bohaterowie specjalni
Moderator: Gremlin
bohaterowie specjalni
pilnie potrzebuję zasady, przedmioty, koszt, statystyki itp. Drychy i Oriona help!
Orion must be the army general. He must be used as presented here and may not be given any additional equipment, magic items or Spites. He counts as both a Lord and a Hero choice.
Orion M-9, WS-8, BS-5, S-5, T-5, W-6, I-9, A-6, Ld-10
Hound 9 4 0 4 3 1 4 1 6
Points: 575
Special Rules
Forest Spirit
Orion is no longet a mortal Elf, being part of Athel Loren itself, and part deity. He has the Forest Spirit special rule.
Orion is a rampaging avatar of the hunting god, Kurnous. He causes terror.
Spirit of Kurnous
The spirit of Kurnous infuses Orion. He has no understanding of fear, pain merely feeds his anger and he will not stop until his enemies are dead beneath his hooves.
Orion is Unbreakable. However, if he is beaten in combat, his essence will begin to fade. If Orion is beaten in combat, then for each point of combat resolution he loses by he also loses one wound. If Orion is within 6" of a wood the number of wounds he loses is reduced by one (so, if he loses the combat by one and is within 6" of a wood, he does not lose any wounds).
The Wild Hunt
In an army led by Orion, Wild Riders of Kurnous are a Core choice. An army led by Orion must include at least one unit of Wild Riders. In addition, in an army led by Orion, Glade Guard and Scouts count as Special units, and Waywatchers may not be taken at all.
Hounds of the Hunt
Orion may be accompanied by up to two Hounds, at the cost of +15 points each. If he has any Hounds, then he may not join another unit. These Hounds have the Forest Spirit and Spirit of Kurnous special rules. If Orion is accompanied by his Hounds and suffers wounds as a result of being beaten in combat, the Wood Elf player may allocate a single wound onto each Hound, rather than Orion. A D6 must be rolled for each shooting attack directed at Orion. On a 1-4, Orion himself is struck. On the roll of a 5 or a 6, then one of the Hounds is struck.
Magic Items
Horn of the Wild Hunt
One use only
Orion carries an enormous hunting horn, crafted from the horn of a mighty forest creature. All who hear the blaring horn of Orion are filled with fear.
The tirst time Orion declares a charge, he sounds the Horn of the Wild Hunt. All enemies within 18" of him (before he starts his charge move) must take a Panic test.
Spear of Kurnous
When Orion goes forth to battle, he takes up the Spear of Kurnous from its shrine within the Oak of Ages. It is a powerful weapon of immense proportions, and none other than Orion can wield it.
Such is the power of Orion that when he charges into combat with the Spear of Kurnous, he adds +2 to his Strength.
Cloak of Isha
The Cloak of Isha wards off evil magics and is woven from the leaves of the sacred rowan trees of the Grove of Isha by Ariel herself.
The Cloak of Isha adds two Dispel dice to the Wood Elf Dispel dice pool.
The Hawk's Talon
This is an immense and powerful longbow that Orion uses to slaughter any foe that flees before his wrath.
This is treated as a longbow that has a Strength of 6 and can penetrate ranks in the same manner as a bolt thrower. In addition, each unsaved wound caused by the Hawk's Talon becomes D3 wounds rather than 1. Orion does not suffer a -1 to hit penalty for moving and shooting.
Drycha counts as a Lord choice in a Wood Elves army. She must be used as presented here and may not be given any additional equipment, magic items or Spites. Drycha must be the army general.
Drycha M-5, WS-7, BS-4, S-5, T-4, W-3, I-8, A-5, Ld-8
Points: 355
Drycha is a Level 2 Wizard. She always chooses her spells from the Lore of Athel Loren.
Drycha is one of the oldest Dryads in Athel Loren: she is a Forest Spirit (see page 18).
Drycha is accompanied by a Blight of Terrors and two Clusters of Radiants - she generates two additional Dispel dice and causes terror.
Eternal Rage
Drycha is filled with deep and abiding loathing of all non-forest spirits. Accordingly, she may re-roll all failed 'to hit' rolls in close combat.
Like many driven individuals, Drycha dreads being slain with her work unfinished and will fight all the harder if death seeks to claim her. For each wound Drycha suffers, she gains an additional attack for the remainder of the game.
Drycha's army
Given Drycha's almost pathological hatred of outsiders, any army led by her may not include any models that do not have the Forest Spirit special rule. In addition, any units in the army do not have to be deployed at the start of the battle. Choose as many or as few as you wish to be held back in this way. At the start of the Remaining Moves phase of turn 2 onwards, Drycha may attempt to draw the spirits of these beings into a forest on the battlefield. A unit is awakened on the dice roll of a 4 + . An awakened unit must be placed anywhere on the battlefield that is completely within a wood or forest, and may move as normal on the turn it appears - though as it appears in the Remaining Moves phase, it cannot charge on the turn it arrives. If she fails to awaken a unit in this way she can try again in a subsequent turn. There is no limit to the amount of units that Drycha can awaken in this way in a single turn, though any awakened units that cannot be deployed (if there are no sufficient woods, for example) must be kept to one side and rolled for again in future turns. Note that Drycha must be deployed at the start of the game.
Tree Singing
Few creatures can match Drycha's control of the foresr. She may cast the Tree Singing spell twice each turn, at a Bound Spell level of 3, in exactly the same manner as a Treeman Ancient.
If Drycha is in a forest or other similar terrain featuu during the Remaining Moves phase of any Wood Eli turn, she, and any unit she has joined, may instantly be removed from the table and replaced within another forest or similar terrain feature, facing any direction. Neither she nor her unit may move further that turn.
To co pisze w booku do WE, nie wiem czy to aktualne czy cos innego nie wyszlo do nich
Orion must be the army general. He must be used as presented here and may not be given any additional equipment, magic items or Spites. He counts as both a Lord and a Hero choice.
Orion M-9, WS-8, BS-5, S-5, T-5, W-6, I-9, A-6, Ld-10
Hound 9 4 0 4 3 1 4 1 6
Points: 575
Special Rules
Forest Spirit
Orion is no longet a mortal Elf, being part of Athel Loren itself, and part deity. He has the Forest Spirit special rule.
Orion is a rampaging avatar of the hunting god, Kurnous. He causes terror.
Spirit of Kurnous
The spirit of Kurnous infuses Orion. He has no understanding of fear, pain merely feeds his anger and he will not stop until his enemies are dead beneath his hooves.
Orion is Unbreakable. However, if he is beaten in combat, his essence will begin to fade. If Orion is beaten in combat, then for each point of combat resolution he loses by he also loses one wound. If Orion is within 6" of a wood the number of wounds he loses is reduced by one (so, if he loses the combat by one and is within 6" of a wood, he does not lose any wounds).
The Wild Hunt
In an army led by Orion, Wild Riders of Kurnous are a Core choice. An army led by Orion must include at least one unit of Wild Riders. In addition, in an army led by Orion, Glade Guard and Scouts count as Special units, and Waywatchers may not be taken at all.
Hounds of the Hunt
Orion may be accompanied by up to two Hounds, at the cost of +15 points each. If he has any Hounds, then he may not join another unit. These Hounds have the Forest Spirit and Spirit of Kurnous special rules. If Orion is accompanied by his Hounds and suffers wounds as a result of being beaten in combat, the Wood Elf player may allocate a single wound onto each Hound, rather than Orion. A D6 must be rolled for each shooting attack directed at Orion. On a 1-4, Orion himself is struck. On the roll of a 5 or a 6, then one of the Hounds is struck.
Magic Items
Horn of the Wild Hunt
One use only
Orion carries an enormous hunting horn, crafted from the horn of a mighty forest creature. All who hear the blaring horn of Orion are filled with fear.
The tirst time Orion declares a charge, he sounds the Horn of the Wild Hunt. All enemies within 18" of him (before he starts his charge move) must take a Panic test.
Spear of Kurnous
When Orion goes forth to battle, he takes up the Spear of Kurnous from its shrine within the Oak of Ages. It is a powerful weapon of immense proportions, and none other than Orion can wield it.
Such is the power of Orion that when he charges into combat with the Spear of Kurnous, he adds +2 to his Strength.
Cloak of Isha
The Cloak of Isha wards off evil magics and is woven from the leaves of the sacred rowan trees of the Grove of Isha by Ariel herself.
The Cloak of Isha adds two Dispel dice to the Wood Elf Dispel dice pool.
The Hawk's Talon
This is an immense and powerful longbow that Orion uses to slaughter any foe that flees before his wrath.
This is treated as a longbow that has a Strength of 6 and can penetrate ranks in the same manner as a bolt thrower. In addition, each unsaved wound caused by the Hawk's Talon becomes D3 wounds rather than 1. Orion does not suffer a -1 to hit penalty for moving and shooting.
Drycha counts as a Lord choice in a Wood Elves army. She must be used as presented here and may not be given any additional equipment, magic items or Spites. Drycha must be the army general.
Drycha M-5, WS-7, BS-4, S-5, T-4, W-3, I-8, A-5, Ld-8
Points: 355
Drycha is a Level 2 Wizard. She always chooses her spells from the Lore of Athel Loren.
Drycha is one of the oldest Dryads in Athel Loren: she is a Forest Spirit (see page 18).
Drycha is accompanied by a Blight of Terrors and two Clusters of Radiants - she generates two additional Dispel dice and causes terror.
Eternal Rage
Drycha is filled with deep and abiding loathing of all non-forest spirits. Accordingly, she may re-roll all failed 'to hit' rolls in close combat.
Like many driven individuals, Drycha dreads being slain with her work unfinished and will fight all the harder if death seeks to claim her. For each wound Drycha suffers, she gains an additional attack for the remainder of the game.
Drycha's army
Given Drycha's almost pathological hatred of outsiders, any army led by her may not include any models that do not have the Forest Spirit special rule. In addition, any units in the army do not have to be deployed at the start of the battle. Choose as many or as few as you wish to be held back in this way. At the start of the Remaining Moves phase of turn 2 onwards, Drycha may attempt to draw the spirits of these beings into a forest on the battlefield. A unit is awakened on the dice roll of a 4 + . An awakened unit must be placed anywhere on the battlefield that is completely within a wood or forest, and may move as normal on the turn it appears - though as it appears in the Remaining Moves phase, it cannot charge on the turn it arrives. If she fails to awaken a unit in this way she can try again in a subsequent turn. There is no limit to the amount of units that Drycha can awaken in this way in a single turn, though any awakened units that cannot be deployed (if there are no sufficient woods, for example) must be kept to one side and rolled for again in future turns. Note that Drycha must be deployed at the start of the game.
Tree Singing
Few creatures can match Drycha's control of the foresr. She may cast the Tree Singing spell twice each turn, at a Bound Spell level of 3, in exactly the same manner as a Treeman Ancient.
If Drycha is in a forest or other similar terrain featuu during the Remaining Moves phase of any Wood Eli turn, she, and any unit she has joined, may instantly be removed from the table and replaced within another forest or similar terrain feature, facing any direction. Neither she nor her unit may move further that turn.
To co pisze w booku do WE, nie wiem czy to aktualne czy cos innego nie wyszlo do nich
Prosze bardzo
Arahan and Naestra count as a single Lord choice in a Wood Elves army. They must be used as presented here and may not be given any additional equipment, magic items or Spites. Neither Arahan nor Naestra may be the army general.
Arahan M-5, WS-6, BS-6, S-4, T-3, W-2, I-7, A-3, Ld-9
Naestra 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9
Ceithin-Har 6 6 0 6 6 6 3 5 8
Gwindalor 2 5 0 4 4 3 4 2 8
Points: 275 for Arahan and Naestra - they must ride either Ceithin-Har (a Forest Dragon, +320 points - uses an additional Hero choice) or Gwindalor (a Great Eagle, +50 points).
Special Rules
The sisters are bound by ancient magics, as old and unknowable as the forest itself. While one still draws breath, both endure - no matter the harm inflicted upon them. If either Arahan or Naestra is slain, do not remove the model from play unless the other sister is killed in the same phase. If either sister is still alive at the end of a phase, both are restored to their starting number of Wounds. In the event of a challenge, both sisters must fight.
Masters of the Wild
The sisters always ride to battle on one of their faithful steeds. For shooting, any shots that would normally hit the rider are split between Arahan and Naestra (ie, when riding a monster, the rider is normally hit on the roll of a 5+). For each hit that hits a rider, roll a further dice - on a 1-3 Arahan is struck, on a 4-6 Naestra is struck. Also, if their mount is slain, they will form into a skirmishing unit consisting of the two of them. If both sisters are slain, their mount will always react as if it had rolled a 5 or 6 on the Monster Reaction table.
Bow of Arahan
Arahan's longbow launches deadly arrows that explode in iridescent displays of magical fire. If her shot hits, place the small template over the target (subject to normal targeting restrictions) and resolve it as you would for a stone thrower, with the exceptions that hits are resolved at Strength of 3 and Armour Saves are allowed as normal. Arahan may shoot at a different target to Naestra (and Ceithin-Har if he is present) if she wishes.
Bow of Naestra
Wherever Naestra's arrows strike, the ground comes alive with entangling briars and roots, pinioning the foe in place, but leaving them unharmed. Naestra's longbow does not deal any damage, but any unit hit by her arrows must take a Strength test at the start of the following Movement phase (using the lowest value, if there is more than one) - if it fails the test, it may not move that turn. Naestra may shoot at a different target to Arahan (and Ceithin-Har if he is present) if she wishes.
Arahan and Naestra count as a single Lord choice in a Wood Elves army. They must be used as presented here and may not be given any additional equipment, magic items or Spites. Neither Arahan nor Naestra may be the army general.
Arahan M-5, WS-6, BS-6, S-4, T-3, W-2, I-7, A-3, Ld-9
Naestra 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9
Ceithin-Har 6 6 0 6 6 6 3 5 8
Gwindalor 2 5 0 4 4 3 4 2 8
Points: 275 for Arahan and Naestra - they must ride either Ceithin-Har (a Forest Dragon, +320 points - uses an additional Hero choice) or Gwindalor (a Great Eagle, +50 points).
Special Rules
The sisters are bound by ancient magics, as old and unknowable as the forest itself. While one still draws breath, both endure - no matter the harm inflicted upon them. If either Arahan or Naestra is slain, do not remove the model from play unless the other sister is killed in the same phase. If either sister is still alive at the end of a phase, both are restored to their starting number of Wounds. In the event of a challenge, both sisters must fight.
Masters of the Wild
The sisters always ride to battle on one of their faithful steeds. For shooting, any shots that would normally hit the rider are split between Arahan and Naestra (ie, when riding a monster, the rider is normally hit on the roll of a 5+). For each hit that hits a rider, roll a further dice - on a 1-3 Arahan is struck, on a 4-6 Naestra is struck. Also, if their mount is slain, they will form into a skirmishing unit consisting of the two of them. If both sisters are slain, their mount will always react as if it had rolled a 5 or 6 on the Monster Reaction table.
Bow of Arahan
Arahan's longbow launches deadly arrows that explode in iridescent displays of magical fire. If her shot hits, place the small template over the target (subject to normal targeting restrictions) and resolve it as you would for a stone thrower, with the exceptions that hits are resolved at Strength of 3 and Armour Saves are allowed as normal. Arahan may shoot at a different target to Naestra (and Ceithin-Har if he is present) if she wishes.
Bow of Naestra
Wherever Naestra's arrows strike, the ground comes alive with entangling briars and roots, pinioning the foe in place, but leaving them unharmed. Naestra's longbow does not deal any damage, but any unit hit by her arrows must take a Strength test at the start of the following Movement phase (using the lowest value, if there is more than one) - if it fails the test, it may not move that turn. Naestra may shoot at a different target to Arahan (and Ceithin-Har if he is present) if she wishes.