Unnamed2400 Pts - Vampire Counts Army
1 Vampire Lord @ 435.0 Pts
General; Magic Level 3; Necromancy
The Arkayne: Forbidden Lore [35.0]
The Arkayne: Dark Acolyte [30.0]
The Master: Summon Ghouls [15.0]
Crown of the Damned [35.0]
Charmed Shield [5.0]
Helm of Commandment [30.0]
Dispel Scroll [25.0]
Warrior Bane [5]
1 * Wight King @ 235.0 Pts
Battle Standard Bearer; Great Weapon; Heavy armour; Shield
The Drakenhof Banner [125.0]
1 Vampire @ 185.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Shadow
The Arkayne: Forbidden Lore [35.0]
Power Stone [20]
Talisman of Endurance [30]
39 Crypt Ghouls @ 328.0 Pts
1 Ghast @ [8.0] Pts
19 Crypt Ghouls @ 168.0 Pts
1 Ghast @ [8.0] Pts
14 Skeleton Warriors @ 136.0 Pts
Light Armour; Shield; Standard
1 Skeleton Captain @ [8.0] Pts
29 Grave Guard @ 435.0 Pts
Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Banner of the Barrows [45.0]
1 Seneschal @ [12.0] Pts
3 Spirit Hosts @ 195.0 Pts
4 Cairn Wraiths @ 275.0 Pts
Great Weapon
1 Banshee @ [25.0] Pts
Models in Army: 109
Total Army Cost: 2396.0
duży wamp z hełmem i brzytwą dla Gwardii standardowo w szkielach
mały wamp do mniejszych ghuli [na wszelki wypadek lore vampów, channel, dodatkowy mag, jak lordowi nie uda się wskrzeszenie z 1 kości

co sądzicie?