bardzo jestem ciekaw co tym razem zaserwuje na GW
Moderator: Kołata
http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=289654Król Goblinów pisze: nie ma żadnej na 100% klepniętej info na temat booka:
http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/9515/img0214qz.jpgThe pic is pretty big, but this guy's supposed to be on the cover of the army book.
Hard.kower.For the book: It's supposed to be full color, hardcover, 130+ pages.
Animosity is going to get a bit more complex. Units are supposed to infight and/or shoot/attack others. But the potential benefits are bigger as well.
In general, the point costs are supposed to be lower.
The Arachnork spider is going to be huge (just sthink of a beast being able to spit on the WHF buildings - from above!). The profile is based around the number 7... its biggest problem seems to be the goblin crew.
Choppas give a strenght-bonus in the first round of a charge. Every Ork weapon is a choppa now - spears, magical weapons... a BO would attack with +3S in the first round of combat, as an example.
The number of magic items is going to be drastically reduced.
Feral Orks on boars... think S5... potentially 4A... dangerous on the charge...
Black Orks might get another attack on top of what hey have, and seem to be more dangerous than before.
Most intersting: there are a few new units without models. When those will be released... no idea.
Jeśli to jest choć trochę prawdziwe info, to ciekawe czy taki trend zostanie zachowany w reszcie AB wydanych w 8ed. - wynika z tego, że przedmioty magiczne daje Ci głównie RB, w niewielkiej ilości AB. Ciekawe czy takie ujednolicenie przedmiotów wśród armii jest przejawem pewnej świadomości GW o potrzebie stworzenia balansu między armiami.Virgo pisze:The number of magic items is going to be drastically reduced.
To jest już chyba norma - sculpterzy GW pracują jak chcą, kiedy chcą i nad czym chcąVirgo pisze:Most intersting: there are a few new units without models. When those will be released... no idea.
Why so serious?White Lion pisze:Mam prośbę
Nie, nie masz. Chyba że znudziło Ci się to forum, to wtedy możesz kontynuować nakłanianie do piractwa -- Tomash
Choppas give a strenght-bonus in the first round of a charge. Every Ork weapon is a choppa now - spears, magical weapons... a BO would attack with +3S in the first round of combat, as an example.
Choppas give a strenght-bonus in the first round of a charge. Every Ork weapon is a choppa now - spears, magical weapons... a BO would attack with +3S in the first round of combat, as an example.
Solo pisze: Wjeba***** taką maskę że stoły powinny się załamać pod jej ciężarem.
i odnośnie tego samego:Choppas give a strenght-bonus in the first round of a charge.
To w końcu tylko przy szarży ten bonus, czy tak jak teraz w pierwszej turze walki?a BO would attack with +3S in the first round of combat, as an example.
Z pierwszego wynika drugie.Mac pisze:Zauważyliście jedną rzecz:i odnośnie tego samego:Choppas give a strenght-bonus in the first round of a charge.To w końcu tylko przy szarży ten bonus, czy tak jak teraz w pierwszej turze walki?a BO would attack with +3S in the first round of combat, as an example.
Działam na froncie zdarzeń!Virgo pisze:Mac przenosi LS na zupełnie nowy poziom i łata dziury w zasadach już na etapie plotek na warserze
General Orc boys could get a point more expensive, with a possible improvement in stats.
Goblins could get a little cheaper.
Choppa's indeed apply to any weapon.
Trolls move from rare to special, while rivertrolls and stonetrolsl remain rare.
Savage Orcs get a very fun option I will reveal when the pics of the miniatures are shown, though they speak for themselves... =)
Oh, and there apperantly IS a kind of Squig fanatic. I still don't buy this one.
Bigger as the Screaming Bell
Can be a mount for a shaman
Can be a mount for a bolt thrower or a net launcher (this one reduces stats).
Rare Choice
Goblin Slittaz:
Upgrade for normal Goblin units, but they are not hiding.
WS 4
A 3, Armourpiercing, ASF
Looking like Ninjas
Wurzzag on foot is coming definitely.
Savage Orcs Boars 5 in one box
Savage Orcs 10 in one box, but so much parts, that you can say you have 11.