cast against the bearer or his unit suffer -2 to their casting roll.
Cloak of Stars 30 points
Ranged Attacks against wearer's unit are resolved at -1 Strength.
Balance Board feedback suggest this item is too good for it's price (i.e too cheap), but feedback from the community see it rarely used. Instead we propose to change it to have a defensive use to tie into our theme as the "defensive" elves of the three.
Balance Changes
1 Raider's Bow
Raider’s Bow 25 points
Type: Longbow . Range 30”, Strength: As user +1 , Multiple Shots (3).
Multiple Shot (4) if the model already has the Multiple Shot Special Rule.
At the moment this item has no synergy/useless with Queen's Handmaiden because Queen's Handmaiden currently has multiple shot (3) (same as the Raider's Bow). So in order to make it more viable / attractive we propose to add the rule above.
2 Gleaming Robes
Mage or Archmage only. Wearer has Ethereal Special Rule. Bearer and his mount may not make attacks, or take Magic Weapons
Cannot be taken on Ridden Monsters
Some confusion with Etheral Rules. Would like to add the following rules to avoid it.
3 Hawk Chariot
Hawk Chariot 65 points1 model, may add up to 2 models 65 points/model
Chariot - - - 4 4 4 - - -
Crew (2) - 4 4 3 - - 5 1 8
Hawk (1) 2 4 - 4 - - 4 1 -
50x100mm base
Light Lance
Coastal Repeater:
This is a Volley Gun Artillery Weapon with the following profile:
Range 24", Strength 3, Armour Piercing (1), Multiple Shots (5)
Light Armour
Army Special Rules:
Martial Discipline and Lightning Reflexes (Crew only)
Special Rules:
Fly (9), Quick to Fire and Free Reform
Coastal Reaper25
Coastal Reaper:
The Coastal Repeater may also fire as a Bolt Thrower Artillery Weapon with the following profile:
Range 24", Strength 5, Multiple Wounds (D3), Armour Piercing (6)
Drop Quick-to-fire for BS 5
DE-Harpoon Chariots are exactly the same as our Hawk Chariot, but they have BS5.
4 Shadow Watchers
Shadow Watchers
80 points 5 models, may add up to 7 models 16 points/model
Light Armour
Army Special Rules:
Martial Discipline and Lightning Reflexes
Special Rules:
Skirmishers and Scout
Shadow Watcher’s shooting weapons gain
Poisoned Attacks
SE-Sentinels are 16ppm (including scouts) but they are Longbow with AP(1). DE-Shadow Stalkers are 16 ppm with 24" MS(2) and AP(1).
5 Martial Discipline
Martial DisciplineModels with this special rule test to make Leadership Tests on three dice, and may discard the highest. This rule cannotbe used for Panic Tests nor Break Tests.
If a High Prince or High Captain without an Honour is a unit, the unit make take Panic Test on three dice, and may discard the highest.
Want to increase the attractiveness of honour-less characters.
Według tego nie może wstać, bo wynika to z jego special rules a tutaj jest wyraźny zapis że special rules nie mogą tego zmienić.If any Pursuing Unit rolls an equal or higher Pursuit Distance
than the Flee Distance of the Unit it is pursuing, the Fleeing Unit is destroyed. Remove that Unit from the game;
no saves or special rules can save it.
Na dodatek jest zapis destroyed a nie remove as casulaty, a w wording fenixa wspomina o sytuacji kiedy jest zdjęty jako casualty.
- Azurix
- Szef Wszystkich Szefów
- Posty: 3007
- Lokalizacja: Łódź Klub:"Ośmiornica Łódzka" Stowarzyszenie:"Wargaming"
Ale zasada specjalna Feniksa to Reborn, który aktywuje się dopiero na początku swojej tury, a nie "Save". Oba stany "Removed as Casualty" i "Destroyed" mogę oznaczać to samo, tylko innymi słowami zostały wyrażone, więc tutaj to bym raczej poczekał na uściślenie 

Azurix pisze:Ale zasada specjalna Feniksa to Reborn, który aktywuje się dopiero na początku swojej tury, a nie "Save". Oba stany "Removed as Casualty" i "Destroyed" mogę oznaczać to samo, tylko innymi słowami zostały wyrażone, więc tutaj to bym raczej poczekał na uściślenie
"Remove that Unit from the game;
no saves or special rules can save it.
Special rules jakim jest "Reborn" nie może go uchować przed "Remove from the Game". Proste