These are the Alarith Stoneguard, the elite infantry of the Lumineth Realm-lords. They fight like immovable objects, wielding magical hammers that crush enemy skulls with a single blow. We hope that you’re ready to start seeing all of your problems as nails.
(Bez tych krowich główek to te elfy nie byłyby takie złe

The Lumineth take their strength from the very land of Hysh, and these aelves follow the aspect of the mountain, from which they inherit part of their might and resilience. That incredible centrepiece model is Avalenor, the Stoneheart King. He is the eldest and the wisest of the mountain spirits that march to war with the aelves. Take a closer look at the model that is redefining what it means to be part of an aelf army.
Part mystical creature, part mountain, and it can go toe-to-toe with a Bloodthirster – what more could you ask for? And, of course, we couldn’t have a Warhammer Preview without some actual war hammers. Elves have been part of Warhammer for ages, but they haven’t ever held hammers – until now!