![Mr. Green :mrgreen:](./images/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gif)
![Applause =D>](./images/smilies/eusa_clap.gif)
Moderator: Shino
40 gobbo z tym bsb to ok 30 strzałów z łuku, koszt ok 300 pkt. Generujemy ok 10 W na ture (licząc trafianie na 5+ ranienie na 6+, poisony 6+)(bo ten sztandar to wiesz, nie za dobry przyklad jest :])
Lidder pisze:- Co się dzieje, gdy kawaleria normalnym ruchem, nie marszem, przechodzi przez murek?
- To samo co wtedy, gdy idziesz na imprezę poderwać jakąś dziewczynę.
Wydaje mi sie, ze thundercrush zastępuje thunderstompa, a żeby użyć thundercrucha trzeba rzucić jeszcze na trafienie, czy jakoś tak.Dębek pisze: Maszkaron w odpowiedzi położy placek od klopy i zabije od razu pół unitu, potem walnie 2d6 s4 z ziania i poprawi thunderstompem. Ilu zostanie?
Ano tak to jakos miało działać.Jezu. A to info to skąd? Czemu ma zastępować thunderstompa? To ma zjeść i ataki samego świniaka i thunderstompa? Wydaje mi się to mało prawdopodobne
so i actually got a good sitdown with the book for about 20 min today, and i think i broke the game.
didnt get exact points costs but this is kinda how im feeling my army.
1 TK
1 LHP-hp nekahara
1 LP-lv2-light
The necrotech character
as many bowmen to fill core
18 ushabti, with ushabti ancient and additional hand weapons (910 points)
2 ssc
1 casket
So the point of this army is to draw them to my with massive amounts of shooting. and then smash them with the ushabti horde when they get close enough.
i believe you get hatred and frenzy along with rerollable armor saves from the necrotech hero on one nominated construct unit.
but moral of the story is its around 80 attacks per turn in cc with the ushabti.
granted can be struck down by your average superspell, but i plan on bringing some tricks to deal with that on my characters.
i upowana dzisiaj wklejka MalalaThe rule "And the Tomb Kings rode to war..." states that if the Tomb Kings chariot is destroyed, he can continue to be part of the unit until you move him away. As though he jumped onto another chariot.
The "Chariot Legion' is the 3 wide ranking
We still cause fear, can't march and hold for charge reaction. Unbreakable/unstable special rules etc.
Heirophant: has to take Nek Lore.
Liche can take Nek Lore, Light and Death.
Undead Constucts still get their +2 save (already in profile) and 1 less combat res.
"And the Tomb Kings ride to war" ="states that if the Tomb Kings chariot is destroyed, he can continue to be part of the unit until you move him away".
EBtS = Entombed Beneath the Sands, unit with this special rule have the Ambushers special rule, as described in the BRB. So, each turn, you roll a dice for each unit that is EBtS, and on a 3+ it comes up, you then place them anywhere on the board that is 1" away from any unit and roll for scatter using the artillery dice etc. If a misfire is rolled you check the special Misfire chart
Tomb King :170 gw +6 fl,sp(ch) +3 ch +60 100mi 210 to mount a war-sphinx
- same stats
Special rule: Neh undead + My Will Be Done gives his WS to the unit he is in (except mounts)
High Liche priest :170 Lvl 3 + Lvl 4 35 ss +15 100mi
- same stats
Special rule: Neh undead
Tomb Prince :100 gw +4 fl,sp(ch) +2 ch +60 50mi 210 to mount a war-sphinx
- same stats
Special rule: Neh undead + My Will Be Done gives his WS to the unit he is in (except mounts)
Herald :60
- 5pts cheaper but has to buy BSB for 25pts 50mi (100mb)
- +1A
Special rule: Neh undead: The BSB, in addition to the abilities described above, "serves" a tomb king or prince and can give the one they serve a 2+ ward save (however the BSB takes the wound instead), not sure if this wound is no save allowed..
Necrotect :60 50mi
- same stats as herald
- gives unit hatred
- gives constructs within 12 inches 6+ regen
- Big maybe on this but I am sure I read he gives the unit he is in hatred
Special rule: Neh undead, hatred (unit)
Liche Priests :70 Lvl 1 + Lvl 2 35 ss +15 50mi
- same stats
Special rule: Neh undead
10+ Skeletons + hand weapon and shield = 4pts ch, mus, sb all 10pts
spear is 1+ point per model, light armour is 1 pt per model.
- same stats
Special rule: Neh undead
10+ Bowmen + hand weapon + bow = 6 pts ch, mus, sb all 10pts
light armour is 1 pt per model.
- same stats ch has bs=3
Special rule: Neh undead + AotA
5+ Skeleton Horsemen + hand weapon + shield + spear = 12 pts ch, mus, sb all 10pts
light armour is 1 pt per model.
- same stats
Special rule: Neh undead + Van
5+ Skeleton Horse Archers + hand weapon + bow = 14pts ch, mus, sb all 10pts
light armour is 2 pt per model.
- same stats
Special rule: Neh undead + Van + Scouts + AotA
3+ Skeleton Chariots + hand weapon + shield + spear = 55pts ch, mus, sb all 10pts - Ms up to 25
- same stats but crew have 2 attacks ch has 3 attacks
Special rule: Neh undead + Chariot Legions 3 per rank + �And the Tomb Kings ride to war� +1 impact strength per complete rank + AotA
3+ Ushabti gw - 50 ch, mus, sb all 10pts
- same stats but now S4
- can replace gw for ahw or str 6 bows with 30 inch range
Special rule: Neh undead + undead construct
Tomb Scorpion -85
- 1 less wound
Special rule: Neh undead + undead construct + EBtS + pa + kb
3+ Carrion - 24
- +1A
Special rule: Neh undead + fly
10+ Tomb Guard � light armour + shields = 12 ch, mus, sb all 10pts
hal +2 25 mb
Special rule: Neh undead + kb
3+ Necropolis Knight - 65
- T4, 3W, 3+ save, snake 3A S5 (pa), rider 2A S4 (kb), both I3
- 5pts for EBtS
Special rule: Neh undead + undead construct + pa + kb
3+ Sepulchral Stalkers - 55
- T4, 3W, 2A, S4, halberd
- shooting attack, 8 inch range, artillary dive auto hits, S1 vs initiative, no save, misfire does D3 wounds
Special rule: Neh undead + undead construct + EBtS
Necrosphinx - 230
- S5, 5A, I1, T8, 5W, 5+ save, fly, KB, 1 attack gets S10 HKB
- can buy poisoned attacks 15
Special rule: Neh undead + undead construct, kb
Warsphinx - 210
- S5, 4A, I1, T8, 5W, 5+ save
- thundercrush is the same as the ogre thundermace
- can buy poisoned attacks 15 S4 breath weapon 20
Special rule: Neh undead + undead construct
Bone giant - 170
- now T6, 5+ save
- can buy extra HW 5 , GW 10 or bow with S6 D3 wounds 20
Special rule: Neh undead + undead construct + Unstoppable assault
Hierotitan - 175
- same stats as bone giant except 3A
- has bound spirit leach and shas burning gaze at casting cost
- adds D3 to casting total of priests within 12 inches
Special rule: Neh undead + undead construct
Screaming Skull catapult - 90
- skulls of the foe is 30pts
Special rule: Neh undead + Ss + Magical fire
Casket of Souls
- same stats no liche, 3W light armour � 135
- + D3 power dice in your magic phase max
- PL5 bound spell which makes a unit roll 3D6 and subtract leadership and lose the difference in wounds with no armour save, and it spreads like a skaven plague spell on a 3+ to affect more enemy units.
Magic Items
Destroyer of Eternities - 80 - gives heroic killing blow and +2 STR, with the same "sweep attack" as before but only 1 auto hit not 2 per model in base to base awwwww also this only works on foot.
Cloak of Dunes � 40 � flying and has an added ability to inflict 2D6 STR2 hits on any unit the character flies over.
Mighty Plaques of Neferra � 50 - is one-time item that adds the wizard's level worth of power dice to a single casting (you still have to use at least 1PD from the pool).
Undying Legion Banner � 50 - and adds D6+2 lost wounds to any unit at PL 5.
The Hidden Dead Banner � 90 - allows a 150 point unit to come up from the ground. But it uses the new EBtS rule so the emerging unit can't charge.
Enkhils canopy and the terror mask are still around as is the spear that heals wounds. Also the mighty incanation thingy might be a special power scroll thing? for us, not sure yet.
Dlaczego? O bestiach nic nie mowie, ale zielone maja calkiem przyzwoite trolle praktycznie za darmo, na te 18 ushabti wejdzie 26 trolli ktore spokojnie sobie poradząTym niemniej istotnie w starciu z orkami czy bestiami jest to przegięte
Aldean pisze:8T na monsterze...
brak mi słów na komentarz ktory opisałby co sie dzieje z batlem;]
Co w tym takiego głupiego? S3 teraz rani T8. Sfinks ma tylko 5W. Wystarczy rzucić kilka szóstek i po sfinksie. Z katapult i armat siada łatwiej niż większość innych monsterów. Moim zdaniem to bardzo fajna sprawa, że ma T8. Daje mu pewne zastosowania, ale nie czyni go nieśmiertelnym. Po prostu przestawcie się na myślenie, że nie wszystko da się porąbać white lionami. Niektóre cele lepiej zdjąć z łukówAndrzej pisze:Lol, monster z 8T xD Ta gra robi się coraz głupsza...
nie twierdze ze jest niezabijalny, ale po 5ed 6t bylo dla mnie pewna granicą nie do przekroczenia. elfy to nie gobliny czy tam slavy, nie masz ich w armii 300 zeby sobie puscic klocek ktory ma za zadanie zaszostkowac potwora:>Kołata pisze:Aldean pisze:8T na monsterze...
brak mi słów na komentarz ktory opisałby co sie dzieje z batlem;]
pozdrawiamCo w tym takiego głupiego? S3 teraz rani T8. Sfinks ma tylko 5W. Wystarczy rzucić kilka szóstek i po sfinksie. Z katapult i armat siada łatwiej niż większość innych monsterów. Moim zdaniem to bardzo fajna sprawa, że ma T8. Daje mu pewne zastosowania, ale nie czyni go nieśmiertelnym. Po prostu przestawcie się na myślenie, że nie wszystko da się porąbać white lionami. Niektóre cele lepiej zdjąć z łukówAndrzej pisze:Lol, monster z 8T xD Ta gra robi się coraz głupsza...Zresztą on ma inicjatywę 1. Pitka na sfinksa!