Moderator: Kołata
Nie ma waaaagh, to był taki fajny, klimatyczny czar... No i te zwykle orkasy to teraz niezła plewa będzie według mnie, a szkoda bo zawsze ich lubiłem. Z tego co tu piszą to arresrsi mają 4 bs, całkiem fajne. Snotlingi strzelając autohitami bez AS? WtF?maciom pisze:http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/conte ... d=6800024a
tylko gdzie w czarach jest WAAAGH
Choppa - działa na wszystkie bronie orków, również magiczne. Daje to szansę na niezłe lanie po gębie w pierwszej turze walki, większe niż dotychczas.bless pisze:Choppa, fear elves, size matters, Biguns. Brak zmian, a nawet jesli sa, to malo znaczace.
Prostując - mogą go użyć tylko orkowi warbossowie - wszystkie oddziały orków szarżujące w tej turze otrzymują +1 do CR, a oddział warbossa otrzymuje D3 do CR.bless pisze:Waaagh - duzo gorsze! Mniej herosow moze go uzyc (tylko warbossowie), w szczegolnych okolicznosciach (w szarzy) a na dodatek bonus jest turbo slaby. Punkcik do CR nie ma praktycznie zadnego znaczenia w starciach, gdzie wyrzyna sie po kilka/naście modeli...
Mogą być wystawiani w oddziałach 1-3.bless pisze:Goblin Chariots - bez zmian
Jest teraz Rare choicem.bless pisze:Rock Lobba - bez zmian
Są tańsze niż tu podanebless pisze:Spear Chukka - gorsza!
W specialach i za 35 punktów (tylko kamienne i rzeczne za 45 punktów i w rare'ach)bless pisze:Trolls: takie same
Ale można wykupić wszystkie z upgrade'ów.bless pisze:snotling chariot - taki sam, bo upgrady sa za drogie, by bylo warto je kupowac (juz lepiej kupic zwykly Boar Chariot)
3 gobliny na oddział za 30 pkt. razem dają Ci 6 ataków z KB w turze ujawnienia.bless pisze:Goblins - nic godnego uwagi a te ninjas to jeszcze bardziej zalosny zart niz duzy nóż savagy.
Scatterują D6".bless pisze:Doom Divers - bez zmian
Nieznane są jeszcze casting value, a ostatni czar z małego Waaagh wydaje się niezły do niszczenia dużych oddziałów. Do tego kontrola nad jednostkami za pomocą czaru Itching i Gorks Hand wydaje się ciekawą opcją.bless pisze:Magia - gorsza. Czary sa po prostu slabsze i ciezsze do rzucenia.
- The new giant spider monster has 8 wounds and the crew cannot be killed. 4+ Armor save, stubborn ( 99% sure on that), poison attacks, and one of its attacks is poisoned and does d6 wounds. It can be upgraded to have a STR1 (3) stone thrower that gives any enemy unit it touches the always strike last special rule. Or if a goblin great shaman is mounted on it, it can have some sort of upgrade that gives all friendly casters +2 on their channel attempts and gives the goblin the loremaster ability.
Właściwie to szczególnie wyeksponowałeś zdanie: "brak zmian", a nie "bez znaczenia i/lub na gorsze"bless pisze:Mac, przeczytaj jeszcze raz swoje sprostowania do moich opisow. Tak wlasnie wygladaja zmiany bez znaczenia i/lub na gorsze.
Te ulepszenia do pumpów są wcale niczego sobie.Snottling pump wagons are 45 points and have several upgrades. 15 for +1S and another 15 points on top of that to ignore armor saves. They can have "wings" for 5 points which means they only take dangerous terrain test if they end their turn in difficult terrain. They can also take a 10 point upgrade that lets them move an extra d6.
Ale na tym obrazku do którego porównałeś arachnozorda, wszystkie kule i pociski odbijają się od modliszkiKlafuti pisze:Ten cały arachnozord to papierowy kolega. Łatwo będzie schodził od ostrzału
czar waaaaagh był lepszy niż cała ta nowa magia. nie zmienili statów, a to znaczy że orkowie nadal bija się z inicjatywą 0,0000000000000000001, kiepskim ws-em i siłą. bez boostów są do niczego. przerzut hitów i armour piercing z nowego lora nie budzą mojego zaufania.Rozumiem, że ich słabość polega również na tym, że nie ma totalnej rzezi, a kontrola nad polem bitwy jest meh.
The attila the hun goblin is a hero choice and must join a unit of wolf riders. He has a 3+ armor save total. And a bow with quick to fire and x3 shots. His unit of wolf riders gets +1 BS and quick to fire for free. I think he was about 115 points. His unit also gets to reroll their flee and pursuit rolls.
The Savage Shaman is a level 4. He has a unique spell that I think is an 8+, and roll a d6 for each enemy wizard within 12 inches. On a roll of a 6 they turn into a squiq no saves. Each person turned into a squiq lets him store an extra power/dispel die. He starts off only able to store one die. He has a 5+ ward save and couple extra rules I don't remember.
Gorbad is now pretty awesome. He's ~375 points. His weapon does 1d3 wounds and ignores armor. He's still the general bsb and his leadership effect is 18in. and doesn't decrease if he takes a wound. Also if any unit squables they get to add gorbads current wound number to their animosity chart roll.
Azhag is a little over 500 points. He's not a level 3 wizard of death and all units that fail animosity have to reroll it.
Grom is mostly the same but is able to call a waaagh.
The only arcane item is 50 points and can only be taken by a savage orc shaman. It increases the tatoo ward save for him and the unit he's in by 1.
The skull wand is an enchanted item in think. ~75 points and its one model in base to base has to make a leadership test on unmodified leadership or die, no saves.
The chained squiqs are 65 points, work move 3d6 inches until they get run into an enemey and then more around like a fantatic. Its 6S and always counts as having light cover and no longer dies because of hills. Its also 2d6 hits. Normal fanatics also get light cover and don't die from hills.
Snottlings are 30 points a base, and are swarms. They have a thrown weapon attack that auto hits at 2S and ignores armor.
Snottling pump wagons are 45 points and have several upgrades. 15 for +1S and another 15 points on top of that to ignore armor saves. They can have "wings" for 5 points which means they only take dangerous terrain test if they end their turn in difficult terrain. They can also take a 10 point upgrade that lets them move an extra d6.
If you take a great goblin shaman on an arach. you can take 40 point upgrade on it that gives the goblin lore master. Also all of your wizards within 12in get +2 to channel.
Wolf riders are 10 points a model and their upgrades are one point each, spear, shield, short bow. They still remain fast cav if they take shields.
Squiq hoppers are 12 points now and a character on a giant squiq can join the unit. If they do so they can reroll their random move distance.
Squiq herds are the same price but you buy the squiqs and herders seperately. 8 points for a squiq and 3 for a herder. You have to have atleast 1 herder for every 3 squiqs.
Spider riders have a special rule allowing them to assault buildings with their mounts, meaning the spiders get to attack also. However they can't occupy a building.
The SC goblin rider, don't remember his name gob spitter or something like that. Must join a unit of spider riders, and only character who can join that unit. He has a one use javalin that's poisonous and does 1d3 wounds. His magical weapon is also poisonous and does 1d3 wounds. He gives the unit he joins ambush and devestating charge. He's about 110 points.
Each command upgrade for each unit is 10 points, just about across the book. Also the skulkers are 10 points each which makes you wonder why you would take a big bos in a unit of common goblins if you haven't maxes skulkers. Skulkers are up to 3 per unit and have WS 2 S 3 and 2 attacks base, but 3 attacks with two combat weapons and I2.
Black orcs, savage boar riders, and orc boar riders can take magic banners worth up to 50 points. The only core unit that can take a magic banner is a unit of orc big'uns. Note that from what I saw savage orc big'uns can't take a magic banner.
The magic armor adds 1d3 toughness, roll each round and is 100 points. It also has another affect that I can't remember.
Fairly confident on these numbers Savage orc warboss is 150 points and a normal orc warboss is 115.
Goblin and night goblin great shamans went down 10 points. Normal goblin and night goblin shaman stayed the same price.
The bolt thrower is still 35 points and you can have up to 6 in a normal army 12 in a grand army. On a roll of a 1 to hit though, the bolt thrower suffers a misfire, you roll on the stone thrower misfire chart.
Orc chariots went up 5 points.
Oh yes, normal orcs are S3. They just went up a point, save for orc arrer boyz, they went up a point also.
I'll just confirm that night goblins get a shield standard. And my take a spear for free or exchange their shield for a short bow for free.
Common goblins get a hand weapon and light armor. Shields, spears and bows are each 1/2 point and you could take all 3 upgrades. Making each goblin 4.5 points.
Looking over the book I got the idea that the more optimal choices now would be savage orcs > normal orcs. Night goblins and common goblins are about equal. Wolf riders > spider riders. And wolf chariots, yes, all of them.
For savage boars, they come with a choppa and a boar. Its 2 points for a shield, 2 points for a spear and 2 points for a second choppa. If you take a second choppa you fail dangerous terrain tests on a 1 or 2. For normal boar boyz their gear upgrades are 2 points each also.
Night goblin warbosses are 30 points, goblin warbosses are 35 points.
Skarsnik is now infantry. Same stats from what I could tell. I just glanced at his special rules so not 100% sure about this part. Keeps the rule that messes with your opponents deployment. The bound item he has gets better if he's in a horde formation. I night goblins, maybe common goblins and orcs also, when they flee a charge, assuming they escape, if they rally they may more as normal. like with fast cav.