EDIT: Jak będzie wyglądał efekt tego czaru w przypadku rydwanów/maszyn/unique, których najniższa Ld w oddziale, zgodnie z profilem wynosi "0" lub "-"? Czy w takiej sytuacji też należy użyć najniższej wartości z profilu, co oznacza automatycznie niezdany test Ld? A jeśli nie stosujemy Ld o wartości "-" to jaką wartość Ld należy przyjać?
"Treason of Tzeentch is a hex spell with a range of 24". Until the start of caster's next Magic phase, the target unit must use the lowest Leadership value in the unit (instead of the highest as would normally be the case) and cannot benefit from the Inspiring Presence or Hold Your Ground special rule."
Tu dyskusja na ten temat łącznie z odwoływaniem się do zasad z RB itd.:
http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic ... 3&t=110917
kilka postów z tej dyskusji:
1. "The rulebook actually says on cavalry, "We assume the rider to be in complete control of his mount, so the mount's Leadership is never used, unless a special rule states otherwise".
In this case we do have a special rule/spell stating to use the lowest value, which is the mount's, so, follow that rule."
2."the spell specifically says use lowest Ld instead of the highest as you would normally do. It does however not say, to stop ignoring the rule for not using the steeds Ld."
3. "The spell explicitly tells you to use the lowest leadership. It doesn't say "The lowest non-mount leadership."
4. "It is a special rule specifically saying you must use the lowest value in the unit, which in the case of cavalry is the mount. Therefore, there really is no conflict with the BRB as it says "never...unless a special rule states otherwise." Treason says "otherwise" as the lowest value is the mount."
5. "A special rule needs to specifically mention something to be considered a trump. In this case, the special rule is telling us to use the lowest Ld in the unit, which trumps the normal rule of using the highest. It is not explicitly telling us to use a mount's Ld, which states that it's never used. One rule is trumped, the other is not. Without language specific to the rider/mount rules, Treason (as written) doesn't trump them convincingly."
6. "That's not what it states. The spell's effect includes all Leadership values without qualification as to source beyond being in the target unit. Thus, the mounts leadership qualifies. The rule regarding whether a mount's Leadership is used or not is not absolute as it includes situations in which it may be used. The spell is such a situation"
7. "Let's leave the spell out of the discussion for a moment. A Prince ( Ld 10 ) is leading a unit of silver helms (Ld 8 ) riding elven steeds (Ld 5 ). If you were just going to ask "What is the lowest Ld in the unit, you would say 8 because of the above quote.
IMO, for a "special rule to state otherwise" Treason of Tzeentch would have to explicitly state "If the character is mounted, use the Ld of the mount." "Use the lowest Ld of the unit" is not permissive enough, in my opinion."
8. No, the lowest LD in the unit is clearly the mount's score. It is the lowest on the profile."