Archmage 320 ptsHigh Elves (2400p)
Flyers 0-5 (large target counts as 2)
Book of Hoeth counts as 2 PD and 1 DD
Banner of World Dragoncounts as 1 DD
General, Level 4 upgrade
Lore of Death
Talisman of Preservation 45 pts
Book of Hoeth 55 pts
Noble 274 pts
Heavy Armour
Griffon 150 pts
Enchanted Shield 5 pts
Sword of Might 20 pts
Dawnstone 25 pts
Noble 114 pts
BSB, Heavy Armour
Standard of Discipline 15 pts
21 Archers 220 pts
20 Archers 210 pts
5 Ellyrian Reavers 85 pts
5 Silver Helms 135 pts
28 White Lions 444 pts
Banner of World Dragon 50 pts
Reaper Bolt Thrower 70 pts
Reaper Bolt Thrower 70 pts
Reaper Bolt Thrower 70 pts
Frostheart Phoenix 240 pts
7 Sisters of Averlorn 98 pts
Great Eagle 50 pts