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1 * Vampire Courtier Von Karnstein @ 490.0 Pts
Von Karnstein; General; The Dead Arise; Wizard Apprentice; 1 Learned
Spell; The Evocation; Great Weapon; Shield; Mount's Protection (5+)
#The Dead Arise [30.0]
Armour of Destiny [90.0]
Skeletal steed @ [0.0] Pts
1 * Vampire Courtier Von Karnstein @ 480.0 Pts
Von Karnstein; Battle Standard Bearer; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Shield;
Mount's Protection (5+)
Unholy Tome [50.0]
Talisman of Greater Shielding [50.0]
Skeletal steed @ [0.0] Pts
1 Necromancer Master @ 230.0 Pts
1 Learned Spell; The Evocation
20 Zombies @ 150.0 Pts
Standard; Musician
20 Zombies @ 150.0 Pts
Standard; Musician
29 Ghouls @ 545.0 Pts
8 Barrow Knights @ 370.0 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
5 Spectral Hunters @ 280.0 Pts
3 Vampire Spawn @ 220.0 Pts
5 Dire Wolves @ 80.0 Pts
Models in Army: 91
Total Army Cost: 2995.0
A tu wersja z Lordem...
1 * Vampire Count Von Karnstein @ 770.0 Pts
Von Karnstein; General; The Dead Arise; Wizard Master; 1 Learned Spell;
The Evocation; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Shield; Mount's Protection (5+)
Talisman of Supreme Shielding [100.0]
#The Dead Arise [30.0]
Dragonscale Helm [30.0]
Skeletal steed @ [0.0] Pts
1 * Vampire Courtier Von Karnstein @ 430.0 Pts
Von Karnstein; Battle Standard Bearer; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Shield;
Mount's Protection (5+)
Unholy Tome [50.0]
Skeletal steed @ [0.0] Pts
20 Zombies @ 150.0 Pts
Standard; Musician
20 Zombies @ 130.0 Pts
30 Ghouls @ 565.0 Pts
8 Barrow Knights @ 370.0 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
5 Spectral Hunters @ 280.0 Pts
Great Weapon; Ghost Steed
3 Vampire Spawn @ 220.0 Pts
5 Dire Wolves @ 80.0 Pts
Models in Army: 92
Total Army Cost: 2995.0