Mage 170 Pts
General; Magic Level 2
Jewel of the Dusk [15]
Dispel Scroll [20]
Mage 185 Pts
Magic Level 2
Seerstaff of Saphery [30]
Dispel Scroll [20]
Noble 218 Pts
Halberd; Dragon Armour; Shield; Battle Standard
Battle Banner [80]
Elf Steed: Barded
10 Archers 110 Pts
6 Dragon Princes 260 Pts
Barding; Lance; Dragon Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Banner of Sorcery [50]
Tiranoc Chariot 85 Pts
Tiranoc Chariot 85 Pts
12 White Lions 235 Pts
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Lion Pelt; Standard; Musician
Lion Standard [25]
Guardian [12] Pts
Repeater Bolt Thrower 100 Pts
Great Eagles 50 Pts
Casting Pool: 7
Dispel Pool: 4
Models in Army: 37
Total Army Cost: 1498