Empire - pod Furion CS
Arch Lector of Sigmar @ 286 Pts
Great Weapon
Armour of Meteoric Iron [25]
Van Horstman's Speculum [30]
War Altar
Warrior Priest of Sigmar @ 153 Pts
Barding; Heavy Armour; Warhorse
The Orb of Thunder [30] - Boundspell, Pwr4, RiP, Zakaz latania
Sword of Might [15]
Battle Wizard @ 150 Pts
Magic Level 2
2xDispel Scroll
1 Battle Wizard @ 135 Pts
Magic Level 2
Staff of Sorcery [35] - +1 do dispela
10 Knightly Orders @ 295 Pts
FCG, War Banner
5 Knightly Orders @ 123 Pts
12 Crossbowmen + Musician
5 Detachment - Handgunners @ [40] Pts
10 Handgunners + Musician
5 Detachment - Handgunners @ [40] Pts
5 Detachment - Free Company @ [25] Pts
20 Swordsmen @ 181 Pts
6 Detachment - Halberdiers @ [30] Pts
5 Outriders @ 121 Pts
1 Mortar @ 75 Pts
2x Great Cannon @ 200 Pts
Steam Tank
Casting Pool: 6
Dispel Pool: 7
Models in Army: 102
Total Army Cost: 2310
Co o tym sądzicie ? Mi się wydaje całkiem grywalne Zastanawiam się czy pojechać czymś takim, czy też nowymi DE (rozpa bedzie w temacie obok). Co Wam sie bardziej podoba ?
Empire na 2313
Empire na 2313
Byłoby afrontem nie napić się z Frontem!