I następne :A big piece of info I just read on the dakkadakk forum is that the raise dead spell is a bubble that effect not one but all units within it. This makes this incredibly powerful as one way you use to tackle an undead army was to engage it on as many fronts as possible so that the magic ability to raise was overwhelmed. A level 4 wizard though on average will be raising 7.5 models on average in either a 6 12 or 18 inch possible.
Zwłaszcza ostatni zapis jest bardzo ciekawyCompletely true. Local newsagent had the white dwarf, and I've been having a good read. Invocation of Nehek affects all friendly units in its radius of 6"/12"/18", depending on the power level.
The Corpse Cart gives all units within 6" ASF until your next magic phase if it is the target of a Vampire spell - including the AoE of Invocation. This is specifically stated. Imaging say, 3 units of Skeletons or even Grave Guard, with 2 Corpse Carts between them, and a Necromancer or two in there throwing out Invocation every turn. Skeletons.Grave Guard with permanent ASF.
A few other tidbits.
Necromancers can take an upgrade called Master of the Dead. The only way to add models to a Skeleton unit raised with Raise Dead is with a Necromancer with Master of the Dead.
Ghouls are 10 points. A unit of 40 with a Ghast in one of the sample lists was 410 points.
Banner of the Blood Keep is one of the returning banners, and grants a 4+ ward save to shooting attacks.
There appear to be 3 different vampire types. Vampire lord, Vampire, Strigoi Ghoul King. This is mentioned in the new rules for Vampire Counts pacts for Storm of magic, they specifically name the lord choices you can take, and it is those 3 and Master Necromancer. They don't mention at all what makes a Strigoi Ghoul King different, though it might have something to do with Hatred and Poison, as Phil Kelly pointed out in the GW website Terrorgeist designers notes.
I also may be reading too much into it, but there's some hints towards Ghouls not being able to be reinforced through Invocation of Nehek. Don't quote me on this, it's not outright stated, just whenever they talk about raising models, Ghouls are the only unit not mentioned, as well as in the Lahmian sample list they say 'with 40 models, it ensures there will be enough left when they reach the enemy' or sometihng to that effect.
A Vampire Lord with death knight is WS 9. Looks like Vampire Lords are getting ridiculous stats again.
Master Necromancers can be the general. They specifically state this. It's possible to make an army completely lacking vampires.
They make a subtle mention about 'when the general dies, the army starts to crumble until another powerful character can regain control.' Seems like you can replace the general with a powerful Necromancer or other Vampire caster somehow if the general dies.