The Steam Tank is a regular sight on the battlefield,
Since it´s been so efficient, now it was judged to have 475 points as an appropriate point cost.
Still we can add two warmachines in the imperial armoury slot and good ol´Steamo
hopefully will remain an option for many Sonnstahl Generals yet.
Nowadays so many prelates are seen walking with the rabble,
apparently war altars are hard to come by and expensive to get.
To restore the former glory, the war altar point cost has been reduced by 20 points.
Additional channel, Six inch bubble for hatred, 18 " disci bubble, stubborn until judgement day comes-
and that missile threatening to blow chariots and monsters apart.
Finally this could become a deal again instead of the ever present two clerics on Foot...
On a bright note, old Steamo is the only unit in the book getting more expensive with the update
Najbardziej mnie ciekawią koszty bohaterów i maszyn...reszta to detale.Imperial Mounts
The pegasus got cheaper for both marshall and wizard by 10 points,
hopefully we see the return of mighty mages throwing magic bombs from above and that versatile highly armoured marschall on Pegasus.
Griffons already got more popular, may the sky belong to the Empire once again
"Faith is still a strong currency in the Empire. Some of us are more faithful than the ordinary townsfolk or
people in the countryside.
They would die for the Empire and Sunna, and they will do so.
In desperate times, their number swells.
They may seem mad to you and unwashed(and they probably are), but they won´t hesitate or cower when judgement day comes.
Since their starting cost is reduced by 20 points, you can throw even more happy cannon fodder into the fire.
Small blocks of 15 madmen or hordes of crazies supported by prelates and buff wagons- it´s up to you
Electoral Cavalry
While the true footsluggers are the backbone of every empire army,
the knights in shiny armour often will win the day with their glorious charge-
shattering the opponent´s ranks and striking fear into the heart of the beast.
The starting cost has been reduced from 160 to 155 points(-5). Every additional knights is available for 29 points(-1).
This may not seem huge to you and still structural issues remain with that unit.
But the discount really adds up if you take lists like me(big knightly orders bus+ 2 or 3 units of 5 electoral knights)-
our 5 men- units now belong to the most resilient but cheap scoring units in the game.
Heavy Infantry
One of the most iconic units in our army, those guys are there for the grind.
What they lack in strength, they mitigate by discipline, tactics and support formation.
While the single empire soldiers may have faltered under pressure,
his comrades, orders and support by magic and prayers turn him into a beast or barrier the foe can´t break.
The starting cost has been reduced from 150 to 145 points.
No dramatic change here. A nice boon for those fielding 20 men blocks with hw/shield though and little discount
for halberd/spear wielding hordes 0f 35+.