Tłumaczenie Działu Magicznego

Rozwój i dyskusje na temat rozwiązań przywracających grze balans.

Moderator: Barbarossa

Posty: 3

Tłumaczenie Działu Magicznego

Post autor: Event »

Hej, nie wiem czemu balancing patch nie ma wersji angielskiej działu magicznego, więc jakby ktoś potrzebował to wrzucam.
Perfect z angielskiego nie jestem więc jakby ktoś był tak miły i skomentował grzecznie ewentualne błędy gramatyczne/ortograficzne, a nie od razu najeżdżał na mnie byłbym wdzięczny.
Pg 6
Magic Limitations
There are limits concerning magic dice generated by the army. The limit only oblige during creation of a roster. It means that you can freely increase the number of your magic dice during the battle (by using items, magic etc).
Roster with 2000+ pts can have:
* Max 12 Power Dice and 12 Dispel Dice
Roster lower than 2000 pts can have:
* Max 8 Power Dice and 8 Dispel Dice
Every generated magic dice, base dice, dice from all the magic items, units and abilities that give you constant number of dice every turn (also the ones that steals magic dice from enemies and give it to your mages) counts to this limit.
* Every bound spell that comes from a magic item or demonic gift/icon (with exception of one use only bound spells) counts as the additional dice. Limit is not lowered by the bound spells that come from units (for example treeman, corpse cart).
* Every power stone in a roster counts as one dice.
* First Dispel Scroll (every item that can automatically dispel magic, for example Spell Breaker/Rune of Spellbreaking etc) counts as one dice, every succesive Dispel Scroll counts as two.
* Every item that gives you +1 and more to dispel counts as one dice.
Additionally every item/ability/unit used in the roster and that is mentioned on the next page lowers the Power (PD) or Dispel Dice (DD) limit accordingly by the number given next to them.
Pg 7
Dark Elves
Two or more DE mages in the army -1 PD (total, no matter how many mages there are).
Dogs of War
Item taken from another army using the Spoils of War rule costs adequate number of dice.
High Elves
One or more HE mages in the army -1 DD (total, no matter how many mages there are).
Tomb Kings
Two base PD does not count towards the limit.
Vampire Counts
Vampire lord with Forbidden Lore -1 PD
Skull Stuff -1 PD (and appropriate DD minus according to the general rules)
Every vampire with Summon Ghouls ability -1 PD
INDY GT Dwarfs of Chaos
If there's no Lord Mage in the army the two base PD does not count towards the limit.
First Daemonsmith in the army -1PD
Every succesive Daemonsmith -2PD