Witam przedstawiam ponizej 2 rozpiski i mam do was prosbe jezeli mozecie zaprezentujcie wady i zalety oraz wlasne odczucia co do konfrontacji tych dwoch armii.
1 Prince, Heavy Armour; Shield, Star Lance, Vambraces of Defence, Elf Steed: Barded
1 Noble, Battle Standard, Sword of Might, Armour of Caledor
Core Units
10 Archers
10 Archers
Special Units
17 Swordmasters, Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; FCG, Skeinsliver
5 Dragon Princes, Barding; Lance; Dragon Armour; Shield; Banner of Ellyrion, FCG
7 White Lions, Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Lion Pelt; FCG
7 White Lions, Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Lion Pelt; FCG
1 Lion Chariot
6 Shadow Warriors, Longbow; Light Armour, Shadow-walker
Rare Units
1 Repeater Bolt Thrower
1 Repeater Bolt Thrower
1 Repeater Bolt Thrower
Casting Pool: 2
Dispel Pool: 2
Models in Army: 74
Total Army Cost: 1991
1 Grand Master, General; Barding; Full Plate Armor; Warhorse
Sword of Power, Holy Relic, Enchanted Shield
1 Captain, Barding; Full Plate Armor; Battle Standard; Warhorse
Sword of Might, Helm of the Ratslayer
1 Warrior Priest of Sigmar, Prayers of Sigmar; Great Weapon
Armour of Meteoric Iron
Core Units
10 Crossbowmen
5 Detachment - Handgunners
5 Detachment - Handgunners
19 Swordsmen, Light Armour; Shield; FCG
5 Detachment - Halberdiers
5 Detachment - Free Company
20 Flagellant Warbands, Frenzy; Flail, Prophet of Doom
Special Units
5 Knights of the Inner Circle, Barding; Lance; Full Plate Armor; Shield; Standard; Preceptor
5 Knights of the Inner Circle, Barding; Lance; Full Plate Armor; Shield; Standard; Preceptor
1 Great Cannon
1 Great Cannon
Rare Units
1 Steam Tank
1 Helblaster Volley Gun
Casting Pool: 2
Dispel Pool: 3
Models in Army: 95
Total Army Cost: 1994
HE vs Empire
Gra jest wtedy fajniejsza. Wiecej oddzialow wiecej sie dzieje na stole i wogole.Arte pisze:wywalasz jedno inner circle, dopakowywujesz drugie, i dodajesz jedną armate. HE wtedy nie mają szans.
po drugie, jaki jest sens, zeby armie ktore powinny korzystać z magii jej nieuzywali?