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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3847
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Post autor: Morrok »

Szczerze to mam nadzieję, że moderator nie usunie tego tematu, a reszta nie będzie spamować, tylko przeklei najważniejsze plotki i potwierdzone rzeczy na temat 8 edycji.

To dla osób takich jak ja, którym nie chce się przebijać przez tony niepotrzebnego nikomu spamu i mało interesujących opinii ( 8) ) mieć wszystko jak na dłoni


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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5208
Lokalizacja: Radom

Post autor: Rakso_The_Slayer »

dzięki [-o<

[a teraz można usunąć ten post jako spam ;) ]

Posty: 258

Post autor: Cibi »

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Mniejsze zło
Posty: 5612

Post autor: Barbarossa »

Dla leniwych:

More reliable rumours

* Army construction is moving back to percentages.
* Strength in Depth/ Stepping up (models may fight in 2 ranks)
* Crush attack for larger creatures
* 40mm models moving to 3 model-wide ranks.
* Multiple objective driven scenarios in the rulebook
* All non-english rulebooks are moving to inches.
* Power dice aren’t generated by the number of spellcasters. The pool is decided by 2D6. Magic users add their magic level to the score rolled. All Wizards have a chance to generate more power dice.
* All missile units fire in two ranks (not just High Elves). Missile units will not gain a rank when shooting from hills.
* Autobreaking from fear or terror is gone.
* Combats are strictly decided in initiative order.

Warhammer 8th Ed Rulebook to be released July 10th
528+ pages. Full colour
Possibly going to get the pdf erratas for all armies on July 6th
Introduction games for Warhammer 8th edition starting around May 22nd (only one scenario apparently)
Copies for Staff available early May

There will be a "General's" Edition as well as a "Gunner's" Edition: Both are the basic rulebook along with multiple different gimmicks, as golden templates, dice, angulometer, combat-resolution-calculator, markers and more. "General's Edition" is supported with a white linen bag with two silver coins attached to it, so if you fall in battle, they may put them on your eyes...

Other rumours (and description of above)

These are all listed in no particular order.


* Army construction is moving back to percentages.
This is looking more like 25% max characters, 25% min core, 25% max special and 25% max rare (anonymous source, but trustworthy ) The 25% characters includes mounts.

Edit. Just as I thought this part was looking certain, there have been some rumours/ sources saying 25% max characters, 25% min core, 50% max special and 15% max rare. I will edit one out as it become clear.
* Categories for core/special/rare are remaining.
* There *may* be something to prevent spamming...
* There will be a system wide errata to clear up issues for each army.


Standard Movement

* Measure the distance for the furthest moving model, and perform whatever manoeuvres you wish within that lax limitation (i.e. they all move like fast cav currently do, minus the reform).

(edit: It seems I am very close with this, the champion one is only by process of deduction. Still awaiting further confirmation on all this)

Standard Bearer = Re-roll one of the charging dice
Musician = +1" Charge bonus
Champion = One free reform


* An added 'bonus' of getting an 'extra' +D6 or +D3 inches of movement to your Movement range (presumably the D6 or D3 decided by the category of warrior; infantry/cavalry/ogre sized).
Edit; rumoured to be:

M1-M6 (and not flying) = Basic M value + D6
M7+ (and not flying) = Basic M value + 3D6 (choose the 2 highest)

* Rumoured to be +1CR for charging.

As normal

Heavy cavalry

* - Heavy cavalry, defined as any cavalry with a 2+ or better save, cannot march. They can double their move when charging as normal, but they are not allowed to make a March move.
- "Medium and Fast cavalry remain the same".


NOTE: The magic rumours nobody seems to agree on, so rather than try and find what exactly the truth is I will just put here most of the theories

Edit: I've sorted out the ones that seem more likely, based on the info from anonymous sources:

* Power dice aren’t generated by the number of spellcasters. The amount if dice is decided by 2D6. The active player gets the sum as power dice and the other player the highest throw as dispel dice (throw 3+5, = 8 PD and 5 DD). (not sure if this is 100% correct yet).

Magic users then add their magic level to the score rolled. This could be 1 PD for lvl 1/2 and 2 PD for lvl 3/4).

Every magic user has access to the pool.
* Giving irresistible force a downside.

Seems that there may be some sort of irresistible force ‘incident’ table, this may be an extension of the miscast table.

Roll of 1 on the chart: This has been confirmed as being even worse than number 4… Which (pure speculation) may involve every model in the unit taking a hit, this was something I actually heard a while back, but it could be worse than this.

Roll of 4: The wizard is sucked into the warp and the large template is centred over him. S10 hits for something (could be the centre model, meaning S5 for the rest?).

Lore of Fire
* Some spells will scale up. One Example is Fireball; which sounds like it could be D6 S4, or 2D6 S5, or 3D6 S6 hits.
Lore of Metal
* One spell from the Lore of Metal: Swap the enemies armour save for their toughness, e.g. 1+ save and toughness 3 becomes toughness 1 and 3+ save.
Lore of Shadows
* One spell you can switch the position of two characters that are 'within 18"' (not sure if they have to be within 18" of each other, or just to the caster).

* Double 6 = a miscast
* Making miscasts much more devastating.
* Something rumoured is carrying over power dice, but holding too many could lead to a ‘magic backlash’. Wizard will recieve wounds or hits if he didn't use the excess power-dice (than originally allocated) at end of the turn.
* All the book Lores will have more supportive spells than they have now, and will all be getting a major overhaul. Each lore to get a mega spell.
* Spells can be chosen, not rolled for.

And the other rumours:

* All Wizards have a chance to generate more power dice. – Avian. This *may* be something like; for every magic user throw D6, on a 6 a further power dice is added. Though someone else has discredited this.
* There's no limit to the number of dice used to cast a spell, by any level of caster. (see above)
* If a wizard fails to cast (not counting dispels) twice in a row he miscasts
* Dispel scroll only adding dispel dice (+2 dice to the dispel dice pool once per game). (edit - possibly speculation)
* Dispel attempts to be made by specific wizards (presumable your casting level is beneficial for dispelling spells)
* A higher chance of miscast with multiple casters.
* If a wizard fail to cast a spell he can't cast other spells in the same phase.


Armour Save Modifiers

* As it happens to be the same rumour; fewer armour save modifiers.

Fire in 2 ranks as standard.

* Missile units fire in two ranks (not just High Elves). - Harry & someone else. Missile units will not gain a rank when shooting from hills.


NOTE: Trying to nail down what the facts are here is very hard. Some of this is only my understanding of what has been discussed.

(edit) If the old version I had here was correct, I will edit it back in again. For the sake of clarity, here is the old version:

(stepping up/ strength in numbers)

* Basically how this works is that the second rank get to fight only if the guy in front is killed. But they only get a single attack regardless of what their profile attacks are, or what weapons they are carrying. It is not clear yet whether they get to use special rules in addition to this or not at all (frenzy, hatred and killing blow etc). Only once there are insufficient models left to replace those that are killed in the attacking rank will the overall attacks of the unit drop.

Fighting in 2 ranks

* Units fight in 2 ranks all the time, with their full quota of attacks, and with any special rules they have.
* Spears may be +1 rank as normal.
* Spearelves may fight with an additional rank as normal (citzen levy).
* Cavalry still only fight in 1 rank.
* This is the same regardless of which side they are attacked on.

Stepping up. – Harry/ Avian / other people

* Casualties are strictly removed from the back.

Horde - Still no closer to nailing this one down

* Fight in 3 ranks if 10+ wide (4 with spears). - Avian.
Some benefit to fighting in large units, may automatically become stubborn beyond a certain unit size. – Harry - (edit) seemingly confirmed from another source).

Another edit: Seems this Horde rule may work like this:
If the unit is 10+ wide and 5 ranks deep (50+ models) the front 2 ranks may all fight, regardless of whether they are in base contact.
* Now it would explain how people have got up to 5 ranks in combat (2 front, Spears = 3, Citizen levy = 4, Horde = 5). At this stage just another rumour, but a little closer perhaps to the truth.

Rank bonuses

* Unchanged.

One Save to ruin them all!

* Models will only ever get one save (be it ward, mundane or magical armour). No word yet on whether regeneration is included. From Alessio himself!

40mm models

* 40mm models moving to 3 model-wide ranks. Ogre sized models are officially being put into their own size category (finally).

Crush them!

* Additional stomp/crush attacks for big infantry (ogres, trolls, etc) to represent them trampling lesser races underfoot. Bigger bonus for large creatures like giants. These are not impact hits. (edit: these could be overrun hits)

Armour Save Modifiers

* Fewer armour save modifiers

Striking in Initiative order

* Combat will always strictly be resolved in initiative order (confirmed).


* S7 autokill is gone. (edit: possibly not speculation)


Combat Weapons
Great weapons Still always strike last (this overrides any army book rules apparently).

Missile Weapons
Longbows Same. However there is something I’m hearing about bows being able to fire in more than just 2 ranks… What I heard was firing in an additional rank for every other rank after the second (i.e. you have 4 ranks of archers; = 2 ranks standard + ½ of 2. = 3 ranks). There is something else you may have to do in order to be able to do this, pure speculation, but it may involve deploying wide.


Fear and Terror

* This may be

Fear +1 to Combat resolution
Terror +2 to Combat resolution

(edit) I've been told by a few people that Combat resolution will have some part to play.
* Autobreaking from fear or terror is gone.
* Leadership tests against fear is rumoured to be going
* Fear and Terror incorporate immune to panic (with possibly a change to crumbling for undead).

Killing Blow

* Killing blow only against models in a similar size category or lower (large creature>ogre sized> infantry/cavalry sized)

(edit: apparently this is close, but not quite right). Killing blow is still a roll of 6.

Always Strike First

* Models with great weapons will always strike last, regardless of ASF. There is supposedly a change to the ASF rule to compensate HE a bit, not sure what yet.


* Apparently there is an absolutely HUGE list of magic items in the book… Could easily be 50+. There is a chance you may not be able to duplicate most of them in a list.


* Multiple objective driven scenarios in the rulebook (no kill points). See GW grand tournament and doubles scenarios.

* 15 or so missions in the new rulebook. 9 or 10 of the missions required Core units to capture objectives. Units must have banners to capture objectives. Several missions had multiple objectives

* Victory Conditions
Interestingly something I picked up from a post was that ‘victory conditions’ have been referred to in the last 3 books, not victory points.

* A section in the rulebook dealing with specific issues that may arise during battles


* Difficult terrain may be merged with very difficult.
* D6+4 compulsory terrain.
* Terrain will not just affect the movement phase so much but will affect fleeing units, like in the War of the Ring game.
* The rulebook includes terrain rules for all the GW products.
* Bonuses and hazards for terrain (such as rolling the dice to see how many people don’t make it out of the wood...). This appears to be D6 for every model, on a 1 a model is lost. This is only the tip of the iceberg…
* Finding a magic item in the woods.

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"Nie jestem powergamerem"
Posty: 112

Post autor: Brzuchacz »

Natrafiłem na plotki o starterze do 8 edycji:

65 euros (£55?)

5 silver helms
15 spearmen/sea guard(?)
Hero on Griffon
10 archers

40 clanrats
2 weapon teams
2 characters
Rat ogre with what translated as a warp cannon??
Wisnia pisze:Mamy w Chodzieży jednego Tyranida, więc widziałem na żywo :)
Na Imperatora tyranidzi w Polsce - boltery w dłoń panowie

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Posty: 1862
Lokalizacja: Warszawa, Białystok

Post autor: likaon »

Te weapon teamy to ma być moździerz i oprawca, GW obiecało że będą to te dwa których jeszcze nie wydali.
"Księga Armii Nocnych Goblinów"( 09.11.2011
http://www.docstoc.com/docs/94525591/No ... 99ga-Armii

Chuck Norris
Posty: 362

Post autor: noggin »

Dzisiaj mi w sklepie GW powiedzieli, że 10 lipca to ma wyjść tylko rulebook. Na zestaw pudełkowy trzeba będzie poczekać 2-3 miesiące, czyli mniej więcej do września.

Posty: 826

Post autor: Paku »

The first rumour about this;
Special Choices: No more than 3 of the same type - Examples; No more than 3 units of Chaos Knights, or 3 units of Forsaken etc in the same army.
Rare Choices: No more than 2 of the same type - Examples; No more than 2 Hellcannons, or 2 Chaos Giants etc in the same army.

(mam nadzieje że HE rary będą miały troche inne :)

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Posty: 313
Lokalizacja: Wrocław Castle Town

Post autor: Grunaldi »

Virgo pisze:

Warmachines use one profile now, similar to the Skaven Warplightning Cannon. All shooting is directed against the machines toughness, check your army books for reference, crews armour save is applied. Note that S 1 is capable of wounding T7. If I got it righ, Warmachines are not immune to poison anymore.
While in close combat 6 Infantry OR 3 Cavallery OR 2 Monstrous Infantry/Cavallery or 1 Monster / Ridden Monster can attack the warmachine. You may also combine, eg 1 Monstrous Infantry, I cavallery and 1 Infantry model may attack.
All Attacks in CC are directed against Crews WS/Toughness.

The total number of lifepoints a warmachine has is the total number of crewmen it has. A Repeater Bolt Thrower would have two, while a Great Cannon would have three.

Independant Characters may no longer join Warmachines.

The same ruling comes now for all wargear that was treated similar to a warmachine: Blood Cauldron of Khaine, Anvil of Doom, Urn of Lost Souls, etc.

For the Blood Cauldron: The hag gains 5 WS 5 S 3 Attacks and two Lifepoints. The two priestess that join her are markers only by now and cannot accept/deny challanges any more, or strike at all. The Cauldron has a total of 4 Lifepoints, but no AS. Basically, a wellplaced unit of skinks will take it down in two rounds, as it has Toughness 3... Well, that thing deserved a nerf anyway. For Ulthuan and the Phoenix King! Destroy their blasted soup kitchen!!

The same goes for the Urn and the Anil, the combat abilities of the guardians is added to the hero's profile, along with their lifepoints.
runepriest pisze:
Jankiel pisze:Stary, to co ja zabiję szarżą smoka i dopakowanych z kotła rycerzy Ty sobie wskrzesisz w jedną turę. I tak, jest to straszne.
oj tam oj tam, wystarczy nie szarżować to nie wskrzesi ^^

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 583

Post autor: Virgo »

Beast lore is gots a huge boost:

you can transform into several beasts including black hydra, fire dragon and the best is mountain chimera.
the chimera's stats are ridiculous good: W10 T7,S7 fly ability, 4W6 attacks! complexity is 24

Light lore also huge boost:

1 spell was in 12" all units have +1 attack and double movment, another was 10 Ini and 10 WS within 12"! (great for swordmaster and whole army in general against DE!)

light lore will have 4 buffs spells out of 7, 2 direct damage and 1 other, so its a heavily supportive lore

Fire lore:

there was a spell with fire arrows ranging 48" W4

My friend is DE player so we asked also about them:

DE will be nerfed in some ways.. already mentioned at rumors but i like this one:

ring of hotek is useless atm, in the errata was nothing about it (there is no miscasts anymore, so it has no use)

if u roll just 1 or 2 dice.. by rolling a 1 or 2 the spell is not cast and no further spell can be cast by the mage (no single dice spamming, bit of a nerf for vampires and DE (power of darkness), everything with a little risk)

there is no miscast anymore (just a table for irresistable force, cruel stuff in there, blowing up whole units)

maximum of dice is 12 (without energy stone, etc) so DE can throw out spells and then fill up there pool again with power of darkness dice

just got an answere from a guy on a german site that the best spell in beast lore will be the greater fire dragon

WS 8 S 8 T 8 W 8 A 8 LD 9, breathweapon S5, scaly skin 2+, terror, fly. mage has to be on foot
remains in play!

appearently ring of hotek lets you roll on the IF "Lost Control Table" still and Hoeth book still works as normal JUST when rolling double 6s you have to roll on the Lost Control Table.. otherwise not. So Teclis/book of hoeth still has a use and is even more powerfull!
Bo ostatnio zapomniałem :P

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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3684
Lokalizacja: Tychy

Post autor: Eltharion »

http://www.cytadela.pl/modules.php?name ... e&sid=1266
Zdjecia z nowego RB :mrgreen: (tylko ja przegladam new's cytadeli?? :? )
Mówi się trudno i idzie się dalej ...

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5208
Lokalizacja: Radom

Post autor: Rakso_The_Slayer »

te zdjęcia już wiszą kilka dni na tym forum...

Posty: 1247

Post autor: Remo »

A to było?
What exactly is in the starter set?
Update for every race? Yes, FaQ covers all races.
How does MR work? For each point of MR you got you get a bonus of +1 to your wardsave if you've got one, or you get a ward save for free. Does not work against spells that deal no damage.
Verify movement
How are characters treated with war machine crews? They are not allowed to join it.
Hand Weapon and Shield combo (Clarification) 6+ wardsave against melee attacks from the front. Does not stack with other ward saves.
Can engaged units reform at the end of the combat phase? and on what LD modifications. Yes, as long as they are engaged at one sinde only.
How does persue work?
How does fear/terror work on units, combat etc. Fear: Pass a LD test each round of combat. If you fail, fight at WS 1. Terror: If attacked by a terror causing enemy, pass a LD ship or automatically flee.
Frenzy transfer to mounts? No.
what does 'command' do (???)
Banners give VP? Only in 1 out of 6 basic szenarions, banners are important
Skirmishers LOS, and wheeling.90° Arc of sight. reform free.
Cavalry in combat, multiple ranks? Riders of the second rank may strike wit one A.
Redirection, Skirmishers redirect? Befor attacked, skirmishers form a regular unit and are drawn together to the central model in first rank. afterwards they flee/fight like a regular unit.
How does horde special rule get applied. Infantry/cav/monster etc? Infantry: 10 models wide, each in b2b with enemy and behind them can fight.
Ally Systems you are NOT allowed to pick from different Armybooks. Not at all. Ally system is only to work out how spells like "all friendly units within..." work on different armies. There are severel kinds of alliances: Bloodbrothers (2+ armies from the same armybook: work like one huge army, with all benefits etc.) , Stable allies: all armies from the same realm (Realm of Order, Realm of destruction), unstable alliances (armies from different Realms, eg High Elves and Warriors of Chaos) and Fragile Alliances (Alliance contains either Skaven or Dark Elves. A Alliance with one of these armies is always unstable, no matter what Realm the other armies come from. Backstabbing bastards they both are...)
How many pages in starter book? Does it have all scenariors/army changes etc. AFAIK there's 6 basic scenarios.
Miscast table specifics
Hatred, any changes?Not transferred to mounts, except for Dark Elves.
Dispel Scrolls? 1 per army, but otherwise the same.
Breath Weapons? Single Use/In Combat? One use per game.
Multiple attack models with spears? I guess that's about second rank? Only one attack from rear ranks, even with spears.
Impact Hits/S7 Kills? Same as befor, S7 does not kill chariots.
Crush Them? Basically it's a impact hit that always stikes last.

Magic Items:
How Many? Any new? About 20 per category.
Tower in your deployment zone (???) (Folding Tower) Enchanted item at a ridicculous high point cost.
More info on spells Nope, I'm goiing to keep those to myself =D

Race Specific:
Warrior Priests still generate DD? No, but they may channel.
Lore of Beasts Spells Thats race specific?
Dwarf Anti-Magic +2 bonus to dispel. Runepriests may channed dispeldice.

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Posty: 313
Lokalizacja: Wrocław Castle Town

Post autor: Grunaldi »

Virgo pisze:
You have to take a minimum of 3 units, not including characters.

If you are playing games over 3000pts with allied forces, one general has to be nominated as the Grand General, who increases his leadership radius to 18".

Chaos Dwarfs are not in the book.

Failed Charge
• I think you only move the result of the D6's you rolled, you do not add on your basic movement.

• While fleeing or pursuing, they move 3D6"

• In the Remaining Moves phase, a unit with a musician may reform for free, as long as the unit passes a leadership test. You can shoot, but count as moving.

• Charging Skirmishers, you line up to them, not them to you.
• Skirmishers are NOT stubborn in a forest. I think this is Wood Elves only.

Lost Control chart:

Another result: All your wizards take a Str 6 hit with no armor saves
11-12 result: Your caster lose d3 wizard levels, and forgets that many spells.

Bound spells
• Bound spells are cast like normal spells now, but instead of your caster's power level, you add the level of the magic item. They do not roll on the Loss of Control table, the items are just destroyed if they roll the double 6. Bound abilities like the warrior priests they just forget the spell.

Lore of Fire

Special Bonus: If the enemy suffered a wound from a fire lore spell earlier this magic phase, the casting costs of Lore of Fire spells on the same target is lowered by d3, cumulative.

Lore of Metal
Basic Spell (name): D6 flaming hits, No armor saves allowed. casting value 10

Lore of Beasts
(name). Caster Buff. The level 6 beast spell has 2 (possibly 3 casting values). The caster BECOMES the creature, not summoned on any board edge etc.

At 16+
Mountain Chimera
S7 T7 W10, Fly, 4D6 attacks! complexity is 24. mage has to be on foot. Remains in play.

Greater Fire Dragon
WS8 S8 T8 W8 A8 Ld9, breathweapon S5, scaly skin 2+, terror, fly. mage has to be on foot. Remains in play

Something for a Hydra as well, I don’t know any more about this.

Lore of Heavens
• 'Something' Razor (not sure of the name). Unit Buff. The units strength are their Ld stat.
• Several levels of Comet. It scales up.

Lore of Life

Special Bonus: Every time the caster successfully casts a spell from the Lore of Life he can restore a wound to one model within 12”

• Basic spell: Shooting -1 to hit modifier and -1 leadership. If the enemy didn’t use BS they are 4+ to shoot. 7+

Forest Lord: Magic missile attack to any enemy unit within 18" of a forest. Or D6 strength 5 hits or 2d6 strength 5 hits to a unit in the forest.

Regeneration (name?): Unit Buff. Regeneration (6+) to one unit within 12”

Master of Stone: Unit Buff. +2 Toughness to one unit. Casting value 8

Regrowth (name?). Unit Buff. One unit regains D3+1 wounds/models, just like invocation (champ first, then musician/standard, then rank and file. Characters are selected separately)

Throne of Vines: Caster Buff. If this is successfully cast it increases the effect of other lore of life spells made by the caster: Regeneration becomes 5+, Master of Stone becomes +4 Toughness!!!, Forest Lord all hits become Strength 6, Regrowth regains D6+1 wounds. Something for the 6th spell as well.

I heard something about an immunity to miscast on a 2+ for the lore of life, but I don’t know if this is their 6th spell, a remains in play caster buff.

Stone Thrower
• Reduced to S3(9), armour saves are allowed.

Make Way
• After charges, before even impact hits are done, a champion can move to the front of the attacked rank.

One Save..
I'm just going to move this back here again for now. Armour saves as normal, then either Ward Saves OR regeneration. This is coming from 1 person who has read the book, and another who has been very reliable in the past.

Crush them! or Stomp, one of these names. 1 rank only

Quick to Fire
• Pistols, thrown weapons, and blowpipes Dont suffer the -1 to hit while moving. These are also the only weapons you can stand and shoot with if the enemy charges you from within their basic movement range.

Fear and Terror: It may be you get to keep your full amount of attacks.

What I am hearing about this is that if the enemy is within Movement +12”, you have to take a leadership test. If you fail, you have to attack the closest target.

Mounts no longer are granted frenzy/hated/etc from riders.

Magic Resistance
• It seems magic resistance does not work at all against Curses (or Hexes), only against magic missiles, direct damage and power whirls.

Strider..(insert type of terrain)
• A new special rule. This allows you to treat the type of terrain in brackets as open terrain. For instance Strider (Forests). There is a plain Strider that allows you to treat everything as open terrain (presumably not buildings).

Flaming attacks play a much bigger role. People with flaming weapons cause Fear in War Beasts (hounds etc), chariots, and Monsters. When you have regeneration and are wounded by flaming attacks, you lose regeneration until the next phase (combat to combat for example).

Magic Items
Scarecrow: Banner. 5 Points, makes the unit cause fear to flyers.
(name?): Banner. Plain Strider, which means you ignore all terrain (except buildings I think).
Dispel Scroll: As normal.

There are some other Scrolls I keep hearing about, but I don't know the full details yet:
4+ ward against wounds done by the spell used.
Irresistible force on every double.
Something about turning someone into a frog..

Cavalry treat all non-open terrain as Dangerous Terrain

runepriest pisze:
Jankiel pisze:Stary, to co ja zabiję szarżą smoka i dopakowanych z kotła rycerzy Ty sobie wskrzesisz w jedną turę. I tak, jest to straszne.
oj tam oj tam, wystarczy nie szarżować to nie wskrzesi ^^

Chuck Norris
Posty: 362

Post autor: noggin »

Właśnie wróciłem z prezentacyjnej gry. Niestety nie dano nam do ręki rulebooka, więc nie sprawdziłem tego co chciałem, ale parę rzeczy się udało wyjaśnić. Nie wiadomo też nic o nowym starterze, a przynajmniej nic dziady nie chciały zdradzić. Zagraliśmy 2 tury bitewki Orki ws Imperium. Imperium wygrało zaczynanie. Zabiło połowę orków w 1 turze dzięki baterii złożonej z działa, 2 moździerzy, helblastera i hellstorm rocket.

Większość z wieści z warseera się potwierdza. Oto co udało mi się ustalić:

CIEKAWOSTKI (chyba niewspomiane nigdzie indziej):
- BSB daje teraz przerzut wszystkich testow LD w 12''. Czyli paniki, glupoty, strachu, terroru, itp. też.
- Sztandary sa warte 25 pkt, a nie 100.
- Jesli czempion zabije hero w pojednynku, dostajesz +50 pkt.


- 25% herosi i 25% lordowie.
- Smoki sa herosami, wiec wchodzą w 25% dla herosow.
- Nie mozna miec wiecej niz 3 takich samych specjali i 2 takich samych rarów.
- Nie ma nic o bohaterach. Mozasz spokojnie wystawic tych 10 elektrykow czy 20 goblinskich bossow.
- Na 3k+ wysokosc ograniczen jest podwajana, czyli max 6 specjali, 4 rary. Poniewaz nadal dziala 2na1 slot, wiec jak punktowo zmiescisz mozesz miec 8 bolcow HE na 3k+


- Mozesz mierzyc zasiegi na stole w dowolnym momencie gry.
- Mając muzyka możesz zmieniać dowolnie formacje jak fasty obecnie,
- Wszystkie dotychczasowe zasady zostają, zwroty, wheele, itp. Żadnego przesuwania oddziału byle jak.
- Maszerować możesz zawsze jeśli zdasz LD
- Latasz 10'', jeśli maszerujesz to 20. Czyli jak lecisz 20'' to już nie strzelisz z łuku itp. Niestety koleś nie potrafił odpowiedzieć mi na pytanie, czy można użyć ziania po 20'' ruchu i nawet nie pofatygował się, żeby to sprawdzić :/


- Faktycznie ruszasz się 2k6 + M dla piechoty i 3K6(wybierz 2 najwyższe) + M dla jazdy, lataczy, itp z M7+
- Spalona szarża to ruch o tyle cali ile na kostce o wyższym wyniku. Nie dodajesz ruchu.
- Deklarujesz szarżę i natychmiast deklarujesz odpowiedź na nią (a nie najpierw wszystkie deklaracje, potem wszystkie odp.)


- Walczy się po inicjatywie. Jeżeli masz równą inicjatywę, uderzasz JEDNOCZEŚNIE. Tak samo jeżeli obie strony mają ASF.
- Żadna broń nie daje bonusu do inicjatywy (lance czy włócznie).
- Walczy się z 2 szeregów. Drugi szereg (i ewentualnie dalsze za horde czy włócznie) zawsze atakuje po 1 ataku na model
- Jeśli masz szereg na 10 szeroki, to masz zasade "horda" i atakujesz z dodatkowego szeregu.
- Broń dwuręczna ma ASL. ASL kasuje się z ASF, więc uderza się po inicjatywie. Jeżeli masz ASF i wyższą inicjatywę, możesz przerzucić ataki. HE z dwurakami też.
- Jeśli masz więcej ranków niż przeciwnik jesteś stubborn.
- Wszystkich zabitych ściąga się z tyłu, więc zawsze oddają dwa (lub więcej) pełne szeregi.
- Szeregi liczy się teraz z końca tury walki. Czyli praktycznie wszystko się liczy na końcu tury walki.
- Szarżujacy ma +1CR
- Nie ma już Siły Oddziału, wiec szeregi neguje oddział który ma przynajmniej 1 szereg i zaatakował z boku lub z tyłu.
- Jesli złamiesz wroga i uda ci sie zdac LD, mozesz zamiast poscigu zreformowac sie jak chcesz. Jesli nie zdasz musisz gonic.


- Panikę testuje się teraz natychmiast po poniesieniu przez oddział strat, a nie na koncu tury.
- Strach daje +1 do CR (i komentarz kolesia po ktorym myślałem ze umre: "Now demons become horrifying")
- Strach zmusza cię do testowania LD co turę walki, jeśli nie zdasz, masz WS 1 na tą turę. Nigdy nie ucieka się od strachu.
- Terror - jeżeli przeciwnik wzbudzający terror na ciebie szarżuje i oblejesz test to uciekasz. Nawet jak zdasz, ciagle rzucasz na strach co turę. Nie ma terroru w promieniu 6'' na początku twojej tury.


- Wszystko strzela z 2 szeregow.
- Lucznicy strzelaja z 2 szeregow + polowa kazdego nastepnego.
- Nie ma sie dodatkowego szeregu za bycie na wzgórzu, ale nadal wali się wszystkimi do LT.
- Maszyny z tego co mi koles powiedzial sie nic nie zmienily (missfire, sily, brak Sv na rzuty od katapulty), ale że katapulty nie było w bitwie, a jakoś nie mam do niego zaufania, to nie wiem jak to w końcu jest.
- Ponieważ mozna mierzyc zasiegi zawsze, strzelanie z armat czy katapult jest teraz bardzo proste...
- Strzelając do maszyny, rzucasz na wounda przeciwko T maszyny, ale każda rana to zabity załogant. Nie można zranić maszyny jako takiej, ma ona niejako tyle woundów ilu załogantów. Ponieważ teraz zawsze można zranić na "6", można spokojnie wykończyć maszyny z łuków.
- Kawaleria tez strzela z 2 szeregow.
- Wszystko dotkniete przez wzornik jest trafione.


- Crash them to atak + 1 dla ogre size, +k6 dla innych z bazową sila.
- Zianie jest 1 raz na gre, albo normalne z wzornikiem, albo 2D6 hitow w HTH. Tak, hydra moze wyplacic 7 + K6 + 2K6 + poganiacze...
- Wygląda na to ze nie zdejmuje się już ranków potworkiem. Nie mieliśmy żadnego w grze, ale koleś wspominał o tym.


- 2k6 na power dices, wyzsza kostka to dispel dices.
- Kazdy mag na 6 dodaje kostke do puli.
- Nie mozna miec w puli wiecej niz 12 kosic naraz. ALE! Mozna najpierw oproznic troche pule, a potem dodac sobie kostki np z Power o Darkness. Pytalem goscia konkretnie czy mozna np poczekac z Banner of Sorcery z dodaniem kosci, az sie zuzyje czesc z puli, powiedzial ze tak, tak dlugo, jak nie ma napisane ze dodatkowe kosci sa generowane na poczatku tury magii, mozesz poczekac z ich dodaniem i zrobic to pozniej. Debilizm. Nie pamietam przedmiotu ktory ma napisane ze generuje kostki na poczatku tury magii.
- Losuje sie czary normalnie, kazdy lore ma 7 czarow, mozna zmienic dowolny czar na ten dodatkowy, ktorego nie mozna normalnie wylosowac. Chyba wszystkie czary maja 2 wersje, w czesci z nich to tylko poszerzenie zasiegu, ale czesc jest miazdzaca.
- Bound spelle wymagaja wydania min. 1 kostki, ilosc z rzutow + power lvl to casting value, nie ma IF ani mistcastow.
- Mistcasty itp, wszystko w sumie z Warseera sie potwierdza.
- Jedyne zastsowanie dla wielu magow, to wydaje mi sie duzo przedmiotow generujacych kosci, no i szansa na dodatkowa kostke no i wylosowanie potrzebnych czarow. Nawet jak nie wszyscy magowie beda czarowac, to jak wezmiesz ich duzo, to jak ci 1 czy 2 wybuchnie, to masz jeszcze nastepnych 6 (gobliny czy skaveny :D)

Nic wiecej nie pamietam, moze mi sie cos przypomni, ale z tego co widze to wiele osob moglo juz przejrzec rulebooka wiec ma dokladniejsze info. Ja sie postaram pojsc jeszcze do sklepu jak znajde czas i looknac.

Ide w kimke. Dobrej nocki :)

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"Nie jestem powergamerem"
Posty: 186

Post autor: Słowian »

Plota na temat, przedmioty do 8 edycji, link z WarSeer'a (nie widziałem tego wcześniej w temacie)
I tried and gathered some more informations, this time all about the new magic items. Since I am from Germany, I write just down the German names of the items.

Magic Weapons
Riesenklinge (Giantsblade) 60 pts
Strength +3 at close combat
Schwert des Blutbades (Sword of Bloodbath) 60 pts
Bearer gains 3 attacks
Obsidianklinge (Obsidianblade) 50 pts
Wounds with this weapon ignore armour saves
Ogerklinge (Ogerblade) 40 pts
Strength +2 at close combat
Schwert des Haders (Scword of quarrel) 40 pts
Bearer gains 2 attacks
Duellklinge (duelblade) 35 pts
Weapon pair, bearer has weapon skill 10
Heldentöter (Heroslayer) 30 pts
Bearer gains 1 attack and strength for every character model that is in base contact with him or his unit. Bonus is calculated at every the beginning of the close combat
Zauberraubklinge () 25 pts
If a wizard his wounded with this sword, he will lose one random spell for each wound
Schlachtenkling () 20 pts
Bearer gains 1 attack
Schwert der Macht () 20 pts
+1 strength in close combat
Berserkerschwert () 20 pts
Bearer gains frenzy and can never lose it
Goldenes Siegelschwert () 15 pts
Attacks are done with initiative 10
Behände Klinge () 15 pts
Bonus of +1 to hit
Reissende Klinge () 10 pts
Attacks are armour piercing
Reliquienschwert () 10 pts
Attacks with this sword wound always on 5+, or better if one would wound normally on a lower score.
Kreischende Klinge () 10 pts
Bearer causes fear
Schwert der Pein () 5 pts
Monster or character that loses one or more wounds to this sword, will suffer from stupid
Kriegerfluch () 5 pts
Monster or character that loses one or more wounds to this sword, will lose one attack (but will keep at least one attack)

Magic Armour
Rüstung des Schicksals () 50 pts
Heavy armour, 4+ ward save
Schurkenhelm () 50 pts
Armour save is better by 1, enemy has to re-roll successful wounds
Silberstahlrüstung () 45 pts
Armour save 2+, can not be further improved
Rüstung des Glücks () 35 pts
Heavy armour, 5+ ward save
Helm der Zwietracht () 30 pts
Armour save is better by 1, enemy character model has to pass a leadership test, if it fails, it can not attack and will be hit automatically
Glitzernde Schuppenrüstung () 25 pts
Light armour, foes hit chance is reduced by 1 in close combat
Schild des Ptolos () 25 pts
Buckler, 1+ armour save against missile attack (Beschussattacken)
Zauberspruchshild () 20 pts
Buckler, bearer gains magic resistance (1)
Rüstung des Glücksritters () 20 pts
Heavy armour, 6+ ward save
Drachenhelm () 10 pts
Armour save is better by 1, 2+ ward save against fire attacks
Verzauberter Schild () 5 pts
Buckler, Armour save is better by 2
Glücksbringender Schild () 5 pts
Buckler, only one use, first hit will be ignored by 2+

Talisman der Bewahrung () 45 pts
Bearer gains 4+ ward save
Grosser Obsidian () 45 pts
Bearer gains magic resistance (3)
Talisman der Ausdauer () 30 pts
Bearer gains 5+ ward save
Obsidian Amulett () 30 pts
Bearer gains magic resistance (2)
Dämmerstein () 25 pts
Bearer re-rolls missed armour saves
Opalamulett () 15 pts
Only one use, 4+ ward save against first wound
Obsidiananhänger () 15 pts
Bearer gains magic resistance (1)
Talisman des Schutzes () 15 pts
Bearer gains ward save 6+
Samen der Wiedergeburt () 10 pts
Bearer gains 6+ regeneration
Drachenfluchstein () 5 pts
Bearer gains 2+ ward save against fire attacks
Federrupfanhänger () 5 pts
Bearer gain 5+ ward save against models with rule “flying”
Glücksstein () 5 pts
Only one use, Bearer can re-roll one missed armour save

Magic Standard
Standarte der Mordlust () 55 pts
Unit can re-roll attacks
Heulende Standarte () 50 pts
Unit causes horror
Waldläuferbanner () 50 pts
Unit gains “terrain knowledge???”
Klingenstandarte () 45 pts
Unit gains armour piercing
Kriegsbanner () 35 pts
+1 on combat outcome
Banner der Eile () 15 pts
+1 on movement range
Knochenstandarte () 15 pts
Magic resistance (1)
Standarte der Disziplin () 15 pts
+1 on leadership, but can not use the generals leadership
Banner der Ewigen Flamme () 10 pts
Unit causes fire attacks
Strahlende Flagge () 5 pts
Only one use, unit can re-roll first muffed (?) leadership test
Vogelscheuchenbanner () 5 pts
Unit causes fear on all units with “fyling”

Wizard Arcana
Buch von Ashur (Book of Ashur) 70 pts
Bearer gains +1 on his spells and dispels
Schriftrolle der Rückkopplung (Scroll of reaction) 50 pts
Only one use, if an enemy wizard casts a spell, the player can read this scroll instead of banning. The spell will be cast successful. But after resolving the spells effect, the player will roll one dice for every used power dice. For every 5+ the wizard will lose a wound, no armour saves are allowed
Schriftrolle des Energieraubs (Scroll of energy predation) 50 pts
Only one use, if an enemy wizard casts a spell, the player can read this scroll instead of banning. The spell will be cast successful. But after resolving the spells effect, the player will gain as many dispel dices as the wizard used power dices.
Sivejir’s Fluchrolle () 50 pts
Only one use, if an enemy wizard casts a spell, the player can read this scroll instead of banning. The spell will be cast successful. But after resolving the spells effect, the wizard will be a frog, if he is not able to roll one d6 below his magic level. All stats are reduced to 1, only his wounds stay the same. He can not use his magic items etc or cast spells/dispels. The wizard can try to free himself in his next own magic turn on a 4+
Energiespruchrolle () 35 pts
Only one use, every doubles will cause total energy and loss of control
Pechkohlen-Zauberstab () 35 pts
Only one use, wizard can decide to use the staffs power after a successful casts spell to increase the score by rolling an additional d6. By that he can gain total energy and a loss of control
Verbotener Stab () 35 pts
Only one use, at the beginning of his magic turn, the staff grants d6 energy dices. Bearer suffers d3 wounds, no armour saves are allowed
Gauners Scherbe () 25 pts
Only one use, one has to declare the use of it at the beginning of his magic turn, if an enemy wizard want to dispel a spell cast by this wizard, he will lose one wound on 5+, no armour save allowed.
Erdender Stab () 25 pts
Only one use, wizard can re-roll first loss of control
Magiebannende Spruchrolle () 25 points
Only one use, dispels one spell automatically
Energiestein () 20 pts
Only one use, declare to use the stone before you cast a spell. Wizard can use two additional energy dices, but has to use at least one of the energy pool.
Zepter der Stabilität (sceptre of stability) 15 pts
Only one use, after rolling to bane one spell, you can roll an additional d6.
Kanalisierungsstab () 15 pts
Bearer gains +1 to channel an additional energy or dispel dice
Spruchrolle des Schutzes () 15 pts
Only one use, if an enemy wizard casts a spell, the player can read this scroll instead of banning. The spell will be cast successful. But after resolving the spells effect, the targeted unit gains a 4+ ward save for caused wound.

Enchanted Item
Zauberhut (wizards hat?) 100 pts
Level 2 mage, random magic lore, stupid
Fozzriks faltbare Festung (a pocket-watchtower) 100 pts
When both armies have placed their stuff, you can place a watchtower. Rules are in the rules book
Arabianischer Teppich (arabic rug) 50 pts
Infantry and monstrous infantry gain flying, cannot join units
Krone der Herrschaft 35 (crown of command) pts 35
Bearer is relentless (in German it is “unnachgiebig”)
Heiltrank (healing potion) 35 pts
Only one use, gain W6 lost health
Flügelfluchreif (winged curse circlet???) 35 points
Flying creatures and their riders have to re-roll successful hits against bearer/unit
Rubinring der Zerstörung (rubyring of destruction) 25 pts
Bound spell (energy level 3) Fireball
Die Schreckensmaske von Iek! () 25 pts
Bearer causes horror. Other units are not allowed to use his leadership
Stärketrank (strength potion) 20 pts
Only one use, +3 strength
Widerstandstrank (toughness potion) 20 pts
Only one use, +3 toughness
Des anderen Gauners Scherbe (the others chiseller shard) 15 pts
All models in base contact (friend and foe) need to re-roll successful saves
Eisenfluch-Ikone () 5 pts
6+ ward against war machines
Trank der Tollkühnheit () 5 pts
Only one use, immunity against psychology and „vernichtender Angriff“ (killing attack?)
Trank der Geschwindigkeit (speed potion) 5 pts
Only one use,+3 initiative

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Wielki Nieczysty Spamer
Posty: 6022
Lokalizacja: Włoszczowa

Post autor: Rasti »

Coś mi się wydaje, że tutaj Wam się to przyda:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kL9MGlQW ... re=related

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"Nie jestem powergamerem"
Posty: 134

Post autor: papa-smerf »

To w końcu dowolne formowanie szeregów daje muzyk czy weteran bo już są 2 rożne wersje ?

Posty: 775
Lokalizacja: K-ce

Post autor: Doman- »

co to weteran?

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Posty: 1610
Lokalizacja: Poznań

Post autor: ANtY »

zielonatrawa pisze:co to weteran?