taki coś wyszło
1 Lord: Daemon Prince of Lust @ 535.0 Pts
General; Mark of Dark Gods (Lust); Magic Level 3; Path of Black Magic;
Soul Feeder
#Soulfeeder [0.0]
Lucky Shield [5.0]
Dragonfire Gem [5.0]
Daemonic Wings [50.0]
Waste Hardened Skin [35.0]
Razor Blade [5.0]
1 Hero: Harbringer of Chaos of Change @ 285.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Change); Great Weapon; Barding; Battle Standard;
Daemonic Steed
Dragonscale Helm [10.0]
Talisman of Greater Shielding [30.0]
Third Eye of Change [30.0]
1 Daemonic Steed @ [0.0] Pts
1 Hero: Sorcerer of True Chaos @ 130.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (True Chaos); Magic Level 1; Path of Shadow
Enchanted Shield [5.0]
Dispel Scroll [35.0]
8 Fallen of Wrath @ 155.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Wrath); Frenzy
1 Fallen Champion @ [10.0] Pts
8 Fallen of Wrath @ 130.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Wrath); Frenzy
8 Fallen of Wrath @ 130.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Wrath); Frenzy
1 Wasteland Chariot of Lust @ 105.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Lust); Chariot Crew; Waste Steeds
1 Wasteland Chariot of Lust @ 105.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Lust); Chariot Crew; Waste Steeds
6 Once-Chosen of Change @ 473.0 Pts
Chosen of Change; Mark of Dark Gods (Change); Halberd; Standard; Musician
Banner of Courage [5.0]
1 Champion @ [35.0] Pts
Magic Level 1
#0: Blue Fire [0.0]
#2: Pink Fire [0.0]
Dagger of Change [25.0]
3 Crusher Knights @ 250.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Wrath); Frenzy; Daemon Weapons; Shield; Standard;
Musician; Crusher
Gleaming Icon [5.0]
1 Hellscream Cannon @ 200.0 Pts
Frenzy; Hellscream Cannon
Diabeł bije z siła 6 AP 2(kombo lust +razor blade) czyli praktycznie bez sejva. Black magic fajnie działa z fallenami..siła 5 Ap +1 do hita + ich mobilnosc daje fajne mozliwosci.Do tego path atribut niezły dla diabła. Once chosen tutaj to dosc uniwesalny oddzial..siałe 5 w razie czego moge podbic z zerówki do tego champ ma fajne duze pociski z siał d6 +2 na jakies bydlaki. Skule tylko daltage ze chce miec 2 sztandary w armii.Mały mag z buta za górka standardowo. Helena od biedy tez moze sie skombic z 4 czarem z black magic. Cos byscie zmienili?