Stary Klinkiera 16, 20.03.2011, 2400 pkt Euro Sopot.

Regulaminy, relacje, scenariusze, kampanie, pokazy etc.

Moderatorzy: Laik, Dymitr

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Posty: 1207
Lokalizacja: BWT Klika - Rumia

Stary Klinkiera 16, 20.03.2011, 2400 pkt Euro Sopot.

Post autor: Michał »

BWT Klika wraz z klubem "Rzeźnik" i sklepem Futurex oraz Starym Klinkiera ma zaszczyt zaprosić na turniej, który odbędzie się 20-03-2011

Turniej zaczyna się o 09:00, zapisy i wejście od 08:30
Format - EURO 2400
liczba bitew - 3 po 2,5h
Sędziowie: Suchy

Brak oceny malowania, proxy dopuszczone

Ograniczenia ETC:
Rules changes:
- Characters will get "look out sir" versus the following spells that automatically kill models or automatically remove an entire regiment: Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation, Dreaded 13th, Infernal Gateway 11-12 effect. Normal requirements for lookout sir apply.

General Restrictions:

2400 Points.
No Special or Named Characters.
Army used can be any of the currently published GW Army books.
A maximum of 3 identical core choices may be taken (regardless of equipment and other upgrades)
An army may have up to 5 war machines and template weapons. Warmachines that use a template count as a single choice in this regard. All template weapons (from magic items, abilities, etc.) count, except for spells.
Max. 45 models with missile weapons with a range of 20”+ (not incl. war machines, characters and chariots).

Unit sizes are limited as follows:
Units cannot be more than 40 models nor 450 points (including all command, upgrades, magic items/banners). This restriction applies during the creation of the roster - unit size/cost may be increased during the game (for example - by joining characters to the unit). This restriction does not apply to characters.

Magic Restrictions:
- Apart from Winds of magic and Channeling, an army may only generate 2 PD/DD per magic phase.
- You may have units/abilities that actually would generate more than 2 extra dice, but any excess dice are lost
- Some magic items/abilities count as generating dice toward this limit.
- “Count as” items/abilities may never exceed a cumulative 2 PD/DD per phase. This means that if you take the Book of Hoeth, you may not take any other items that “count as adding PD/DD”
- All modifiers are applied from the army list and will not change during the game.

Detailed description
Apart from winds of magic and through the channeling rule, an army may only ever add 2 dice to its power or dispel pool in each magic phase. Any dice added to the pool, regardless of source (generated, stolen, stored from previous magic phases, generated by magic items/abilities to boost spellcasting before or after the casting attempt, produced by spells, lore abilities, and so on) count. Excess dice are simply discarded and cannot be used in any way (i.e. - they can’t be stored).

If a dice is stolen from the opponent’s pool, but your army has already generated two extra dice, the dice is removed from the opponent’s pool and then discarded.

Some special items and abilities DECREASE the limit of power or dispel dice you can add to the pool. We refer to those as “count as” items. What this means is that, if your roster includes one “counts as 1 Power Dice (PD)” item, your army can only add 1 power dice (instead of the usual 2 dice) to the pool in each of your own magic phases of the entire game (regardless of whether the item is destroyed or used up).
Please note that you cannot have a combination of items that would decrease the limit of extra power or dispel dice to below zero.

Item restrictions:
- Power Scroll is banned
- Each Loremaster ability counts as generating 1 PD each magic phase
- Any item that auto-dispels a spell counts as generating 1 DD each magic phase.
- Folding Fortress is not allowed

Army Specific Restrictions:
Beastmen: Beastmen armies have an extra 200 points for their roster (2600 total).
Bretts: No Restrictions
Dark Elves: Hydra is a 0-1 choice. Max. 35 repeater Crossbows in the army. Repeater Bolt Throwers 0-2. Flying units (inc. characters on flying steeds) in the army limited to 0-3. Shades max 20 models per army. Dreadlord on pegasus cannot take Crown of Command.
Dwarves: Each spellbreaker/spelleater rune counts as +1 DD. Grudge Throwers are a 0-2 choice; May generate Max. +4 dispel dice instead of +2
DOC: Max. 28 Models per unit; Flamers are a 0-1 choice. All daemonic gifts are 0-1. Bloodletters and Herald of Khorne are 0-3 total. Daemonic Battle Standard can take either daemonic icon or gifts.
Empire: Steam Tank counts as a war machine; Tank, Rocket battery and Engineers are a 0-1 choice
High Elves: Max. 500 points or 40 models per unit; Vortex Shard counts as +1DD; Book of Hoeth counts as 2PD and 2 DD; Banner of the World Dragon counts as +1 DD
Lizardmen: Salamanders are a 0-1 Choice; Terradons, Chameleon Skinks and Stegadons (any kind) are 0-2 choices; Beclaming Cogitations counts as +2DD; Cupped hands counts as +2PD
Ogres: Ogre Kingdoms armies have an extra 200 points for their roster (2600 total).
O&G: No Restrictions
Skaven: All Skaven rare choices 0-1; Gutter runners are a 0-2 choice; Engineers are a 0-3 choice;
Vampires: Wraiths and Varghulf are 0-1 choices. Wraith unit size - maximum 5 models. Army may have maximum two units (total) of: wraiths, black coach or spirit hosts. Army with grave guard using great weapons may not have Drakenhoff Banner.
TK: Tomb King armies have an extra 200 points for their roster (2600 total).
WE: Wand of Wych Elm counts as +1 DD
Warriors of Chaos: Hellcannon is a 0-1 choice. Infernal Puppet counts as +1 PD and +2DD; Tendrils of Tzeench and Conjoined Homunculus both counts as +1 PD. Favour of the Gods cannot be taken by a Champion of a Chosen of Tzeentch unit

Victory points scored as per the rulebook, with the exceptions that:
- units that are at 25% or less of their original models yield 50% VP's to the opponent (characters, monsters and handlers, war machines and single models are unaffected).
-units that are fleeing at the end of the battle yield 50% VP's to the opponent.
In both cases, bonuses (for generals, banners, etc.) are not counted towards the 50%.

0-150 - 10-10
151-300 - 11-9
301-450 - 12-8
451-600 - 13-7
601-750 - 14-6
751-900 – 15-5
901-1050 – 16-6
1051-1200- 17-3
1201-1350- 18-2
1500+ - 20/0

Virtual Line of Sight
Size chart:
0: Swarms - models of this size never block line of sight or give cover.
1: Infantry, War Beasts, War Machines
2: Cavalry, Monstrous Infantry/Cavalry/Beasts, Chariots, Unique without the Large Target rule
3: Monsters, all Large Targets

Line of sight is always checked virtually, drawn "base to base". Models see in their front 1/4 zone. Line of Sight is blocked by models that are equal to or larger than both: the model whose line of sight we are checking and its target.
Line of sight and war machines:
Catapults (and similar) can place their template so that the center is over any one unit that is at least partially visible to them.
Cannons can choose any point between themselves and a visible target when firing. Over- or under-guessing to shoot at units the cannon does not have line of sight to is not allowed
Hills are size two for each level (so a 3-step hill is size 6) and block sight / give hard cover just like models of that size. Models standing on hills add the hill size to their own size. Buildings and large rocks always block line of sight completely. Forests do not block line of sight, but soft cover applies to all shots fired through or into (but not out of) forests. Ruins do not block line of sight, but hard cover applies to all shots fired into (but not through/out of) ruins. Units standing behind obstacles gain soft (wood) or hard (stone) cover as per the RB.
Cover from intervening units/terrain
Cover is granted when at least 50% of models in target unit are fully or partially obscurred by other units/terrain from the shooting model. In order for intervening models to grant cover, their size must be at least: one point smaller than both the target unit and the shooting model.
Skirmishers never block LoS, and are seen in accordance with their size on the chart, but provide cover as per the above rules. The gap between skirmishers is treated as part of the unit when determining if skirmishers give cover to something behind them. Skirmishers formed up for combat block Line of Sight like normal units.

1. na turnieju będzie Suchy i to on jest odpowiedzialny za organizację
2. zaczynamy 1h szybciej niż zwykle

1. Ryjo Costa
2. Ben Suchar
3. Kreol
4. Macias
5. Loki
6. Zbik
7. Szyderator
8. KJ
9. TEn Mlody i ....
10. Guzka
11. Kervyn
12. Eddie
13. Przelas
14. Ziemko
15. Herr Piotr
16. Tata Pasiak
17. Dimmu
18. Tede
19. Kurek
20. Korhil
21. Malin
22. Kołek
23. Rychu
Ostatnio zmieniony 20 mar 2011, o 07:13 przez Michał, łącznie zmieniany 6 razy.

Cosmo pisze: 19 sie 2014, o 20:33 BTW gdzie spia Ci co nie chodza spac przed polnoca? Jakies zwierzeta z Nemezisu, BWT, Front..?

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Posty: 1449
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk - SNOT

Post autor: Drwal »

A jakie sa scenariusze bo nie moge dostrzec

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Posty: 8685
Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz

Post autor: Gokish »

Drwal pisze:A jakie sa scenariusze bo nie moge dostrzec
w euro 3 battleline

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 646
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk-SNOT

Post autor: Szrederator »


Posty: 1681
Lokalizacja: SNOT Gdańsk

Post autor: Piotr3K »

Wpiszcie mnie

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Posty: 670
Lokalizacja: Gdynia

Post autor: ismael »

Wstępnie zapisz.
Myślę nad graniem za Dogs of War.
1. Czy mogę grać za tę armię ?
2. Jakie dostanę "Army Specific Restrictions" ?

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Posty: 253

Post autor: Guzka »

nie no zapisz tylko wazne pytanie. czemu znowu 2400 ? ile mozna. nie mozecie czegos wymyslic? :P

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 497
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Kervyn »

Zapisz. Może kiedyś jakaś drużynówka? ;p
Ostatnio zmieniony 6 mar 2011, o 17:46 przez Kervyn, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.

Chuck Norris
Posty: 409
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk SNOT

Post autor: eddie »


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Posty: 1099
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk

Post autor: przelas »


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Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4288
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk SNOT

Post autor: Jagal »

Kervyn pisze:Zapisz. Może kiedyś jakaś drużynówka? ;p
druzynowka ma byc za miesiac w bydzi ;p
Kupię bretońskie modele z 5tej edycji:
Metalowi quesci,
French Games Day Knight 'L'Hermite De Malemont' !! ,
4ed rycerze na piechotę.

Snot Fanpage <<--- , klikać! ;)

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 580

Post autor: Korhil »

wpisz mnie, tadzika i kurka
Imperial stormtroopers can never die. They can only go to hell and regroup.

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Posty: 1824
Lokalizacja: SNOT - filia w Pogórzu

Post autor: Macias »

Michał pisze: który odbędzie się 09-01-2011
dobra data

zapisz mnie
Azgaroth pisze:30 savage orków z wardem na 5+ i dodatkową bronią + lord na dziku i szaman walczą z 40 halabardnikami imperium (I tura - działa choppas). Dzikusy wbijają jedną ranę ( :shock: ), lord na dziku zapomina jak się walczy i nie wbija nic, szaman nie trafia. Halabardnicy wbijają 10 ran, test LD na stubborna dwukrotnie oblewam, na dystans ucieczki rzucam dwie jedynki :)
Imperialna moc!

Chuck Norris
Posty: 629
Lokalizacja: BWT - Gdynia

Post autor: Loki »

No tak Michał człowiek "ctrl + c i ctrl + v" :twisted:

No jasne ze będę!


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Posty: 1705
Lokalizacja: SNOT Gdynia MANTRA Studio

Post autor: Malin »

SIŁA :!:

zapisz i mnie :wink:

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Lex Luthor
Posty: 16668
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Ziemko »

Zapisz mnie i 3 miejsca dla Bydgoszczy.
Koluje ekipe.

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Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4074
Lokalizacja: SNOT- Gdańsk

Post autor: Młody »

No to mnie też zapisz.

Snot Fanpage

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1824
Lokalizacja: SNOT - filia w Pogórzu

Post autor: Macias »

Będzie duża sala, czy znowu mała?
Azgaroth pisze:30 savage orków z wardem na 5+ i dodatkową bronią + lord na dziku i szaman walczą z 40 halabardnikami imperium (I tura - działa choppas). Dzikusy wbijają jedną ranę ( :shock: ), lord na dziku zapomina jak się walczy i nie wbija nic, szaman nie trafia. Halabardnicy wbijają 10 ran, test LD na stubborna dwukrotnie oblewam, na dystans ucieczki rzucam dwie jedynki :)
Imperialna moc!

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1449
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk - SNOT

Post autor: Drwal »

to mnie tez poprosze

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1207
Lokalizacja: BWT Klika - Rumia

Post autor: Michał »

ismael pisze:Wstępnie zapisz.
Myślę nad graniem za Dogs of War.
1. Czy mogę grać za tę armię ?
2. Jakie dostanę "Army Specific Restrictions" ?
Jako, że to Euro to Dogs of war zakazane.
Guzka pisze:nie no zapisz tylko wazne pytanie. czemu znowu 2400 ? ile mozna. nie mozecie czegos wymyslic? :P
Znowu ? ostatnie dwa turnieje u nas to parówka 1200x2 oraz 2800, można do tego doliczyć Bydgoskie 2800. No a dwa, że najbliższy master też na takie zasady. Spoko parówka też jest planowana w najbliższej przyszłości.
Kervyn pisze:Zapisz. Może kiedyś jakaś drużynówka? ;p
Na małej salce na pewno drużynówki nie będzie.
Ziemko pisze:Zapisz mnie i 3 miejsca dla Bydgoszczy.
Koluje ekipe.
Liczymy na was :)
Macias pisze:Będzie duża sala, czy znowu mała?
Do kwietnia na pewno mała sala :(

Cosmo pisze: 19 sie 2014, o 20:33 BTW gdzie spia Ci co nie chodza spac przed polnoca? Jakies zwierzeta z Nemezisu, BWT, Front..?