Ale jak wlozysz 2 GD demony to tak naprawde nic wiecej nie wciszniesz

Chociaz juz myslalem o 2x Thister

Moderator: KrzysiekW
Attention everyone! I missed another piece of information from the WD editorial that will make Chaos Players rejoice!
Jes Bickham mentions that in the Glottkin book there's rules for summoning Daemons. You read that right, you can now summon daemons!
HOWEVER this seems to be limited to Chaos Sorcerers, yet I don't know whether these include wizards from DoC and BoC as well.
Also we get a full-blown combined list as it seems, with most likely all options available. BoC, DoC and WoC are officially "combined" now.
Barbara pisze:Może nie wszyscy się w tym środowisku lubimy, ale akurat prawie wszyscy się znamy. To że dwóch znajomych da sobie czasem po ryjach nie powinno chyba nikogo dziwić.