Rozpa na EURO/ETC
Re: Rozpa na EURO/ETC
jankiel, fajnie, ze masz championow od kusznikow, jako zaloge
Ale i tak wole swoje :*

Z życia europejskiego battlowca: "im going to play on UB cause we have a bomb in school, so unexpectedly some free time".
Kanadian, a jakaś relacja z bitew?
Ja na razie z żadnej na nowe euro nie byłem do końca zadowolony (a działających rozpisek nie mam zamiaru kopiować
). Jak aktualną wklepię kilka masek, to się pochwalę 
Ja na razie z żadnej na nowe euro nie byłem do końca zadowolony (a działających rozpisek nie mam zamiaru kopiować

Warhammer Pro-Tip #2: If Purple Sun isn't winning the game for you, consider using it more.
Zadowolony to jeszcze nie jestem, ale rozpa zaczyna jakoś działać. A głównie mam na myśli że stwarzam sytuację aby wygrać, a nie tylko rozpaczliwie się bronie
. Jeszcze się muszę nauczyć tym grać.
Ok raporcik.
Mam narazie problem z pamiętaniem, aby robić zdjęcia co turę, z czasem wejdzie mi to w nawyk.
Raporcik jest po angielsku
I win first turn.
By now I'm regretting setting up my CoK where I did. And not where I originally, made room for them (on the other side of the temple).
I really hate large unit's of WL.
So the plan is, to rush him on the left. If I can, sneak the CoK past his WL by blocking them with warrior's. (for future notice STUPID idea) All in all ended up in keeping the WL from engaging my left flank.
My forces move up, I rush my rxb's forward to get in to range, LESSON 1: ruins are DT when marching, so I loose 3 rxb's before the battle start's
I wither the right archers, and in shooting kill 1/2 of them.

the evil HE counter
I fail to dispel "something" unmaking despite opponent's low roll, and me using more dice. In result I stopped enjoying ASF on CoK
Flames of the Fenix hit center rxb's, killing 1/2 of the unit
Shooting has my Hag Greaf Pegas to take 2w. A CoC is hit for 2w also.

Hag Greaf Pegas being mortally wounded decides to charge in and die in a blaze of glory
rest of the line advances.
CoK fail stupidity and stumble forward. Spear's advance to assist.
The dragon pegas, swallows the egg, his breath kill just enough WL to force a panic witch they fail, and should flee off of the left border edge
. Later my opponent remembers that vs DE he can re roll Ld test's. So they hold.
The peg makes short work of the RBT, and charges in to the flank of the archer's.

Ok raporcik.
Mam narazie problem z pamiętaniem, aby robić zdjęcia co turę, z czasem wejdzie mi to w nawyk.
Raporcik jest po angielsku
I win first turn.
By now I'm regretting setting up my CoK where I did. And not where I originally, made room for them (on the other side of the temple).
I really hate large unit's of WL.
So the plan is, to rush him on the left. If I can, sneak the CoK past his WL by blocking them with warrior's. (for future notice STUPID idea) All in all ended up in keeping the WL from engaging my left flank.
My forces move up, I rush my rxb's forward to get in to range, LESSON 1: ruins are DT when marching, so I loose 3 rxb's before the battle start's

I wither the right archers, and in shooting kill 1/2 of them.

the evil HE counter
I fail to dispel "something" unmaking despite opponent's low roll, and me using more dice. In result I stopped enjoying ASF on CoK

Flames of the Fenix hit center rxb's, killing 1/2 of the unit

Shooting has my Hag Greaf Pegas to take 2w. A CoC is hit for 2w also.

Hag Greaf Pegas being mortally wounded decides to charge in and die in a blaze of glory

rest of the line advances.
CoK fail stupidity and stumble forward. Spear's advance to assist.
The dragon pegas, swallows the egg, his breath kill just enough WL to force a panic witch they fail, and should flee off of the left border edge

The peg makes short work of the RBT, and charges in to the flank of the archer's.

Ostatnio zmieniony 21 lut 2012, o 15:29 przez Kanadian, łącznie zmieniany 4 razy.
One the pic. the right archers failed a panic test do to killed RBT, again my opponent remembers the reroll, and they are return later to take part in the battle.
During the magic faze my opponent uses smoke and mirror to place his bsb in to the archer unit, then challenging my dying peg master. As an answer to this my peg parry's all the traitor's blow's with his armor, bypassing his ward and manages to wound him. Unfortunately the the archers hold their ground, and reform.
Further magic and shooting bring damage to my CoC.

there is no time to loose, both chariot's and peg's charge the SM unit, the traitors are delta with swiftly, the rest of the unit along with the elven caster flees in shame from the battle field. Unfortunately the CoC is destroyed by the initial charge Smiley.
but my Knight's, give in to the laziness, and go stupid again stumbling 1" forward. Spear's move in to protect them, I just forget to angle away from the CoK Cry. While my General moves to support my army.
This magic faze I failed to cast a single spell. my Hag Greaf master finally fall's (more do to blood loos then the traitor's blow's Wink) and the archers reform to continue support fire.
The arc mage flees. After I took this pick, my opponent remembers of his reroll (I kept forgetting other stuff, andmy opponent had to remind me constantly, so it just him forgetting). We decided that, he can move his arch mage, so the coward run's of in to the spear unit.

I forgot to make a pick for my opponent's turn.
What happened, is my PoK was destroyed. and the RBT mortally wound's my BSB.
During this time them flames of Fenix continued to fry my brave Rxb's, until this turn, they were all killed (I didn't dispel it, because I didn't want it cast on another one of my unit's.) unfortunately the screaming of they freind's struck terror in to the left rxb's and they panic.
WL and spear's clash, despite their effort the warriors give in against the HE elite, and are run down by the evil WL, who then smash in to the innocent CoK.
During the magic faze my opponent uses smoke and mirror to place his bsb in to the archer unit, then challenging my dying peg master. As an answer to this my peg parry's all the traitor's blow's with his armor, bypassing his ward and manages to wound him. Unfortunately the the archers hold their ground, and reform.
Further magic and shooting bring damage to my CoC.

there is no time to loose, both chariot's and peg's charge the SM unit, the traitors are delta with swiftly, the rest of the unit along with the elven caster flees in shame from the battle field. Unfortunately the CoC is destroyed by the initial charge Smiley.
but my Knight's, give in to the laziness, and go stupid again stumbling 1" forward. Spear's move in to protect them, I just forget to angle away from the CoK Cry. While my General moves to support my army.
This magic faze I failed to cast a single spell. my Hag Greaf master finally fall's (more do to blood loos then the traitor's blow's Wink) and the archers reform to continue support fire.
The arc mage flees. After I took this pick, my opponent remembers of his reroll (I kept forgetting other stuff, andmy opponent had to remind me constantly, so it just him forgetting). We decided that, he can move his arch mage, so the coward run's of in to the spear unit.

I forgot to make a pick for my opponent's turn.
What happened, is my PoK was destroyed. and the RBT mortally wound's my BSB.
During this time them flames of Fenix continued to fry my brave Rxb's, until this turn, they were all killed (I didn't dispel it, because I didn't want it cast on another one of my unit's.) unfortunately the screaming of they freind's struck terror in to the left rxb's and they panic.
WL and spear's clash, despite their effort the warriors give in against the HE elite, and are run down by the evil WL, who then smash in to the innocent CoK.
Ostatnio zmieniony 21 lut 2012, o 15:33 przez Kanadian, łącznie zmieniany 2 razy.
here is a pick from the my charge faze
both of the peg's are blind with vengeance, The Khaeleth master is also out for revenge Grin and charges RBT. In the mean time the dragon peg, lowers his lance and head's strait for the traitores BSB. The CoC charge fail to reach the unit of spear's.
In the magic faze my general (death sorc.) Leeches the He bsb to death, before the Peg lance reaches him.
After dispatching of the RTB, the Pok'less peg master charges, to get some frags on the arches.
The CoK and WL, take it out on each other.

Again I forgot to make a snapshot.
What happened:
I lost both of my peg's, to archers Shocked Angry !!!!
Flames of Fenix, almost delete my sorc bunker, only the fine DE armor keep the unit alive.
Well my CoK fluff their attack's but hold.
Again I forgot to make a snapshot.
CoK are charged by the eagle but hold.
Archer target sorc bunker, killing some warrior's.
Again I forgot to make a snapshot.
my CoK fluff their atack's yet again, and brake (-1), and flee, WL try to catch my steed's. While my rxb's continue the fight.
both of the peg's are blind with vengeance, The Khaeleth master is also out for revenge Grin and charges RBT. In the mean time the dragon peg, lowers his lance and head's strait for the traitores BSB. The CoC charge fail to reach the unit of spear's.
In the magic faze my general (death sorc.) Leeches the He bsb to death, before the Peg lance reaches him.
After dispatching of the RTB, the Pok'less peg master charges, to get some frags on the arches.
The CoK and WL, take it out on each other.

Again I forgot to make a snapshot.
What happened:
I lost both of my peg's, to archers Shocked Angry !!!!
Flames of Fenix, almost delete my sorc bunker, only the fine DE armor keep the unit alive.
Well my CoK fluff their attack's but hold.
Again I forgot to make a snapshot.
CoK are charged by the eagle but hold.
Archer target sorc bunker, killing some warrior's.
Again I forgot to make a snapshot.
my CoK fluff their atack's yet again, and brake (-1), and flee, WL try to catch my steed's. While my rxb's continue the fight.
Ostatnio zmieniony 21 lut 2012, o 15:33 przez Kanadian, łącznie zmieniany 7 razy.
Finally My CoC makes it to the spear's, I fluff my roll's, and fail to kill any spear's, then chariot is smashed to pieces.
I charge the remaining right 4 rxb's, in to the flank of the eagle, who charged my CoK last turn.
My general is now really annoyed with the traitores mage, so she summons up her power to drain the traitor of his life force, with a IF, taking a wound and killing 3 warrior's in the process.

the cowardly
elves form a Congo line behind their general and charge my sorc. bunker. My general is tired, and since the traitors mage, and his apprentice are beaten, She elects to return home,
The WL charge the fleeing CoK, I roll a flee a further 10 despite the effort the WL are faster and are able to catch the CoK
and the eagal manages to kill the last of the rxb's.
I won, I finally did
. But since it's ETC rules I loose 50% VP for fleeing unit, and it turns out 12-8 loss
My opponent is a much, much, better player then me, with a better understanding of the ruses and is generally a tough opponent.
Despite this loss, I declare my self a moral winner, for the simple reason I finally got the army to work

I charge the remaining right 4 rxb's, in to the flank of the eagle, who charged my CoK last turn.
My general is now really annoyed with the traitores mage, so she summons up her power to drain the traitor of his life force, with a IF, taking a wound and killing 3 warrior's in the process.
the cowardly

The WL charge the fleeing CoK, I roll a flee a further 10 despite the effort the WL are faster and are able to catch the CoK

and the eagal manages to kill the last of the rxb's.
I won, I finally did

My opponent is a much, much, better player then me, with a better understanding of the ruses and is generally a tough opponent.
Despite this loss, I declare my self a moral winner, for the simple reason I finally got the army to work

Ostatnio zmieniony 21 lut 2012, o 15:36 przez Kanadian, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
A propos Biczów, faktycznie dają radę, wielkie dzięki.
Co do nauki gry, 2 duże czarki wymagają innego podejścia zarówno do dispella jaki i do wyboru czarów i rzucenia ich, z jedną dużą było łatwo, napierd ... ykała wszystkim czym mogła, a z dodatkowej czasem się jakiś czar puściło.
Do tego za szybko wpadam pegazami bez wsparcia, za często się to mści i giną.
Co do nauki gry, 2 duże czarki wymagają innego podejścia zarówno do dispella jaki i do wyboru czarów i rzucenia ich, z jedną dużą było łatwo, napierd ... ykała wszystkim czym mogła, a z dodatkowej czasem się jakiś czar puściło.
Do tego za szybko wpadam pegazami bez wsparcia, za często się to mści i giną.
Ostatnio zmieniony 21 lut 2012, o 15:47 przez Kanadian, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
Ha Ha, faktycznie po wylogowaniu to zdjęć nie widać.
teraz lepiej?
teraz lepiej?
To dziwne na mozzili wszystko jest Ok, na explorerze nie widać.
Wrzucam na ftp'a i zmienię linki, powinno być dobrze.
I jak?
I jak?
ale HE ma tylko 1.
Przeniosłem wątek do działu który jest do tego odpowiedni.
kangur022 pisze: Ze niby czarodziejki są szpetne ?
dzikki pisze:Wypadki z kotłem się zdarzają ;] , nożem rytualnym można się skaleczyć jak się ofiara poruszy. Tudzież jakieś obmierzłe praktyki seksualne.
Kacpi 1998 pisze:te praktyki to chyba z użyciem cegły...
Bardzo chętnie, tylko jeszcze nie wiem jak będzie mój weekend wyglądał, Szykuje się na targi poznańskie które są w Poniedziałek, a dziś mnie grypa rozłożyła i zostałem w domu, jutro postaram się do firmy wpaść i oszacować opóźnienia.
DobreGlegut pisze:w sumie to troche smiechowe że HE moga dac 3 hero na orłach i do tego wstawić 4 orełki.
U nas analogiczna sytuacja nie ma racji bytu bo komuś sie nie spodobała (widocznie była mocniesza niż ww przykład)

A co do rozpy to jest spoko, podoba mi się. Ciekawa i oryginalna.